She begins setting up a simple ritual around Mabel, drawing a chalk circle and planting tealights along that line, all from her cute little component pouch that she always carries. She then begins instructing Sarah on some basic ritual tips - European style, of course, though Caroline isn't there to complain about it. But it will be up to Sarah to actually transform the spell into a shared ritual.
S1 E1 "Pilot" (RP)
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Mar 20, 2023 6:39 pm
Tereza turns to Andrej. "I will explain situation later," she half-shouts at him, then she switches to Russian, to make things easier for him in this probably adrenaline-pumping situation. "Andrej, call an ambulance. We need to cure the infection, then she needs mundane treatment. They'll tell you to stay on the line. Don't. Join our circle instead."
She begins setting up a simple ritual around Mabel, drawing a chalk circle and planting tealights along that line, all from her cute little component pouch that she always carries. She then begins instructing Sarah on some basic ritual tips - European style, of course, though Caroline isn't there to complain about it. But it will be up to Sarah to actually transform the spell into a shared ritual.
She begins setting up a simple ritual around Mabel, drawing a chalk circle and planting tealights along that line, all from her cute little component pouch that she always carries. She then begins instructing Sarah on some basic ritual tips - European style, of course, though Caroline isn't there to complain about it. But it will be up to Sarah to actually transform the spell into a shared ritual.
Tereza joins and she tries to get Andrej to join as well, just for a bit of extra power, even if he's not a witch.Mar 20, 2023 7:55 pm
At the Historical Society Tereza sets up the ritual while Jemma infuses the talisman and Sarah prepares an explanation of the spell.
The camera follows Tereza and the others as they set up the ritual as quickly as they can, but we see Andrej in the background talking on his phone.
"Yes; hurry," he says as he hangs up on the 911 operator.
The wind seems to die down as the ritual get's underway... the camera pushes in on the tea lights as their flames settle and begin to burn brighter...
He walks over to join the circle. "Go easy on me--it's my first time," he jokes with Tereza.
- By default this Spell is made at -2 when casted in ritual form.
- But +1 from Andrej as few things are as powerful as having friendship to draw from in a casting; and +2 from Jemma's power infusion.
THIS BRINGS YOUR TOTAL MODIFIER FOR YOUR ROLLS TO +1, Except ONE roll must be done at -1 from the complication.
Roll in any order and let's see how you each contribute!

"Yes; hurry," he says as he hangs up on the 911 operator.
The wind seems to die down as the ritual get's underway... the camera pushes in on the tea lights as their flames settle and begin to burn brighter...
He walks over to join the circle. "Go easy on me--it's my first time," he jokes with Tereza.
Drawing Cards to check for Complications. We'll need 3 rolls, and a total of 5 success. At least 1 roll needs to be Occult. - By default this Spell is made at -2 when casted in ritual form.
- But +1 from Andrej as few things are as powerful as having friendship to draw from in a casting; and +2 from Jemma's power infusion.
THIS BRINGS YOUR TOTAL MODIFIER FOR YOUR ROLLS TO +1, Except ONE roll must be done at -1 from the complication.
Roll in any order and let's see how you each contribute!
Deck Draws
Three Rolls, Complication can be rolled at any poi

