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Apr 8, 2023 2:17 am
...I need to get better understanding of that "+5 bonus to proficiency throws to evade wilderness encounters" Explorer skill. Questions/Thoughts: +5 applied to what roll? At +5 and "proficiency", sounds like that would be applied to a d20 cast. But what is the result needed to "evade"? I do see the "Wandering Monsters in the Wilderness" rules, pg. 244. But these are determining if Wandering Monsters occur. That is on a roll of d6 every 6 miles, with Wandering Monster Encounter on a minority of high roll results based on terrain (5 or higher in Woods, as example). It is not convincing to me that the +5 Explorer Skill applies to this roll. Anyway, more research needed. I'll hear any thoughts in Admin - especially yours, Red
I can find no real explanation for this +5 anywhere in the Explorer Class details or in Chapter 6 (where it says further details are to found).

I am going to check the ACKS board and see if I can find any mention of this...
Apr 8, 2023 2:55 am
Woah, lots going on today! Still getting caught up, but I'm voting for option 2 also. House rules sound great too. :insert Borat "very nice".gif:
Apr 8, 2023 3:10 am
RageRed says:
...I need to get better understanding of that "+5 bonus to proficiency throws to evade wilderness encounters" Explorer skill. Questions/Thoughts: +5 applied to what roll? At +5 and "proficiency", sounds like that would be applied to a d20 cast. But what is the result needed to "evade"? I do see the "Wandering Monsters in the Wilderness" rules, pg. 244. But these are determining if Wandering Monsters occur. That is on a roll of d6 every 6 miles, with Wandering Monster Encounter on a minority of high roll results based on terrain (5 or higher in Woods, as example). It is not convincing to me that the +5 Explorer Skill applies to this roll. Anyway, more research needed. I'll hear any thoughts in Admin - especially yours, Red
I can find no real explanation for this +5 anywhere in the Explorer Class details or in Chapter 6 (where it says further details are to found).

I am going to check the ACKS board and see if I can find any mention of this...
From the Explorer Class Description in Chapter 2 (I am copy-pasting from the SRD)

Parties guided by explorers gain significant advantages on wilderness adventures. Any time the explorer's party is in country familiar to the explorer, they get a +4 bonus on proficiency throws to avoid getting lost. In any terrain except clear and grassland terrain, the explorer's party receives a +5 bonus to proficiency throws to evade wilderness encounters.

A party guided by an explorer can evade wilderness encounters even when surprised on a proficiency throw of 19+. See the Wilderness Adventures and Evasion and Pursuit sections of Chapter 6 for more details on getting lost and evading encounters.

There are further details in Chapter 6 under Evasion and Pursuit:

Chases in the Wilderness

Encounters will generally occur at much longer ranges in the wilderness, and adventurers and monsters will have far more directions available to flee. When one side is surprised in a wilderness encounter, the other side can automatically flee successfully. Otherwise, in order for one party to escape from another, it must make a successful throw on the Wilderness Evasion table. The more pursuing group members there are relative to the fleeing party, the greater chances the fleeing party may escape. This is because larger groups cannot move as fast, or as quietly. Note that the fleeing side will have a minimum of a 5% probability of escaping.

There is a table and some examples also, which I have not copied here.
Apr 8, 2023 7:31 am
I did see the table. Didn't click that it was pertaining to the +5 in question. I guess then that throw would be 1d20+5 against the terrain number listed and modified by comparative group numbers.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 8, 2023 11:20 am
Great notes above on the Encounter rules. I'll have to revisit that Evasion section. Thanks.

Casual pace for weekend, Player's Club (though Characters' Club is NOT feeling so casual I'm sure). Board is open for whatever you have on Round 1, but I may not be back on to gather updates and make entries until Sunday night.

Happy Easter to any Christians or other participants out theres. +


DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 13, 2023 9:47 pm
Rest in Power (RIP), Culchas the Hunter.

Dang, I wish Cowley would have stuck with it. I would like to have seen the savagery of Culchas's Barbarism.

Thanks for sticking with it, Players' Club.


DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 15, 2023 11:32 am
Whoa. This turns out to be a cliffhanger for the weekend.

Damanandros, Gennadius, and Xenophon seem to all have option for input, so we'll see how it goes.

Gundus and Syrena are sort of on ice for the moment while I'm writing this, but could get reactivated quickly with a wake-up call from their shelter roommates.

In The Real, I've got to get a lot of projects done this weekend and will have to stay away from the computer quite a bit. I'll still give it a shot to post late evenings if possible. Will definitely be back on by Sunday night.

