OOC and Character Chatter

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Dec 21, 2022 10:15 pm
Let's use this space to talk about characters, and then roll it into the OOC chat zone once the game starts.

Make sure you read the Character Section in the Games Details Page!

Some things to know about characters:

- We're using Conviction (extendable, carried from Episode to Episode type Benny)

- You can use any powers that are found in the recently released Pinebox Middle School--not the SW:D Horror companion at this time--but we'll roll in the SWADE one when it's released (I'm a backer). I'm pulling a lot of the ideas from it.

- Your characters really should have some tensions to get the most out of play--I'll say it here just to set the record straight: character thoughts and opinions are not player opinions. Let's respect that, and allow for other characters to help multi-faceted opinions of our PCs. Which leads to...

-...I've always encouraged persuasion contests against each other when decisions and ideas are deadlocked, etc. It's just a game after all, and we're represented fictional people! I'd hope you'd all be into it, but I'd not force it on anyone.

- Feel free to come up with extras, and I'll fill the supporting cast with them as well. BUT NPCs and extras will never drive the story. And I go Free League on them--meaning I generally don't roll for NPC vs NPC action; I just decide what happens.

So, let's make a great show, shall we!?

As I noted, I'm planning on posting Mon, Wed, Fri with story moving posts, or with requests for characters to narrate beats. Thanks!
Dec 21, 2022 11:50 pm
Here's my rough idea for my character.

He's from a definite lineage of witches, dating back to the days of the original witch hunts. He's more of the aggressor/offensive spell slinger, yet he's definitely loyal to the coven and those he cares about.

His negative trait...He's the impatient type that'll definitely leap before he looks. Especially if there's a legitimate threat to the above mentioned people.
Dec 22, 2022 12:52 am
Sarah Miller is relatively new to the Craft. but not to her powers. She has always been good with animals and has known of her ability to heal wounds since she was 13, but she never made the connection until recently, when she discovered the Craft. Then, about two months ago, came the move to Salem. She felt drawn here, though she could not say precisely why.

She is a strong empath, able to heal the wounds of others, and enjoys an almost mystical connection with animals. Her negative trait is her tendency to get over-excited, particularly as it applies to the Craft. She often lets slip things that are better kept to herself, though she means no harm (she takes "harm none" very seriously).

"An' it harm none,
do as thou wilt."
Dec 22, 2022 4:15 am
A couple'a NPCs off the bat:

Tara Hensley
- "Only word in the english language that has three double letters in a row?", Tara is Witch Craft's Bookkeeper. Good source for hooks regarding paying rent on your building.

Wyatt Allen
-- "I left my days off on a post-it in the office...", a regular bartender at the brewery, Wyatt's a good source for hooks round employee screw ups. He's also a regular damsel in distress.

Chief Sarah Sweeney
-- "*Sigh* I guess I'm lookin' the other way; again..." Chief of Salem PD, and has a love/hate relationship with the coven. She knows the SPD is, decidedly, not equipped to handle demons and angry ghosts.

Wesley Webster
-- "Check the stacks." Wesley is Salem Public Library's head librarian. He also maintains an extensive, uncatalogued collection of ancient, arcane, and dangerous volumes--an essential, due to magical entropy's penchant for destroying digital records on magical information.
Dec 22, 2022 7:13 am
Dunko says:
- We're using Conviction (extendable, carried from Episode to Episode type Benny)

- You can use any powers that are found in the recently released Pinebox Middle School--not the SW:D Horror companion at this time--but we'll roll in the SWADE one when it's released (I'm a backer). I'm pulling a lot of the ideas from it.
Where can I read more about Conviction? In the core book?
Where can I find this Pinebox Middle School?
I like the NPC's, especally Tara Hensley will have a connection to my character. But I think you should move this post (edit,copy,paste) to a better place.
I'm already seeing my characters role in the micro-brewery as one of, if not the head brewer. Managening the vats, mixing spices, herbs ect.
[ +- ] Latest witchcraft meme
Dec 22, 2022 8:17 am
Reposting my concept for reference, since I plan to stick with it. Will elaborate on it further at some point today, but I just got up.
My character idea would be a nerdy, bookwormy witch who has come from Europe to Salem recently-ish to study the ley line there. She's far more comfortable with magic in theory than in praxis. She also doesn't actually like beer, but when she met the others and got caught up in the enthusiasm they have for the brewery (whether it already existed at that point or was still in planning), she accidentally neglected to mention that. And she's really trying her best regardless.

As for worst quality, well, she does have a tendency to be really nosy about other people's business and she has a definite ear (and mouth) for gossip.
One thing I'm thinking about is how long I should already be in town. With WhtKnt's character we already have one very new person to Salem, so I might already be here a bit longer, maybe about a year or so. I do like the idea of magic being taught differently where I'm from in Europe (Thinking of Czechia). Not dramatically so, but enough that it leads to frustrations in notation in magic books and confusion about "Why the hell are you doing your gestures like that and not this?"
Dec 22, 2022 1:41 pm
What age range are we looking for in our characters?
Dec 22, 2022 3:16 pm
runekyndig says:
Where can I read more about Conviction? In the core book?
Conviction is on page 136 of SWADE core book. The simple guts, you get Conviction when you have a moment of importance to your character via great success or failure.
[ +- ] Use
runekyndig says:
Where can I find this Pinebox Middle School?
It's not technically out yet--just Kickstarter playtest. I posted the new powers in The Resources Thread
runekyndig says:
But I think you should move this post (edit,copy,paste) to a better place.
They also appear in People and Places of Interest thread, and there they shall remain. NPCs and Places will continue to be added there.
Squadfather44 says:
What age range are we looking for in our characters?
In the USA you need to be at least 18 years of age to serve alcohol, and I think you need to be 21 to actually bartend. So between 18 and 21 as a minimum but older is good too. Just wouldn't want the bar to get shutdown :P
Dec 22, 2022 3:37 pm
For some world background, and this was just my thought, the idea is that there was an old and wise coven who once protected Salem--until recently. I don't know what happened to them, and why they are gone, and I don't think we, as players, need to know right now. Maybe one or two characters know :shrug

I also imagine there is a loose network of witches in the world, though they don't all work toward the same goal, and many aren't affiliated with anyone outside their coven.

For interpersonal themes we could think about and play into things like, "what is a coven?!" Must they be in harmony with each other? Is it just a collection of folk who do magic together? Maybe each coven, and coven ancestry, has its own culture? Coven Culture would surely be a trending idea in modern witch circles. "Check out how we do wards. #CovenCulture"
Dec 22, 2022 3:38 pm
I just spit balling!
Dec 22, 2022 3:48 pm
I think it'd be an interesting long term story arc of finding out what happened to the former coven.
Dec 22, 2022 3:56 pm
I kind of like to think of a coven as a sort of family unit, whether blood family or found family. Maybe that's even a point of contention in the wider witch community. Some families insist that covens should only be made up of one bloodline while others are open. I was thinking of my character being semi kicked out from home, so maybe she comes from a very strict, traditional family that would be horrified by a coven that is made up of friends and allies rather than blood relatives.

And defining covens as family would kind of imply that we are allowed to bicker and get mad at each other, but in the end, there would be a bond (whether social or potentially magical) that keeps us together and means that we do care about each other.
Thinking about my magic, as I said in my application, my character would be more bookish, so I would definitely be focused more on potion brewing, rituals and potentially some divination and would forego flashy in-the-moment magic.
Dec 22, 2022 4:14 pm
I like Bowl's idea about the coven. I definitely think it's worth moving in that direction.
As for my character, I see him as the more physical type in dealing with magic. Being interested in the more physical and combative side of nature, I see him dealing more with the four elements (especially Fire and Air). He'd possibly dabble in other areas, but that's a work in progress.
Last edited December 22, 2022 4:15 pm
Dec 22, 2022 5:40 pm
Current concept: Caroline Ashmore, from a longline of well established witches in the UK. Moved to Salem to study buis ess, at least as a guise while the reason was to study the ley line and see if was soenthing the family could utilise.

With it being designed to be more hassle than worth Caroline was set to head back, but had fallen in with the coven, and found the time away from family freeing, whlith none judging her every move or constantly giving 'advice', so she opted to stay, under the guise of seeing if there is something to be s done with the line after all.

Having grown up constantly expected to be perfect, she has a lot of pride, that can be easily manipulated, and stubborn about her way being best.

Withe the business starting to fail she has been very adamant in boosting it again, and refusing to ask family for monetary help or aid, as that would admit she's failing.

Idea was she has been in Salem a while now, rather than brand new, but I can change the story to her being American, but still out of town. She would likely be focused on the vusmisness/customer relations side, but can also see her taking an intrest in brewing and possibly butting heads with Jemma over suggestions of what to do with a brew.

I'm currenttly split between her being very skilled at magic, as a prodigy of the family, or the exact opposite and struggling, which is one reasons he feels the need to prove the brewery can be successful (and possibly try and use the leylines to help her own powers.)

