The city of Gamulur

Jan 24, 2023 4:04 am
The city of Gamulur was originally a small dwarfish town struggling after the Shattering. Some time ago trade was establish with the nearby human and elvish regions brining into Gamulur new people and money causing to city to grow though much of the development is outside the dwarvish city councils control. The dwarves mostly live and work in the inner city, a walled section that is closed to non dwarves, though a few manage the cities interest at the river docks and outer gate. Mostly in the way of collecting tax's. The outer city is predominantly human with a few halfling families as well as an elven business or two.
The outer city is split into four districts, the residential, commerce, docks, and warehouse districts. The residential and commerce districts are patrolled by the mixed human dwarven guard and are considered safe and respectable. The warehouse and dock districts on the other hand have been relegated to the lower social elements.
A recent flurry has been going on for the last couple of months. An expedition based from Gamulur has been exploring a city from the Dawn Age with reports of sections surviving the Dawn War and Shattering. News of this seems to have spread as adventurers, mercenaries, and other of similar though less reputable professions as well. As an outlying trade hub of the dwarven kingdom the city garrison has risen its efforts to maintain peace and redirect the new rougher elements out of town as quickly as possible.
Jan 24, 2023 1:36 pm
Waking to a new day, hungry as usual, Baruman instantly verifies his surroundings and safety. All is well. Wishing he has saved a bit of the last meal from yesterday he stretches and verifies no one is about before leaving his hidden sleeping quarters.
@wilsric And so begins the tale of Baruman the urchin. Go ahead and describe your situation and begin your day. As this city has only been reference and the above post is the most detailed to date go ahead and add any details you care to. I wil create your first challenge based on what you describve and do.
Jan 24, 2023 3:25 pm
Baruman walked down to the docks and leant against one of the wooden buildings used as a port office, watching as another new boat sailed towards the shore to join several already there. They were increasingly frequent, and the local gossip that surrounded them had many both scared and excited. Stories of strange monsters and great wealth that could change your life.

Normally he would be on the shoreline looking to make a little coin loading and unloading the boats, but right now, he just wanted to watch the spectacle of these strangers from many races, several of which he had never seen before. Many wore battered armour and carried fearsome weapons, their eyes continuously monitoring all that was around them.

He daydreamed of the distant shores that they had seen, and the adventures they had, and wondered if he would ever have the courage to do the same. His grumbling stomach brought him back to reality. Well, he thought, they're rich, and they need things carried, at least I can earn some money from them. With that, he strode towards the dock .
Jan 25, 2023 2:31 am
The river side docks are full of a mix of barges, flat boats, a few with sails, and even one of the dwarven steam boats. With the increase in human boats the steamers only go upriver now but Baruman remembers when they were prety much the only real ships around. The swift river currents upriver make it hard for other boats but down river is wider and the currents more easily plied by the pole men of the barges and rafts.
As Baruman gets close to the docks he sees two people he reconizes. Hakeack the dwarven dock master and that human clerk in charge of recruiting adventurers. Hakeack is looking over his books and appears relatively free. The clerk has a pair of rough looking humans in tow and is heading towards one of the piers that juts out into the river. Hakeack is usually good for directions where Baruman can pick up an odd job but that human is rarely at the docks and never for too long. The peers are off limits without cause and Baruman has been tossed in the river a couple of times for sneaking in looking for work, coin, or food. It's all the same to Baruman but the dock hand always say he is underfoot, though that is usually only because they are trying to kick him.
Jan 25, 2023 10:59 am
Baruman strode towards the dock, heading towards Hakeack, hoping to pick up some work. From the corner of his eye he caught sight of the human that he's seem hanging around the dock before, talking to the strange adventurers and directing them to various locations to carry out work.

The daydreams of the adventurers still lingered in his mind.

I can't just scrounge for the same work every day, or my life will never change, but these adventurers have travelled the lands and faced all types of foe. How could a tiny fool like me ever do that? I can't just walk up to them and ask for work, those humans look really tough! I have no idea what it involves, they would probably laugh in my face!

He paused, uncertain of what to do, then with a rush of adrenaline started after the human clerk. The clerk and humans were heading towards one of the larger piers, jutting out into the river. This jetty was used by many boats every day, and had crates and barrels stacked up along it's edges, being loaded and unloaded from the boats along it's side. Baruman bent low and moved swiftly, darting between the cargo to remain hidden. If he could get close enough, he might be able hear their conversation and establish what type of work they were doing.
Do I have to roll for stealth for this type of thing?


