Who's who

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Dec 27, 2023 10:44 pm
Hello! Very glad to be onboard. My character is Oliver, an otterfolk (beastfolk-mammal) who loves alchemy and a well-chucked explosive flask in the name of beast and beastfolk freedom. He values a playful and compassionate attitude to all life, but is wary of those who take themselves too seriously.


Oliver is an otterfolk who used to have a simple life in a travelling circus. Juggle a few balls, clap three times while fireworks fill the scene, and appear to be smart. Just not so smart. To the beastfolk, this was an easy way to travel, provided they escaped on destination, but some became content, losing their former selves for three square meals a day. Oliver only recalls what rekindled his spark back then. It was the fireworks, the smoke clouds, the kind artist behind them, and watching that single drop of igniting alchemical substance. One question at a time led Oliver to learn a few tricks, and eventually escape, in search of more answers.

He now travels the Wildlands and cities in search of alchemical ingredients and knowledge, and a few explosions here and there for the sheer love of it. Despite everything, he still values the simplicity of a ball well juggled, and a playful and kind attitude at life. This has also taught him to be wary of anyone «not willing to play a simple game of catch».
Jan 8, 2024 3:22 am
Aizashi Nobara is a Honey Badger Beastfolk. He wants to one day be a steadfast defender of his village and those who are weaker than him. He has been a capable martial artist, ever since he was young, sparring with his siblings and neighbors. When he couldn't learn any more from that he left his home to improve his martial prowess. He has only been wandering a short time but is realizing that the world is much bigger than he thought.
Jan 9, 2024 7:22 pm
Gorman Trevow is 5' 8" tall of sturdy build with blue eyes and chestnut brown hair that flows down his back. As a child he was brought up as a carpenter and woodsman but as he grew older he spent more time in the forest learning hunting skills and less at home making furniture. When he became of age he decided to leave his village and seek his fortune as an itinerant huntsman.
Jan 31, 2024 3:12 pm
Hello all. I am happy to be joining your adventure and hopefully we will meet somewhere on the Shattered Lands one day.

Kaarik is a noble elf, youngish but already well into adulthood, he lived a life of idleness in the elf community. His lineage allowed him to focus on his education as a child and reading books now that he is now a grown elf. As all elf nobles, he received the best of theoretical education.
Books allowed him to escape and learn about the world and different species that inhabit it.

Contrary to his kin and the other members of his class, Kaarik is an idealist who dreams of a world where all species would live in harmony once more and where they could all me named "The People".
His book studies assure him that there will be a world where all beings can live equally and in peace.

He is upset with his kin for not acting and decides that it is time for him to pack his books and do something to make all beings a little bit more equals.
Feb 3, 2024 1:41 am
Brewner is Human, tall with a powerful frame, with dark brown eyes and hair.
Is from a clan named Noric of the Shattered Lands that was mostly destroyed in the Shattering, he is one of the few of his people that survived. He have the common equipment for an adventurer but he also have a king from a chess set that contains an ancestor trapped. He wanderer the known world looking for adventure and a new place to call home.
Feb 22, 2024 10:15 pm
Arc, a ravenfolf of back feathers, was raised by a family of shop owners. In a canopy-like small town, where his parents run the only trading post. From a young age he would help his parents (and numerous siblings) in any way needed: ordering products in the shelves, giving messages, helping customers, visiting suppliers, registering accounts (this last one, quite boring, but somebody had to do it), among other things.
When he reached adulthood, he wanted to travel and see the world, so he packed a few of his belongings and flew. He is not fond of battle or any violence, but acknowledges the need for hunt to eat, and to fight to defend what he thinks is right, so he carries a bow and a dagger. But prefer more civilized ways to solve issues and usually is happy to help around, this is why he developed a strong focus on diplomacy.
[ +- ] opening scene
Last edited March 1, 2024 12:05 am
Feb 29, 2024 9:44 pm
Were you to encounter Mina Tokala-Croille, she would draw your attention in the same manner as a delicate goblet placed on a shelf among glass tankards – not shockingly out-of-place, necessarily, but not naturally fitting in either. Quietly she would eye you from her isolated perch in the corner, her gold-green eyes darting away and her lips curling in a timid smile the instant your gazes met. At first glance, you might have mistaken her for human, but upon further analysis you would realize that tucked beneath her hood are large, pointy ears to match the shock of long, rusty hair tumbling over her shoulders. Quickly she would tuck away the piece of paper she was furtively scribbling on, avoiding eye contact with you as she makes her exit. As you turn to follow her progress, you would note a fox-like tail swishing beneath her long green cloak.