I like the idea of the coven being found family. Also the idea of bowls that their character uses different signs as Caroline would definitely be trying to correct them.
Dec 22, 2022 5:49 pm
If your and my character are both from Europe (though from different countries) and both arrived some time ago to study the leyline here, maybe we already met in Europe and decided to come over together.
Dec 22, 2022 8:02 pm
That could definitely work, and could be her who swept your character up into helping with the brewery.

Beginning to lean towards high magic ability... To the decree she uses magic for anything she can get away with, and will just look blankly at someone suggesting a mundane methods.
Dec 22, 2022 8:05 pm
What all positions/jobs would there be at the brewery? I'm trying to think of what my character does there.
Dec 22, 2022 8:20 pm
Well, bookkeeper is taken, otherwise I could have seen that working for my character. Considering she doesn't actually know a thing about good beer, she'd probably not be doing any development or quality control. Maybe something front-facing, customer-servicey. I'm sure we have an in-house store. With her being a gossip, working directly with customers seems like something she'd enjoy.

"Buy a beer, get the latest rumor about your neighbor for free."
Dec 22, 2022 8:25 pm
Has anyone claimed Brewer or Bartender?
Dec 22, 2022 8:30 pm
These are fantastic ideas ya'll are floating around!

As for jobs at the brewery--bartender (can never have too many), brewer of any rank, someone could designate themselves as the marketer / event coordinator, someone could take on the roll of managing shifts, really just doing the odd jobs that need doing and hanging about. Let's say there is no kitchen....yet....but a tore up space in the back where big dreams of a kitchen live.

Also, as you roll, don't forget the Occult skill exists :P -- I see that happen in a lot of my supernatural themed games.

I doubt we'll hit the "deadline" but I'm thinking the first episode will be round that time, I'm thinking.

Tereza Hrabikova


Dec 22, 2022 8:38 pm
We probably all will multitask and help each other out a bit with everything, but I like running the in-house store for my character, plus at least partial responsibility for events and marketing.

I'm sure Caroline could do all the cleaning. She likes to flaunt her magic around.
Not 100% sure about it yet, but I'm thinking of this as my avatar
Tereza Hrabikova
Dec 22, 2022 8:43 pm
I'm thinking of bringing in my character in at 23-25 years old. So maybe he could be the "Head Bartender" or possibly even "Brewmaster" if no one claims that job.
Solid idea Bowl! My character could be Head Bartender and assist with the Brewing and other jobs.
Dec 22, 2022 8:46 pm
bowlofspinach says:
I'm sure Caroline could do all the cleaning. She likes to flaunt her magic around.
Absolutely not. :P
Squadfather44 says:
Has anyone claimed Brewer or Bartender?
Rune was looking at head brewer.

Was looking at Caroline being on business side/ management so may have also been lumped with staff schedules/ handling complaints, unless anyone particularly wants to be in charge of staff.

Thinking maybe Jemma and Caroline met somehow, with Caroline's buisness degree + Jemma's skills decided to go into the brewery together. Tereza got scoped up for the ride to help with the marketing. Sarah just came to town, maybe stumbled into finding the coven and has been 'adopted ' into group? Then need to just work with Squad
Last edited December 22, 2022 8:46 pm
Dec 22, 2022 8:56 pm
Given my character's nature, I'm going to change my job idea up. Deacon Shaw will be the Head Bouncer of the bar room as well as help tend the bar and with the other odd jobs that pop up.
Last edited December 22, 2022 9:34 pm
Dec 22, 2022 8:56 pm
How do you find other witches when you get to a new place? Is there like a secret thing you put on your tinder profile? Is there a subreddit? Do we have to rely on divination magic?
Dec 22, 2022 9:00 pm
Could there be like....a sixth sense? One that makes you feel drawn to an area.

Perhaps the Coven that vanished had something similar to a mystical object that sensed our abilities and "called out".
Dec 22, 2022 9:00 pm
Also...anything interested with tie-ins to Deacon?
Dec 22, 2022 9:31 pm
I think there a absolutely secret (or at least only know by those who'd know) you put in profiles etc! Witch tinder profiles are a thing for sure. But there's obviously lots of posers out there too. People who dig deep and stumble upon the subculture but aren't actually witches (at least yet).

There are also 100% ways to sense magic, but lets say not to sense magic users. This allows for some anonymity for folks who don't want to show what they are!
Dec 23, 2022 12:01 am
In SWADE, an option is to grant modern characters 15 skill points to account for more skills in the modern era. Is that the case here?
Dec 23, 2022 12:24 am
In the SWADE under races, it says Humans get a free Novice edge. Will that rule be utilized?
Dec 23, 2022 11:35 am
I'm a bit behind, so I'll try to catch up with the conversation
Dunko says:
For some world background, and this was just my thought, the idea is that there was an old and wise coven who once protected Salem--until recently. I don't know what happened to them, and why they are gone, and I don't think we, as players, need to know right now. Maybe one or two characters know :shrug
I like this idea. I imagine that my characters grandmother knew of the coven, but they had a mutural agreement of don't bother eachtoher and everyone is happy. There is properly some history between grandmother and the coven.

It easly ties in with bowlofspinach idea of the coven = family unit.
Squadfather44 says:
Has anyone claimed Brewer or Bartender?
Yes I see Jemma as the head brewer, but I'm going to pump up her age to the midt twenties
bowlofspinach says:
How do you find other witches when you get to a new place? Is there like a secret thing you put on your tinder profile? Is there a subreddit? Do we have to rely on divination magic?
Put up some pentagrams or moon symbols and those in the know, will reconise that this is a place to ask witchy questions.
I'll write some more tonight, but now I must get back to work
Dec 23, 2022 12:14 pm
Squadfather44 says:
Also...anything interested with tie-ins to Deacon?
If he also come from an esta lish family, it could be there families got along so they knew of each other before Caroline travelled. Alternatively they could actually be from same family and cousins/siblings?

If Jemma has som connection/awareness to old coven Caroline could have run into her whole researching theey lines/through profile signals, and they discovered a shared interest in craft beer (Along with Deacon if he also has an active intrest in it?)

I also have Caroline set to 24/25ish, with the idea had been in town for a while but can lower if fits better with stories of others.

Having looked at the powers looks like none are that flaunt able (yet, when she gets telekinesis that is getting abused). Thinking of setting her up for some utility, like summon ally and mind read. Although sadly summon ally doesn't seem to last long because I can absolutely see her abusing it to do the menial tasks she's lumped with.
Last edited December 23, 2022 12:16 pm
Dec 23, 2022 2:27 pm
Squadfather44 says:
In the SWADE under races, it says Humans get a free Novice edge. Will that rule be utilized?
Yes, still use the free Adaptable edge.
WhtKnt says:
In SWADE, an option is to grant modern characters 15 skill points to account for more skills in the modern era. Is that the case here?
We shall stick with the 12 skill points.
Dec 23, 2022 2:39 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
Although sadly summon ally doesn't seem to last long because I can absolutely see her abusing it to do the menial tasks she's lumped with.
So, I consider "casting powers" (i.e., spending Power Points) to be something that's done when there are stakes--I actually consider rolling to be something that's only done when there are stakes. So, you can use any of your powers in a narrative sense at anytime, and you can even use them to make tests against characters, without having to spend Power Points. It's a homebrew I've used for a long time, and has actually become codified as cantrips in the SWADE for Pathfinder book.

It's all given permission by your Trappings, of course. You could start a fire with a Fire trapped spell. You could have a Summoned Ally who is trapped as a human like figure sweep your floors. You could ice the floor to test an opponent into being Vulnerable with an Ice Trapped spell. All without spending power points and with no worry for duration, etc! It's when the dramatic aspects of the power come into play that we'd worry about duration and power point cost. Just a heads up; so abuse that summoned alley and make them mop the floor!
Dec 23, 2022 2:49 pm
Do we need a Summoned Ally Rights group?
Dec 23, 2022 3:13 pm
@LightOfMidnight- we can definitely tie our characters together with either idea. Which one is easiest for you?
Dec 23, 2022 3:18 pm
I submitted a character sheet. It's definitely not finished yet, though. Just the start.

Dunko, what are your thoughts on Hindrances. Because some are basically just narrative prompts that give you points. Is that an issue for you or should we just go wild on them?
Dec 23, 2022 3:39 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Do we need a Summoned Ally Rights group?

But that is good to hear, makes it easier to fit the using magic where ever she can.
Squadfather44 says:
@LightOfMidnight- we can definitely tie our characters together with either idea. Which one is easiest for you?
Don't mind. Siblings/cousins could be interesting, especially if you are more blast and shes more versatility (Though I have currently grabbed bolt two that can be changed, especially as her ally can support in fights), but does mean having to pair backstories where otherwise we have more freedom. The other options gives a connection but allows more more freedom.
bowlofspinach says:
I submitted a character sheet. It's definitely not finished yet, though. Just the start.

Dunko, what are your thoughts on Hindrances. Because some are basically just narrative prompts that give you points. Is that an issue for you or should we just go wild on them?
I know that feeling.. I literally described her as stubborn already so that immediately got put on. I guess the thing with hinderances is if its codified on the sheet you've got to try and make that trait actually cause problems at times?

