OOC and Character Chatter

Dec 21, 2022 10:15 pm
Let's use this space to talk about characters, and then roll it into the OOC chat zone once the game starts.

Make sure you read the Character Section in the Games Details Page!

Some things to know about characters:

- We're using Conviction (extendable, carried from Episode to Episode type Benny)

- You can use any powers that are found in the recently released Pinebox Middle School--not the SW:D Horror companion at this time--but we'll roll in the SWADE one when it's released (I'm a backer). I'm pulling a lot of the ideas from it.

- Your characters really should have some tensions to get the most out of play--I'll say it here just to set the record straight: character thoughts and opinions are not player opinions. Let's respect that, and allow for other characters to help multi-faceted opinions of our PCs. Which leads to...

-...I've always encouraged persuasion contests against each other when decisions and ideas are deadlocked, etc. It's just a game after all, and we're represented fictional people! I'd hope you'd all be into it, but I'd not force it on anyone.

- Feel free to come up with extras, and I'll fill the supporting cast with them as well. BUT NPCs and extras will never drive the story. And I go Free League on them--meaning I generally don't roll for NPC vs NPC action; I just decide what happens.

So, let's make a great show, shall we!?

As I noted, I'm planning on posting Mon, Wed, Fri with story moving posts, or with requests for characters to narrate beats. Thanks!
Dec 21, 2022 11:50 pm
Here's my rough idea for my character.

He's from a definite lineage of witches, dating back to the days of the original witch hunts. He's more of the aggressor/offensive spell slinger, yet he's definitely loyal to the coven and those he cares about.

His negative trait...He's the impatient type that'll definitely leap before he looks. Especially if there's a legitimate threat to the above mentioned people.
Dec 22, 2022 12:52 am
Sarah Miller is relatively new to the Craft. but not to her powers. She has always been good with animals and has known of her ability to heal wounds since she was 13, but she never made the connection until recently, when she discovered the Craft. Then, about two months ago, came the move to Salem. She felt drawn here, though she could not say precisely why.

She is a strong empath, able to heal the wounds of others, and enjoys an almost mystical connection with animals. Her negative trait is her tendency to get over-excited, particularly as it applies to the Craft. She often lets slip things that are better kept to herself, though she means no harm (she takes "harm none" very seriously).

"An' it harm none,
do as thou wilt."
Dec 22, 2022 4:15 am
A couple'a NPCs off the bat:

Tara Hensley
- "Only word in the english language that has three double letters in a row?", Tara is Witch Craft's Bookkeeper. Good source for hooks regarding paying rent on your building.

Wyatt Allen
-- "I left my days off on a post-it in the office...", a regular bartender at the brewery, Wyatt's a good source for hooks round employee screw ups. He's also a regular damsel in distress.

Chief Sarah Sweeney
-- "*Sigh* I guess I'm lookin' the other way; again..." Chief of Salem PD, and has a love/hate relationship with the coven. She knows the SPD is, decidedly, not equipped to handle demons and angry ghosts.

Wesley Webster
-- "Check the stacks." Wesley is Salem Public Library's head librarian. He also maintains an extensive, uncatalogued collection of ancient, arcane, and dangerous volumes--an essential, due to magical entropy's penchant for destroying digital records on magical information.
Dec 22, 2022 7:13 am
Dunko says:
- We're using Conviction (extendable, carried from Episode to Episode type Benny)

- You can use any powers that are found in the recently released Pinebox Middle School--not the SW:D Horror companion at this time--but we'll roll in the SWADE one when it's released (I'm a backer). I'm pulling a lot of the ideas from it.
Where can I read more about Conviction? In the core book?
Where can I find this Pinebox Middle School?
I like the NPC's, especally Tara Hensley will have a connection to my character. But I think you should move this post (edit,copy,paste) to a better place.
I'm already seeing my characters role in the micro-brewery as one of, if not the head brewer. Managening the vats, mixing spices, herbs ect.
[ +- ] Latest witchcraft meme
Dec 22, 2022 8:17 am
Reposting my concept for reference, since I plan to stick with it. Will elaborate on it further at some point today, but I just got up.
My character idea would be a nerdy, bookwormy witch who has come from Europe to Salem recently-ish to study the ley line there. She's far more comfortable with magic in theory than in praxis. She also doesn't actually like beer, but when she met the others and got caught up in the enthusiasm they have for the brewery (whether it already existed at that point or was still in planning), she accidentally neglected to mention that. And she's really trying her best regardless.

As for worst quality, well, she does have a tendency to be really nosy about other people's business and she has a definite ear (and mouth) for gossip.
One thing I'm thinking about is how long I should already be in town. With WhtKnt's character we already have one very new person to Salem, so I might already be here a bit longer, maybe about a year or so. I do like the idea of magic being taught differently where I'm from in Europe (Thinking of Czechia). Not dramatically so, but enough that it leads to frustrations in notation in magic books and confusion about "Why the hell are you doing your gestures like that and not this?"
Dec 22, 2022 1:41 pm
What age range are we looking for in our characters?
Dec 22, 2022 3:16 pm
runekyndig says:
Where can I read more about Conviction? In the core book?
Conviction is on page 136 of SWADE core book. The simple guts, you get Conviction when you have a moment of importance to your character via great success or failure.
[ +- ] Use
runekyndig says:
Where can I find this Pinebox Middle School?
It's not technically out yet--just Kickstarter playtest. I posted the new powers in The Resources Thread
runekyndig says:
But I think you should move this post (edit,copy,paste) to a better place.
They also appear in People and Places of Interest thread, and there they shall remain. NPCs and Places will continue to be added there.
Squadfather44 says:
What age range are we looking for in our characters?
In the USA you need to be at least 18 years of age to serve alcohol, and I think you need to be 21 to actually bartend. So between 18 and 21 as a minimum but older is good too. Just wouldn't want the bar to get shutdown :P
Dec 22, 2022 3:37 pm
For some world background, and this was just my thought, the idea is that there was an old and wise coven who once protected Salem--until recently. I don't know what happened to them, and why they are gone, and I don't think we, as players, need to know right now. Maybe one or two characters know :shrug

