"Unfortunately, there's a snag."
The words hit Cassia like a physical blow. They weren't necessarily unexpected, she had anticipated there would be conditions conditions attached before they turned her ship over, but the next part was a complete surprise.
"...they sold the parts we provided and bribed the Maintenance crew to install secondhand parts."
As Anders Casarii continues, Cassia can feel her blood pressure rise. She says nothing but her mind is racing.
The nerve of those fuckers. To take my ship, strip her of her parts, and abandon her on some planet -God knows where- for a few creds! She stays silent until the report is finished.
"We need to hire a team to go retrieve the ship and I assume you would be interested?"
Fighting to keep her voice level and controlled she replies
"Yes, you are correct, I am interested and I appreciate the opportunity to handle the retrieval operation personally. I think you'll find my interest align more closely with the Scout service's than the previous crew's did. With that in mind, let me introduce you to these two highly capable and experienced individuals whose expertise in ship systems, mechanics, transport, and space travel would be an invaluable asset to retrieve the Erebus.
She introduces Avi,
"Avi Avilla is an engineer, mechanic, and expert astrogator."
She turns to Sy and carefully considers what to say. She doesn't know his entire background and suspects it's by design. She settles with a short introduction,
"Sy has transport."
"I'm sure it is in the scouts best interest to move with haste to prevent further damage to the ship. The sooner we secure these men’s services and provide remuneration for usage of Sy's vehicle, the sooner we can load parts and be on our way. I assume the Service will be providing passage to the Erebus’s location current?"OOC:
I know we've been having fun with the van, but it does seem like a useful piece of equipment.