Where do we start?

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Jan 15, 2023 9:31 pm
Pedrop says:
Excuse me... But "everyone is thinking your feelings will be hurt" role/job is already taken!

;) ;)
I'm very OK with your ideas.
[ +- ] spoiler
Laughed out loud. Really did!
Jan 16, 2023 4:26 am
I'm going to leave Cat's involvement with the conspiracy a mystery for now. I know the truth and I might reveal it to GM so they can weave it into the storyline, but as far as the other characters, they can think whatever they like. Cat would have given over her shares in exchange for being taken on as crew, but does not really explain her urgent need to leave the sector to anyone. She took a crash course in Astrogation and uses that and her Mechanic skill to find a role onboard. Her Recon skill is more focused, having had time to hone it in her past. She does not hide her Social Standing and will verify her status if anyone asks, but speaks little about her family.
Jan 16, 2023 7:01 am
WhtKnt says:
... I might reveal it to GM so they can weave it into the storyline ...
As much as you want. Obviously the more we know the more we can bring it into the story. The other players have a role in that too, so share with them too when you feel it appropriate.

PbP stories take a long time to unfold, so 'waiting till later for a reveal' can often run into the problems of never getting there, or the big reveal falling flat, and that is assuming we don't run into the standard 'secret' problem of those events never coming into play at all because --not knowing better-- the story went in another direction.

Push for that story and we will trust that apparently-strange beats are due to things we don't yet know.
WhtKnt says:
... I'm going to leave Cat's involvement with the conspiracy a mystery ...
Cool. Can you tell us anything about the conspiracy and what happened, or is all we need to know that 'there is a civil war'? We don't need to know how you were involved or how it was your fault.

Drop me a Note with what I need for your story, but also tell the other players as much as you care to about your part in things, so they can bring up those events from their own perspective.
Example note, you should be able to click on it to 'reply' in kind.

vagueGM sent a note to WhtKnt

WhtKnt says:
... as far as the other characters, they can think whatever they like ...
You can also tell us what your character has told our characters, and we can try to keep those in-character reactions appropriate to that.
WhtKnt says:
... does not really explain her urgent need to leave ...
Presumably some of the others trust you, so that should be no problem for them. There are a lot of people leaving in a hurry.
WhtKnt says:
... She took a crash course in Astrogation ...
I am sure that 'go-getter attitude' impressed whoever was bringing the crew together --presumably Raf. And that past friendships added to the Skills you could bring.
WhtKnt says:
... does not hide her Social Standing ... will verify her status ...
Can you tell us --possibly when it comes up in play-- about these verification processes? Is there a standard system, or is it different depending on who you are verifying for? Else I can make something up, when it comes up.
Jan 16, 2023 7:01 am
I think we have enough to get this started. I will read though what we have and work up some details.

We can finish working out how we know each other and finalising our Skills after we start if need be.
Jan 16, 2023 2:31 pm
vagueGM says:
TheGenerator says:
... can be a remote person or an NPC we bring along ...
Yep. Just say which you would each preffer.
TheGenerator says:
... It might be good to have someone who can guard the ship while we're out ...
That is true too. Is this another NPC you want us to create? If we want them to mainly be by the ship, we could maybe make an ex-military, with old injuries as an excuse to not wander far from the ship.
I'm all for a weird/interesting "hacker guy or gal that stays with a ship most of the time" NPC - would be very handy in many situations, not forcing anyone to stay on the ship as in many cases that would be most logical think to do.

Unless, of course Lio want's to be our Hacker :)
Jan 16, 2023 2:36 pm
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... Even though you completely told me what my character will be doing...
Where? I did not mean to. The only places I see where that might be the case were questions starting with 'maybe'. What did I miss?
Don't worry! It was just a continuation of my joke aimed at Airshark - that "I'm the ONLY one who can has his feelings hurt in here!". So it could be a one sentence:
"I'm very OK with your ideas.... Even though you completely told me what my character will be doing... ;) But it is also OK:)"

Sorry, for confusion.
Airshark says:
Pedrop says:
Excuse me... But "everyone is thinking your feelings will be hurt" role/job is already taken!

