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Mar 29, 2023 6:27 am
Len says:
Haha, I'm not sure how I mixed this up, but I thought Gundus was an NPC, not @Robago's character! Was milking DMJ for the bill, didn't mean to give you a hard time, but maybe we can roll with it. Robago, let me know if the scene is to your liking, I can always back it off, or retcon :)
No worries at all, mate. I do enjoy a good in-character argument, and I liked your approach. Always feel free to press your character's point of view as heavily as you like to Gundus (this goes for everyone else, too).
Mar 29, 2023 9:07 am
Looks like I got lucky for my first PBP game. This feels like a strong group. I look forward to learning from everyone and exploring the characters and setting.

As far as mature content goes, I can take it or leave it. If it makes sense for the characters, then I am not squeamish about it.

About a year ago, I ended my exploration of Conan Exiles ERP servers. It turned out to be a pretty good place to encounter talented if not raunchy role players and explore identity and gender. There are mods for the game that allow exploration of just about any kink imaginable.
It also taught me that there are terrible and immature role-players out there who are just looking for a quick hit of Dopamine. I wasn’t really surprised by this but grew wary/weary of it.

As far as Damanandros, not sure if he is interested in sex yet, he may prove to be asexual. Still working him out to see who he is. He is far more cerebral than carnal.

Consider my consent given for just about anything regarding content.
Mar 29, 2023 4:35 pm
Busy morning for me with a flat tire in the rain. I will have to make time to post later today instead of in the morning as I hoped.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 31, 2023 11:44 am
Morning on East Coast North America, Players' Club.

I'm off the game boards until this evening. I know Len has some busy days recently in The Real, so I think a slight downshift might give time for him or anyone else to craft what I think will be penultimate or final entries on this intro scene.

Going into the weekend, I'm planning to toss up a few casual entries - open ended and setting oriented more than queuing up Required Actions. As a general pattern, I'll strive to keep Saturdays and Sundays low stakes casual or sometimes a full strategic pause.

Keep it coming though for anything you've got. Great week for the Origin Scene of __________. (?)



Mar 31, 2023 5:39 pm
Thanks for your patience! Post is up.


Mar 31, 2023 5:39 pm
I have been making some notes to get a handle on the names of NPCs and their stories. I thought I'd share them!

Angus Tapkin: Pireus (dock leader) in the Packer's Guild.

Calus Eramus: Hailed Andra, Castellan, 3rd Imperial Legion. Formerly (379 IY?) a centurion, commander of 80+ legionnaires, in the 7th Legion of the Imperial Army. Friend of Gundus, who was attached to Eramus's contubernium as kyrazenus. Xenophon fought alongside him and remembers Eramus's valor in the skirmishes against the Celdoreans in the Syrnasos.

Gundus knows Calus Eramus as a proud Auran of respected Tirenean stock, who maintains all the old Empyrean Rituals. Though hot-tempered and intimidating at times, Eramus is a bold warrior and a shrewd commander. Sluggard troops dreaded his discipline, but the high men on the line were increased by his strength.

Guildmaster Dameon Korith: Leader of the Packing Guild.

Dimitrius Strabo: Commander of the Sea Wolves mercenary company, Xeonphon's former employer. Now imprisoned.

Glais Danarovus (Danarov): The Ion of the Packer's Guild (boss, chief). Born to a lower noble house and trained his entire youth to join the ranks of the prestigious Palatinian Guard. He gained the post, but it was short lived as his father landed the family name into dishonor. After demotion, Glais served the remainder of his military obligation as a Centurion, deploying to the wars against Jutland and Celdora. Upon discharge from the 3rd Legion, he joined the Packers' Guild under the tutelage of Guildmaster Dameon Korith, a long time associate of his father. In less than a decade, Danarov has become one of the most feared men in the region. First renown as a master swordsman and assassin, now recognized as an expert strategist with a skill in operations, he is The Ion in Amanuctum. This makes him the second ranking leader in the Packers' Guild, answering only to Guildmaster Dameon Korith in Kourithos.

Haldoon, of Clan Biturges: AKA Doon Thunderer, Toirneach. A Krysean skald who follows the old ways.
Last edited Mar 31, 2023 5:41 pm
Mar 31, 2023 7:03 pm

Thanks for this Len. I am constantly going back through posts to find such details. Having them in one place is a real time saver.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 31, 2023 7:20 pm
True. Good call. I was meaning to start up a NPC tracker with links in Setting Details, but hadn't had time yet. Maybe this weekend.

Thanks for the organization.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 31, 2023 8:46 pm
I've got to stop there for the night, Players' Club.

Intro Thread is open for a short while longer. I'll make one or two more entries tomorrow before closing it out. The end of the beginning.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 1, 2023 1:21 pm
Happy Weekend.

"Meet in a Tavern" is retired in the annals of history.

"Road to the Wilderness" now the ACTIVE GAME and open for posts.



Apr 1, 2023 7:01 pm
Damn, I'm too slow. For the record, Xenophon's response to Tapkin's threat/joke (even though it was probably meant to be rhetorical):
As Danarov and Syrena are talking, he pulls Xenophon closer. "You're on the boat now, mate," he says. "Where do you want to go?"
was, as drily as possible: "To the helm, of course."

Looking forward to checking out the new thread!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 1, 2023 8:03 pm
Len says:
Damn, I'm too slow. For the record, Xenophon's response to Tapkin's threat/joke (even though it was probably meant to be rhetorical):

was, as drily as possible: "To the helm, of course."

Looking forward to checking out the new thread!
Ha! Sorry, Len. I'm locking these mini endings down on a strong schedule to frame sections and keep moving. Don't mean to cut you out each time.
I lifted your quote for Xenophon and inserted in that post - hope you don't mind.


Apr 1, 2023 8:07 pm
Yep, totally understand. As far as I'm concerned, I'm the odd one out for pacing and don't expect the game to wait for me. Thanks for going the extra mile to include my one liner.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 1, 2023 8:10 pm
Haha! I hear ya - no problem. Anything else can probably just fit in as "reflections on last night..." thought bubbles in the new thread.
Narrative strategy. Dig it.
Apr 1, 2023 8:52 pm
Question: Did Xenophon collect his finder's free?

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 1, 2023 8:57 pm
RageRed says:
Question: Did Xenophon collect his finder's free?
No. That was not available at Gulleyloft. It would be understood as to be awarded directly from Eramus, the employer, at the upcoming meeting with him.
Apr 1, 2023 9:01 pm
Ahhh! I didn't catch that point. Cool.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 1, 2023 9:12 pm
RageRed says:
Ahhh! I didn't catch that point. Cool.
You didn't miss it. Was never explicitly explained, until now.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 1, 2023 9:14 pm
I'm working on the new "NPC Tracker" Threads, new Sub-Forum construction project in "Campaign Setting Details" Forum.

No more time now to finish, but I'll keep adding to it gradually.
Apr 2, 2023 5:44 am
Heads up - I'll be traveling with family on spring break this coming week. I can' t promise what time I can devote to posting, but at the very least I'll jump in and add a line or two from my mobile to keep things flowing.
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