2. Bucolic walk through the woods

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Jan 24, 2023 3:02 pm
At least I tried and extra attack is a level 5 feature. We are only level 3. Lol.
Jan 24, 2023 7:51 pm
Battle Map

Elias 19 - Snowman3 19 - Nog 19 - Wyce 19 - Albo 16 - Snowman1 15 - Gimdrus 14 - Snowman2 10 - Anne 8 - Snowman4 2

ROUND 2: While Elias tries to shoot a Snowman and moves, another one (SM3), melts in the snow and reappears behind him hurting him badly with its twig arm and carrot nose held like a dagger. His Reindeer went to bite a Snowman (SM1) and if the animal bite hit the snowman, it is mostly snow the reindeer got in his mouth, to his surprise the bite did not bother the snowman as much as a reindeer could anticipate. Nog casts four magic missiiles sending them to two snowmen (SM1, SM2) but like with the reindeer, they do not seem to make as much damage as usual. Wyce on the other hand send a flaming bolt to the Snowman attacking Elias (SM3) and is able to melt it quite a bit, even more that what he expected. Albo seeing the state of Elias send a healing spell toward him, Elias feels much better. Gimdrus runs tward Elias and uses a javelin against the Snowman (SM3), the javelin goes right through the monster like with the reindeer and the missiles it doesn(t seems to make as big a wound it would normally do. The Snowman that stared at Anne (SM2) rolls fast in her direction to try to hit with hi stick arms, but Anne who was not at all impressed by the stare is able to avoid it, alas she is not able to touch it either with her scimitar. The last Snowman (SM4) disappear and reappear almost instantly at Gimdrus back, tryin to stab him like Elias' Snowman did, luckily for Gimdrus no attack landed.

Even if Elias missed his target, he was able to mark it, and the Snowman (SM1) missed Elias as well. Nog send a radiant bolt and its target which is nearly dissolved but still standing (SM3). Wyce sent a second fire bolt at one snowman (SM2) which began to thaw a bit. Albo continues to heal Elias who feels better. The snowman against Elias' reindeer was able to use its nose like a dagger and killed the animal with a hit straight to the heart. Gimdrus with his two axes slashes through th snowman snow (SM4) which becomes leaner but still in good form. Anne turns into a bear and bites the snowman attacking her (SM2) The Snowman against Anne (SM2) hurt her with its nose dagger.

Health & more:
- Anne: -11sm2 24/35 hp -- Transformed in Brown Bear
- Elias : 20 + 5albo = 25/36 hp
- Gimdrus: -7 42/49 hp -- Raging 2 rounds, +1 AC
- Reindeer : -5 -12sm1 = -17 => Dying - 1/3 success, 0/3 failure

- Snowman1: -9 hp
- Snowman2: -6 -14wyce -(7/2)3 = -23 hp
- Snowman3: -17 -17nog = -34 hp -- Marked by Elias, attacked on advantage -> Round 3 nog
- Snowman4: -25gim hp
Jan 24, 2023 7:51 pm
Your turn Elias
Jan 24, 2023 9:56 pm
Have Courage, these creatures should be no match for us" Elias says more trying to convince himself than the others.
Action: Attacking Snowman 1
Bonus: Hunters Mark
Movement: None
[ +- ] 1. Hunter’s Mark


Longbow - Attack - (1d20+7)

(3) + 7 = 10

Longbow - Damage - (1d8+5)

(1) + 5 = 6

Hunters Mark - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jan 24, 2023 11:36 pm
Are you sure ? Look at the map you are in contact with Snowman 3, if you fire on SM1 you give him an attack on advantage => sneak attack damage. Besides, Dard, javelin etc... do only half damage.
Jan 25, 2023 1:13 am
YullyBear says:
Are you sure ? Look at the map you are in contact with Snowman 3, if you fire on SM1 you give him an attack on advantage => sneak attack damage. Besides, Dard, javelin etc... do only half damage.
I'm not sure I entirely understand but if you're saying that piercing weapons deal less damage, it's the only type I have so it's not like I've got much choice for better types of damage however if what you're saying is if I don't attack SM3 than he gets an advantage on his attack then I guess I would attack SM3 with my dagger, I'll roll just the damage here and you fan use my attack roll & hunters mark from previous post.


Dagger - Damage - Damage - (1d4+5)

(1) + 5 = 6

Jan 25, 2023 8:03 am
Elias tries to hit his target, but the snowman is too fast, and he misses his target.
What is your Reindeer doing ? I'm going ahead with the other Snowman and players.
Reindeer, Nog Wyce, Albo. You may all post your actions
Frosted Snowman
Again Snowman 3 attacks Elias with its stick arm and carot nose held like a dagger.