;) ;)
I'm very OK with your ideas.
[ +- ] spoiler
Laughed out loud. Really did!
I'm really glad! :)
Jan 16, 2023 2:55 pm
Pedrop says:
vagueGM says:
TheGenerator says:
... can be a remote person or an NPC we bring along ...
Yep. Just say which you would each preffer.
TheGenerator says:
... It might be good to have someone who can guard the ship while we're out ...
That is true too. Is this another NPC you want us to create? If we want them to mainly be by the ship, we could maybe make an ex-military, with old injuries as an excuse to not wander far from the ship.
I'm all for a weird/interesting "hacker guy or gal that stays with a ship most of the time" NPC - would be very handy in many situations, not forcing anyone to stay on the ship as in many cases that would be most logical think to do.

Unless, of course Lio want's to be our Hacker :)
Don't think that fits the character
Jan 16, 2023 3:35 pm
Pedrop says:
... Don't worry! It was just a continuation of my joke ...
OK. Just making sure.
Pedrop says:
... I'm all for a weird/interesting "hacker guy or gal that stays with a ship most of the time" NPC ...
Cool. I can propose an option or two during the mission prep.
Feb 9, 2023 11:47 am
Some location name suggestions:
The galaxy: The Fossores Galaxy
The system: The Gem System
The planet: Ruby
The city: New Fiberville
The depot: The Olivia Wilson Depot ('Wilsons' for short)

With this, it would be easy to find new planet names if they're all named after gems. Maybe they also tell us something about the planet. Like Ruby has vast red sand deserts that give it a red look from space.

Side note: These are just suggestions, so if anyone wants to change some or all, that's totally fine. If there are no objections, we can lock them down :)
Feb 11, 2023 4:28 am
I like the idea that all the planets are named after gems! Very cool idea!
Feb 11, 2023 12:22 pm
WhtKnt says:
I like the idea that all the planets are named after gems! Very cool idea!
ty :)
Feb 11, 2023 1:41 pm
TheGenerator says:

... The system: The Gem System... The planet: Ruby ...

With this, it would be easy to find new planet names if they're all named after gems. Maybe they also tell us something about the planet. ...
Do we plan to spend much time in this system? There are probably only a half-dozen or so planets that anyone cares about, and you are not exactly welcome here after your actions.

If we want, we can extend the gem theme to all the systems in this 'kingdom' so you have more to play with.

But you also might want to think about how far you are running, and in which direction. I planned to ask the question towards the end of the heist --when we know how much trouble you are in-- and then we can define the easy route --maybe towards the core-- or the hard route --maybe towards the rim-- or whether you are running into the complete unknown.
TheGenerator says:
... Like Ruby has vast red sand deserts that give it a red look from space. ...
Cool. So this is a largely 'desert planet' that we are on? I will avoid the cyberpunk/noir-rain that almost felt appropriate to our meeting, it felt equally Vegasy, anyway. :)
Feb 11, 2023 11:23 pm
Hehe, I was thinking Vegasy as well. :)

I named the system galaxy after the latin word for "miners". So other systems could be a metal one or a gas one. Anything you can mine or drill for, I suppose :) Maybe even any element on the periodic table.

But the kingdom thing also works. Would that be a grouping of a few systems?
Last edited February 12, 2023 6:20 pm
Feb 12, 2023 6:12 am
TheGenerator says:
... I named the system after the latin word for "miners" ...
Though most think it is named for the wasps, which is probabaly why their ships are styled and panted that way. :)

We'll ignore the confusion of 'system' vs 'galaxy'. The game does not define 'galaxy', though I have thoughts about it given our diaspora, we can assume we are not leaving this galaxy under normal circumstances.

A 'System' is a 'solar-system', it has a star (sun) (could be twin or so on), and some Planets. Normally only a handful of these planets have any 'value', and even fewer have anything living on them full time.

