Obligatory OOC thread :D

Jan 9, 2023 12:43 pm
Just opening one of these in case you need it :D
Jan 9, 2023 8:32 pm
So, because the rules for the rolls actually "read" the roll name to get the information it needs, it's a bit easier to check the results if you guys use the character sheet. You should have your character name at the bottom of the page, just under Add new roll. If you press it you can click on the right 2d6 button on the character's skill table. Hopeful this will get all the colours and symbols right :D
Jan 11, 2023 3:08 am
I'm afraid I am actually lost. Did we initially get told we're travelling by foot and plans changed to ship travel, or are we still travelling by foot?
Jan 11, 2023 3:26 am
The ships is the name of the guild that controls the town. There is no actual boats
Jan 11, 2023 9:42 am
Ok, let me check this OOC first. @testlum can you tell me where did Emryn talk about sailing? I'm asking because it's the first time I'm using these many private messages and it looks a mess from my side. I'm just waiting for the post where this will all go wrong 😅
[ +- ] my side xD

I also checked the first post where the mission was introduced and I can see that wasn't very clear."The (other) dwarves are planning to follow directly to Fireshear by land, avoiding wasting time in Luskan, where they will have their goods shipped north by the Luskar Deliverers". I meant it as 'ship'-ed sorry 😅

So to clarify, the idea is indeed for you to travel by sea, which is faster than by land, while the caravan takes a short-cut (not wasting time in Luskan) and meets you later at the start of the Ten-Trail (where they will need a guide to cross the mountains to Icewind Dale).
[ +- ] travel plans
Jan 11, 2023 10:03 am
Oh, I was referencing this bit:
While the three of you find out that, for one reason or another, you are all joining the Luskar Deliverers sailing north...
I had the impression that we were travelling by land when it was mentioned Agna would be helping guide the caravan through Ten Trail in the opening post! It's actually fine if we end up getting there by sea, I'll just have Agna be a bit put-out in-character like she is now :P

Ah, after rereading I get the misunderstanding. I thought, and by extension Agna, that we'd go with the caravan all the way from the start instead of separately.
Last edited January 11, 2023 10:10 am
Jan 11, 2023 10:26 am
While the three of you find out that, for one reason or another, you are all joining the Luskar Deliverers sailing north...
Oh yeah, I though it could be that. That was meant just as narration. I hope Emryn is be introduced just after that on your text.
testlum says:
I had the impression that we were travelling by land when it was mentioned Agna would be helping guide the caravan through Ten Trail in the opening post!
Yeah that didn't end up as clear as I first thought xD You will definitely be doing the Ten Trails by land. And you're hired as guide to help crossing the mountains at the end of the trail. The Luskan bit is more of an extra favor you were asked (since you know how bad winters can get) so we can have you in Luskan to meet the others.
testlum says:
I'll just have Agna be a bit put-out in-character like she is now :P
Cool! A bit of personality doesn't hurt :D I guess the dwarves are also famous for disliking water, it will be interesting to see how the others' play that given their secrets :D
Jan 12, 2023 3:53 pm
For me it was this

Fizel has understood the "ships" Emryn is talking about, are not real ships, but the name of the pirate gangs that rule Luskan.

I thought that meant there was no sailing planned, we were going by land
Jan 12, 2023 4:27 pm
So this is a bit of confusing Sword Coast lore but it's not that relevant for the story, just a little foreshadowing...

Luskan is traditionally supposed to be ruled by pirate factions, which are called Ships. Each faction has more than one ship, so it's "organized pirating", not each crew for themselves. Being from the City of Sails, it's would not be too strange the Luskar Deliverers would use ships (except for Agna who is probably a bit unaware of big city things)

In game, only Agna has actually seen any travel plan. Fizel and Izuhn have no information about how the travel is going to be, because they have not joined the Deliverers yet. This means that, because of the private messages I'm using, Eyes and RAAM didn't really see anything about how the party will go north yet. The plan to be revealed in character soon is the one here: Luskan to Fireshear by boat and then by land to Bryn Shander (the "capital" of Icewind Dale), so there's going to be a bit of both.
Jan 14, 2023 9:39 pm
For the Search roll I was going for the clue and not the background so the way the roll went was great. I was just throwing my best guess out there though so feel free to offer alternative suggestions at any point.
Jan 14, 2023 11:01 pm
oh yes, I noticed you wrote "looks around trying to figure out" just in time to assume it more of a paying attention thing. Hopefully that was good, but since I thought about it, I took the opportunity to clarify a bit what's the difference for the future :D

If Izuhn wants to answer Fizel's question, go ahead, since Emryn is not with you guys.
CESN says:
"I'll have to check my cargo is ready and get it delivered. So I would be going that way" she points, deeper into the southern bank of the city. "Good luck on for travels" she says, before leaving you to it.
Jan 15, 2023 4:17 pm

When you send private but don't post anything public
Jan 15, 2023 4:18 pm
RAAMtentacles sent a note to CESN
Jan 15, 2023 4:28 pm
Eyes says:
When you send private but don't post anything public
I know!! It looks a bit weird, but while the dwarves are chatting, I poked the orc just to keep myself from slacking and maintain the good pace :D

CESN sent a note to RAAMtentacles
Jan 15, 2023 4:42 pm
RAAMtentacles sent a note to CESN
Jan 15, 2023 4:47 pm
@CESN Ahh, I just wanted you to see, in case you were hoping the rest of us saw nothing at all
Jan 15, 2023 5:10 pm
Eyes says:
@CESN Ahh, I just wanted you to see, in case you were hoping the rest of us saw nothing at all
Thanks! It was actually super confusing when I saw it the first time 😅

I try to avoid happening since it looks so weird to have an empty post. I should have made at least some OOC comment but it was a bit rushed 😆
Jan 15, 2023 5:17 pm
No worries
Jan 16, 2023 1:02 pm
the day is not going well for Agna 🤣
Jan 16, 2023 1:07 pm
I love channeling my inner grump.
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