I currently have a minor phobia bookmarked but trying to decided what would be fitting, and actually come up. And literally as I;m writing this one has come into mind that could tie back to Squad with him doing elemental stuff, which would the be fire. The other was insects which could be a little stereotypical, but also come up.

Also if anyone hasn't;t already found it Savaged.us is great for char generation for those who fid a generator helpful.
Dec 23, 2022 4:47 pm
Okay, last question. Is Arcane Background a free Edge or do we have to pay for it, since every character has it?
Dec 23, 2022 5:35 pm
Could be your free Human edge. But good question
Dec 23, 2022 5:54 pm
From reading through char gen Iread as the 'witchness' or our characters meant we could use Occult for the ritual, but not necessarily everyone got active casting spells at will, unless we did take arcane background where we would get access to the powers.. though I would complain at it being free as would then be able to put in even more spell casting edges :P
Dec 23, 2022 5:57 pm
WhtKnt says:
Okay, last question. Is Arcane Background a free Edge or do we have to pay for it, since every character has it?
Every character does not have it. Treat purchasing it like you would any other edge. There are may ways to be a witch. All characters, even Chief Sweeney can cast spells from a spell book or scroll--to do so they cast it as a ritual.
[ +- ] Ritual

I'll post the above in Resources as well--the skill used is Occult. For a fiction example, think Willow in the first few seasons of Buff the Vampire Slayer. The gang was always casting spells via texts found during research.
Dec 23, 2022 6:06 pm
Lol I have a lot of opinions on Hinderances, lol, oh no!!

This is how I treat them: For a Hinderance to get a Benny it needs to impact the narrative in a dramatic way. If your character is stubborn and you roleplay that out in a scene where they refuse to buy popcorn at the supermarket because they want chips, well that is not getting a benny.

BUT, if that scene in the supermarket is going to make or break the success of the Halloween party you're throwing, because you know the visiting wizard wants popcorn, but you still refuse to buy it, putting the party in peril, well that gets a Benny.

When a Hinderance tanks the well laid plans of the party, and now the little trouble is big trouble--mmm that's that good stuff. I'm not trying to replicate physics, I'm trying to replicate fiction--and fiction needs drama and characters doing "dumb" things, is my humble opinion.

I find Hinderances and Bennies to work best when the player is not RP'ing it in a coy fashion. Just tell us OOC that you're doing X because your hinderance. Boom, sweet Benny. So go wild on them, but use them to make meaningful trouble!
Dec 23, 2022 6:09 pm
Sounds great! I'll try to get my character finished soon. Probably not today. Maybe tomorrow
Dec 23, 2022 6:10 pm
Sorry, example--in my current in person Deadlands game one of the characters has a Hinderance that makes them fidget with their gun. They describe this happening a lot, as it a little quirk of their character. But when they RP it as prompting something from an NPC, like making someone their talking with think they're being aggressive that's when we give them a Benny.
Dec 23, 2022 6:47 pm
I will think on my character, but I won't have time to work on Jamme this side of Christmas.
Dec 23, 2022 6:51 pm
runekyndig says:
I will think on my character, but I won't have time to work on Jamme this side of Christmas.
Quick question...do you want a pesky brother or a troublesome cousin? I like the brother angle, but it's completely up to you.
Dec 23, 2022 6:57 pm
Squadfather44 says:
runekyndig says:
I will think on my character, but I won't have time to work on Jamme this side of Christmas.
Quick question...do you want a pesky brother or a troublesome cousin? I like the brother angle, but it's completely up to you.
My idea is that her entire familiy is "normal" only her grandmother knows the craft, and she did not agree with the coven. Grandmother went solo/solitair. But she taught Jemma.
Jemma has an older lawyer brother and a younger cheerleader sister. So a family connection I can't see happening. BUT a childhood friend she reconnects with through the coven is a possibility.
Dec 23, 2022 6:59 pm
Was that meant to be aimed at Rune, or me :p?

Although if both of you have grown up in Salem also makes sense :p

Edit: If was meant for me defitenely up for brother.
Last edited December 23, 2022 7:05 pm
Dec 23, 2022 7:00 pm
I think Squad meant to ask Light that
Dec 23, 2022 7:06 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
Was that meant to be aimed at Rune, or me :p?

Although if both of you have grown up in Salem also makes sense :p
Lol...that's what I get for trying to be sneaky at work. Rune can have the childhood friend, if you want to go with the family connection. A sibling connection could help with the phobia angle...depending on what you go with.
Dec 23, 2022 7:14 pm
Edit: If was meant for me defitenely up for brother.
If you do want to go for siblings, you should probably agree on one last name.
Dec 23, 2022 7:21 pm
Okay, that's all I needed to know. My first pass at a character is in the spoiler.
[ +- ] Spoiler
Dec 23, 2022 7:33 pm
Haven't settled on all my edges and hindrances yet, but I'm definitely taking Curious. Goes with the whole Gossip thing.

As for languages, I have Czech (native) and then English at D8 and Latin at D4
Dec 23, 2022 8:10 pm
@LightOfMidnight- Brother it is! What age were you thinking of bringing your character in at. (I think you mentioned 25, I'll go for 23). What last name do you want to go with? (I put Shaw down, but can definitely change it.)
Dec 23, 2022 9:30 pm
Squadfather44 says:
@LightOfMidnight- Brother it is! What age were you thinking of bringing your character in at. (I think you mentioned 25, I'll go for 23). What last name do you want to go with? (I put Shaw down, but can definitely change it.)
Had been going for Ashmore as a more fancy kinda of british name, but don;t mind. Do we want to be british or American (There was the idea with Bowl that Tereza met Caroline while in Europe and travelled over together but that can still be done if the family is American, could have been on a year abroad, or a gap year (If you Americans do that) :P)

Re Fire phobia, was thinking there had been a fire in the family in the past which is why she has it. May occasionally shy away if Deacon has a habit of using fire.

Also thinking the family is someone strict, or at least expects results from both of them, or at least her as the older one, if that works for you?

Edit Age I have 24 written in right now I think.
Last edited December 23, 2022 9:54 pm
Dec 24, 2022 11:25 am
I have submitted my work-in-progress character sheet. I got the shape of Jemma, but there will be some more changes down the road
Last edited December 30, 2022 8:19 pm
Dec 24, 2022 1:09 pm
Hm, going through the powers in the core book, there isn't really anything divination-like available for Novice characters, which is kind of annoying since that's the direction I wanted to focus on. I guess I'll go more for general support.

Since casting rituals still requires to know the spell/power, I assume we're lifting the requirement for having an arcane background in order to get powers (via New Powers edge). Otherwise, it wouldn't really be possible to build a ritual character without an arcane background.

Current plan is Arcane Protection, Boost/Lower Trait, Mind Reading, Speak Language (2x New Powers)

EDIT: I just saw the Locate spell in the Pinebox powers you shared. I'm definitely taking that one. Probably instead of Boost/Lower Trait.

Going full ritual doesn't make mechanical sense since Arcane Background + New Powers gives 5 powers while 2x New Powers only gives four for the same price (while limiting me to rituals), but I prefer it for flavor for my character, so I'm still planning it that way. No moment-to-moment casting, only rituals.
Does this make sense this way, Dunko? I can just buy Arcane Background if you prefer, but I prefer the flavor without it.
Last edited December 24, 2022 1:20 pm
Dec 24, 2022 4:22 pm
@bowlofspinach you do NOT need to "know" a power to cast as ritual! You can find them in dusty tomes, inscribed on tree bark, or copy them to a scroll from another witch. You just need to find them via research, etc!

Trappings are a super powerful narrative tool for rituals. A particularly nasty poltergeist might need a specific form of banish. One that involves trinkets from their past, perhaps. So, even knowing the power sometimes won't be enough!

But I see what your saying. I think. You want her to always have access divination. Consider a home brew edge that gives benefits when using divination rituals????
Dec 24, 2022 4:51 pm
Is everyone clear on the Soundness stat???

I maybe over complicated it by calling it soundness...it's essentially "sanity" but I prefer to call it something else.

It's Spirit ÷ 2 + 2, and it depletes as it's attacked. Monsters, enemies, spooks, and haunts, can have actions that attack it, but you'll always get a Spirit check to save from having it deplete.

When Soundness reaches 0 a character is "incapacitated"-- this just means they're overcome with fear, or hit a breaking point, and can't act for the rest of the scene unless they are healed. It also takes the place of Fatigue track.

Healing Soundness is done with Spirit linked traits, and if done during a intimate interlude scene the healer gets a +2 to +4 on the roll.

I promise it's not as complicated as it seems and I've used it to to great effect in SWADE noir and SWADE monster hunters.
Dec 24, 2022 5:04 pm
Dunko says:
@bowlofspinach you do NOT need to "know" a power to cast as ritual! You can find them in dusty tomes, inscribed on tree bark, or copy them to a scroll from another witch. You just need to find them via research, etc!

Trappings are a super powerful narrative tool for rituals. A particularly nasty poltergeist might need a specific form of banish. One that involves trinkets from their past, perhaps. So, even knowing the power sometimes won't be enough!

