Chapter 1 - My ship's where?

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Feb 9, 2023 6:45 pm
"Okay, great. If that's all then I will get prepped to depart this evening." Cassia turns to Sy "Do you need help transferring your equipment out of the van?
Cassia will help Sy pack up the van if needed. Otherwise, she'll buy a box of tea before heading to the Autumn Gold.
Feb 10, 2023 1:32 am
Sy shook his head. "Everything I own can be worn or carried in a rucksack. I'll wear my armor for departure as long as we are leaving it shouldn’t be too bothersome." His model was voluntary simplicity, and that was how he lived. While he didn't look like a monk in the traditional sense, Gódi seldom did.
Sy will buy a seminar on How to Win Friends and influence people and use the two weeks travelling to train his charm skill.
Feb 13, 2023 3:53 am
Avi collects his armour and weapon from the starport locker. In his backpack are all his other possessions: breather mask, first-aid kit, radio transceiver/translator, and clothing. He hopes he hasn't forgotten anything as he boards the Autumn Gold.
If nothing unusual occurs during the trip to Walston then, aside from spending time catching up with his three friends, talking to the Far Trader crew and the other passengers, Avi will spend one week studying Engineer(Power), and the other week going over the engineering specs of the Erebus.
Feb 15, 2023 12:34 pm
Gathering your things you meet and board the type-A2 far trader Autumn Gold under Captain Michelle Corelli. The ship is like many this far out from the Imperium, worn but functional. The crew are all polite, but their cargo is usually below decks. The ship accommodations are plain, but again clean and functional. The ships common area has several consoles with games, entertainment and educational materials.

You're a week out from Walston when the ship makes its first stop at 567-908. Data on the world is available on any of the ship’s consoles, and there is not much to tell. The world is dry, has a thin atmosphere, and is officially uninhabited. The Scout Service maintains a small outpost here for refueling and a small observatory.
You'll be landed for a day on 567-908 just to unload some supplies and refuel. The place has about a dozen folks and is drab. It's a chance to stretch your legs if you care to, or we can bounce to the next stop.
Feb 15, 2023 7:09 pm
I'm good with bouncing to Walston. Cassia will spend time working with Avi going over the Engineering specs. Her EDU is -1 so, it's going to be flavor studying at this point. In the long run she probably should be going over piloting manuals and simulators to try and get her piloting spacecraft up to 2 but that will take at least 16weeks?
Feb 16, 2023 1:53 pm
@RogertheShrubber, you have to accumulate 2 successful training periods of eight weeks each. At the end of each 8 weeks, you roll your EDU (8+) for the period to be successful. As long as you get to spend the whole week studying, you can continue to accumulate weeks until you get to make a roll. Since travel is almost always a 1 week minimum, it'll add up faster than you'd expect.
Feb 16, 2023 11:23 pm
I'm fine with pushing on. :)
Feb 17, 2023 1:06 pm
Lifting from 567-908, you settle yourselves in for another week of quiet as the ship jumps to Walston.

Once the jump is complete, the ship makes for Walston. The crew let you know the captain has decided she's in a hurry. So, they will only be on the ground for a couple of hours. Shouldn't affect you guys, other than you'll want to clear out since the crew will be busy unloading cargo and refueling. The ride down is fairly smooth, Walston's thin atmosphere mainly stays out of the way.

As you reach the ground, you see a small but fairly standard class C starport. There are several empty pads and some roofed berthing buildings off to one side.
[ +- ] Walston Starport
Feb 18, 2023 1:50 am
The two weeks spent aboard the Autumn Gold passed fairly pleasantly. Cassia spent the most time with Avi going over the engineering specs of the Erebus. They’d gone through all the system diagrams so many times that her dreams often revolved around generators, air scrubbers, and sensors. Avi had a wealth of knowledge and taught her more than a few things about the ships systems. Perhaps he might even be able to make some improvements when they started working on the ship.

By the end of the trip Cas was getting a little stir crazy. She tried to meditate with Sy to keep centered and present but still couldn’t stop thinking about finding her ship. It was a huge relief when the far trader dropped out of jump and headed towards Walston. Cassia was first in line to get off the ship. Her goal was to make sure all the correct paperwork and the customs forms were in order well before the Autumn Gold returned to space.
Cassia is a little paranoid about losing the "luggage" and wants to make sure all the supplies are accounted for. Is the star port like and large airport where you wait for the luggage inside a building or is it more like a small air field where you can see the workers unloading the cargo? She’d want to keep a close eye on that.

