RageRed says:
...I need to get better understanding of that "+5 bonus to proficiency throws to evade wilderness encounters" Explorer skill. Questions/Thoughts: +5 applied to what roll? At +5 and "proficiency", sounds like that would be applied to a d20 cast. But what is the result needed to "evade"? I do see the "Wandering Monsters in the Wilderness" rules, pg. 244. But these are determining if Wandering Monsters occur. That is on a roll of d6 every 6 miles, with Wandering Monster Encounter on a minority of high roll results based on terrain (5 or higher in Woods, as example). It is not convincing to me that the +5 Explorer Skill applies to this roll. Anyway, more research needed. I'll hear any thoughts in Admin - especially yours, Red
I can find no real explanation for this +5 anywhere in the Explorer Class details or in Chapter 6 (where it says further details are to found).
I am going to check the ACKS board and see if I can find any mention of this...
From the Explorer Class Description in Chapter 2 (I am copy-pasting from the SRD)
Parties guided by explorers gain significant advantages on wilderness adventures. Any time the explorer's party is in country familiar to the explorer, they get a +4 bonus on proficiency throws to avoid getting lost. In any terrain except clear and grassland terrain, the explorer's party receives a +5 bonus to proficiency throws to evade wilderness encounters.
A party guided by an explorer can evade wilderness encounters even when surprised on a proficiency throw of 19+. See the Wilderness Adventures and Evasion and Pursuit sections of Chapter 6 for more details on getting lost and evading encounters.
There are further details in
Chapter 6 under
Evasion and Pursuit:
Chases in the Wilderness
Encounters will generally occur at much longer ranges in the wilderness, and adventurers and monsters will have far more directions available to flee. When one side is surprised in a wilderness encounter, the other side can automatically flee successfully. Otherwise, in order for one party to escape from another, it must make a successful throw on the Wilderness Evasion table. The more pursuing group members there are relative to the fleeing party, the greater chances the fleeing party may escape. This is because larger groups cannot move as fast, or as quietly. Note that the fleeing side will have a minimum of a 5% probability of escaping.
There is a table and some examples also, which I have not copied here.