Story - Part 1 - The way to Icespire peak

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Jun 29, 2023 7:10 pm
Kroxa turns to Sprout and bows down Oh! How wise of you! We don't know it but it could very well be. Of course! If they are bothered too they could be allies. As long as they keep off our grounds of course
Jun 29, 2023 11:53 pm
"Perhaps if we can become allies regarding the trolls, we can set up a beneficial trade between your peoples. The fae clearly desire your food, perhaps they can trade you things for it instead of stealing it."
Jun 30, 2023 9:40 pm
It seems to Garic these are much like him and his friends save they live in the swamp and the frog men have not needed or bothered with higher manufacturing processes. He talks with the youth about his own trade as an Herbalist asking about their own local lore.
Thinking to himself I bet that shaman knows all the good local plants. I should compare notes with him later
He talks about his own village and his adventures since leaving home while he awaits a resolution from inside. He does question them a bit about the Goog It seems that the Goog's demands is a good way to get in a fight. Surely most chiefs are not as bad as the Goog was. Why was the Good so demanding and unfriendly?
Jul 1, 2023 10:56 pm
Martina nods approvingly. "I have to admit, I agree with Goog's plan to raise an army. A competent defense force is a necessity if the town is under threat. I for one would be happy to share what combat skills I have to help train up new recruits. But then an alliance could be more valuable still. I think then the Fey fortress should be our next destination."
Jul 2, 2023 9:35 am
Oh yes. Trade! So wise! Kroxa loudly exclaims And yes an army. Unfortunately you disposed of some of Goog's followers but of course you were right to do so! You are clearly a much better off without those disloyal *ribbit* *Croak*
Kroxa calls out at the door and shortly after a frogman with a crude bow on its back enters.
This is Froog. Our best scout. She will show you the way to the fey fortress. Do you need anything else?
Froog makes a deep bow
One of the younglings whose name is Krooax (or at least it sounds like this) answers Old boss was Ribbit. Old, fat and wise. Very good for peace. But trouble with Fey began and Ribbit didn't stop them. Goog challenged his power and promised to stop the Fey. His guard changed loyalty, killed him and Goog took his place.
Jul 6, 2023 8:36 pm
But you must be tired! Mighty warriors need much rest! Kroxa loudly exclaims. The frogman communicates with its fellows in their native language and after a while frogmen come in with blankets and baskets full of food. The food looks... interesting. Mostly insects and worms from the swamp but also some strips of meat and fish. If you make a fire you could surely roast them.
You see that the sun begins to set so it's probably best to rest for the day.

The night is uneventful and in the morning Froog the scout is ready to lead you to the fey fortress. Even though Froog doesn't talk very much the scout does a good job on directing you through the swamp. You traverse it much quicker than you'd have been able on your own and after just two hours you see the 'fortress'.
But it's not really a fortress but rather an outpost. It seems as if the Fey have set up camp in a glade just outside the swamp. A large fire is burning in the middle of the glade and a rack with meat is placed beside it, probably to dry the food. Several platforms have been constructed in the branches of the surrounding trees and you can hear voices singing and laughing.
I wait outside while you deal with intruders Froog croaks. So far the Fey don't seem to have noticed you
Hope it's okay that I rushed you to the Fey camp. One thing that's difficult about PbP RPG is pacing so I often try to skip the boring bits.
If you want to RP what you did during your rest and on the way to the camp, feel free to do so
Jul 7, 2023 12:50 am
FFing is fine. What are the fey exactly? size shape color gear ???
Garic scans the camp, counting the fey, checking their gear, and categorizing them if there are any distint features. (warior, hnter, mage, druid. . . )
Jul 7, 2023 10:28 am
Garic watches the fey. From the look of it this seems to be a hunting camp. Most of them are carrying bows and long knives and are wearing a leather vest as armor.
The camp seems to be busy processing their last hunt. Animal carcasses are cut up and processed. Meat is dried by the fire and furs are stacked up at the side.
[ +- ] What you know about Fey
Jul 7, 2023 5:35 pm
I think the jump is fine.
Sprout leans down to Garic. "What do you make of them Garic? They don't seem like they're spoiling for a fight. Talking might be advisable before combat, wouldn't you think?"
Jul 8, 2023 3:34 am
Fine with the time skip here as well!
"Talking sounds like the best bet, but how do we convince them to do so? Any ideas?"
Jul 8, 2023 4:09 am
Garric proffers a rough planI suggest Sprout should be the one to approach them. As forest dwellers they may have more respect for him. Simple and direct. Sneaking around does not give a good impression.
How many fey?
Jul 8, 2023 7:35 pm
Psybermagi says:
How many fey?
Do a test to assess that ;)
Jul 8, 2023 8:09 pm
1 2 3 many


Check DC5 - Basic - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Jul 8, 2023 8:16 pm
Garic squints his eyes and counts the Fey. He thinks he can make out about 20 of them. About half of them seem to be really fitted for combat with bows, knives and armor. The rest seem to be unarmed helpers who have no obvious weapons on them. He also makes out two armed fey on a platform facing your direction but they don't seem to have noticed you. If you choose to approach the camp those two would be the first one to talk to.... or kill...
Jul 12, 2023 2:42 am
I think we should just go and talk with them. It is not like they have been attacking the frogs. Garic says looking to the others. If there are no objections they he will move to approach the elven camp, shields at the ready just in case.
Jul 12, 2023 3:43 pm
"That sounds fair to me. We are here to forge an alliance, after all." Sprout will proceed with Garic, taking the lead with his weapons stowed to present a Natural and friendly face.
Jul 12, 2023 4:38 pm
Vienne nods quickly, no reason to be hostile right off the bat. She follows slightly behind the other two comfortably.
Jul 12, 2023 8:52 pm
Froog watches with bewilderment in their eyes as you just walk up to the camp but stays back. Suddenly your hear a sharp whistle and the voices in the camp stop.
Who walks there? And what do you want? you hear from one of the Fey on the platform in the trees facing you. He has a longbow in his hand but hasn't drawn up an arrow
Jul 12, 2023 9:32 pm
Holding his hands up to be clear that he's unarmed, Sprout calls back.

"My name is Sprout and I've got a few friends here with me. We're adventurers really but we've gotten involved in some things here in the swamp. Right now we're here on behalf of the frogmen. We seek to negotiate."
Jul 12, 2023 10:56 pm
You come on behalf of the froggies? Hahahaha the fey begins to laugh but he's interrupted by a voice from within the camp in a language you don't understand. They exchange a few sentences then the fey turns to you. You may enter but keep your weapons sheathed

You enter the camp. As you saw from further away a large fire burns in the middle of the glade. People are busy processing hunted animals and harvested plants.
A hut made out of reeds is on one side of the glade and two people are sitting on a mat in front of it. One is a female fey with a head dress made out of antlers and gem stones. The other fey is male and is wearing a simple green robe. A long green dagger that looks as if it's made from glass is hanging from a belt that holds the robe together.
He begins to talk in a coarse voice So you are here to negotiate on behalf of the frogmen... Interesting. What are the offers and demands?
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