Stealth? - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Jan 25, 2023 1:43 pm
Yes, roll. On Play by Post I recommend players roll for anything they want to do that has a chance of failure.
Next time rolls with advantage, 3d6, due to your urchin background. Anything within train related to your Background or one of your traits gains advantage.
Moving "purposefully" Barumanacts like he belongs there and is on some job but uses the people and terrain to hide his presence from this who will recognize him and likely stop him. Occasionally ducking behind pulls of cargo to rush ahead he catches up with the clerk and the pair of adventurers in time to hear one of them growing something at the clerk.
. . . have to do this junk!? The boss said for you to send us to the expedition so that is what you'll do!
It is my job to supply the expedition with what they require. Besides scouts they are also in need of basic manpower. As a laborer you will be on base more, which is where we need you. I've slipped as many of our men into the mercenaries as possible already. Besides we're still short. You assured me your other friend would be with you so I told them I had a halfling. Where are we going to thing another one at this point? Just shut up, do at you're told and wait for more instructions.
Now hurry up and go get the rest of the supplies the boss asked for from warehouse 3.

They stare off for a few moments with the other "adventurer"? standing awkwardly off to the side before tugging on his glowering companions sleeve Come on Fal, lets just do the job. And after one last glare from Fal they turn to head back to the town while the clerk continues down the pier heading to one of the 6 man river boats.
Jan 25, 2023 6:46 pm
Baruman ponders what he has overheard. If these experienced, capable, strong humans aren't getting the adventurous work they want, then why would anybody give a job to a tiny young lad like him? How could he prove that he could be of use to them?

He looks into the freezing cold river running by the pier. The light sparkles on the top of the waves crashing against the wooden jetty, hypnotising him as he struggles to come to a decision. The crash of a chest being thrown out of a nearby boat shocks him out of his reverie. Well, if it comes to it, he's been booted into the icy water more than once before and come out of it OK.

Moving as fast as he can without drawing attention to himself, he scuttles after the clerk, ducking for cover when necessary as before. moving more confidently now, his eyes follow the swaying movement of the clerks pockets, trying to determine which might contain an item of value. The left pocket definitely hangs lower, and sways wider of the clerk's hip as he walks. Hoping this means it contains a purse, Baruman dips into it with his nimble fingers.
My plan here is to steal from the clerk, then shout to get his attention, throwing the item back to him while saying 'so you're looking for a short-arse with some skills? Presuming that I don't get caught of course... I'm not sure how to do this, If I'm successful, should I make a second post saying this, and leave you to fill in if it's a failure? Or should I wait for you to respond in either case?


Pickpocketing - (3d6)

(231) = 6



Jan 26, 2023 2:26 am
Slipping up behind the clerk, Baruman reaches tho snag a pouch. Though his knife is quick and sharp the strap holding lasts just long enough for the clerk to notice and a hand drops to grab Baruman's but the duende manages to avoid his grasp and make some distance.

Here now, what have we here? An innept cutpurse on the dock? Master Hakeack will be most displeased to learn of this.
When you are maing a roll you should wait for me to respond. you can edit your post ti match the results (all thre number are red = fail) but dont do another action till I have time to responde. You can state your intended actions and depending on the situation that may be what happens. Your post above was good on this point but the faiure altered you plans.


Check to grab Baruman's arm DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Jan 26, 2023 11:31 am
Baruman backed out of range of the human's grasp , furious at himself and thinks quickly to see if he can talk himself out of this.

"Innept? There's none faster and stealthier than me, I was just letting you know I'm here! I'm hardly about to steal from my future boss now am I? That's right, I know you're looking to employ a little one, and there aren't many littler than me. You won't find anybody nippier and nimbler than me, and I know how to look after myself, so, What's the job?"

His heart beating fast in his chest, the terrified Baruman tries to look the clerk confidently in his eyes.
I've rolled for persuasion, not sure if I'm meant to do that , or if these sort of things are just plot resolved in TinyD6
Last edited January 26, 2023 11:32 am


Persuasion? - (2d6)

(64) = 10



Jan 26, 2023 1:19 pm
Looking down at Baruman the man scoffs Sure. thats all as he pats his other pouches, without taking his eyes off of you. Finding nothing amis he glares. So an oportunistic evesdropper as well as a cut purse Fine fine we can do it your way and the old man chuckles with an evil look in his eye.

