bowlofspinach says:
Do we need a Summoned Ally Rights group?
But that is good to hear, makes it easier to fit the using magic where ever she can.
Squadfather44 says:
@LightOfMidnight- we can definitely tie our characters together with either idea. Which one is easiest for you?
Don't mind. Siblings/cousins could be interesting, especially if you are more blast and shes more versatility (Though I have currently grabbed bolt two that can be changed, especially as her ally can support in fights), but does mean having to pair backstories where otherwise we have more freedom. The other options gives a connection but allows more more freedom.
bowlofspinach says:
I submitted a character sheet. It's definitely not finished yet, though. Just the start.
Dunko, what are your thoughts on Hindrances. Because some are basically just narrative prompts that give you points. Is that an issue for you or should we just go wild on them?
I know that feeling.. I literally described her as stubborn already so that immediately got put on. I guess the thing with hinderances is if its codified on the sheet you've got to try and make that trait actually cause problems at times?
I currently have a minor phobia bookmarked but trying to decided what would be fitting, and actually come up. And literally as I;m writing this one has come into mind that could tie back to Squad with him doing elemental stuff, which would the be fire. The other was insects which could be a little stereotypical, but also come up.
Also if anyone hasn't;t already found it is great for char generation for those who fid a generator helpful.