But I see what your saying. I think. You want her to always have access divination. Consider a home brew edge that gives benefits when using divination rituals????
Basically, the idea is that I am not dependent on finding one use magic scrolls or something to cast rituals. But if you're saying I will have reliable access to at least a divination spellbook or something, that could work, with maybe a homebrew edge if we want to.

I thought I'd have a spell list, I just need rituals to access it.

I am totally fine with not having a spell list, though, if I have reliable spell access otherwise
Dec 25, 2022 12:20 am
How would you guys suggest setting up Deacon as an Elementalist? Basically he'll deal with Air, Earth, Fire, and Water spells/rituals. Any suggested advantages?
Dec 26, 2022 6:29 pm
bowlofspinach says:
But if you're saying I will have reliable access to at least a divination spellbook or something, that could work, with maybe a homebrew edge if we want to.
100%; we can say they have a spell book that has reliable divination and locate spells. And if you want a homebrew edge--look to the Professional Edges. They're is a bit of rhyme and reason to them, I guess, but in the end it's a gonzo system and that's that's fun to lean into. Reskinned Mr. Fixit is always great; Scholar legit is a good edge, as is, for giving +2 to Occult (what you'd use to cast ritual here); Investigator is a good one to reskin if you call out a couple narrative uses for divination style magic.

The world is your oyster! We'll just make sure they need their spell book!
Dec 26, 2022 6:33 pm
That sounds great!
Will continue to work on my character with that in mind (and thanks for the Edge suggestions!)

I'm hoping to finish my character tomorrow
Dec 27, 2022 9:12 am
Dunko says:
Is everyone clear on the Soundness stat???
Yes, I'm glad you mentioned as I forgot it when I was doing my character sheet.
Last edited December 27, 2022 9:12 am
Dec 27, 2022 10:43 am
Squadfather44 says:
How would you guys suggest setting up Deacon as an Elementalist? Basically he'll deal with Air, Earth, Fire, and Water spells/rituals. Any suggested advantages?
You can use trappings. Like your bolt might be fire, deflection wind shield etc.
Dec 27, 2022 10:53 am
For a reskinned Mr. Fix It, you mean reskinning it to apply to Occult and rituals instead of Repair and... well, repairs? That would be pretty amazing

As in +2 to Occult rolls and with a raise, it halves the time for a ritual?
Dec 27, 2022 11:35 am
As a brewer, should I invent a procession skill for beer brewing? I can't really find any crafting skill in the corebook
Dec 27, 2022 12:32 pm
Tereza Hrabikova is the oldest granddaughter of the High Priestess of the local coven in Prague, a very influential and fairly famous one in witching Europe. The clan is very traditional and therefore strictly consists only of members of the Hrabik(ova) family.
As she was directly in the line of succession for the title of High Priestess, there were high expectations put on Tereza from a very young age. Expectations she was not able to meet, as she has never been comfortable with spontaneous casting, to the point that she never properly learned to do it. While she is an accomplished ritualist, this caused issues in her family which eventually led to her being excommunicated from her coven nicely asked if she would not prefer to apply her magic elsewhere and renounce her claim to the inheritance.

Tereza ended up traveling Europe for a while. Even after no longer being a member of the coven, she received financial support from her father and her name still opened some doors in witch communities across the continent. She's no longer in contact with her mother or most of the coven but does still occasionally talk to her father and younger siblings. During a trip to England, Tereza met Caroline and the two became friends, so when Caroline returned to the United States, to her home town of Salem, Tereza ended up joining her [I'm thinking of this having been about a year ago. @LightOfMidnight ?].

Since she hasn't been in Salem for very long, Tereza doesn't have many friends and contacts there yet but she did befriend Alina Andreyeva, a no-nonsense Russian martial artist and history student who is the head of the Slavic Society at Salem State University. Even though Tereza doesn't actually attend the university, she joins the society's meetings from time to time.
I made the character sheet public, so you should all be able to see my Edges, Hindrances and all that. @Dunko, maybe take a look to see if this all looks good to you mechanically.

Now would be the time to think more about inter-PC relations. I already have a bit of one established with Caroline, but no fun tensions and drama potential yet. Any ideas? I'll also think about it.
Dec 27, 2022 4:11 pm
Mechanics look good to me!
Dec 27, 2022 4:13 pm
Also with Relationship Goal statement, remember all that the intent is they are ever evolving, and once you've crossed out the one for the episode you'll be drawing up a new one for the next episode!

So starting goal could be one of friendship, and it could turn sour and be one of competition in later episodes!
Dec 27, 2022 8:01 pm
Was thinking that Caroline and Deacon aren;t from Salem, as Jemma's is, but have been sent by parents to investigate. Waiting on Squad what country of origin is but sounds like America.

Trying to just work timeline in head. Is the brewery a few years old, or a fairly new thing do we reckon? I had in mind a few years old, but if newer fits better in timelines with people that definitely works.

If the meeting in England no longer works (Though she could have been there for a little bit to look into brewing techniques/connect with british breweries. There are loads.) perhaps something like they were online friends, maybe magical theories etc or something nerdy.in both their interests and with the subtle symbols in profiles clocked each other as in the now. Met up while Caroline was in England and she brought Tereza back?
Dec 27, 2022 8:08 pm
That also works for me, either meeting in person or being online friends, then meeting up in person to go to Salem together. I kind of like the online friends idea.

I originally thought the brewery was already running and Tereza joined the crew later, which could work if Caroline has been in Salem for longer already. If multiple people are fairly new to town, maybe some of the people who originally founded the brewery quit or disappeared or something, leaving some vacancies that we've now filled.
Dec 28, 2022 9:49 pm
I could definitely see some fun dynamic between Tereza and Deacon with him being a spontaneous caster and her being calm and ritual-focused (Does Deacon have any Occult/ritual talent?), so both having very different approaches to magic. Exacerbated by how his sister can't stand the objectively wrong way in which Tereza casts her rituals. If I'm reading him wrong, let me know, but I get the impression that he'd be kind of impulsive and headstrong.
Maybe for a goal statement connected to Deacon, it could be something like Make Deacon stop and reconsider his action.

For Jemma, since she is not connected to a witch family and is mostly self-taught, Tereza might see that as an opportunity to pass on something about the way she has been taught and how she understands magic. Maybe Teach Jemma a Truth about magic.
Could maybe lead to some annoyance, depending on how Jemma feels about being lectured by someone younger than herself (I'm thinking Tereza is 21).

(If that's the kind of goal statements Dunko had in mind)
Dec 28, 2022 9:49 pm
I could definitely see some fun dynamic between Tereza and Deacon with him being a spontaneous caster and her being calm and ritual-focused (Does Deacon have any Occult/ritual talent?), so both having very different approaches to magic. Exacerbated by how his sister can't stand the objectively wrong way in which Tereza casts her rituals. If I'm reading him wrong, let me know, but I get the impression that he'd be kind of impulsive and headstrong.
Maybe for a goal statement connected to Deacon, it could be something like Make Deacon stop and reconsider his action.

For Jemma, since she is not connected to a witch family and is mostly self-taught, Tereza might see that as an opportunity to pass on something about the way she has been taught and how she understands magic. Maybe Teach Jemma a Truth about magic.
Could maybe lead to some annoyance, depending on how Jemma feels about being lectured by someone younger than herself (I'm thinking Tereza is 21).

(If that's the kind of goal statements Dunko had in mind)
Dec 28, 2022 9:49 pm
I could definitely see some fun dynamic between Tereza and Deacon with him being a spontaneous caster and her being calm and ritual-focused (Does Deacon have any Occult/ritual talent?), so both having very different approaches to magic. Exacerbated by how his sister can't stand the objectively wrong way in which Tereza casts her rituals. If I'm reading him wrong, let me know, but I get the impression that he'd be kind of impulsive and headstrong.
Maybe for a goal statement connected to Deacon, it could be something like Make Deacon stop and reconsider his action.

For Jemma, since she is not connected to a witch family and is mostly self-taught, Tereza might see that as an opportunity to pass on something about the way she has been taught and how she understands magic. Maybe Teach Jemma a Truth about magic.
Could maybe lead to some annoyance, depending on how Jemma feels about being lectured by someone younger than herself (I'm thinking Tereza is 21).