Reaching into a leather satchel at his side he pulls out a portabe writing desk along with an ink well and quill. Crouching down he arranges things neatly and holds it out to you. The job is an opportunity at adventure. You just sign here. I give you 10 gold and you hop on that boat there tht were loading things onto. This here contract says you will get 10 gold a tenday week of service plus bonuses. All you have to do is a little scouting and vermin removal.
From where you are you can see the parchment is a form mostly filled out with a spot for a signature at the bottom. Though not fully literate you have learned to read most of the common symbols and the form has a short section of this that seems to match what the man says along with a bit about penalties should you break contract or tell anyone about what you do or where you go while under contract. Minimum of 1 month service.
Rolling persuasion is fine. Rolling anything is an indicator of intended action by me. The results can be modified by what you do and how you do it so the explanation combined with the roll is perfect.

FYI, here it is not an issue as you are alone but when you get in groups it is a good idea to post as your character. The "Post As" drop down above the post text box will let you select your character.
Jan 26, 2023 3:18 pm
Baruman looked back over the shore of the town, still bustling with activity. The old fishing shacks where he had earned coin using his nimble fingers to fix the snagged nets. Hakeack organising the unloading of a newly arrived boat. The streets full of people carrying on with their lives as if they didn't understand that he was about to fundamentally change his life. This was all that he had ever known, but 10 Gold. There was no decision now, he had never come near to having such a large regular income.

"Count me in then. You won't regret it. I get the first 10 in advance yeah?"

He took the quill and carefully scratched out the letters of his name as he knew them.
Jan 27, 2023 1:57 am
Smirking he takes back the sheet. Good. We've just the job for you. He pulls a smal purse from his satchel and tosses it to you. Inside are 10 GP. He walks off laughing.
A neaby boatman looks over and with a small guesture gets your attention.
Go get cleaned up and some decnt cloths. The river boat captain won't let you on the boat liket that. I sure hope you know what you're doin kid. That contract is binding. You're in it now. I'll be seein ya. Turning back to pick up a couple os sacks he heads towards the boat you are now destined to be on.
With you intimate knowledge of the town we can skip the shopping. Just let me know what you do to prepare to leave and any items you will be buying. This game does not track money and resources too close so just list your thing in order of importance and I will let you know when your money runs out.
Jan 27, 2023 11:50 am
With the money burning a hole in his pocket, Baruman heads straight to the bakers and buys a meat pie. He devours it quickly, the gravy dripping down his chin, more used to scrounging the stale bread from the previous week that was about to be binned.

Hanks's words still reverberated in his mind. What on earth had he got himself into? What was he going to need to survive outside of the town? Realising that time was passing, and desperate not to miss the boat, he runs around the shops and buys:

New Clothes: strong boots, a warm hat with holes for his ears to poke out of, hard wearing top and trousers with a hidden pocket and a travelling cloak.
A backpack
A bedroll
A cosh, hidden in his secret pocket
Oil for lantern
Lock picks to replace his worn ones
Small crowbar
Small mirror on a handle

Baruman looked over his newly purchased items. He had never in his life spent so much money one go! Moving quickly through the streets he heads back towards the boat the he saw Hank heading to.
Jan 27, 2023 2:25 pm
Getting outfitted takes almost the entire hour but you make it back in time. The only real trouble was getting new lock picks and you had to trade in all your old ones to get the new set. The bath with warm water and soap was a rare experience and you wished you could have relaxed into the tub longer.

As you walk up to the boat in your new clothes you get a double take from Hakeack. The dwarf watches for a moment before shaking his head and going back to his business. Hank only give a slight not befit continuing his work. Falcon and his buddy though look you over. You recognize their type as bullies, a lower class than most of the adventurers you've seen pass through here on their way to the expedition base. Corwin is telling with a man you take for the boat captain and they both look at you before separating.
The captain steps into his boat and orders the crew to prepare to cast off and calls for passengers to board the front and stay out of the way.
Quickly getting on the boat, the first to roll have been on that isn't tied up a thrill passes through you. The boat men push off and use their long poles to get the boat into the rivers current where long oars are used to manage it with the captain at the rudder.
Jan 27, 2023 2:36 pm
OK. I think we are done here.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Otherwise had over to The Base
May 19, 2023 1:26 am
A cold blooded welcome
Athria stands outside the dwarven city of Gamulur. The last town she was in was a small human freehold where she overheard a couple adventurers talking about an "Expedition" that has been bringing in a tidy flow of trinkets and relics to sell to nations, collectors, and other fools with too much money and comfort. The tails included some stories about magic and troubles with goblins, kobolds, and fey. Intrigues she spend a while in the freehold looking onto these tails and learned that Gamulur was one of the cities it all started and they were still recruiting.

Though a bit unsure about fighting monsters and the like she is quite comfortable scrabbling though old ruined building and figures scrounging up a few good things to sell of can't be too hard. And so she set out to find her fortune somewhere different and possibly put her old skills to a new use. Archeologist sounds impressive. She's never heard of that guild before digging up old things from the last age and getting paid good gold for it sound like an odd job. At least the owners would all be dead so its not realy stealing.

