The three of you agree to look into it further before making a final decision. The clerk returns with a guard and the five of you enter the wharehouse. The inside is a single massive room with a few walls dividing sections along the walls into alcoves. One wall has recently been modified, by magic from the smooth seamless look of the rock, and stairs lead down below the floor level. At the bottom of the stairs a landing gives just enough room for all of you as the clerk takes a key to open the recently installed metal gate.
Torches in hand you all pass through the gate and into a large cold and damp room. Sawen passes through the gate last and stays close to it as the rest of you move into the mild eof the room and look around. About 20x40 feet the room has another door on the same wall as the gate you just passed through and another on the longer wall next to it. Also on that long wal is a heavy metal door. Though al the doors are closed the two simple doors look weak with rot.

When Valpip (the expedition gnomish artificer) reached this room he looked beyond the doors but was set upon by a couple giant rats. Though he took care of them he decided this was work for others and sealed the room with the gate.

As you as looking around a noise from the gate draws you attention and you see Valpip coming down the stairs.
I hear you hae some volenteer? he asks the clerk
If that is the case then i can continue working on the passage to the basement and he looks aroudn the room muttering. As the clerk explains the situation and restictions that the administrator has place don you he scoffs
Of cource they don't want to be locked in. Since I will be here anyhow just give me back the key for the gate and I can open it upon their return. It is apparet that Valpip is a trusted member of the expedition and has access to the wharehouse

Sawen Shadeflanks
This is good Sawen says to Blornvid
You will have a companion and can get out easily enough. I have to say I do not wish to go beneath the earth. I do apologize. and he shudders as he glances around.edging back towards the gate
I am sure they will do fine without me he says to the clerk.
Sawen is backing out due to a touch of claustrophobia. If the twwo of you are willing to procede Valpip says he will be working in the warehouse till lunch time. That gives you several hours to expore the tunnels beyond the room. He says he can have to door open in a few second as needed.