Gathering your things you meet and board the type-A2 far trader
Autumn Gold under Captain Michelle Corelli. The ship is like many this far out from the Imperium, worn but functional. The crew are all polite, but their cargo is usually below decks. The ship accommodations are plain, but again clean and functional. The ships common area has several consoles with games, entertainment and educational materials.
You're a week out from Walston when the ship makes its first stop at 567-908. Data on the world is available on any of the ship’s consoles, and there is not much to tell. The world is dry, has a thin atmosphere, and is officially uninhabited. The Scout Service maintains a small outpost here for refueling and a small observatory.
You'll be landed for a day on 567-908 just to unload some supplies and refuel. The place has about a dozen folks and is drab. It's a chance to stretch your legs if you care to, or we can bounce to the next stop.