As she head towards the town gates she ponders her next step. There are a coupe of approaches she could try including simply locating the recruiter and trying to get a slot in the expedition or looking for local connections for a back way into the business. Both have risks as she is an unknown and she is not sure how the locals operate or if the expedition still has an open recruitment policy.
May 19, 2023 1:38 am
As Athria nears the city gate she can tell the uards are a mix of human and dwarf.
@Zohariel welcome to the story
May 19, 2023 8:34 am
Athria shifts the pack across her back and tugs at the hem of her cloak. The urge to drop to all fours and scurry along to find a discreet way inside suddenly looms as her tail swishes in anticipation. Her throat flexes, letting the green frills across her jaw and head flare upwards for a moment as a stark contrast to her smooth black scales. But the fear of being seen, of a heavy hand striking her for being seen or failing to provide adequate loot was her old life, and she cut those people loose. She sees the men and dwarfs, their soft vulnerable flesh and their hair; a breeding ground for all sorts of parasites no doubt. They have no claws, those stumpy fingers seem literally pointless. Athria always grudgingly admitted the achievements of these soft-skins in war and materials, but physically she always pitied them. They had work, they had the gold lust and that's what she needed them for. Gamulur seemed a mighty big place, and Athria wanted to start feeling it out.

Every open door is an invitation 'Ria. Save shadow-walking for later

Athria straightens herself up, to her full 5 feet and pulls down the hood as she approaches the guards. She knows how these humans smile but mimicking it with her needle like teeth never seems to convey the right attitude so she keeps her mouth pursed and gives a short bow. She reaches behind to her pack, where a small tree like a bonsai rests in a clothand rope bundle, leaves and branches twining upward. She plucks a fruit and with a flick of her claws cuts it in two. She offers the halves to the guards, while her head is to the side.

"Good Morrow my Fellows. Please, accept a token from the open road. I seek passage to seek work regarding your noble 'Expedition'. Pray who makes decisions about such things?"

Athria's speech is rather smooth thanks to her human upbringing, yet she can't entirely mask her mouth's natural inclination, and there's a couple of clicks and hisses that escape.
May 19, 2023 6:58 pm
One of the humans there are two of each race, peers into the dark hood as he takes half of the proffered fruit, examines it a moment, and takes a bite Hmmm 😊 and he nods appreciatively

Ghelryn Foehammer
The lead dwarf nods and roses the last half to the other dear who eyes the human and shrugs before pooping it into his mouth. The lead dwarf says If you be lookin for the expedition the head to the docks. Ask for a man, name of Corwin. They do still be hiring folks but they also be taking passage of those as can pay if ye be bit ranting to sign up.
Looking over Athria's he continues Just be minding the peace. We've had enough rough adventures and wild be's who weren't come through that the guards patience be mighty short with you lot of late
As he chatted the other human had come forward with a clipboard and she a couple of questions Name? Land or origin? How long will you be staying? Do you know anyone in the city?

You can interact in character with exact words in bold or just summarize if you like.
If you let me know what your are trying to do or learn then I can respond and drive the story better.
Nice descriptions 😊
May 19, 2023 8:57 pm
Athria's plan seems to be to get inside the city and do some spying on this Corwin. She'll gauge whether he'd be receptive to her joining without money for passage. If not, she'll try and stow away on the next ship

"Corwin? Most helpful good sirs. And as for keeping the peace, it's my intention you don't even know I'm here"

Athria steps forward only to interrupted by the human with the clipboard. Her mouth opens and for a second the human gets to see the dark red of her mouth and the rows of teeth. Her tongue flicks out and she picks up the scents on the air, particularly the sweat of so many humans in close proximity. Her new found freedom makes her urges for fight or flight a little harder to quell but Athria's determined to be counted as worthwhile, especially if she can do so atop riches and finery.

I am Athria. Couldn't tell you where I'm from, I'm something of a former slave. I intend only to be here long enough to move on for good fortunes. And I'm acquainted with Deaf Charlie on Blinker Street

Her last phrase seems a little odd, having pulled it from her former employer. In thieving circles, going to see "Deaf Chatterbox Charlie on Blinker Street" was code for See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, a promise not get in the way of another's plans. Athria doesn't expect any present to recognize the phrase, and if they do then they certainly should be inclined to let her be long enough for any local crime boss to give her a shakedown of the rules. The Lizardfolk looks to the Men and Dwarves, waiting to see if she's done enough to warrant getting inside, and ready to run if not.
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