S1 E1 "Pilot" (RP)
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Shell at short range is +2 to hit, so I max out on a 9 to hit.
These fey-killing-shells I would say would be useless on long range. But that is not relevant here. Its cold iron to the face and a lot of it
shotguns add +2 to the user’s Shooting rolls and cause 3d6 damage at Short Range, 2d6 at Medium, and 1d6 at Long. Shotguns may not
be fired at Extreme Range. Double Barrels: Some shotguns have two barrels welded side-by-side. If an attacker wants to fire both barrels at the same target, roll damage once and add +4.
Slugs: Shotguns can also fire slugs. The attacker doesn’t get the +2 shotgun bonus to his Shooting roll, but the damage is 2d10 regardless of Range (and they may be fired at Extreme Range).
Innocent Bystanders (page 102) are hit only on a 1 (instead of 1 or 2).
Shooting - (1d4, 1d6, RA)
1d4 : (1) = 1
1d6 : (4) = 4
spend a benny on reroll - (1d4, RA)
(2) = 2
shotgut shell, short range - (3d6, RA)
(524) = 11
spend a benny on reroll of the wild die - (1d6, RA)
(61) = 7
Her scrolling and tapping uncovers a great deal of information:
- In the 1950s, the thick forest here had been torn down and rows of Cape Cod homes built for middle class consumption.
- Then in the 1970s two acres of the land was bought by Campbell and Neil Holdings LLC., when most of the houses were torn down.

One of the strongest witches of her generation, Anita was at one time the undisputed Coven Head in Salem, though she disappeared in 1998.

From the street, the sound of tires squealing disturbs the winter day as a Salem Police Department squad car slams to a stop.

"Caroline," she shouts as her hand whips to the gun at her hip. Where given a wide framing as Sweeney shouts, "move clear!"
EDIT - Just getting clarification!

"Shit," he shouts, echoing Tereza.
At that moment, Hadley's radio squawks to life. "Hadley, private dispatch. Sweeney reporting unsub at corner of 4th and Hedgerow Drive. Caroline Shaw present. Sweeney's exiting vehicle to confront; may need backup.
EDIT - Just getting clarification!
Pull back to Mabel, laying on her back on the slushy concrete. The book she was carrying flung not too far away.

The camera focuses in on the wound as it begins to his and smoke. Mabel moans and shakes her strength leaving her limbs...

Jump to the interior of the building where Hadley kneels on Patrick's back and looks up at Tereza.

"Check on your friend an' I'll get a call out to Sweeney--tell her 'backup' will be on the way." He gives a tired smile.
Was there something about the location. Was it near the ley lines? It could be coincidence surely. With the thought comes the concer there was about the location than Braddock just wanting to go home.
Before she can probe further the squeal of tires and Sweenys yells cause her to stat and whirl around.
Relief and fear fight inside her at the sight of Sweeney. Backup, but at the same time could Sweeney really fight a mage with just a gun. I'm ages of Tara wrapped in vines run through her mind as she takes same steps back and raises her hand s
'Everything's okay Chief.' Had Tara called her, filed her in. Was everyone else on the way? If so she needed to delay, and stop the Chief doing anything rash. If they weren't... She wasn't sure if there was a way to convey to Sweeney what she was doing. Oh how she needed a telepathy spell.
Police knew hands signs right? Except what was the hand sign for 'I' m trying to lull him into a false sense of security so I can get info, please don't shoot he might kill you. ' She settles for trying to make a face and mouthing' Everything's fine' before continue to speak moving to step between Braddock and the Chief.
'I was just helping Mr Braddock here his way around town, and home. There is no need for concern. Her face however, despitee best efforts, showed the exact opposite.
Her right arm is tense, ready to start fighting back at Braddock if either side made a move.

"Yeah, sure. O.K., that makes sense," she says to Caroline. "Hey, maybe I can help." She takes one, snow crunching, step forward.

He turns fully to Caroline, impatience in his voice."Where. Is. My home apprentice? We waste time standing her tal--"
--he cuts off as he's mentally shook by the blast is plant puppet has sustained from Jenna's shotgun across town.

Her shoulder mounted radio squawks to life with a buzz: "Chief; Hadley says shots fired at Historical Society. Involves the 'coven'. I'm gonna dispatch ambulance. Hadley says backup on the way to you; stand by. Over."

Allow a mindlink that might endanger her but also may let her gain magical knowledge? Possibly worth the risk.
Hurt a friend to maintain the facade? Not a chance.
The brief relief Caroline felt at hearing the radio that backup was coming drops along with her stomach as she hears Braddock's order.
'She's not the agent of a governor or the king. Times have changed. America no longer has. Oh fuck this. Spring forth!
There is a sound of tearing as she spins and lashes out her right arm. Thorned vines surge out from under her sleeve towards Braddock, ripping at the sleeves of her shirt and jacket.
He'd seemed disrupted by something. If she acted now, caught him off guard she had a chance.
'Chief back off, get the others!'
Power Points: 1
Range: Smarts ×2
Duration: Instant
Trappings: The vines of Caroline's tattoo come to life and lash out at the target.
Bolt sends damaging bursts of energy, streaks of holy light, or shards of matter toward one’s foes.
There are no Range penalties, but the arcane skill roll is affected by Cover, Illumination, and all other usual penalties.
The damage of the bolt is 2d6, or 3d6 with a raise.
Spellcasting - (1d8, 1d6, RA)
1d8 : (3) = 3
1d6 : (1) = 1
Spellcasting - (1d8, 1d6, RA)
1d8 : (7) = 7
1d6 : (4) = 4
Damage - (2d6, RA)
(52) = 7
A Post-It note bookmarks a section in the back of the book. As Jemma lifts it from the snow, the wind blows the volume open to sectioned of page.
The double page shows 4th Street Books--noted as a local business built atop historic farm land.

Alabaster sees Jemma and starts running toward her.

She turns around, jumps, and slides across the hood of her cruiser. She lands in a crouch against the passenger tire.

We hear, more than see, the vines smash into Braddock, sending him flying onto his back. He slides on the snow, rolling back to his feet, but clearly Shaken.
"You inSOLENT--"

Spirit - (1d10, 1d6, RA)
1d10 : (6) = 6
1d6 : (5) = 5
Horror of the Court of Hrondal (Fear) - (1d10-2, 1d6-2, RA)
1d10-2 : (2) - 2 = 0
1d6-2 : (2) - 2 = 0
Hunters' Hide (Invisibility) - (1d10-2, 1d6-2, RA)
1d10-2 : (1) - 2 = -1
1d6-2 : (3) - 2 = 1
Hunters' Hide (Invisibility) - (1d10-2, 1d6-2, RA)
1d10-2 : (8) - 2 = 6
1d6-2 : (2) - 2 = 0
While she hoped Braddock had teleported she doubted she had scared him off sos she needed to find him before he could strike.
His words run through her mind, but her resolves hold strong. She wasn't about to let go of her morales for power. Well not regarding killing friends at least.
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Trappings: Traditional Magic
Mind reading is an opposed roll versus the target’s Smarts. Success allows the character to gain one truthful answer from the subject. The target is aware of the mental intrusion unless the mind reader gets a raise. The GM may apply modifiers based on the subject’s mental Hindrances or current state of mind.
Spellcasting - (1d8, 1d6, RA)
1d8 : (2) = 2
1d6 : (664) = 16