Mar 20, 2023 7:58 pm
Tereza smirks at Andrej's comment and playfully squeezes his hand for a moment. Then she turns her attention to Sarah.
Tereza is good at Occult, so I'm happy to roll with the -2 for the complication.
I think Sarah should make the first roll, since it's her ritual.Tereza is good at Occult, so I'm happy to roll with the -2 for the complication.
Last edited Mar 20, 2023 7:58 pm
Mar 21, 2023 10:47 am
It would be sensible. Back down, go back to stalling. The chief was safe, she could try and keep him distracted till backup arrived.
... But did she really need back up. He was wounded, his spells were failing to find purchase while she was fine. She could finish this now. Stop the others getting hurt. Even with a boost to his magic, if she got him before he could do anything...
'All you had to do was ask nicely to start, but you've come into this town, attacking those I care about. It's been hundreds of years, things work differently. It's our town now. I may be tired but I' m not the one currenttly bleeding. ' She accentuates her last words with another lash of vines.
Edit: While she's getting herself into trouble - You mentioned she could grab an extra piece of info from his mind. I write it onto the post but realised I didn't make it - it would be the nature of his magoc/connection to the fey. Whether that would help her out of thos I don't know.
... But did she really need back up. He was wounded, his spells were failing to find purchase while she was fine. She could finish this now. Stop the others getting hurt. Even with a boost to his magic, if she got him before he could do anything...
'All you had to do was ask nicely to start, but you've come into this town, attacking those I care about. It's been hundreds of years, things work differently. It's our town now. I may be tired but I' m not the one currenttly bleeding. ' She accentuates her last words with another lash of vines.
Unfortunatly I think this is where her hindrance overconfident (+ stubborn) absolutely comes in, combined with her lucky rolls and his unlucky ones she thinks she has this, while I'm aware that may not be the case. Edit: While she's getting herself into trouble - You mentioned she could grab an extra piece of info from his mind. I write it onto the post but realised I didn't make it - it would be the nature of his magoc/connection to the fey. Whether that would help her out of thos I don't know.
Last edited Mar 21, 2023 5:59 pm
Spellcasting - (1d8, 1d6, RA)
1d8 : (7) = 7
1d6 : (65) = 11
Damage with raise - (3d6, RA)
(153) = 9
Mar 21, 2023 2:38 pm
Sarah is going to roll against Faith, since that is her primary spellcasting skill.Rolls
Faith - (1d8, 1d6, RA)
1d8 : (7) = 7
1d6 : (3) = 3
Mar 21, 2023 2:58 pm
You forgot to add the +1, which raises this to a success with raise!OOC:
I have a +2 to Occult rolls from my Edge, which cancels out the -2 from the Complication and puts me back on a +1EDIT: If I'm not miscounting, that puts us at 4 successes, which means we only need one still from Jemma
Last edited Mar 21, 2023 2:58 pm
+++Occult - (1D8+1, 1D6+1, RA)
1D8+1 : (81) + 1 = 10
1D6+1 : (4) + 1 = 5
Mar 21, 2023 8:43 pm
Once the magic flows Jemma puts the amulet and shotgun in one hand and places her other on Sarahs shoulder adding her power to the ritual
Occult - (1d6, 1d6, RA)
1d6 : (2) = 2
1d6 : (5) = 5
Mar 22, 2023 3:10 pm
At the empty lot, on the far side of town Caroline makes a stand.
We see her vines lash out and strike Braddock. He gives a shout of shock and pain; the quick attack from Caroline has shaken him and we see him go down to one knee.The camera pushes in on Caroline's face and we are treated to flashes of information--scenes that play quick, in little clips.
- Braddock as a boy, in a gorgeous, verdant court surrounded by fey nobility.
- Braddock instructed in magic from an eternally youthful fey woman
- Braddock binding this woman in chains of magik, and escaping the twilit realm
- Braddock returning to his mortal home, confronting the fey who had taken his place and sealing the changeling in his talisman from which he now draws his power.
We focus back on Braddock, down on one knee. We push in on the one wound on his head--it attempts to heal itself...but the wound doesn't close...something is keeping his fast regeneration at bay...🌕
...Back at the Historical Society Sarah, Jemma and Tereza finish their ritual.
Mabel's back arches. She coughs and we see a fine, green mist escape her mouth. She moans now, an indicator that she lives.
The mist swirls above those gathered, the circle's magic containing it. It's directed to the talisman, where it settles over the icon of the cockatrice.
The Talisman pulses with a green light as it absorbs the fey magic that's been ejected from Mabel.
Andrej bends at the waist and puts his hands on his knees. "Whoah."
Al looks over Sarah's shoulder. (He's riding on her back). "Ah, is wanting, see? The one inside."
Sirens draw nearer. The camera cuts to an ambulance flying down the main street toward the Historical Society...

...then whips back around to the parking lot as a police cruiser skids to a stop... Sweeney jumps out. "Caroline's in trouble," she shouts in a rush. "She's fighting that thing!"
We see her vines lash out and strike Braddock. He gives a shout of shock and pain; the quick attack from Caroline has shaken him and we see him go down to one knee.
Beautiful. Don't just take a Benny for your hinderance; take Conviction as well! Will handle that requested info now:- Braddock as a boy, in a gorgeous, verdant court surrounded by fey nobility.
- Braddock instructed in magic from an eternally youthful fey woman
- Braddock binding this woman in chains of magik, and escaping the twilit realm
- Braddock returning to his mortal home, confronting the fey who had taken his place and sealing the changeling in his talisman from which he now draws his power.

Drawing cards now, for drama, to see which of you acts next in the scene......Back at the Historical Society Sarah, Jemma and Tereza finish their ritual.

Mabel Adams
The mist swirls above those gathered, the circle's magic containing it. It's directed to the talisman, where it settles over the icon of the cockatrice.



