MaJunior: Mess Kit, 2 Waterskins, Tinder Box, Crowbar, Whetstone, Hammer, 20 piton, Map Case, Flute, 10 Chalk, 2 Soap, 4 Sprig of Mistletoe get 2 pounds of raw meat with them.
Tents take two spaces (vertical or horizontal) and each person takes one space and fire takes one space. For camp organization let me know where everyone and things are. Try to keep to the center as much as possible so if there is combat, we don't go off the play map.
Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer, but sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to recover fully during a long rest. When you finish a long rest during which you slept in medium or heavy armor, you regain only one quarter of your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If you have any levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn’t reduce your exhaustion level.
Fire Added
fTENT (i12) = front of tent, bTENT = back of tent. That would be Jeurgen's tent.
fTENT (l10) = front of tent, bTENT = back of tent. That would be Roland's tent.