Hm, going through the powers in the core book, there isn't really anything divination-like available for Novice characters, which is kind of annoying since that's the direction I wanted to focus on. I guess I'll go more for general support.
Since casting rituals still requires to
know the spell/power, I assume we're lifting the requirement for having an arcane background in order to get powers (via New Powers edge). Otherwise, it wouldn't really be possible to build a ritual character without an arcane background.
Current plan is Arcane Protection, Boost/Lower Trait, Mind Reading, Speak Language (2x New Powers)
EDIT: I just saw the Locate spell in the Pinebox powers you shared. I'm definitely taking that one. Probably instead of Boost/Lower Trait.
Going full ritual doesn't make mechanical sense since Arcane Background + New Powers gives 5 powers while 2x New Powers only gives four for the same price (while limiting me to rituals), but I prefer it for flavor for my character, so I'm still planning it that way. No moment-to-moment casting, only rituals.
Does this make sense this way, Dunko? I can just buy Arcane Background if you prefer, but I prefer the flavor without it.
Last edited December 24, 2022 1:20 pm