Sirens draw nearer. The camera cuts to an ambulance flying down the main street toward the Historical Society...

...then whips back around to the parking lot as a police cruiser skids to a stop...

Chief Sarah Sweeney
Mar 22, 2023 3:10 pm
Draw for Caroline and Braddock.
Unless you want benny for try again, Braddock has king and will act next in Caroline's scene.
Unless you want benny for try again, Braddock has king and will act next in Caroline's scene.
Deck Draws
Caroline, Braddock

Mar 22, 2023 4:21 pm
May regret this but will keep the bennies for getting g out of shaken/resistinng attacks. Mar 22, 2023 8:55 pm
Dunko says: Sweeney jumps out. "Caroline! She's in trouble," she shouts in a rush. "She's fighting that thing!"Jemma gives Tereza the talisman and starts to run in the directed direction, shotgun at the ready. When she arrives at the sight she pumps the shotgun loading another iron filing shell.
Last edited Mar 22, 2023 8:55 pm
Mar 23, 2023 6:56 am
Tereza feels a wave of relief when she sees Sweeney, seemingly unhurt, only for that to be shaken up when the chief announces that Caroline is in danger. She wants to just rush over like Sarah did, but instead, she turns to Andrej and Mabel. She quickly collects her tealights again and tells him, "Stay with her. Do not tell the ambulance people what happened. They only need to see injury. There is policeman inside, Hadley. He knows of us. You can trust him. Tell him everything. I will be back."
With that, she also heads to the cruiser but rather than jump straight in, she stops in front of the chief and meets her eyes. Tereza's own eyes are still red and swollen, but at least they work properly again. "Sweeney," she says, reaching out a hand towards the woman's arm but pulling back before she makes contact. "I was worried. I heard you were in danger. I... am glad you are unhurt." She then looks at Sarah and nods. "Take us back there. Caroline needs us."
With that, she also heads to the cruiser but rather than jump straight in, she stops in front of the chief and meets her eyes. Tereza's own eyes are still red and swollen, but at least they work properly again. "Sweeney," she says, reaching out a hand towards the woman's arm but pulling back before she makes contact. "I was worried. I heard you were in danger. I... am glad you are unhurt." She then looks at Sarah and nods. "Take us back there. Caroline needs us."
Mar 23, 2023 3:28 pm
Across town from the Historical Society we see Caroline's back to the camera as Braddock collects himself.
Braddock stands up from his position on his knee as the wound on his head heals. "I applaud your trying, I really do," he laughs at Caroline. "But you don't fully understand my nature. I'm not even truly mortal anymore! I am a glorious master of magik, and soon I will be the most powerful witch who has ever lived--greater than Hecate herself!"
He traces fey symbols in the air, and a ghostly hand appears and thrusts its fingers into Caroline's forehead, attempting to grab the location of Braddock 'manor'...
..rolling both Unshake and Regen before narration...
...rolling spell...Success: Caroline Must make a Smarts Opposed roll v5...
Strong Spirit to Unshake - (1d10-1, 1d6-1, RA)
1d10-1 : (101) - 1 = 10
1d6-1 : (3) - 1 = 2
Fast Regen - (1d10-1, 1d6-1, RA)
1d10-1 : (2) - 1 = 1
1d6-1 : (62) - 1 = 7
Mind Reading - (1d12, 1d6, RA)
1d12 : (2) = 2
1d6 : (5) = 5
Mar 23, 2023 3:53 pm
Outside the Historical Society a wide shot sees Sarah hopping in Sweeney's car as we cut to Tereza instructing Andrej then turning to Sweeney.
Sweeney shouts back at Jemma's question. "At an empty lot across town on Hedgerow Drive, behind that old bookstore!"
She turns as Tereza approaches her and her breath catches as the witch almost touches her arm but pulls away.
"I mean, yeah thanks," she laughs despite the seriousness of the situation. "I'm glad you're O.K. too." With nothing else to say she settles on, "Get in and I'll take you there," with an awkward intonation, a throat clear and a blush.
"Buckle up," she says as her engine revs.
So, Sweeney is a pretty darn good driver, but it's not her show. Someone in the cruiser needs to make a trait roll to help her get to the empty lot as fast as possible -- just use whatever makes sense to you narratively, and tell us what happens based on your roll.
- Success with Raise, You get there after Caroline takes her next action.
- Success you get there after Braddock's next action.
- Failure you get there after Braddock's next two actions.
This applies to Jemma as well, if she is driving her truck!