Most have Gas Giant Planets that can be mined fro fuel even if they have nothing else.
TheGenerator says:
... kingdom thing also works. Would that be a grouping of a few systems? ...

If we want to keep the miner-originated names we can easily say the founders were a group of miners who settled here.

Almost every system mines their local resources. Asteroids and uninhabitable planets are fair game, and systems with multiple inhabited planets can have clashes over who 'owns' what mining rights on the objects in space.
If you Jump to another system in the same 'kingdom' you might have a few years before they learn of your actions here. Jump Drives are rare enough that we can say that news needs to travel at the speed of light, and Systems are far away (even if a 'kingdom' might consist of relatively closer ones). Bad rolls may, of course, result in another ship jumping in with news, we don't want to make Jump Ships that rare.

If you Jump away from the 'kingdom' then your 'wanted status' here becomes much less important and fades into the background of the story. You guys can decide and change your minds later, too.
Feb 12, 2023 6:07 pm
vagueGM says:
We'll ignore the confusion of 'system' vs 'galaxy'
Oops, yes I did mean Galaxy, not System. Sorry about that :)
Feb 12, 2023 6:16 pm
TheGenerator says:
... I did mean Galaxy, not System ...
Did you? You sure? A galaxy is much bigger than the scale we will be working on. But, if that is what you meant, we can name this galaxy after these 'miners'. It has over 100,000,000 Stars and therefore star-Systems in it, so it is possible not everyone agrees on that name... or the latin language it is named in. :)
Feb 12, 2023 6:26 pm
vagueGM says:
TheGenerator says:
... I did mean Galaxy, not System ...
Did you? You sure? A galaxy is much bigger than the scale we will be working on. But, if that is what you meant, we can name this galaxy after these 'miners'. It has over 100,000,000 Stars and therefore star-Systems in it, so it is possible not everyone agrees on that name... or the latin language it is named in. :)
Oh I see what you mean now. We'd run out of things to call things if we theme a whole galaxy like that.

But then again, chances are we're not going to be talking about 99.9% of the systems in this galaxy. We could specify it as a kingdom, as you suggested.
Maybe a quadrant? I guess that would still be too big.
Feb 12, 2023 6:38 pm
An advantage of 'kingdom' is that it does not need to have a particular size, it is an amorphous political boundary, and we can make it as big as we need.

I am not sure what a 'quadrant' is, it seems a bit hard to work with over multiple systems with their own suns and therefore viewpoints. And, no matter you cut it, it might still be millions (or even trillions) of star-systems.

I really want to stop calling them 'suns'. Can I call them 'stars' and have everyone know what I mean?

No, I am not going to stop calling it 'sunlight', though. We humans don't call it sollight, so 'sun' is a generic term for 'the star we orbit'.
Feb 15, 2023 3:27 pm
Maybe we are talking here about "subsectors" like in Travaller "official" star maps. Example:
Spearhead Subsector
Online map

They "only" have like 10-20 system in them - so big enough for some "kingdom". That can always span to other subsectors too.

Will we have a map of our own subsector in this world? :D
Last edited February 15, 2023 3:28 pm
Feb 15, 2023 3:40 pm
Pedrop says:
... Maybe we are talking here about "subsectors" like in Travaller "official" ...
Yes, Subsectors are a thing in Traveller. But I did not want to use that term since it is about artificial borders imposed by paper size...
Pedrop says:
... big enough for some "kingdom". That can always span to other subsectors ...
Indeed. An appropriate size, but there could be more than one kingdom in a Subsector, and a kingdom might spill out of a Subsector. Kingdoms are also an artificial border, but they are an ingame one, and Subsectors are an out of game definition.

We are welcome to use the term 'Subsector', ingame, but different people may refer to such terms differently, maybe depending on their political affiliations.
Pedrop says:
... Will we have a map of our own subsector in this world? ...
We will draw it as we discover it. One of the first things that will end up on such a map would depend on which way you guys flee after your heist. This might set the stage for where on the page Ruby is, or even if you are moving to a different page.

I have nothing yet, we can make all systems and planets as we need them.
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