Andarian – That’s the style of her garb, you’d realize in that moment. The fabric is different, though – softer and lighter than you’re accustomed to seeing from that corner of the Shattered lands. And also, she is walking around barefoot…. How odd.... Well, whoever this petite creature is and whatever her business, she looks to be a long way from home….
Last edited February 29, 2024 9:45 pm
Mar 30, 2024 6:56 am
Ultime d’Mon-Chelevant is a human in his mid twenties, though he looks a little younger. He's average height, with a strong, lithe build, and has short brown hair and brown eyes. He often tries for a brave and stoic demeanor, but a closer look will easily reveal his underlying uncertainty. He's generally quiet and not the first to speak up, but will engage any friendly inquiries in a like manner. His bow and large hunter's knife mark his profession. He seems content to follow the lead of Mina, his current traveling companion.
Apr 18, 2024 4:25 pm
Felix Flordenlord, is from a relatively large and old town. He works as a grave digger, as well as tending to the crypts, he grew up in the profession, practically the family business. Felix's father was a grave digger, as was his father before him and his father before him, but his father before him was Swordsman for hire. Nothing high born, but a decent mercenary, with a respectable reputation. He even got his own crypt, where the subsequent Flordenlords were laid to rest.

Felix is 6 feet tall, slim (but good muscle definition from all the digging) and very attractive (as far as human males go). Short wavy (some might say floppy) brown hair, with frosted tips (Must be friends with an alchemist). He likes nice clothes, although they aren't the newest, and have a slight earthiness to them.

Digging graves, even with his families magical spade, is not Felix's idea of a fulfilling life. However he has found that spending the rest of his time in Pubs, Taverns, Dance Halls, Casinos, does make him pretty happy. The "Bar" has been his 2nd home, growing up playing cards, sneaking drinks, telling tales (some tall). As such he developed a skill at spotting deception or others moods, resulting in plenty of pots at the poker table. Even when he won those around him were never too angry, he got along with most.

But the cemetery, graveyard, always came calling, he had a duty, a Flordenlord duty, to perform.

There's not a lot of mental stimulation in his profession, so Felix became an expert at names and dates. Reading from the tombstones and Crypt plaques, he began (in his early teens) to greet them "Good morning Mr. Glomkin" as he walked by. "Oh Mrs. Feverstill don't get up, it's only me, Felix. Yes yes, I'll pull those weeds." And that led to more involved (one sided) conversations. Soon enough he had plenty of company during his digging and tending hours.

Until one day, when he was 18;
"You know it's Blomkin, not Glomkin. The engraver got it wrong and my family were too poor, or disinterested, to do anything about it."
Felix about soiled his drawers and fell back into the grave he had been digging.

The spirit of Mr. Blomkin had appeared above his grave and spoke to Felix.

"Well you're not the only bored soul around here" Mr. Blomkin explained.

It wasn't long before Felix was visited by many more spirits around the cemetery, and eventually he learned to call upon them too.
"Mr. Glom-Blomkin........you seen my bucket?"

However one spirit, or family of spirits, were not called upon by Felix. In fact he avoided that area of the cemetery, where the Flordenlord crypt sat.

Until one day - after many drinks and losing track of time Felix remembered he had to prepare a grave site for a morning burial. Stumbling his way back to work in the dark he took his old route, one avoided for several years, which carried him directly past the Flordenlord crypt. A massive spectre rose up in front of Felix, blocking his path.
"Who-err-yoo" Felix queried with blurred eyes.