Chief Sarah Sweeney
She turns as Tereza approaches her and her breath catches as the witch almost touches her arm but pulls away.
"I mean, yeah thanks," she laughs despite the seriousness of the situation. "I'm glad you're O.K. too." With nothing else to say she settles on, "Get in and I'll take you there," with an awkward intonation, a throat clear and a blush.
"Buckle up," she says as her engine revs.
Is Jemma taking her own truck, or riding in the cruiser?So, Sweeney is a pretty darn good driver, but it's not her show. Someone in the cruiser needs to make a trait roll to help her get to the empty lot as fast as possible -- just use whatever makes sense to you narratively, and tell us what happens based on your roll.
- Success with Raise, You get there after Caroline takes her next action.
- Success you get there after Braddock's next action.
- Failure you get there after Braddock's next two actions.
This applies to Jemma as well, if she is driving her truck!
Mar 23, 2023 3:59 pm
"I am decidedly not okay," Tereza complains, putting playful outrage into her voice. "Officer Hadley decided to pepperspray me. I think he does not like me."
I don't really have a good skill to use here. The best I could offer is a D6 in Persuade, which is kind of an eh fit. So I'd say someone else should probably roll
Hmmm, could 'Language (Hebrew)' be of help here?I don't really have a good skill to use here. The best I could offer is a D6 in Persuade, which is kind of an eh fit. So I'd say someone else should probably roll
Mar 23, 2023 5:01 pm
As Braddock fell to a knee Caroline stops attacking and gains a grin, clearly seeing a victory. As his wound heals the look falters for a moment shock in its place before she tries to gather herself. She hurt him once, she'd do it again.
As he atacks her mind again she grits her teeth trying to resist. There was a reason he needed to know the manor it was sure. Besides she had other things in her mind he was not allowed to see. Jemma. Deacon. The others. She wasn't going to let him learn of them. Endanger them.
As she blocks her mind against the assault the smug grin returns.
'I understand enough. That your supposedly power is stolen, not your own. That you were taken. I am sorry for that, but that does not excuse your actions in mytown. If what in the manor grants you more power I'm not letting you get it. As she speaks her look goes from smug to determined, once more summoning the vines.
She had one trick in combat without Al, but if it ain't broke..
As he atacks her mind again she grits her teeth trying to resist. There was a reason he needed to know the manor it was sure. Besides she had other things in her mind he was not allowed to see. Jemma. Deacon. The others. She wasn't going to let him learn of them. Endanger them.
As she blocks her mind against the assault the smug grin returns.
'I understand enough. That your supposedly power is stolen, not your own. That you were taken. I am sorry for that, but that does not excuse your actions in mytown. If what in the manor grants you more power I'm not letting you get it. As she speaks her look goes from smug to determined, once more summoning the vines.
She had one trick in combat without Al, but if it ain't broke..
Last edited Mar 23, 2023 5:12 pm
Smarts - (1d10, 1d6, RA)
1d10 : (108) = 18
1d6 : (3) = 3
Spellcasting - (1d8, 1d6, RA)
1d8 : (5) = 5
1d6 : (2) = 2
Damage - (2d6, RA)
(45) = 9
Mar 23, 2023 5:18 pm
Hmmm, could 'Language (Hebrew)' be of help here?OOC:
Always open to hearing rationale! lolHere are examples and moods for them:
Notice - "Whoa whoa whoa, swerve! You almost hit that car!"
Persuade - "No, don't take the parkway, it's 5 minutes longer; listen, take the boulevard; we'll save time!"
Common Knowledge - "I know a short cut; cut through the shopping center parking lot and you'll come out on a one-way street and then it's a straight shot!"
Mar 23, 2023 7:28 pm
Dunko says:
Is Jemma taking her own truck, or riding in the cruiser?OOC:
I was under the impression that it was near by. Jemma will ride in the cruiserMar 23, 2023 9:09 pm
The squad car flies down the street, lights flashing, wheels chirping as it takes a sharp corner. Inside the car we get a shot of Sarah (Al still riding her shoulder), Tereza, Sweeney, and Jemma, one-by-one.
"Alright, so what's the deal," she asks, looking in the rearview mirror.
The engine roars as she puts more pressure on the accelerator.
"This guy--this thing--how do we stop him?" She makes eye contact with Tereza, waiting for anyone to chime in with ideas.

Chief Sarah Sweeney
The engine roars as she puts more pressure on the accelerator.
"This guy--this thing--how do we stop him?" She makes eye contact with Tereza, waiting for anyone to chime in with ideas.
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