S1 E1 "Pilot" (RP)

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Apr 4, 2023 8:14 am
No Cheif, this is not it. Not yet. Tereza will handle the amulet and then we have to visit this mansion. Jemma flashes the notebook that Mable stole. This will hopefully tell us something
Jemma is still going on adrenalin, not ready to accept that the battle is over.

Cheif, the shells I gave you? Jemma reloads the shotgun with the fay-killers. Will you cover me? Just in case. Then she hands the shotgun to Chief Sarah Sweeney as she starts to examine Braddock's body. After a quick check of the pockets, she calls up her own power and her eyes start to glow as she now examines the body with a magical sight.
[ +- ] Detect/Conceal Arcana


Spellcasting (Smarts) - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (2) = 2

1d6 : (5) = 5

Apr 5, 2023 3:56 pm
Snow begins to fall on the empty lot as Jemma investigates Braddock, with Sweeney edging forward with the shot gun, and Jemma, Sarah, and Caroline confer.

The slight rumble of the ground becomes more violent and louder. We hear a snap a thin, verdant sapling rips from the snow covered concrete. It twists and sways as it grows to two meters in height within seconds.

From Caroline's shoulder, Alabaster yips in surprise. "Carline; can you feel? This place is becoming twilit!"

More saplings sprout with unnatural strength and speed, tearing up the decades old concrete. Vines crawl from cracks and begin to ascend the sides of the brick buildings flanking the lot.

The camera shows green pulsing, shining through the fabric of Tereza's pocket. The Talisman feels hot against her.

We jump back to Jemma. We see her search the ancient witch's pockets but nothing of interest is turned up. Upon examination it's clear these clothes are 'stolen' from somewhere.

We see with her arcane sight...and Braddock's form begins to glow as the trees sprout around the lot. His skin begins to harden and become bark like. A lot snapping is heard from his body as his bones rearrange and elongate. His clothes are torn to shreds as vines and plant life spring from his skin and begin to wrap him--his wounds disappearing into this new shape.
It'd be clear to Jemma that this is fey magic at work here, and that an aura of invulnerability is enveloping him as he enters his 'next' form.
[ +- ] Invulnerability
Wild Braddock
Trees continue to burst from the ground as Braddock's eyes flutter open. His long, claw-like hands push into the ground as he begins to leverage himself up, a deep laugh rumbling in his chest...
Apr 5, 2023 3:59 pm
No restrictions on actions or anything, so the coven should do what they want or need to do, have at it and build off each other where when or if you can 🌓
Apr 5, 2023 6:05 pm
"Don't we get a break or anything?" Tereza complains. "How the"—What follows is a very colorful sounding swearword in Czech—"am I supposed to set up a ritual if this guy won't stay down?" She looks at her friends. "We need to get away from here. And from him!"
Apr 6, 2023 12:09 pm
As the others discuss the coin Caroline stands down for a momeent and trace symbols over her abdomen, trying not to wince and show she's still hurt. As the symbols are finished they flare..and just wink out nothing happening. She stares down a look of disbelief on her face. That wasn't possible. She couldn't nearly be out of magic?

She's brought out of it by Al speaking and she looks up at the brownie confusion on her face. ' What do you mean Twil...oh bloody hell. Jemma! ' She whirls around as the terrain starts to change worried for her friend.

Tereza was right, but if they just left him here he would hurt others. That and if she went with them... his words of her having the stink of the fey around her come back. He would just track them down if she stayed with the others. She grits her teeth before a though comes t her mind. The farm. If she could lead him away to the farm, that might give the others a chance

'Chief, get the others away do the ritual. Al go with them. I can stall him.' Provided he trusted her again and didn't just try and rip the info from her mind once more...the others didn't need to know that risk. She starts to run forward, gritting her teeth again the pain of her wounds and she looks to pull Jemma back, get in between him and her.
Last edited Apr 6, 2023 12:35 pm
Apr 6, 2023 12:27 pm
Dunko, can I make some kind of roll to determine whether Braddock's blood counts as Fey blood? If not, this is going to get even more difficult.
Would that be Occult or Research? I have a D8 in both, so I'll just roll it. Feel free to ignore.


Occult/Research (?) - (1D8, 1D6, RA)

1D8 : (4) = 4

1D6 : (4) = 4

Apr 11, 2023 11:52 pm
'I'll take you. To the manor. ' Caroline calls out as she tries to get Braddock's attention. She needed him to focus back in her as she holds her hands up. At the back of her mind part of her still wants to continue you the fight, but the others might get hurt. T needed time to do the ritual.

'You' ve proven you have power now just.. Leave them alone. Let them go, and I'll show you...Physically. No mind sharing. She'd hopefully proven she could defeat his mental assaults for that not to be an option.
Apr 12, 2023 4:57 am
"Caroline, we're not leaving you with him!" Tereza protests from her position next to the police car. She understands that Caroline wants to give herself up for them, but she can't let that happen, right? She's terrified and has no idea how they could possibly stand up to Braddock, but that doesn't mean she's willing to sacrifice her friend, even if it might give them an opening to attempt the ritual. "We're a coven, we stick together!"
I'm on board with the plan ooc, but Tereza might need a wink or some sign that Caroline has a plan before she's willing to agree. Even though Caroline does her rituals all wrong, they're still good friends, after all.

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