Then do we need to hire a vehicle to get to the Erebus’s location? I believe we have the coordinates. Is there a Space Hertz at the star port?
Feb 18, 2023 3:12 am
Disembarking Sy didn't even blink walking through customs. Simply presented his I.D. to the customs officer and asked her how her day had been going. "Inactive not retired." He corrected when she, Gladys, had asked. "Here on unrelated business. Venture capitalism, securing a ship." He declared and shortly, escorted around the checkpoint, he found himself heading to the Traveller's Assosciation lobby scoring breakfast and coffee for his shipmates. Which he sent a quick mass text to each "Outside the Traveller's Association lounge with refreshments. Good luck with customs!"
Last edited February 20, 2023 8:44 pm
Feb 20, 2023 2:23 pm
@rogertheshrubber, As far as the Scout service was aware, the Erebus should be at the starport. The Starport is an open pad design and the crew of the ship will unload your gear as part of the cargo that is intended for delivery here.

@jomsviking, hanging in the starport is cool, but if you leave, you'll need to lock up the weapons. The sign at the customs desk informs everyone that Local laws prohibit the carrying of weapons.
Feb 20, 2023 7:42 pm
Knowing that I'll eliminate that particular portion of the fiction.
Feb 21, 2023 2:34 am
As the cargo was being unloaded, Cassia headed to the customs. She presented the documentation provided to her by the Scout Service to customs agent Gladys. Though Cassia wasn’t as gifted as Sy was at social interactions she felt confident in her ability to navigate bureaucratic necessities after months dealing with the various forms associated with mustering out from the service.
"I’m here to collected the ship Erebus on behalf of the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service." she said in, what she hoped sounded, reasonable and confident voice.
"I have been authorized to make whatever repairs needed to get the ship running and spaceworthy. Could you be so kind as to point me and my crew mates to it’s location?"
I’m not sure if I need a roll but I’ll make an Admin check just in case


Admin +1, INT +1 - (2d6+2)

(56) + 2 = 13

Feb 21, 2023 12:37 pm
The clerk behind the counter stands up a little straighter, "Scout Service, yes Ma'am. That name sounds familiar, let me pull the logs. After only a brief pause, he continues. "Ah yes, They were in out of here a few times. Looks like the last departure was almost 3 months ago, destination listed as 'In-System' and business was 'charter flight for World Government of Walston'. Strangest thing though, I remember the crew showing up a couple weeks later in an air/raft. They hung around for a couple days and then caught a far trader out of here.
Nice roll!
Feb 21, 2023 6:32 pm
Let me get this straight, the ship isn't here because the crew showed up to the star port on an air raft? Cassia sighs with frustration
"Okay, then we'll have to start there. Is the raft still around or am I going to have to track that down, too? Also, I'm going to need a copy of the manifest the Erebus submitted for that "charter flight" with a list of passengers and cargo." She pauses to think for a moment "And, if possible a log of any landing clearances given to the Erebus at in-system star ports for the past six months."
Cassia pulls out her comm unit a replies to Sy's group text:

We have a problem. I'll be over shortly. Make mine a double.
Feb 21, 2023 8:08 pm
This was the part that Zeke always hated. The waiting. Two weeks of waiting not doing much besides reading and working out on the trip itself, and now waiting again. He was reluctant to wander far from the ship, as he didn't enjoy leaving his weapons and gear behind. Then he saw Cassia's message and he felt a bit of excitement.
Feb 22, 2023 12:27 pm
The clerk takes a minute to process Cas's request and spends another minute searching through various screens of data before responding.

"As best as I can tell, they didn't leave any more details and I recall they took the air/raft with them. You may want to inquire with the government offices at Central Lake. Since they would be who chartered the ship."
Feb 22, 2023 2:58 pm
Suppressing a scream of rage and frustration, Cassia thanks the Gladys before leaving the customs area."You’ve been helpful, well as helpful as you can be given the circumstances. I might be back later with some more questions. Thank you.

Cassia walks through the lounge towards the Travellers Association. As she walks she keys in another message to her comrades:

Z or A can u watch the customs agent for a sec? Anything sus after talking to me?

S, order me another drink.
Sounds like a we’re going to need to get some information. Glad all our characters are optimized for social situations.

@esidrix can Cas walk around with the laser pistol in her backpack or would that be foolish (it’s TL 13 so it’s supposed to be smaller)? If she can’t would we store our weapons in a locker or something in the Starport? Also, Cas would probably write a quick update to Anders and get it on the next X-boat heading back to Flammarian.
Last edited February 22, 2023 3:08 pm
Feb 23, 2023 1:52 pm
@Rogertheshrubber, The spaceport has the standard Weapons scanners, so leaving with the laser pistol would be bad. They do have lockers in the station just for this purpose, Cr10 a week.
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