S1 E1 "Pilot" (RP)

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Mar 8, 2023 12:20 am
[ +- ] Meanwhile
Mar 8, 2023 6:46 am
Tereza's eyes widen in fear at the infected dog growling aggressively at her. She backs up from the subdued assailant and raises her hands defensively. "Good puppy," she tells the dog, trying to keep him from jumping at her throat. "Kdo je dobré štěně?"

She continues backing away, not turning her back to the dog as she prepares to dodge if he decides to attack her.
Just going for a Defend action (+4 to parry) while moving towards the exit
Mar 8, 2023 9:44 am
Jemma lowers her gun and follows Mabel. If she can get her off the street and out of the public's way, it would be best.
Who is your master and what are his orders?
If she could get her talking she should learn what the heck is going on. She fiddles with her gun, loading a few of the new iron filing shotgun shells into the gun.
Mar 8, 2023 11:41 am
His servants were having trouble? That was the one but of good news she'd heard in a while. Were the others involved or was something else happening.

'Bonded?' That alone sounded not great, the part implying it would lose her free will till trusted made it far worse. Maybe playing along wasn't going to be such a good idea.

Linking minds. Just for the knowledge of geography or would he probe more? Would she learn anything in return? She hesitates, then the memory of what she told Al flicks through her mind.

If he has access that, access to the fact she was just playing along the rise was over. He might go back for Tara. He could learn of the others, their addresses...

She takes a step back. 'Is that necessary? I can just tell you. You were looking for your Manor, right? We saw a vision of the night you arrived. I don't know where it is, linking won't help, but I can use this to find out. Find other locations to.' She shakes her phone at him.
Mar 9, 2023 12:47 am
Sarah dashes around the corner, following the dog. Upon seeing Tereza, she calls out, "Don't let him bite you!"
Mar 9, 2023 3:25 am
"Oh really?" Tereza replies sarcastically as she continues to back away. "I thought it would be fun thing to let it do."
Mar 9, 2023 8:29 pm
Inside the Historical Society the camera, positioned over Tereza's shoulder, catches Sarah as she dashes into view.
Tereza says:
"I thought it would be fun thing to let it do."
With a foamy bark, and as if on cue from the coven sisters, Cass lunges at Tereza.
...Rolling Fighting (+4 to your parry)...
From a low, wide angle we see Cass lunge. But Tereza handily evades the transformed canine.

The scene holds with Tereza, back to the building's exit, easily able to leave if she chooses to, and Sarah and Hadley stand at the far end of the corridor with dog and a down Patrick between them and the Slavic witch.

Officer Hadley
Hadely points his gun at the dog. "I'm not shooting a dog," he shouts in contradiction to Sarah. "Can't you, I don't know, Talk to it or something!"


Cass tries for a bite - (1d6, RA)

(4) = 4

Mar 9, 2023 8:51 pm
Out in the street, near Jemma's truck we see her lower her weapon and follow Mabel.

A look of plantified, brainwashed smugness plays across Mabel's face. "My master is the Coven Master of Salem--to think witches are real and among us!" Smugness is swapped for excitement. It's clear she doesn't know Jemma is counted among their numbers.

"I've only just joined his linking, but I'm to bring him the location of a place of power, hidden by the slow passage of time and development," she says while patting the large book.

"He is going to tear open the veil between worlds and bring forth an army of fey servants who will transform this town into a new seat of fey power!"

Mabel has led the two to an icey sidewalk and the opening of an alley way.

The camera jumps between Mabel's face and Jemma's. "Now breath deep and accept his glory," she says as she opens her mouth wide and begins to cough out a cloud of shimmering spores....
...Drawing cards here, just to see if her cloud spews forth before Jemma has a chance to act, though if that's the case she'll still be able to Evade with an Agility test...
...Jemma sees what is happening, the cloud of spore gathering in Mabel's mouth...what does she do????

Deck Draws

Jemma, Mabel
9 of Spades
7 of Hearts
Mar 9, 2023 9:17 pm
Beside the empty lot Caroline holds up her smart phone...

...and the camera pushes in on Braddock's face and his look of slight embarrassment. "This technology can truly scry the location of places," he asks with suspicion in his voice.
Let's get an Occult roll from Caroline, to see how deep her knowledge of mind linking goes. He is also on the brink of being convinced of your course of action, despite his apparent distaste at being instructed by his 'Apprentice.'

Let's get a Persuasion contest roll if you want to convince him to use the phone rather than probing your mind.
Mar 9, 2023 9:52 pm
Sarah looks back at Hadley. "I don't want to shoot it either, but we don't have another..." Maybe we do, she thinks to herself. Sarah lunges for the transformed dog, trying to grapple it in such a manner that she will not be bitten.


Fighting - (1d4-2, 1d6-2, RA)

1d4-2 : (1) - 2 = -1

1d6-2 : (5) - 2 = 3

Mar 9, 2023 10:14 pm
Tereza stares at Sarah as the girl bravely jumps at the dog, trying to subdue it. "Uhm, g- go for his balls?" she offers uncertainly. It worked against the man, but she isn't sure if the same applies to dogs. She turnes to Hadley. "You are policeman. Help her!" she demands from him. "Do you not have pepperspray or something?"


