rolls can be done simply as 3d6 or click on the 3d6 of your character sheet
FYI : The map of the base camp is in a snippet on the Tiny Info sheet
After finishing up his afternoon work, with Mord grumbling about distracted help, Blornvid heads across the courtyard to Valpip's shop. The little gnome his hunched over a workbench, as usual, and only look up briefly as Blornvid walks in.

Tell Mord its not ready and the artificer waves Blornvid off. After Blornvid explains why he came Valpip tells him to go talk with the clerk.
The administrator manages the warehouse you know. I was just helping expand it to some cellars when I found the old tunnels. Dont spread it about I am sure Phaln wouldn't want others knowing there is a back way into the cellars.
Knowing the clerc will be in the office for a bit you head over quickly before he closes up shop. Walking in you see the boy cleaning up papers getting ready to end his day. Seeing you enter he greets you before resuming his work

Whats up Blornvid? You explain your interest and the boy ponders for a moment.
Well it is in the warehouse so we will need to talk with the administrator but I am sure he wouldn't mind letting you have a go at it first. Mord says you have been a good worker and to be honest the guards don't really jump at chances like this. We can get one of them to help you . . . .oh wait. what about Sawen? He's good in the dark and likes to pick up the odd job. He might go with you

Sawen Shadeflanks
Sawen is a Owlkin birdfolk. He mostly hunts in the swamp and has been here about as long as you have. You have helped tend to some of his gear so know who he is but that is about it as he tends to work evenings through the night to dawn.