To cut a long story short (too late) it was the first occupant of that crypt, his sword wielding ancestor, Florial Flordenlord. Florial instructed Felix to push the lid off of his sarcophagus in the crypt, retrieve his great sword, replace the lid, and get the hell out of town to find a more interesting life. The end.
Apr 23, 2024 5:12 pm
Ashlan was born in the Northern regions of the world with 6 toes on each of his feet. He hated the cold, his breed did not grow fur, so he was left to wear clothing so that he would not freeze to death. When he was older, sick and tired of dealing with the harsh winters, he left his home and traveled on southward.

Learning to survive on his own, he started to use the natural talents that he had in order to pay, or steal meals. Much of his teens to adulthood would have him placed in a number of different prisons. Some of which he escaped, some, he was forced to complete his sentence.

Going to these prisons was his education in the arts of theft, burglary, pickpocketing and finding/disarming traps. his little hands are able to fit into a great deal of places and they allow him to work easily, his large ears letting him listen to the locking mechanisms and his sharp eyes are able to pin point traps.

He wishes to steal a large enough fortune that he is able to live off of it for the rest of his life, buy some land down south, build a home and possibly start a family there.
May 13, 2024 1:31 am
Stee Jans is a young human who has spent his short life with his father in the forests here and there. He is 5'9" about 160 lbs. He always has his long bow with him and is always ready to show off his skill with it. He has his fathers easy manner and quick to smile. He wears leather armour that his father had crafted for him under his greenish brown cloak.
May 22, 2024 3:32 pm
Elyse is the youngest daughter of a renowned goblin jeweler family. She is extremely outgoing and her childlike build and demeanor endears her to most who encounter her. She is travelling the lands looking for stones and gems she can bring back to her family to work and craft to further the family reputation as fine jewelers. She is a gifted story teller and has a certain panache embellishing the stories she tells with small illusions of the characters and places she tells. As long as there is an audience, there is always a corner for Elyse to curl up in for the night and a spare bowl of stew to keep the storyteller content.
Jun 13, 2024 8:30 am
Serig is the sole survivor of a mysterious massacre of his pack. The youngest of his family, This tragedy turned the once warm and exuberant young cub into a cold and intimidating wolf beastfolk. He fell into adventuring, wandering and passing through different lands like a specter, compelled only by his blistering desire for revenge and the frigid, piercing yearning to reunite with his long-lost loved ones.

Yet despite all of this, not to mention his conviction to never let anyone close, Serig's repressed ache for another pack to call his own rears its head, and drives him to protect the weak, the helpless, and most of all, those that remind him of his family's ghosts.
Last edited June 13, 2024 10:14 am
Jun 13, 2024 3:39 pm
Dree stands at 5’9, is lean but well muscled, has long black hair, pointed ears, lavender eyes, and carries a great axe. Dree was born to a human father and an elven mother in the wilds of the northern forests. Her mixed heritage made her stand out among the tribe she grew up with, but it also gifted her with a unique blend of strength and grace. From a young age, Dree showed immense talent in hunting and tracking, always eager to prove herself as strong as any member of the tribe.

As she grew older, Dree's adventurous spirit led her to venture beyond the borders of her tribe's territory, seeking out new challenges, experiences, and a place to feel the belonging she never found with the tribe. Despite her tough exterior, Dree possesses a kind heart that stirs within her whenever she encounters injustice or suffering.
Last edited June 14, 2024 2:10 am
Jun 16, 2024 9:26 am
Zevakyn's a young human of 15 years, orphaned at an early age and raised by Mother. 'Mother', for all intents and purposes, appears to be the worn old sword Zeva carries everywhere. Or so Zeva says. No one's quite sure if she's telling the truth, or just complete bonkers. If her sanity matches her fashion sense (rags and a mishmash of random leather armour), it might just be the latter.

Growing up, Zeva and Mother spent their lives chasing after various bounties, following the strict rules of knighthood: honor, courage, and most importantly, conartistry. Because Mother was once wielded by a knight, who also moonlighted as a conartist. Very good stuff.

During their adventures, they hear rumours of the grave of Mother's old Knight. Mother wishes to be laid to rest there, and so they set out one last merry adventure to find the old Knight's grave.