(If that's the kind of goal statements Dunko had in mind)
Dec 29, 2022 9:45 am
bowlofspinach says:
For Jemma, since she is not connected to a witch family and is mostly self-taught, Tereza might see that as an opportunity to pass on something about the way she has been taught and how she understands magic. Maybe Teach Jemma a Truth about magic.
Could maybe lead to some annoyance, depending on how Jemma feels about being lectured by someone younger than herself (I'm thinking Tereza is 21).
Now there is a lovely confligt! Jemma is not selftaught. She was taught by her grandmother. Jemma appreciates the new teachings but resents the implication that she is not a "real" witch.
Also Jemma is in her late twenties, like 26-29, so the age difference between them could increase that conflict.
[ +- ] Finally found some fitting avatars for Jamma
I'm trying to get my head around the people of interest, so I made this table. Please grab it and add to it
People of interest Key notes Player
The old coven Local, vanished for some reason
Jemma's grandmother Local, had some sort of falling out with The old coven
Jemma Local, head brewer, likeable, knows some spontane magic and ritual magic. Runekyndig
Tereza Hrabikova From witch famili in Prauge. Good at ritual magic. bowlofspinach
Caroline ? LightOfMidnight
Deacon Good at spontaneous elemental magic. Squadfather44
Sarah Miller Good with creature magic. WhtKnt
Last edited December 29, 2022 10:03 am
Dec 29, 2022 10:02 am
Ah right, I somehow missed the grandmother when I skimmed back. It could still work. Since the grandma rejected the oldcoven, maybe she had some unconventional teaching methods.

Alternatively that connection could work well with Sarah instead as well, since she is self-taught from what I can see, I think.
Dec 29, 2022 11:48 am
Caroline walks in, sees Tereza teaching Jemma (or vice versa) 'completely wrong' symbols, sighs, and walks out again.

Been working through trappings and did the thing where I suddenly have a completely new idea and was trying to decided how much to lean into it :p

Caroline is very wel versed in magic, specialise in spontaneous but able to handle rituals as well. She flaunts it where she can, having fairly versatile spells, and will use magic where able. This does sometimes leave her a little clueless with technology or more mundane workings, but she won't admit it.

One notable use of her magic is Alabastor, a brownie she often summons to help with chores or other small things. A small brown furred humanoid, the fey is often seen around by those in the know but obviously hides from the non magical.

He and a couple of her other spells, notably the vines she summons from under her sleeves to defend herself seem reminiscent of fey magic, though anyone pointing it out just gets a shrug and a very quick change of conversation. Her rituals and other spells are far more traditional, and she's quite particular in the right way to do magic. She has high expectations for herself and others, but is will to teach ithers if wanted.. Or sometimes even if not.

A buisness major she lends that knowledge to the brewery, though she has a genuine interest in craft beer and the brewery process herself, possible occasionally leading to Jemma shooing her out the room when she tries to 'help'.

Think I said somewhere but was thinking she and Jemma met in Salem when she first went for college/to study the line line, and bonded over craft beer, either starting the buissness together or maybe buying into it if the old owners were selling? Up to you @runekyndig if they're close friend or closer to buissness partners who acknowledge each others abilities.
Dec 29, 2022 3:46 pm
Beautiful trappings--so great!

Very cool characters all!

Just a couple more and we can get rolling--literally and figuratively.
Dec 29, 2022 7:20 pm
Sarah is self-taught (or more correctly, self-discovering).
Dec 29, 2022 7:25 pm
So that Teach a Truth about magic goal probably works better directed at her than Jemma. Though I guess the question is, which way does it cause more drama 😄
Dec 29, 2022 7:32 pm
Hey everyone. Apologies for the lack of replies, it's been a long few days at work. I'll post either tonight or tomorrow and answer all the ideas tossed at my character.

I'm looking forward to sitting at the table with everyone.
Dec 30, 2022 9:22 pm
Again I'm trying to gather all the current idears to get some structure. It helps me anyway :)

People of interest Role in the brewery Key notes Player Jemmas Tension
The old coven Local, vanished for some reason Bloody old crown that ostracize her grandmother
Tera Hensly Bookkeeper
Jemma's grandmother Local, had some sort of falling out with The old coven Why did she leave me? (Grandmother disappeared along with the coven)
Jemma Head brewer Local, head brewer, likeable, knows some spontaneous magic and ritual magic. ~28yoRunekyndig
Tereza Hrabikova in-house store and does marketing Been in Salem for a few years. From witch famili in Prauge. Good at ritual magic. ~21yo @bowlofspinach Has some interesting views on magical theory, but just because it is in a book, doesn't make it more valid than her intuitive magic.
Caroline Shaw business side/ management From the UK, came to study leylines. Sister to Deacon ~24yo @LightOfMidnight Business partner, Jemma loves Caroline's UK accent, but Jemma is convinced that Caroline is straight as can be, and trying to seduce her would only cause problems for their business venture.
Deacon Shaw Head bouncer, bartender, assistant brewer From the UK. Good at spontaneous elemental magic. Brother to Caroline ~23yo@Squadfather44 Think he is a bull in a china shop
Sarah Miller ??? New to Salem. Empath and Healer. Good with creature magic. @WhtKnt
@Dunko It depends on the old-convent-disappeared-plot, but I'm very open to the idea that Jemma's grandmother disappeared along with the coven. Grandmother and the coven have some history together
Last edited December 30, 2022 9:52 pm
Dec 30, 2022 9:41 pm
I'll make a table like that from Tereza's perspective tomorrow. It's a good idea.

For Tereza's role in the brewery, she primarily runs the in-house store and does marketing. Of course, helping out all around just comes with running a small failing business.
She also got there around one year ago rather than a few years
Dec 30, 2022 9:44 pm
That's a solid idea, well done!
Dec 30, 2022 10:26 pm
@Dunko It depends on the old-convent-disappeared-plot, but I'm very open to the idea that Jemma's grandmother disappeared along with the coven. Grandmother and the coven have some history together
I love it! To clarify, she was a member of the coven, correct? Was she a witch of high standing?
Dec 30, 2022 11:07 pm
Dunko says:
@Dunko It depends on the old-convent-disappeared-plot, but I'm very open to the idea that Jemma's grandmother disappeared along with the coven. Grandmother and the coven have some history together
I love it! To clarify, she was a member of the coven, correct? Was she a witch of high standing?
Sure. Unknown to Jemma Granny could very well have been the coven leader at some point but then exiled due to reasons
Dec 31, 2022 11:34 am
People of interest Role in the brewery Key notes Player Tereza's Relation
The Hrabicoven Tereza's family (Hrabik/Hrabikova), very influential coven over in Europe They excommunicated me for not living up to their standards for a potential future High Priestess.
Tereza's father Still living in Prague, one of the few members of that coven who still speak to Tereza At least he still cares. A little bit.

Alina Andreyeva Head of the university's slavic society, history student and hobby martial artist My first real non-witch friend. How exciting!
Tereza Hrabikova In-house store and does marketing Been in Salem for about a year. From witch family in Prague. Good at ritual magic. ~21yo bowlofspinach She's simply amazing. And that hair is just fabulous!
Jemma Head brewer Local, head brewer, likeable, knows some spontaneous magic and ritual magic. ~28yoRunekyndig She has magical talent but her form and practice is all wrong. I'll help her.
Caroline Shaw Business side/ management From the UK, came to study leylines. Sister to Deacon ~24yo LightOfMidnight My first friend here and actually the reason I came to Salem in the first place. I hope she doesn't think I'm too possessive of her.
Deacon Shaw Head bouncer, bartender, assistant brewer From the UK. Good at spontaneous elemental magic. Brother to Caroline ~23yoSquadfather44 There's something fascinating about his raw magic power, but he definitely needs to get better control over it.
Sarah Miller ? New to Salem. Empath and Healer. Good with creature magic. WhtKnt Ah, someone who doesn't know much about witch society yet and who I can educate. While picking up all those small interesting things she lets slip...
Jan 2, 2023 2:06 am
A little looking into Caroline's mindset...

People of interest Role in the brewery Key notes Player Tereza's Relation
Parents The Shaw Parents expect their kids to live up to the Shaw name, and excel in magic I’ve already messed up in front of them once, I can’t do it again.
Tera Hensley Bookeeper Head of the university's slavic society, history student and hobby martial artist Does good work, though sometimes I probably stress her out with demanding to see the books with how the companies currently going….
Tereza Hrabikova In-house store and does marketing Been in Salem for about a year. From witch family in Prague. Good at ritual magic. ~21yo bowlofspinach Sweet, hopefully her journey to here doesn’t end in disappointment. Her form in infuriating however. It shouldn’t even work…
Jemma Head brewer Local, head brewer, likeable, knows some spontaneous magic and ritual magic. ~28yoRunekyndig Amazing, good at brewing, likely sees me and the business side as why its failing at the moment. Need to prove myself to her, and not be a disappointment.
Caroline Shaw Business side/ management From the UK, came to study leylines. Sister to Deacon ~24yo LightOfMidnight I need to be at the top of my game and perfect. I can’t screw up again. Definitely not in the closet.
Deacon Shaw Head bouncer, bartender, assistant brewer From the UK. Good at spontaneous elemental magic. Brother to Caroline ~23yoSquadfather44 We have sibling arguments from time to time but I can rely on him when it comes to it. But why did he have to be skilled in fire magic?
Sarah Miller ? New to Salem. Empath and Healer. Good with creature magic. WhtKnt Good to add a new witch to the fold, but I might need to get to her magic before Tereza starts corrupting her form.
Jan 2, 2023 8:16 pm
@Squadfather44,@WhtKnt No rush, but once you get a preliminary character submitted we can take this setting / show for a spin!
Jan 3, 2023 12:42 pm
No worries, I'm still in the game. Work got carried away fir a couple days.
Jan 5, 2023 3:21 am
Apologies for the delay, I'll post my character sheet in the morning and make my opening post.

