Heist the Colours (OOC)

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Mar 1, 2023 6:24 pm
I agree with the previous 2 posts :)
Mar 2, 2023 9:43 am
How do comms work in this world? Don't have to be anything fancy, as even today in our real world bluetooth earphones can be very small. Could be also something more cyberpunk-ish - like implanted communicators.

My preferences: as this is PbP it would be handy to have devices like in this situation - being 1 or 2 streets apart, Raf can hear Ronny conversation with the dealer - of course if Ronny allows it - but there is such technical possibility.

So how the comms work in this situation?
Mar 2, 2023 10:02 am
I've talked about this in my char creation recently.
Basically, we can use our phones to communicate. Probably together with an ear-piece. But I kind of like the idea of using old FM radio technology. So ancient that nobody uses it anymore. As vagueGM called it "Security through obscurity".
Mar 2, 2023 10:26 am
I like this flavor as long, as in situation like this(not far distance) there will be possibility to get other know that something bad is happening.
Mar 2, 2023 10:57 am
Pedrop says:
... How do comms work in this world? ...
TheGenerator says:
... we can use our phones to communicate ...
Pedrop says:
... bluetooth earphones ...
If you can do it with your real phone we can probably do it in-game.

Ear-pieces are probably smaller than we have, and might be more able to be hidden (especially for someone with hair). I think we can say they won't be noticed unless someone specifically looks for them, but unless you take active measures against notice, they will be spotted by someone looking close in an obvious way.
Pedrop says:
... something more cyberpunk-ish - like implanted communicators ...
Maybe not at the start? We can check the book for such Cybernetics, that is probably a thing (though you guys don't have such, yet) or something we can make.
TheGenerator says:
... old FM radio technology ...
Do we want to use such technology for this sort of meeting? Anything out of the ordinary might draw attention.

Someone could just make a call to the others and leave their phone on in their pocket.

The old radio tech could be a backup for if someone notices and objects to the phone.
Someone could also find their way to the roof of a building that overlooks the scene and use a parabolic microphone to listen in. They will be able to observe everything down there, but won't be able to get there very fast. They would be in Rifle Range.
Mar 3, 2023 12:39 pm
vagueGM says:
Abby's eyes narrow at the talk of 'distracting Cats', but she says nothing focusing on her gear.
I hoped that Abby will catch that:)
Mar 3, 2023 12:45 pm
Good, good. :)

We can also be explicit and hint in the OOC if we would like others to react in a particular way or to a particular think or tone.
Mar 3, 2023 12:52 pm
Nah... this way is perfect... it feels much better to me if it is the player/GM(not only in-game character) that reacts to my words the way I intended them to sound.

Much bigger satisfaction and it shows how carefully we read our fellow player posts:) It's this human interaction that is so good in RPGs:)

Mar 6, 2023 8:42 am
@WhtKnt: You implied that Cat was incognito? How 'disguised'? How is she dressed? Are there any hints at all that she might be 'an upper class lady'? Such hints will help a lot with your distraction... but will also draw more attention if things go sideways.
Mar 6, 2023 8:43 am
Are we keen to see the fighting rules in action? We can tone this meeting more or less in that direction based on your OOC desires. Everyone should answer.
Mar 6, 2023 8:45 am
That might be interesting, small fight as an example?
Mar 6, 2023 9:01 am
I'm assuming that we'd move in based on the info we got from Raf. He said he would look around first. Would that give us any bonus on the recon roll?
Mar 6, 2023 9:09 am
TheGenerator says:
I'm assuming that we'd move in based on the info we got from Raf. He said he would look around first. Would that give us any bonus on the recon roll?
It might do. But we probably don't need to wait for it, we can assume it will not change the scene in irreversible ways.

Raf can also do his own Recon roll to notice things. Recon is one of those skills that everyone tends to pile onto, and this is one of the situations where it is fair for everyone to do so. Each of you might notice something different and you would each get your own individual chance to react to anything that happens.