I also imagine there is a loose network of witches in the world, though they don't all work toward the same goal, and many aren't affiliated with anyone outside their coven.

For interpersonal themes we could think about and play into things like, "what is a coven?!" Must they be in harmony with each other? Is it just a collection of folk who do magic together? Maybe each coven, and coven ancestry, has its own culture? Coven Culture would surely be a trending idea in modern witch circles. "Check out how we do wards. #CovenCulture"
Dec 22, 2022 3:38 pm
I just spit balling!
Dec 22, 2022 3:48 pm
I think it'd be an interesting long term story arc of finding out what happened to the former coven.
Dec 22, 2022 3:56 pm
I kind of like to think of a coven as a sort of family unit, whether blood family or found family. Maybe that's even a point of contention in the wider witch community. Some families insist that covens should only be made up of one bloodline while others are open. I was thinking of my character being semi kicked out from home, so maybe she comes from a very strict, traditional family that would be horrified by a coven that is made up of friends and allies rather than blood relatives.

And defining covens as family would kind of imply that we are allowed to bicker and get mad at each other, but in the end, there would be a bond (whether social or potentially magical) that keeps us together and means that we do care about each other.
Thinking about my magic, as I said in my application, my character would be more bookish, so I would definitely be focused more on potion brewing, rituals and potentially some divination and would forego flashy in-the-moment magic.
Dec 22, 2022 4:14 pm
I like Bowl's idea about the coven. I definitely think it's worth moving in that direction.
As for my character, I see him as the more physical type in dealing with magic. Being interested in the more physical and combative side of nature, I see him dealing more with the four elements (especially Fire and Air). He'd possibly dabble in other areas, but that's a work in progress.
Last edited December 22, 2022 4:15 pm
Dec 22, 2022 5:40 pm
Current concept: Caroline Ashmore, from a longline of well established witches in the UK. Moved to Salem to study buis ess, at least as a guise while the reason was to study the ley line and see if was soenthing the family could utilise.

With it being designed to be more hassle than worth Caroline was set to head back, but had fallen in with the coven, and found the time away from family freeing, whlith none judging her every move or constantly giving 'advice', so she opted to stay, under the guise of seeing if there is something to be s done with the line after all.

Having grown up constantly expected to be perfect, she has a lot of pride, that can be easily manipulated, and stubborn about her way being best.

Withe the business starting to fail she has been very adamant in boosting it again, and refusing to ask family for monetary help or aid, as that would admit she's failing.

Idea was she has been in Salem a while now, rather than brand new, but I can change the story to her being American, but still out of town. She would likely be focused on the vusmisness/customer relations side, but can also see her taking an intrest in brewing and possibly butting heads with Jemma over suggestions of what to do with a brew.

I'm currenttly split between her being very skilled at magic, as a prodigy of the family, or the exact opposite and struggling, which is one reasons he feels the need to prove the brewery can be successful (and possibly try and use the leylines to help her own powers.)

I like the idea of the coven being found family. Also the idea of bowls that their character uses different signs as Caroline would definitely be trying to correct them.
Dec 22, 2022 5:49 pm
If your and my character are both from Europe (though from different countries) and both arrived some time ago to study the leyline here, maybe we already met in Europe and decided to come over together.
Dec 22, 2022 8:02 pm
That could definitely work, and could be her who swept your character up into helping with the brewery.

Beginning to lean towards high magic ability... To the decree she uses magic for anything she can get away with, and will just look blankly at someone suggesting a mundane methods.
Dec 22, 2022 8:05 pm
What all positions/jobs would there be at the brewery? I'm trying to think of what my character does there.
Dec 22, 2022 8:20 pm
Well, bookkeeper is taken, otherwise I could have seen that working for my character. Considering she doesn't actually know a thing about good beer, she'd probably not be doing any development or quality control. Maybe something front-facing, customer-servicey. I'm sure we have an in-house store. With her being a gossip, working directly with customers seems like something she'd enjoy.

"Buy a beer, get the latest rumor about your neighbor for free."
Dec 22, 2022 8:25 pm
Has anyone claimed Brewer or Bartender?
Dec 22, 2022 8:30 pm
These are fantastic ideas ya'll are floating around!

As for jobs at the brewery--bartender (can never have too many), brewer of any rank, someone could designate themselves as the marketer / event coordinator, someone could take on the roll of managing shifts, really just doing the odd jobs that need doing and hanging about. Let's say there is no kitchen....yet....but a tore up space in the back where big dreams of a kitchen live.

Also, as you roll, don't forget the Occult skill exists :P -- I see that happen in a lot of my supernatural themed games.

I doubt we'll hit the "deadline" but I'm thinking the first episode will be round that time, I'm thinking.
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