Excellent opening post!
Jan 5, 2023 2:31 pm
Quick question to whoever can answer it. Since Deacon is going to be a spontaneous caster...should he invest points in spell casting as well as focus?
Jan 5, 2023 2:37 pm
I don't have the rulebook with me right now to check but the way I remember it, there are multiple spellcasting skills, depending on what type of magic you use (stuff like alchemy, psionics, faith-based...). And focus is the skill we'll be using in this game for it (for non-ritual magic). I assume if there is a skill called "spellcasting", that refers to a different type of magic and isn't relevant here.

But I might be wrong
Jan 5, 2023 3:49 pm
... I have spellcasting. May have missed the focus memo?

As I understood from books it depends what you pick for your Arcane background. For AB (Magic) it's normally spellcasting.

If it's focus I may need to do some fiddling myself :p
Jan 5, 2023 4:26 pm
Maybe I misremembered, since I only use Occult. Dunko knows best.

Also, maybe in a game about owning a craft beer brewery, the first action shouldn't be to change our product to cider or whiskey 🤣
Jan 5, 2023 10:13 pm
Let it be known I did nit make up bacon stout that's a real thing. As is marshmallow stout. The bacon stout was salty :p

Also I like the idea that only a couple of the coven actuly know about beer somehow.
Last edited January 5, 2023 10:14 pm
Jan 5, 2023 10:18 pm
I'm certain Tereza has read up and knows the theory. She just can't stand the taste, which makes the job of coming up with ideas... difficult
Jan 6, 2023 1:27 am
What folks said about Arcane Background (AB) is correct--each one is tied to its own skill.


Trappings is the name of the game, and if you feel your witch uses focus and their Spirit over Spellcasting and Smarts, well then I say that's what your witch does!

BUT, just stick with one AB. And note the difference in spread between Starting Powers and Power Points--gifted only starts with one power!

EDIT! Wait; for this game you will use whatever Skill is associated with magic you see your witch doing. Primarily Magic + Spellcasting, and Occult can sub in for rituals. But I think Gifted + Focus works if that's how you picture them playing.
Jan 6, 2023 7:11 am
I will make my opening post tonight. I want to have enough time to do the opening justice
Jan 6, 2023 5:22 pm

What is the financial situation for the Shaw siblings? Are we financially on our on or does Mom and Dad cover rent...etc?
Jan 6, 2023 6:27 pm
I was thinking that technically we could ask for help and they have the money but Caroline at least is determined to prove she doesn't need help. Especially not with the business.
Jan 6, 2023 6:44 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
I was thinking that technically we could ask for help and they have the money but Caroline at least is determined to prove she doesn't need help. Especially not with the business.
Sounds like a plan, we can go with that.
Jan 6, 2023 6:46 pm
ooooooOOOOOO, just a thought...maybe their parents have even provided big money in the past... or even the start up capital? And maybe it did not go well 😆. Extra reason to avoid them.
Jan 6, 2023 6:47 pm
Dunko says:
ooooooOOOOOO, just a thought...maybe their parents have even provided big money in the past... or even the start up capital? And maybe it did not go well 😆. Extra reason to avoid them.
Nothing like a bit of added Drama...I like it.
Jan 8, 2023 8:17 pm
My post is based on the Chief knowing the truth about us. If that's not the case, I'll gladly edit my post.
Jan 8, 2023 8:22 pm

Seems like she knows based on her character description
Jan 8, 2023 9:58 pm
Yes she knows!! She knows aaaaaaaalllllllllllll about you.
Jan 10, 2023 10:31 pm
I gave Sarah miracles because that's closest to what Wicca is, Should I go a different route?
Jan 10, 2023 10:48 pm
WhtKnt says:
I gave Sarah miracles because that's closest to what Wicca is, Should I go a different route?
Not at all! It works all works! I can picture cool dynamics between the different ways of practice; it's all great stuff.
Jan 13, 2023 4:21 pm
Oops, we crossposted 😅
Jan 13, 2023 4:41 pm
Does Hadly know about magic? Or just think we're a weird bunch sometimes brought along
Jan 13, 2023 8:00 pm
Let's make a Hadely the skeptic. We'll say the Cheif Trusts him, and he's in the know, but is having trouble accepting the reality he keeps seeing.
Jan 13, 2023 8:01 pm
OR / AND let's say he's not of the mind to fight fire with fire.... if you catch my drift.
Jan 13, 2023 8:01 pm
Sounds good to me!
Jan 14, 2023 3:55 pm
@Dunko I don't know if you are happy for me to control Alabaster or if you want to. I know it differs with DMs on things like familars/extra characters. He's a fae, so see him as kind of playful and mischievous and sometimes needing to be kept an eyes on. Unless in your mind fae in your world are different of course :P

For everyone just some trivia - The image of a brown furred humanoid comes from a my childhood of reading a book, which cemented that in my mind, rather than the more classic tiny humans. I've manage to find a could of illustrations from said book, (Dragon rider) but it was a struggle. (Ignore the four arms, some of them had four in the book)
[ +- ] Alabastor Inspiration
The coven knows about Alabaster and is used to seeing him around the brewery doing chores. She always summons him alone however, and she keeps her arms covered. Deacon would likely know a tiny bit more -

LightOfMidnight sent a note to Dunko,Squadfather44
Jan 14, 2023 10:15 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
@Dunko I don't know if you are happy for me to control Alabaster or if you want to. I know it differs with DMs on things like familars/extra characters.
I am 100% happy with you controlling Alabaster if that's that gameplay feel you want! It seems like you have a good idea in your head who this character is and I'd never want to take that away.

However, if you prefer to have Alabaster as an NPC you can bounce of just let me know and I'll happily take on that role for you. I think I get what you're saying regarding his personality and the kind of fae he is.

Also, these are some cool looking creatures!
Jan 18, 2023 9:06 pm
All, my father-in-law is in the ICU with heart trouble. Please forgive me if I miss a beat and if I am slowing things down too much, go ahead and bot me, please. I don’t know how long this will be, but I expect at least through the weekend.
Jan 18, 2023 9:15 pm
I'm very sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself and your family, and don't worry about the game at all!
Jan 23, 2023 2:10 am
My father-in-law passed away at 2:04 am this morning. I will be taking a few days to be with my wife during her time of grief and will return shortly. Thank you for understanding.
Jan 23, 2023 1:43 pm
I'm very sorry to hear that. For what it's worth you have my condolences.
Jan 31, 2023 2:58 pm
Sorry! Long, unexpected weekend got me behind on the week. Reading and Posting after my morning meetings!
Jan 31, 2023 8:09 pm
I'm not sure how my Ritual Edge interacts with the complex trouble we're doing for this ritual but normally, if I get a raise on a ritual, it finishes in half the time. I personally got a raise on my roll, but for this, I'd probably interpret it as "if we get one more success than required", question mark?

Anyway, just pointing it out. One, to ask how it works here. And two, because if we succeed and that kicks in, that'll be super impressive.
Feb 1, 2023 4:34 pm
I liked that Caroline post! Her and Tereza's disagreements about magic and mutual bickering are fun so far
Feb 1, 2023 5:32 pm
bowlofspinach says:
I'm not sure how my Ritual Edge interacts with the complex trouble we're doing for this ritual but normally, if I get a raise on a ritual, it finishes in half the time. I personally got a raise on my roll, but for this, I'd probably interpret it as "if we get one more success than required", question mark?

Anyway, just pointing it out. One, to ask how it works here. And two, because if we succeed and that kicks in, that'll be super impressive.
Great Question! So "higher level" rituals can take some time to cast:
[ +- ] Check it out
So, rather than taking, for example 30 minutes, it would only take 15 minutes. I read stuff like this as narrative permission. If ya'll had to cast a ritual real quick, for example, that edge would kick in real fast! Get it? Like if the party needed a particular version of a binding spell for example.
[ +- ] As Printed in SWADE Horror
Feb 1, 2023 5:40 pm
I get that. I'm just wondering what the requirement would be for it kicking in here. How is a raise defined if we need a total of five successes over the course of three rolls?

Again, it's not really important here but if Tereza gets bragging rights for a super fast ritual, that'd be neat. And maybe it will be important to know at a later date.
Feb 1, 2023 9:33 pm
Let's kick around some ideas. I mean, bragging rights always.

"How is a raise defined..."; I'm not sure I follow this. It's always 4 over your target. So, even if you need 6 successes in 3 rolls your target is still 4 for each roll. So if you rolled 9 you still got a raise even though there are 4 success still needed to be gotten.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on what feels cool for cutting the time in half. If you feel like there is something additional that would be cool, perhaps lowering the required successes by a value? Just spit balling.
Feb 2, 2023 12:27 am
That's fine with me, I just figured that that was somewhat easy. Going off your OOC when you introduced this challenge, I could have just rolled myself three times, giving me pretty good odds of at least one raise in there (and actually requiring that in order to meet the success threshold, meaning that I can only either fail or succeed in half the time).
Saying that raise refers instead to the total number of successes needed for the challenge and would therefore kick in if we get total +1 (in this case, six) successes, feels more in the spirit of it to me.