If one of you rolls much better on Recon, they can warn the others over comms, changing the landscape.
I don't tend to run 'Recon as Notice' in my games. You will all be told about what you would obviously see, and if you 'look in a trashcan', you will see what is in there without a roll being called for... in most circumstances.
Mar 6, 2023 9:19 am
In order to answer your question GM, I need some more "environmental info". What is the weather actually, time of a day? Are there any people on the streets? Are the blocks having some residents? As I understand it now it "looked" to me as quite abandon place? Or "everyone have solid reasons not to leave their flats" or something like that? How does this place "feel"?

As for fight: I'm for it.

But personally I think, it would be a better fit with the prototype computer extraction scene(some guards maybe?). SO here instead: it could be a nicer opportunity to "train" some "social conflict" if there is such a thing in Travaller. If we are taking this "tutorial approach" to those scenes.

So: I'm all for a fight example in one of the scenes(dealer or prototype).

I will get back to RPs at my evening(I'm at UTC/GMT +1 hour).
Mar 6, 2023 9:44 am
Pedrop says:
... I need some more "environmental info" ...
Sure. Added some. Let me know if you need more. Most things like this can be assumed if they are not made explicit, but assumptions are risky.
Pedrop says:
... As for fight: I'm for it ... would be a better fit with the prototype computer extraction scene ...
Can do. We can take a vote on if we want to fight 'helpful criminals' or 'inconvenient guards'. Both are 'just doing their jobs'.
Pedrop says:
... "social conflict" if there is such a thing in Travaller ...
Absolutely. SOC is even one of your 'Hit Point' pools in this game (even if the book text fails to mention that stat). So it models 'social conflict' better than most.
Pedrop says:
... So: I'm all for a fight example in one of the scenes(dealer or prototype). ...
We can see how they each go. If we really want we can always arrange a new fight on the way to the landing pad.
Mar 6, 2023 10:06 am
vagueGM says:
Can do. We can take a vote on if we want to fight 'helpful criminals' or 'inconvenient guards'. Both are 'just doing their jobs'.
Hehe... when you put it that way... maybe let's not harm those "poor, hardworking, abused by their employers, each having like 3 or more starving children to feed" guards... ;)

(I like it how you are able to put different perspective on things in delicate way:) )

Or could they be recruited only from some drug addict punks, that only join their ranks because they support the awful ideology that computer factory is run by? ;) ;)
Mar 6, 2023 10:10 am
Pedrop says:
... "poor, hardworking, abused by their employers, each having like 3 or more starving children to feed" ...
Adding those details to the bios of the guards... :)
Pedrop says:
... recruited only from some drug addict punks, that only join their ranks because they support the awful ideology ...
Whatever you have to tell yourself so you can sleep at night. :)
Mar 6, 2023 10:58 pm
A little image - I just couldn't resist to make one... not knowing if my English is enough to describe what I'm thinking right now.... - to represent how I imagine current situation and how Raf initial intentions(Route 1) changed into entering the shop - Route 2. Yellow are shops....:)
Mar 7, 2023 12:04 am
vagueGM says:

Pedrop says:
... "social conflict" if there is such a thing in Travaller ...
Absolutely. SOC is even one of your 'Hit Point' pools in this game (even if the book text fails to mention that stat). So it models 'social conflict' better than most.
Very interesting! Where are the rules for this? As I couldn't find them in the core book... :(
Last edited March 7, 2023 12:04 am
Mar 7, 2023 4:05 am
Pedrop says:
(ooc in RP)... the shops have entrances from the inside of the parking ...
It is a parking lot facing the backs of shops, so there might be loading bays or back entrances, but going into one of them might draw attention from the proprietors.

We can say the back door was open, possibly expecting a delivery, or possibly to keep things cool (with story).

Holding open a back door to a shop would provide an unexpected escape route for your party, though, so it may be worth it. You can deal with the proprietor.
Pedrop says:
(OOC in RP) ... Should I also do the streetwise one to indeed check if he not brought any attention? ...
Let's wait and see how things go with the others. This roll might needed to deal with the music shopkeeper if their shop becomes part of the scene.
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