runekyndig says:
We can't catch a break. First the attack on the historical society, then the showdown with Mable, then the showdown with Braddock and now he is getting back up?!
We, or I at least, haven't had a chance to put the pieces together yet as to what is happening. I expected that now Braddock was down we could talk and compare notes and investigate the mansion in the woods, but it appears that we have to
stress onwards. I don't like that - this is not fun.
I'm not really sure what to say; there are no 'breaks' to catch, and no characters, including the entire party, has to stress onwards. It's not supposed to be a traditional TTRPG environment. I don't know, maybe I've not been clear with the tone, or yeah maybe it's just not fun, and if that's the case sorry--it is a pilot after all 😔.
I don't know, I've always hosted Savage Worlds as gonzo, fast, and preferably mechanically light. As I noted I was trying for a punchy,
Buffy episode feel--monster introduced, check some leads, and then have a confrontation. I felt like I was following where the characters were taking it, but maybe my gauge is off.
I was trying to deliver what I stated in the pitch...
" GM I come up with scenarios, set scenes, and
introduce complications to the characters plans, etc. but I'm not telling a story. The characters (players) are telling the story.
We're a writers room, working together--I have a plot outline, a monster, hook or complication, and you all flesh it out by interacting with it! So backstory elements, plans, town NPCs,
answers to the mystery, all need to be driven by active characters and player ideas!"
...but, again, if I'm failing at it I'm sorry--time is valuable and I hope I didn't waste anyone's time.