Messy doodle of Zeva and Mother:
Hey everyone, rather new to this, hope we have a good time adventuring together!
Jul 28, 2024 9:24 pm
Glidbem was born into a group of wandering Duende traders, who traveled the Shattered Lands bartering what they had for what they needed. Sometime during her youth the group came into possession of a small collection of books covering all manner of subjects about the world. To most these would be useless tomes full of indecipherable text, good only for trading, but Glidbem took a keen interest in them. Though she couldn't read them, something about the glyphs contained within sparked her curiosity, and a desire for understanding would drive her to learn about them. Whenever the group came across someone who seemed learned enough to read the glyphs she would pester them endlessly to teach her more of what they meant. As the years went on she slowly began to gain a fuller understanding of the common language, and could read and understand books on just about any topic all by herself.

As she grew, so too did her curiosity for the world and her desire to know more about it, and so once she came of age she left the caravan to seek out a place where she sate her need for understanding. She would eventually find herself in the employment of a library, where she would further continue her studies when she wasn't busy organizing shelves. Once she heard of the expedition to Paphos however, her mind began to race with possibilities of what knowledge could be contained within it, feeling the same sense of wonder she experienced as a child looking through those first tomes. With a hurry she left the library to try and ensure a spot on the expedition team, eager to discover any and all secrets that the city may hold.
Hopefully this is acceptable, let me know if there's anything that doesn't quite work within the setting and needs changing.
Jul 29, 2024 4:02 am
I can't say that I really remember being born. I don't think my kind is "born", really. My first memory is of the river. I achieved consciousness near it, and I enjoyed the creatures that traversed it. The large scaly beasts were my favorite, and I would stomp and splash around as one of them, enjoying the displacement of the water around me. Then I started to see the pinkskinned people - the ones I would later come to know as Hank and Nel. I tried them out - Nel was less agile than a scaly, but more versatile, able to grab onto things and hold and twist them. Hank was less quick, but stronger, taller and I loved the feel of the bristles that jutted out in front of my speaking-hole when I was him. The noises were incredible. Over time I discovered that they had meaning.

Nel and Hank weren't like scalies, though. They didn't like seeing themselves reflected in me, said it made me something called a "Changeling" (an odd mouth sound, as it felt both like a slur and like a glove at the same time) and that I shouldn't impersonate people. They insisted I come up river with them to see the Safeguard of Paphos. Weird group of pinkskins, they really focused more on the mouth sounds with me. Now they want me to go on something called an Expedition, they think it will be good for me, better learning than being in their vertical river all the time. I just hope it's as fun as they promise it to be.
Aug 12, 2024 2:04 am
Trevor is a young adult human who spent most of his years as a student in a Mage's Tower. Besides being really interested on studying and gathering knowledge, he never did well in his magical studies, not showing any talent; he'd rather go out at nights to attend festivals, drink his share and impress the ladies with his natural skill with throwing knives and archery contests.

He always felt the need for something more. Someday, a band of adventurers came in the tower, bragging about how they were going into a great adventure. Mesmerized, he decided to secretly hop on with them, starting his life of adventure!

He now lives as a wandering vagabond, always cheerful, a force of chaotic energy, bringing ruckus whenever he steps, changing peoples and places forever, wherever he passes by.
Aug 13, 2024 4:02 pm
Gutelos is a Duende miner who has a significant amount of Goblin ancestry, which reveals itself in his odd sense of humour and his wide, wide mouth filled with sharp, needle-like teeth. Though he sometimes finds it hard making friends because of this, those who do give him the time of day find him a good friend, if an odd one, and know that in any expedition underground, he will try his utmost to ensure they survive the journey.

He isn't that great in a fight, to be fair, but he knows his way around traps, and can cast illusions that frequently save his friends and himself.
Last edited August 15, 2024 3:23 pm
Oct 6, 2024 8:19 pm
Wemmick is a middle aged human who stands 5'8". He is always well dressed and plucking at his lute. Wemmick is a charismatic person with an easy way about himself. This is due to the fact that Wemmick is educated which has often given him an advantage in life as well as the fact Wemmick is a skilled duelist with his rapier often using his acrobatics he picked up in his youth in the circus to his advantage in battle.
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