I have been making some notes to get a handle on the names of NPCs and their stories. I thought I'd share them!
Angus Tapkin: Pireus (dock leader) in the Packer's Guild.
Calus Eramus: Hailed Andra, Castellan, 3rd Imperial Legion. Formerly (379 IY?) a centurion, commander of 80+ legionnaires, in the 7th Legion of the Imperial Army. Friend of Gundus, who was attached to Eramus's contubernium as kyrazenus. Xenophon fought alongside him and remembers Eramus's valor in the skirmishes against the Celdoreans in the Syrnasos.
Gundus knows Calus Eramus as a proud Auran of respected Tirenean stock, who maintains all the old Empyrean Rituals. Though hot-tempered and intimidating at times, Eramus is a bold warrior and a shrewd commander. Sluggard troops dreaded his discipline, but the high men on the line were increased by his strength.
Guildmaster Dameon Korith: Leader of the Packing Guild.
Dimitrius Strabo: Commander of the Sea Wolves mercenary company, Xeonphon's former employer. Now imprisoned.
Glais Danarovus (Danarov): The Ion of the Packer's Guild (boss, chief). Born to a lower noble house and trained his entire youth to join the ranks of the prestigious Palatinian Guard. He gained the post, but it was short lived as his father landed the family name into dishonor. After demotion, Glais served the remainder of his military obligation as a Centurion, deploying to the wars against Jutland and Celdora. Upon discharge from the 3rd Legion, he joined the Packers' Guild under the tutelage of Guildmaster Dameon Korith, a long time associate of his father. In less than a decade, Danarov has become one of the most feared men in the region. First renown as a master swordsman and assassin, now recognized as an expert strategist with a skill in operations, he is The Ion in Amanuctum. This makes him the second ranking leader in the Packers' Guild, answering only to Guildmaster Dameon Korith in Kourithos.
Haldoon, of Clan Biturges: AKA Doon Thunderer, Toirneach. A Krysean skald who follows the old ways.
Last edited March 31, 2023 5:41 pm