Heist the Colours (OOC)

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Jan 19, 2023 9:43 am
Amazing RP Airshark! I read all of it - good read. I had this feeling for longer time now, but now I'm sure - seeing your RP, others RP and how GM is approaching this campaign: this game will be epic! :D I hope I will be able to keep up with you guys... Looking forward for more.

So Lio is coming to the bar?

I will make bigger comments/answers to all previous discussion topic at my evening or night(+12h or so) + probably add some RP continuation.
Jan 19, 2023 10:20 am
Yes he will come to the bar too. Figured this was our standard meeting place.

Don't expect all my posts to be this long though. Sometimes it just flows out.

Thank you all for the nice comments.
Jan 19, 2023 10:34 am
Airshark says:
(in RP)
I know the timing isn't perfect but I guess that doesn't have to be an issue.
Yeah. We make do with the timing we have. :)
Jan 19, 2023 10:36 am
If we keep the time as it is, it must be almost morning. Should we fix it so it is somewhat earlier in the evening? Just so we don't have to go a couple of days without sleep.

Though I believe there are drugs to overcome such a disadvantage 😊😁
Jan 19, 2023 10:48 am
Airshark says:
If we keep the time as it is, it must be almost morning. Should we fix it so it is somewhat earlier in the evening? Just so we don't have to go a couple of days without sleep.

Though I believe there are drugs to overcome such a disadvantage
Or you could have had a late start, and only gotten up in the afternoon. I don't think we need to worry about it unless it becomes relevant.

Given that the timetable has just been shifted up, it is appropriate to the story that you might not be well rested as we start the unexpected mission.

The Fatigue rules are also interesting to bring into play. And Stims can counter Fatigue... until later.
Jan 19, 2023 12:23 pm
Airshark says:
He wistled for a cab and when it came near
I'm going to send that line to my printer for some fresh prints!

Looks like a great RP start to me! :)
vagueGM says:
Tell us about her. When was this? What was she like before? What is she like now? What is the most surprising thing that has changed? What does Ronny think caused this change? Oh, and maybe give her a name, and a online handle or two?
I imagine her as Abby from NCIS
[ +- ] Abby
So let's call her Abby here as well. Goth girls still exist in this future, right? ;)
She's a cheerful, friendly person who has a passion for computers. I don't think she changed much since then. The reason for the break-up was probably Ronny's work. He was away too often and the relationship couldn't go on like that.

Her handle can be something like 'BunBun'.

If anyone has other ideas in mind, I don't mind changing things. These are just my first thoughts.
Jan 20, 2023 6:39 am
Lio has never seen Cat before. Though he does know about the team members.
So if someone could make the introduction that would be nice.

Or is this a wrong presumption?
Jan 20, 2023 8:51 am
Sounds good to me.
Jan 20, 2023 8:55 am
I think Raf will be good candidate for that - yesterday I didn't manage to sit and write in peace, so I will do the RP today.
Jan 20, 2023 9:01 am
Didn't mean to rush anybody.

Just making sure you were not waiting for me. 😊
Jan 23, 2023 1:59 am
My father-in-law passed away at 2:04 am this morning. I will be taking a few days to be with my wife during her time of grief and will return shortly. Thank you for understanding.
Jan 23, 2023 6:48 am
My condoleances. Take all the time you need.
Jan 23, 2023 7:48 am
So sorry to hear that, WhtKnt. My condolences as well.
Jan 23, 2023 9:24 am
Take all the time you need WhtKnt. Our thoughts go out to you and your family.
Jan 24, 2023 3:04 pm
Let's get(/assume) Lio to the booth and seated with the others. Then we can deal with introductions.

We can also leave the introductions brief till have WhtKnt back with us. When they are back we can fill in anything they would have done.
Jan 24, 2023 3:09 pm
TheGenerator says:
... Goth girls ... She's a cheerful, friendly person who has a passion for computers. I don't think she changed much since then. Her handle can be something like 'BunBun'.
Given the lack of objections (WhtKnt can still weigh in if we missed them) we can work on fleshing out this hacker a bit.

I made a thread for working on this. It may be overkill since I have abandoned much of the work.

I have a few more questions there that you all should weigh in on.
Jan 24, 2023 6:19 pm
I thought everyone was sitting at/in? the booth already. I see now my last sentence didn't show that.
Jan 24, 2023 6:23 pm
There is nothing stopping Lio from being there if you want. Just say so.

If you still want an introduction, that will probably happen as soon as you are with the others.
Jan 24, 2023 6:33 pm
I guess the introductions were made when the team was formed. '' I know a guy who was a medic in the navy, he's a great surgeon blablablabla...''
So in my opinion everyone knows everyone's background (hearsay) but just didn't meet in person.
Just to say the introduction could be short.

I took a quick look at the NPC creation but didn't read all of it.
I don't know how much spare time you've got Vague, but for me it's ok if you don't go through the entire character creation process and just make something up.
Jan 24, 2023 7:16 pm
Airshark says:
... I guess the introductions were made when the team was formed. ...
I assume this would be, at most, "Oh, so you are Cat/Lio..." You know who you are working with.

Was Lio's coming here and meeting people in person a faux pas? Would it, ordinary, jeopardise the secrecy of the mission? Given that the waste matter has hit the thrust mechanism, that does not matter anymore.
Airshark says:
... I took a quick look at the NPC creation but didn't read all of it. ...
What? Where? I did not actually find NPC creation rules, and remember that it used to be normal practice --for all RPGs-- to use PC creation rules for NPCs back then.
Airshark says:
... I don't know how much spare time you've got Vague ...
It has hardly 'spare time' since that is my job... but I spent a while on Sunday experimenting with options and putting things together.
Airshark says:
... it's ok if you don't go through the entire character creation process and just make something up ...
I am definitely not going through the process any more. But am sorta trying to make someone who could have come out of the process, but just skipping the dice and the details.
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