+Persuasion - (1D6, 1D6, RA)

1D6 : (1) = 1

1D6 : (1) = 1

Mar 9, 2023 11:13 pm
'In a way. It..can access a great trove of knowledge. KNowledge built up over decades.'


Occult - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (2) = 2

1d6 : (661) = 13

Persuasion* - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (65) = 11

1d6 : (4) = 4

Mar 10, 2023 12:37 am
A jumble of activity in the Historical Society as Tereza calls out encouragement to Sarah.

Officer Hadley
We see Hadley's mouth hang open for a second at Tereza's reprimanding. But his hesitation is only brief before he holsters his gun. "I'm not animal control," he grunts as he throws Tereza his pepper spray and dives for the snarling dog. "We're all gonna get sprayed if you use that!"
Let's get a Persuasion roll from Tereza, to add some support to that Grapple roll--you get a +1 from Hadley diving into the fray as well.
Mar 10, 2023 12:44 am
Back at the empty lot the camera focuses on Braddock's face as he weighs Caroline's words carefully...

Caroline would know that, yes indeed, one could plumb the depths of another's mind during a linking--and it's a two-way street. The young witch would also know that a contest of wills could keep a shared participant from seeing what she doesn't want them to see...
...rolling Spirit Contest for Persuasion...
...Caroline is successful...
We see Braddock smooth his face, attempting a façade of uncaring again--but it's clear he's been shook by the understanding that he's out of time and place.

"Very well 'apprentice', we shall do this your way, for now. Never let it be said that I did not listen to those who serve me. I am a kind master," he says.

He turns and motions about at the lot and the surrounding streets. "One this was a forest, then farm land, then the site of my home, then forest again (in my revenge). I styled my abode Braddock Manor but it never caught on," he sulks. "It may be better known as O'Connell Farm, as I took it from that silly farmer and his family."

Braddock waves, bored, at Caroline's phone in her hands. "Summon its location. The landscape here has changed too much for me, and wards keep me from seeking it. There was a large oak, and a small creek that seems to be gone."
Research at +2, from slaying it...


He is a witch of powerful spirit... - (1d10, 1d6, RA)

1d10 : (6) = 6

1d6 : (64) = 10

Mar 10, 2023 3:39 am
The +1 makes her grapple attempt a success!
Sarah grabs the dog's leg and once again intones a prayer of healing. She adds the extra power point to cure the disease again.
Last edited Mar 10, 2023 3:40 am


Faith - (1d8, 1d6, RA)

1d8 : (5) = 5

1d6 : (3) = 3

Mar 10, 2023 6:36 am
I added Persuasion to my previous post, @Dunko. I got 🐍👀 Waiting to see if that has any effect before posting again

In trying to catch the pepperspray, Tereza gives herself two good eyefuls of it
Mar 10, 2023 6:15 pm
In the Historical Society we see Sarah get a grip on the dog, with the help of Hadley...
...though the dog still gets an opposed roll...
...the dog growls and barks, saliva flying from its maw, as Sarah's enhanced spell rushes into him...

...while Tereza triggers the pepper spray as she snatches the canister out of the air. A thick stream is ejected--it smashes her in the face...
(-1 Soundness)
Officer Hadley
...and continues spraying against Hadley's cheek as she adjusts the stream. "Gaaahhhhh, oh come on," he shouts in indignation as he closes his eyes against the pain.

The camera cuts to a closeup of Cass, barking and snarling, as Sarah's magic works its...magic. The moss covering his face begins to fall away. His snarling turns into a yip. Then a pant and whine.

His body relaxes under the weight of the humans, and he turns his head and laps at Sarah's face with his rough, wet tongue.


Dog Opposed roll - (1d8, RA)

(3) = 3

Mar 10, 2023 6:53 pm
'Large oak and creek got it.' She keeps the phone pointed towards her typing away, quickly sending out a quick message before actually starting to search, still relying on the fact he won't understand what it can do completely,. She just hoped the others never heard of this, her having to rely on technology rather than magic. She would have to alter how everything went down when explaining it.

Talisman is metal coin imprinted with a cockatrice. He's looking for his old manor awell.

As she searches the temptation to agree toe the link preys on her mind. The information she could glean. His plans. Of magic. She would just have to be careful to hid a couple of pieces of info. That was all.


Research - (1d6+2, 1d6+2, RA)

1d6+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

1d6+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

Mar 10, 2023 7:12 pm
"Ahg!" Tereza exclaims in pain. She drops the pepper spray canister as a series of Czech curses flies out of her mouth - not the magic kind, but still fairly impressive. She takes off her glasses, which did unfortunately little to protect against the spray and begins rubbing her eyes, which doesn't help much. "Fucking hell," she exclaims, switching back to English. "I need water!"
Mar 11, 2023 5:02 am
"Milk," Sarah corrects. "Water makes it worse!"
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