I am sorry apparently today is backwards forward day in my head
If the chest is light enough for Blornvid to carry, he'll say to Moli, "Go get someone to unlock the gate. I'll be right behind you."
If the chest is too heavy for Blornvid solo but light enough for the two of them to carry, he'll say to Moli, "Grab a handle. Let's go!"
Roll Initiative = 2d6 and add them together. Which ever side has the high roll goes first.
Giblins = 7
Initiative - (2d6)
Initiative - (2d6)
Valpip! Get ready! To open! The gate!
Initiative - (2d6)
Precognitive - Overwriting the "6" the Goblins rolled for initiative, if that's an appropriate use - (2)
() + 2 = 2
During combat each character has 2 actions that can be performed. Possible actions include + attack + evade + move + focus + other test
Opening doors, grabbing things, moving around as you fight within your current zone/room does not take an action but changing zones/rooms does.
Goblin Attack - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6, 1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (4)
1d6 : (2)
1d6 : (1)
1d6 : (2)
1d6 : (1)
You can turn and fight at the door to keep them from surrounding your or continue to make a run for it
What are you changing up?
We can call my posts a glimpse you got of the immediate future
Just a word of warning. Once you change it it may get better or worse. Ie I will reroll attacks
Ranged Attack - torch - (2d6)
Dropping the chest is free as is drawing your ax
TinyD tries to keep things loose. Using items is not restricted in the rules but just don't get carried away
@PoisonIvy What is Moli doing?
She dashes to the door, joining Blornvid, and points a long finger at one of the goblins. Sparks crackle from her fingertip and the smell of ozone fills the air.
Ranged Magic Attack - (2d6)
Ranged Magic Attack - (2d6) - (2d6)
Moli throws a couple arcane bolts into the goblin hoard, striking one who yelps in pain
Goblin Attack - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (2)
1d6 : (5)
1d6 : (2)
You are up, 2 actions each
Hitting a goblin with his axe - (2d6)
Hitting a goblin with his axe - (2d6)