But Elias is too fast and Snowman doesn't even scratch his armor.


Stick Claw to hit - (1d20+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

Stick Claw damage - (2d6+2)

(64) + 2 = 12

Carrot Nose to hit - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Carrot Nose damage - (1d6+2d4+2)

(5) + (21) + 2 = 10

Jan 25, 2023 9:09 am
We need to do something about there numbers he exclaims or we aren't going to last long at this rate

Nog clutches his holy symbol of Lord Bahamut in his hands and casts Guiding Bolt Oh great King of Dragons, bless me with your power so that i may smite the evil in our path.
[ +- ] Guiding Bolt (1st, Prepared) (Wis)
Attacking snowman #3 then moving to J8


Guiding Bolt - to hit - (1d20+6)

(15) + 6 = 21

Guiding Bolt - Damage (Radiant) - (4d6)

(3455) = 17

Jan 25, 2023 11:14 am
YullyBear says:
What is your Reindeer doing ? I'm going ahead with the other Snowman and players.
Dodge, it's the automatic action when I don't command him, which I can't do at the moment because I've used all my actions
Jan 25, 2023 2:16 pm
Seeing the big radiant light hit SM3 I turn my attention to SM2 and cast another Fire Bolt at that one.


Fire bolt atk - (d20+5)

(19) + 5 = 24

Fire bolt dmg - (d10+0)

(7) = 7

Jan 25, 2023 6:25 pm
Your target is SM4 for it is in the way to SM 3, you were lucky to hit a critical miss could have hit Albo. Abnd Nog is in the way to SM2, you cannot get it from your position.
Jan 25, 2023 7:43 pm
YullyBear says:
Your target is SM4 for it is in the way to SM 3, you were lucky to hit a critical miss could have hit Albo. Abnd Nog is in the way to SM2, you cannot get it from your position.
1) there is nothing rules wise that prevents me from hitting snowman #3 as he is line of sight. Creatures dont count as obstacles. 2) my character moved to J8 after his attack so im not in wyce's way to attack snoman #2
Jan 25, 2023 8:44 pm
KirinOfDarkness says:
YullyBear says:
Your target is SM4 for it is in the way to SM 3, you were lucky to hit a critical miss could have hit Albo. Abnd Nog is in the way to SM2, you cannot get it from your position.
1) there is nothing rules wise that prevents me from hitting snowman #3 as he is line of sight. Creatures dont count as obstacles. 2) my character moved to J8 after his attack so im not in wyce's way to attack snoman #2
To me you are not on the line of sight for SM3, your line of sight is blocked by SM4. To me line of sight is a straight line from the middle of the starting square to the middle of the target square. Your bolt is going in straight line and encounters SM4. As far as the rules p.204 confirm you need a clear path to target.

If you move before the attack, there is no issue. But until now you did not tell me you moved. So it's Ok, SM3 it is.
Jan 25, 2023 9:02 pm
In my post where I attacked i did say i moved to after J8 attacking SM3. There were no edits to that post either. If the move lets me hit SM3, ill do that before attacking.

Oh and SM4 shouldnt have any damage to it, i think the 2 damage was left over from the mix up of my round 1 attack
Jan 25, 2023 10:47 pm
Wyce send a fire bolt to the Snowman attacking Anna (SM2) and melts a part of it.
Albo it's your turn.
Jan 26, 2023 1:25 pm
Albo is still too scared to unsheathe his dagger. He decides to sing another healing word to help his friend Elias.
[ +- ] Healing Word 2nd lvl
Healing word on Elias


Healing Word - (2d4+3)

(11) + 3 = 5

Jan 26, 2023 9:06 pm
Is it my turn yet? Just curious.
Jan 26, 2023 9:33 pm
nope, turn order is posted above. Albo just acted and there is others before you

Frosted Snowman


Jan 27, 2023 11:42 pm
Sorry I did not have any indication someone posted.
Gimdrus, your turn.
Elias is doing better.

Frosted Snowman
The Snowman against the Reindeer continues to attack it.
Forgot to do the nose hit in disavantage, I had the second hit
If the twig attack did not succeed, the terrible nose used as dagger enter the animal heart, and it felt down at once.


Stick Claw to hit - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Stick Claw damage - (2d6+2)

(51) + 2 = 8

Carrot Nose to hit - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Carrot Nose damage - (1d6+2d4+2)

(5) + (32) + 2 = 12

Carrot Nose to hit - (1d20+5)

(15) + 5 = 20

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