But I may just be overthinking it 🤷‍♀️I'm happy to say that it is independent of the total successes and only refers to whether my personal roll (or one of them, if I roll multiple times) had a raise.
Feb 3, 2023 4:40 am
IDK, I'm kinda dumb, but I see what you're saying now.

Reading the Ritual writeup, in fact, raises for the spell are based on the last roll. So that'd make sense.

BUT, even at physical table I can't stand initiative order (I know, I know), and what you've said here makes much sense to me.

So, let's do this.
Scenario: Tereza's Ritual Edge Time Saver Kicking In
Given A Ritual Dramatic Task has been completed successfully
And the party got at least 1 more success than they needed
When Tereza took part in the Dramatic Task with at least 1 Roll
Then the ritual was completed in half the time expected.

If you're cool with that, let's hit the gavel and codify it.
Feb 6, 2023 5:37 pm

If you read this Squad, I hope all is well, and speedy recovery vibes going out.
Feb 8, 2023 6:16 pm
Should we be hopping into the scene Caro set up for the morning?
Feb 8, 2023 6:26 pm
Sorry if it was a simpler one, thought more to start trying to set the idea of ;the norm; for the group than an extravagant one (Also that and my post got eaten :P)
Feb 8, 2023 6:34 pm
I like the post! Just want to make sure Dunko wants us to hop in and doesn't have something else to post first. I have the tendency to jump the gun sometimes.

Also, hey, are you calling me extravagant 😆 I may just like to indulge sometimes when I get the chance to throw out a big post (as you may have noticed in the WaW game)
Feb 8, 2023 6:40 pm
The sorry was more for everyone if was expecting a little more to the scene than just a ;morning starts, the decorations are finally coming down' :P

I also agree on indulgence on certain posts :P
Feb 8, 2023 7:06 pm
Please, by all means, jump all the guns. I'm a firm believer of GMs being the ones playing catch up--you all lead it! Jump on in, ask each other leading, open ended questions, etc!

And if anyone isn't in a scene you tell us why and where you are instead.
Feb 9, 2023 11:44 pm
Relised we invited Chief to the ritual and not Tara..thats my guess. Whoops...
Feb 10, 2023 1:55 pm
Correct 😀
Feb 24, 2023 5:27 pm
Oops, Tara's going to die now 🤷‍♀️
Feb 25, 2023 9:41 pm
Aww, Andrej is sweet. I like him
Feb 26, 2023 10:42 am
Kind of regretting not taking that last benny offered to me... everything's gonna be fine right? :P

Also laughing at Poor Jemma tring to be stealthy and Tereza not helping.
Feb 26, 2023 10:44 am
Maybe Jemma can shove T into a different hallway so only she gets discovered and Jemma doesn't 😅 Sorry for ruining things, rune
Feb 26, 2023 12:44 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Maybe Jemma can shove T into a different hallway so only she gets discovered and Jemma doesn't 😅 Sorry for ruining things, rune
No worries - no it is good the get the characters gathered again
Feb 27, 2023 2:14 pm
Something I've been meaning to ask for a while, @Dunko, but never remembered when I was near the book to check it out and was now reminded by it, well, being relevant in this scene. I had this in an earlier post:
"You go without me. I keep searching here," she says. In a joking tone, she adds, "I'm no use in dark, creepy forest. I would faint." The others know that while she is clearly exaggerating, Tereza does get more easily spooked than the rest of the coven.
I was referencing my Hesitant Hindrance, but I kind of liked that as a character trait for her, so I was wondering if you'd mind me taking the Yellow Hindrance. I'm already maxed out on Hindrance Points, so it wouldn't give me any benefits. Aside from me liking Hindrances 😅
[ +- ] Yellow
Feb 27, 2023 2:33 pm
I don't mind at all, BUT I'd say if you play it in scenes you absolutely should get the benny for it!

I say anytime a character is being "suboptimal" or adding to drama they are rewarded(!!!!)!
Feb 27, 2023 2:35 pm
Well, I won't argue against that. Adding it to my sheet
Mar 2, 2023 4:31 pm
Sooo.. Thing are going well :p

Apologies if you guys have to go on a rescue mission.. If just doesn't make sense to try and fight Braddock alone, nit while there are other that can get caught in it.
Mar 2, 2023 4:33 pm
Don't worry. It's not going much better anywhere else either 💁‍♀️
Mar 2, 2023 4:58 pm
Oh yeah I meant for you guys too :p

Hopefully Braddock is heading to pick up lackeys and we can regroup.
Mar 5, 2023 9:07 pm
Oh, this is interesting! Caroline is joining the dark side.

Also, I am slightly concerned that Jemma murdering someone with a shotgun might potentially affect Tereza's chances with the Chief, but we will see how that goes 😆
Mar 5, 2023 9:24 pm
Look when you are at the whim of a dark witch you may as well learn as much as you can till you can get free... Right? :p
Last edited March 5, 2023 9:50 pm
Mar 10, 2023 7:25 pm
Would like to say I know no-one will be picking up these texts, but Caroline doesn't know that. She's assuming Tara let you
all know what's happened and everything is fine with you guys, opposed to you all bean worse off than her :P
Mar 12, 2023 6:17 pm
Just wanted to say thank you all for your continued thoughtful and story driving posts. Such a cool group and I'm excited to see where y'all are taking this 😄
Mar 12, 2023 6:34 pm
Yes, I'm really enjoying this game. Such fun characters and such a fun story.
Thanks, players, and thanks, Dunko! 🧙‍♀️
Mar 12, 2023 11:52 pm
Very enjoyable and I'm hoping now that the convention is over to get a little more involved.
Mar 13, 2023 12:29 am
Also very much enjoying it. Interesting to see where things go!

As we've worked with Sweeney before is she often by th book? Can Caroline assume she's likely called back up without me accidentfally meta gaming that fact? Or when it comes to magic etc does she try and get as little of her force involved as possible?
Last edited March 13, 2023 12:29 am
Mar 13, 2023 3:59 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
Also very much enjoying it. Interesting to see where things go!

As we've worked with Sweeney before is she often by th book? Can Caroline assume she's likely called back up without me accidentfally meta gaming that fact? Or when it comes to magic etc does she try and get as little of her force involved as possible?
What I'm feelin' from it is that there are only a couple officers who are in the know--Hadley mainly, and some as of yet unnamed dispatcher.

Let's say Caroline would know all this, as well as the fact that Sweeney has def been observed to "break the rules" on at least one occasion when it came to magic and the supernatural.
Mar 14, 2023 7:50 am
I've heard of fighting fire with fire, but fighting vines wtih vines is a new one to me 😄
Mar 14, 2023 10:36 am
bowlofspinach says:
I've heard of fighting fire with fire, but fighting vines wtih vines is a new one to me 😄
There has been reasons Caroline's been very bothered by vines having a particular nightmare.

This is either going to go great, or very badly. Kept umming and erring if she was going to try and keep delaying. But she does have overconfident and there was an opening. If I hadn't hit post by accident may have ended up deleting it. But we'll see what happens....

... Come quick guys please Caroline's not as good as she thinks she is :p
Mar 14, 2023 4:43 pm
Just confirming I've completed the post. Now for consequences...
Mar 17, 2023 5:15 pm
Dunko says:
LightOfMidnight says:
Although sadly summon ally doesn't seem to last long because I can absolutely see her abusing it to do the menial tasks she's lumped with.
So, I consider "casting powers" (i.e., spending Power Points) to be something that's done when there are stakes--I actually consider rolling to be something that's only done when there are stakes. So, you can use any of your powers in a narrative sense at anytime, and you can even use them to make tests against characters, without having to spend Power Points. It's a homebrew I've used for a long time, and has actually become codified as cantrips in the SWADE for Pathfinder book.

Feel like I just need some clarification at when 'stakes' have come into it for Caroline and her power points. As if it's from healing Tara she's nearly out of magic. If it's just when she decided to pick the fight she's still got some on the tank
Mar 17, 2023 7:58 pm
If it's just when she decided to pick the fight she's still got some on the tank
This 100%. No power points spent to Heal Tara for sure.
Mar 18, 2023 3:48 pm
Aww, Alabaster is cute <3
Mar 18, 2023 10:30 pm
Quick reminder that Caroline has been sending texts.. that won't make complete sense as ashe was assuming Tara had a chance to let you all know what happened at the cafe (Though I do believe Jemma has missed calls from Wyatt), but she does mention the Talisman. Of course whether or not people are going to check their phones with everything going on is up in the air :P
Mar 20, 2023 4:17 pm
Haha I was thinking just that...that there are likely many a missed call out there! I think Tara has def called Sweeney!
Mar 22, 2023 6:52 pm
A talisman as the source of the villain's power? I know this one. What we need is an octagon!

