Story - Part 1 - The way to Icespire peak
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Garic Attacks, 1 spell & 2 shields - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (33) = 6
2d6 : (14) = 5
2d6 : (63) = 9
Initiative as the previous posts didn't load for some reason?
I've forgotten, do all heroes go? Sorry x.x
Initiative - (2d6)
(42) = 6
Initiative - (2d6)
(51) = 6
Initiative as the previous posts didn't load for some reason?
I've forgotten, do all heroes go? Sorry x.x
3 Attacks on Goog - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (62) = 8
2d6 : (35) = 8
2d6 : (43) = 7
2 (Actual?) attacks - (3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (121) = 4
3d6 : (213) = 6
Attack on Goog - (2d6)
(26) = 8
Sprout's spear attacks both hit and leave another set of wounds.
Martina's crossbow bolt hits Goog's neck causing her to scream out loud.
Vienne throws a chakram at Goog and her attack hits too.
Goog shouts orders at the frogmen. Four engage Sprout while two throw their spears at Martina.
Sprout can dodge two of the attacks but the other two hit and wound him.
Martina tries to dodge the spears but both graze her leaving some nasty wounds.
Goog raises her fist and sends it down crashing onto Garic's head. Garic sees stars flickering before his eyes and before he can react Goog grabs Garic and pulls him to her mouth.
You will be a tasty snack she screams
I divided Raamtentacle's initial roll into 2x 3d6 granting him two hits.
And yes you can move and attack. I took the liberty to roll an attack for Vienne aimed at Goog in order to keep the momentum going. Hope that's okay.
Zones and players:
Close: 6x frogmen, Goog the Tiny, Garic, Sprout
Far: Vienne Martina
Grappling attack Goog - (2d6)
(35) = 8
Punch Goog - (3d6)
(564) = 15
Spear attack frogman - (2d6)
(55) = 10
Spear attack frogman - (2d6)
(46) = 10
Spear attack frogman - (2d6)
(33) = 6
Spear attack frogman - (2d6)
(44) = 8
Spear attack frogman - (2d6)
(36) = 9
Spear attack frogman - (2d6)
(52) = 7
Chakram attack Vienne - (3d6)
(225) = 9
Garic block - punch - (2d6)
(46) = 10
Garic block - grapple - (2d6)
(26) = 8
Again, two jabs from his own spear come towards the smaller frogs.
Attack the frogmen! - (3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (566) = 17
3d6 : (556) = 16
Focused Attacks on the Tiny target Goog - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (11) = 2
2d6 : (55) = 10
Attack 1 - (3d6)
(326) = 11
Attack 2 - (3d6)
(464) = 14
Attack on Goog - (3d6)
(161) = 8
Garic's whirlwind attack misses the first but fully hits the second time. Goog screams loudly but is interrupted by the two chakrams of Vienne and the bolt of Martina that hit in quick succession.
The two frogmen who threw their spears at Martina draw crude daggers and run at Garic trying to cut him while another two engage Sprout and try to stab him.
Goog meanwhile seems to be fully commited to eat Garic. Even though she's heavily wounded bleeding from several gashes that she received, she once again tries to hit Garic's head and then grab him.
But her wounds seem to take their toll causing Goog to wildly flail araound without hitting anything.
One of the frogmen seem to be able to get a stab through Garic's defenses while the other one misses.
Sprout meanwhile receives two hits from the frogmen, on of them only narrowly missing his eye and grazing his head instead
Zones and players:
Close: 4x frogmen, Goog the Tiny, Garic, Sprout
Far: Vienne, Martina
Goog - Punch to Garic's head - (3d6)
(333) = 9
Goog - Grapple attack - (2d6)
(34) = 7
Frogmen 1 - Attack on Garic - (2d6)
(32) = 5
Frogmen 2 - Attack on Garic - (2d6)
(36) = 9
Frogmen 3 - Attack on Sprout - (2d6)
(61) = 7
Frogmen 4 - Attack on Sprout - (2d6)
(56) = 11
goblin agility with shield - (2d6)
(13) = 4
Barfighter Shield Attacks - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (25) = 7
2d6 : (44) = 8
2d6 : (36) = 9