Good luck, Players' Club.
Apr 15, 2023 11:46 am
Have a great weekend all! I am working on a project myself and could use a couple of days. I am creating a setting for the new Shadowdark RPG and hope to generate traffic on my Patreon soon.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 15, 2023 12:02 pm
Leo9sign says:
... I am creating a setting for the new Shadowdark RPG and hope to generate traffic on my Patreon soon.
Awesome! Post a link up here - I'd like to check out any of your promos.
Apr 16, 2023 6:25 am
Looking forward to seeing it, Leo!


Apr 16, 2023 6:40 am
Awesome, Leo! What's your Patreon link?

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 16, 2023 11:16 am
I was reading rules and thinking over this - on topic of Healing.
[ +- ] Optional rules nerd musings
Apr 16, 2023 12:02 pm
My reading of the rules is that interpretation 1 is correct per a strict reading of RAW. I don't think interpretation 2 is gamebreaking or anything, though. I'd say it depends on which better facilitates the tone you want in the campaign.

From a selfish point of view, option 2 suits me as it spreads the 'healing load' and frees Gundus up a bit to do other things with his spell slots.

I had a quick look through the B/X (OSE), AD&D 1e (OSRIC) and 2e rulesets and 1 hp / full day of uninterrupted rest is common.
-B/X: 'complete' rest
-1e: just 'rest'
-2e: defines 'rest' as 'nothing more strenuous than riding a horse or traveling from one place to another', with 3 hp / day gained for complete bed rest.

For interest, in AD&D 2e the Healing proficiency allows for immediate 1d3 hp recovery if treatment is given within one round of the wound being inflicted (in addition to boosting hp recovery per day).
Apr 16, 2023 2:44 pm
I have been posting my map around and it is getting a lot of attention. Fingers crossed that it will generate support for the project.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 16, 2023 7:58 pm
Leo9sign says:
...and his encounter with the Goddess has only intensified his desire to be a cunning linguist...
Damanandros using cunning linguist with the Goddess. heh.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 16, 2023 8:00 pm
Robago says:
My reading of the rules ...

I had a quick look through the B/X (OSE), AD&D 1e (OSRIC) and 2e rulesets and 1 hp / full day of uninterrupted rest is common.
-B/X: 'complete' rest
-1e: just 'rest'
-2e: defines 'rest' as 'nothing more strenuous than riding a horse or traveling from one place to another', with 3 hp / day gained for complete bed rest.

The entire input is great. Thanks a lot.
Apr 17, 2023 12:24 am
DMJ says:
The Goddess is indeed impressed by Damanandros's display of magic. It launches her on a series of questions for Damanandros, all of which he is glad to answer.

The conversation weaves this way and that. Some of the things she wishes to learn:

Why is he here? Where is he going? What is he looking for? What does he plan to do?

Who are his allies? What are their powers? Are there any warriors? Are any of them archers? Who is the leader?

How powerful is Damanadros? What spells does he know? Is he a shapeshifter? Has he made any hybrids? Does he seek to make hybrids?

Does Damanadros plan to cast any ritual magic spells soon? Who is his master? Who is the most powerful wizard in the region?

Who is a soldier called Eramus? Does Damanandros know of the Dreams of Sekki? Does Damanandros know Nur-Hunzu Isiratuu?

Some of the questions are quite confusing, but the Goddess does not elaborate if Damanandros asks for clarification. Soon she tells him to cease asking any questions at all, so he complies. He tries his best to be charming throughout, using his innate and learned skills at rhetoric and persuasion.

Throughout the conversation, The Goddess asks Damanandros to translate words and sentences from Zaharan to Auran. She mimics his words and listens to instruction, then increasingly makes use of Auran during the conversation. He confirms or corrects her in a give and take. Damanadros is impressed that she is an incredibly fast learner. He has never seen anything like it, though it comes as no surprise.

Damanandros does not know how long he is with The Goddess for this fascinating exchange. He loses track of time, completely immersed in the moment.

Now the Goddess is smiling and says, "Give me your spellbook."

He pulls the expensive tome out from his satchel. It is his prize possession. He gladly gives it over to her.

She begins to thumb through and read it.

Reaction Roll
Rape Rape!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 17, 2023 12:44 am
Lines are being crossed now.
This girl is bad news.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 17, 2023 1:02 am
Shelter Club...
Apr 17, 2023 5:20 am
Rape Rape!
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