Also, the parking lot is the scene of Caroline's fight, right? Is Sweeney tellign Caroline that Caroline is in trouble?
Mar 22, 2023 7:02 pm
Tbf Caroline might need telling she's in trouble...
Mar 22, 2023 10:12 pm
@runekyndig I apreciate the cavalry, but think Jemma needs to get in the car as I understand the parking lot she's fighting in is a drive rather than run away.

.... Someone give Caroline a lecture on picking fights after this.

Though of she survives giving her Elan or a pick based edge with first advancement as she's been lucky with these
Mar 23, 2023 12:49 pm
Lol, oh man checking the potential posting mistake now lol
Mar 23, 2023 12:53 pm
O.K., no I phrased it awkward--it sounded clearer in my head 😆, like "It's Caroline! She's in trouble!"
Mar 23, 2023 1:17 pm
I was more confused because I associated the term "parking lot" with the Caroline scene. I was thinking of our scene being more on the sidewalk. But I just decided to go along with the reasonable assumption that Sweeney was talking to us
Mar 25, 2023 8:05 pm
Was genuinely actually hoping for Caroline t o get hurt here. One post about what people see as they arrive coming up!
Mar 25, 2023 8:05 pm
Definitely the perfect dramatic moment for her to get hurt!
Mar 25, 2023 11:13 pm
Sorry for the delay in the post. Was writing it, then something came up. Confirming its now updated, and Caroline's luck is running out.
Mar 27, 2023 5:06 am
Tereza's not getting out of the car. She's a coward and she has no offensive magic or weapons. That's why I'm waiting for the others to post first and then act after them. Makes more sense in my head.
Mar 27, 2023 5:44 am
Sarah is a pacifist and will not go full offensive. This may be... problematic. :)
Mar 27, 2023 5:54 am
At least Jemma will probably try to defend her darling 😅 Oh boy, we're the worst cavalry ever
Mar 27, 2023 6:13 am
bowlofspinach says:
At least Jemma will probably try to defend her darling 😅 Oh boy, we're the worst cavalry ever
Jemma have no offensive magic either, but she has a shotgun :)
Mar 27, 2023 6:22 am
I vote for the shotgun :p.

Caroline is almost out of magic herself...
Mar 27, 2023 6:41 am
No objections to shooting this guy with a gun. He's not just a puppet.
Mar 27, 2023 6:46 am
Also, yay for that damage roll!
Mar 27, 2023 6:48 am
Caroline: something about how combat magic is superior
Jemma pumbs her shotgut: You were saying?
Mar 27, 2023 6:49 am
Was litterally about to say Light is very happy about that damage roll, Caroline is going to be very grumpy after spending several rounds trying to fight this guy.
Mar 27, 2023 6:50 am
Well, our combat witch has unfortunately been deaconmissioned. So we have to make do with what we have.
Mar 27, 2023 11:59 am
Well I know what Caroline's doing after this (Alongside nursing her pride) .. Grilling Deacon on fighting technique...

I have a strong feeling almost every advancement for her is going to be the extra powers edge...So if you need magic she can do it. Anything else.. Blank stare.
Last edited March 27, 2023 12:08 pm
Mar 27, 2023 10:28 pm
So confession. Originally Caroline's fighting style was going to be buffing Al and him fight, and then the vines bolt in the back pocketfor emergencies.

But Alabaster is too cute and that now seems cruel :p So she's likely got by buffing Deacon while he's taken on the threats in the past.

Also to the surprise of no-one while she won't protest being patched up (too much) she will not anyone lead her away from the fight right now.
Mar 28, 2023 4:28 am
Maybe after he gets buffed, he turns from cute furry creature to big strong Tiefling champion (Paladin)
Mar 28, 2023 5:42 am
XD. Nah the buffs not that good. That's the next servant :p. (As rank goes up she gets acess to more servants/St locks. The third one wil be fun if we get there. It's a second Caroline.)
Mar 29, 2023 6:43 am
Waiting, as believe Sarah's heal was her previous turn so she still gets and action before Caroline? If not will try and post later today.
Apr 1, 2023 6:09 pm
Oh no, Sarah. What are you doing? 😅
Apr 6, 2023 12:11 pm
I would like to say we do not have to go with Caroline's plan. In fact Caroline's plan is likely not a very clever plan given she's already tricked the guy once and he's not pleased with her:P

Also I have read about shorting in the Savage Wolrd books and this is dangerous knowledge to have with the kind of character Caroline is turning out to be.
Apr 7, 2023 11:36 am
We can't catch a break. First the attack on the historical society, then the showdown with Mable, then the showdown with Braddock and now he is getting back up?!
We, or I at least, haven't had a chance to put the pieces together yet as to what is happening. I expected that now Braddock was down we could talk and compare notes and investigate the mansion in the woods, but it appears that we have to stress onwards. I don't like that - this is not fun.
Apr 7, 2023 11:09 pm
runekyndig says:
We can't catch a break. First the attack on the historical society, then the showdown with Mable, then the showdown with Braddock and now he is getting back up?!
We, or I at least, haven't had a chance to put the pieces together yet as to what is happening. I expected that now Braddock was down we could talk and compare notes and investigate the mansion in the woods, but it appears that we have to stress onwards. I don't like that - this is not fun.
I'm not really sure what to say; there are no 'breaks' to catch, and no characters, including the entire party, has to stress onwards. It's not supposed to be a traditional TTRPG environment. I don't know, maybe I've not been clear with the tone, or yeah maybe it's just not fun, and if that's the case sorry--it is a pilot after all 😔.

I don't know, I've always hosted Savage Worlds as gonzo, fast, and preferably mechanically light. As I noted I was trying for a punchy, Buffy episode feel--monster introduced, check some leads, and then have a confrontation. I felt like I was following where the characters were taking it, but maybe my gauge is off.

I was trying to deliver what I stated in the pitch...

"....as GM I come up with scenarios, set scenes, and introduce complications to the characters plans, etc. but I'm not telling a story. The characters (players) are telling the story. We're a writers room, working together--I have a plot outline, a monster, hook or complication, and you all flesh it out by interacting with it! So backstory elements, plans, town NPCs, answers to the mystery, all need to be driven by active characters and player ideas!"

...but, again, if I'm failing at it I'm sorry--time is valuable and I hope I didn't waste anyone's time.
Apr 7, 2023 11:30 pm
You haven't wasted my time. I am genuinely enjoying, and been having fun tryi g to figure out what to do in various situations.

I mean yes this current moment seems tricky as Caroline's almost out of magic, but hence her current gambit of trying to lead him to the farm if the others need time.
Apr 8, 2023 5:15 am
Time haven't been waisted. That is important to get across. I have enjoyed myself up to now. I really like the artwork you are using

I have been in a few stress games and i eventually had to leave them. I play to decouple and reduce stress not to get more stressed.

If the intention of the game is to press on with this high pace, then let us write Jemma out of the story
Apr 8, 2023 5:38 am
I do see where rune is coming from, though it's not personally stressing me OOC. We're in a fight with Braddock that seems unavoidable and unwinnable. We have no way of fleeing or catching a break without him wreaking havoc on the city and everyone we know while none of us (except Jemma) can still fight.
We have a way to solve this situation with the ritual but I can't figure out a way to get away from him long enough to implement it, but maybe I'm missing something.

That said, despite the fact that my character has literally zero she can contribute as soon as a fight starts 😅, I am really enjoying this game. It's one of my clear favorites that I'm in on GP.

It might just be time for us to stick our heads together OOC and try to come up with a plan.
Last edited April 8, 2023 5:38 am
Apr 8, 2023 3:13 pm
I am in agreeance with the others. No time has been wasted here and I'm enjoying the story, despite the relative ineffectiveness of my character (which was my choice!). Sarah is a healer, not a fighter. Right at this moment, she's out of power, so that limits her options somewhat, but that doesn't mean that I'm not enjoying having to think on my feet. I agree with Bowl that we need to formulate a solid plan. Alone, we are ineffective, but together, we should be able to overcome this foe.
Apr 9, 2023 10:36 am
Alright, thinking about a plan here: Maybe Caroline's idea of surrendering herself to Braddock isn't the worst plan. It would keep him occupied and she would just need to stall him for long enough for the rest of us to go back to Tereza's place and cast the coin-destroying ritual.
Caroline could frame it to Braddock as sacrificing herself so he spares her friends.

Of course, that working relies on Braddock's blood counting as fey (or us finding another fey to steal blood from). I'm also assuming Al will allow us to take some blood for the other needed component.

Apr 11, 2023 12:22 pm
Yeah framing it as trying to protect the others was the plan. Originally had written her starting to speak to Braddock to give others a chance to interrupt.

Sems like the best idea right now. Get the non fighters out of there, and doing what they are good at.

I can pop up another post expanding on this later today? Try and get us moving again?
Apr 11, 2023 12:25 pm
Sounds like a good idea! At least the best one I can come up with. We'll just have to hope we can manage before Caroline becomes a mindless plant zombie (or at least before that becomes permanent)
Apr 11, 2023 7:19 pm
Sounds good to me, as good as anything I could come up with, anyway. Let's give it a go!
Apr 24, 2023 6:20 pm
thanks for the game, but now I'll step out

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