Chapter 1 - My ship's where?

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Feb 23, 2023 2:01 pm
Esidrix says:
@Rogertheshrubber, The spaceport has the standard Weapons scanners, so leaving with the laser pistol would be bad. They do have lockers in the station just for this purpose, Cr10 a week.
Good to know. She’ll leave it in a locker.
Feb 25, 2023 6:41 am
If there was enough time during the stop at 567-908, Avi would have tried to visit the observatory for a look. He still likes to observe the stars, although he doesn't have any gear himself. A decent telescope is not a practical thing to carry around when living out of a backpack, but with a place on the Erebus maybe he could look at getting one and taking up the hobby again.

So now he is at Walston starport but the Erebus is not. His hopes that they might get the job done quickly and spend some time exploring the planet at the scout service's expense are beginning to look a little too optimistic. But he collects every tourist brochure he can find anyway.

Joining the rest of the group for coffee and talking over the situation, Avi puts the question: "So, we might as well head into Central Lake, don't you think? If the government offices are not open, well I wouldn't mind looking around the place while we wait. We can leave our crates of parts here until we find out more." He looks through his handful of brochures to see if there are any about transport to Central Lake.
Is Recon the skill for checking if the clerk reacted suspiciously? Avi isn't any good at that sort of thing, but he is sure Zeke would be.

How thin is Walston's air, do we need to wear respirators outside? Avi gets puffed quite quickly you know.

Is there a local communications network we can access, or are our comms devices connecting directly to each other?
Feb 25, 2023 12:32 pm
geoffenzed says:
Is Recon the skill for checking if the clerk reacted suspiciously? Avi isn't any good at that sort of thing, but he is sure Zeke would be.

I was just thinking Avi could keep an eye on the customs agent as he made his way through the queue. Just to see if she suddenly left the desk or picked up a communicator after speaking with Cassia. Nothing that would require a roll.
Feb 27, 2023 1:15 pm
@Avi, you were on 567-908 for almost a whole day. Plenty of time to have walked to the Observatory, which had a telescope, but most of the place was experimental gear, long shot attempts at new sensors and other weirdness.

No one noticed anything weird with the Clerk, since you are currently the only folks getting off of a ship, once you were seen to, the clerk went back to her coffee.

Walston is not the most inviting of worlds. It is rather dry, with highly variable temperatures thanks to the thin
atmosphere, which requires a filter mask to breathe safely. Lying on the outer edge of the Life Zone, Walston
does not get excessively warm, even during the day, and at night temperatures plummet well below freezing in all

The Startown is only big enough to be a village on most worlds. There are a couple of decent enough hotels and a
rather more modest hostel offering barracks-like accommodation and basic meals at a very cheap price.
In addition, there are a couple of restaurants and a handful of shops selling local and offworld goods. It is
possible to walk around the town in a few minutes. Note that most buildings are underground, with just
the top (entry) floor sticking up. Even that is usually half-sunken into the ground and accessed by going
down a ramp or steps.
Feb 27, 2023 5:54 pm
Joining the rest of the group for coffee and talking over the situation, Avi puts the question: "So, we might as well head into Central Lake, don't you think? If the government offices are not open, well I wouldn't mind looking around the place while we wait. We can leave our crates of parts here until we find out more." He looks through his handful of brochures to see if there are any about transport to Central Lake.
Cassia sips from a flask of hot water infused with some of the tea she purchase at the beginning of their trip. She glances at the array of brochures Avi grabbed at the starport. They were mostly advertisements for UV light treatment facilities, oxygen bars, and a variety of spas with various saunas available to those who could pay. "Anything in those brochures about places to stay near Cenrtal Lake? Visiting the government offices seems like our next step but I wonder if we should head out immediately or spend the night here and head out in the morning? This place doesn’t seem like it has much to offer."
Feb 28, 2023 3:38 pm
You do see several listings for hotels at Central Lake, it is described as the Rail Hub of the island, home to the grand palace.
Mar 1, 2023 3:22 am
"Looks like standard fare accomodations for Traveller's. I could go see what the TAS rep recommends when we finish up here." Sy sipped a cup of coffee, and picked at a poppyseed muffin. He was still digesting the information, having expected setbacks. Nothing was ever easy.

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