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Apr 11, 2023 9:00 pm
Ah, so back the way we came?
Moli draws her knife and watches the door. Blornvid, should we? Open the chest?
Apr 11, 2023 10:11 pm
argh. Nope to the east
I am sorry apparently today is backwards forward day in my head
The sound are coming from the door across the room from where your everywhere
Apr 12, 2023 12:09 am
"No time. Let's take it with us."

If the chest is light enough for Blornvid to carry, he'll say to Moli, "Go get someone to unlock the gate. I'll be right behind you."

If the chest is too heavy for Blornvid solo but light enough for the two of them to carry, he'll say to Moli, "Grab a handle. Let's go!"
Apr 12, 2023 1:41 am
Blronvid lifts the chest and begins heading back to the gate when the far door bursts open. In the torchlight you see 5 small humanoids, with torches of their own. Goblins. The five of them are all smaller than Blornvid and disguisingly filthy as the smell in the room is suddenly amplified with their arrival. Clad in a mishmash of rough clothing, leathers, and scraps of armor you can tell they have likely been down here quite some time.. On has just opened the door with a set of keys and the rest hold weapons at the ready.

Roll Initiative = 2d6 and add them together. Which ever side has the high roll goes first.
Giblins = 7


Initiative - (2d6)


Apr 12, 2023 2:31 am
Hopefully he can do this regardless of the initiative outcome:
He shouts "Goblins!" hoping to forewarn Mori.


Initiative - (2d6)


Apr 12, 2023 3:26 am
Five of them! she shouts, running to catch up.

Valpip! Get ready! To open! The gate!


Initiative - (2d6)


Precognitive - Overwriting the "6" the Goblins rolled for initiative, if that's an appropriate use - (2)

() + 2 = 2

Apr 12, 2023 3:39 am
Technically a tie but they got a 6 so I am giving it to them this time
You are just ducking through the door (back to 22) as a barrage of rocks, shards, and broken weapons sail through the air and the goblins charge across the room in pursuit.
[ +- ] Combat
Goblins : attack, move


Goblin Attack - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6, 1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (4)

1d6 : (2)

1d6 : (1)

1d6 : (2)

1d6 : (1)

Apr 12, 2023 3:41 am
Their rather pathetic weapons clatter all around you but you manage to duck through the room and avoid taking any damage.
smaller, weaker monsters (mobs) typically use 1d6 to attack, or do group attacks, and have fewer health than PC
You are at the door between 22 and 21
You can turn and fight at the door to keep them from surrounding your or continue to make a run for it
Apr 12, 2023 4:23 am
Psybermagi says:
Technically a tie but they got a 6 so I am giving it to them this time
Ah, I guess Diviner's Dice don't work with initiative?
Apr 12, 2023 11:48 am
sure they do
What are you changing up?
We can call my posts a glimpse you got of the immediate future
Just a word of warning. Once you change it it may get better or worse. Ie I will reroll attacks
Apr 12, 2023 1:24 pm
Psybermagi says:
What are you changing up?
I was trying to overwrite the "6" that they rolled for initiative with my 2.
Psybermagi says:
Just a word of warning. Once you change it it may get better or worse. Ie I will reroll attacks
Ah, nvm then! I guess Moli liked the vision she received.
Apr 12, 2023 4:03 pm
Moli recovered an instant of what might happen. Weighing the odds she isn't dissatisfied with the way the goblins soon was so weak and let's fate take is course
you guys are up. 2 actions each
Apr 13, 2023 2:38 am
1) Blornvid tosses his torch onto one of the beds, hoping that it will ignite.
Do I need to roll for that?
2) Whether or not Moli has run to get Valpip to unlock the gate, he runs to just outside the 21/22 doorway (so as to not be in the direct line of rock throwing) to hold off the goblins.
I'd like him to set down the chest and ready his axe, too, but I suspect that those are additional actions.


Ranged Attack - torch - (2d6)


Apr 13, 2023 3:42 am
@ForeverDED Tossing the torch at a target yes requires a roll (just add it to your post above or I will after Moli posts)
Dropping the chest is free as is drawing your ax
TinyD tries to keep things loose. Using items is not restricted in the rules but just don't get carried away
@PoisonIvy What is Moli doing?
Blornvid drops the chest through the doorway and tosses his torch towards the most flammable looking looking pile of rubbish before ducking around the doorframe readying his ax to confront the goblins
Apr 13, 2023 2:57 pm
Moli glances between Blornvid, the goblins, and the gate. We're doing this!

She dashes to the door, joining Blornvid, and points a long finger at one of the goblins. Sparks crackle from her fingertip and the smell of ozone fills the air.


Ranged Magic Attack - (2d6)


Ranged Magic Attack - (2d6) - (2d6)


Apr 13, 2023 2:58 pm
Moli sees a future where her magical attack misses the goblin, but alters her aim.
Spending my Diviner's Dice to change that 2 to a 6.
Apr 13, 2023 3:24 pm
Though the torch tossed by Blornvid fails to ignite anything it adds to the light the goblins carry leaving you in a dark room lit only indirectly by the goblin torches and faintly by the light from the stairs.
Moli throws a couple arcane bolts into the goblin hoard, striking one who yelps in pain
Rolled for the torch and Moli's second attack
You hear a squeak and clatter from up the stairs followed by feet approaching. That'll be Valpip you think
Apr 13, 2023 3:52 pm
The goblins rush the door but Blorvid halts their advance only allow 2 to get any attacks in on him while one tries to throw something at Moli over the others heads


Goblin Attack - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (2)

1d6 : (5)

1d6 : (2)

Apr 13, 2023 3:55 pm
One manages to get a rusty knife past Blornvid's armor but the rest of the attacks are ineffective.
You are up, 2 actions each
Apr 13, 2023 9:55 pm
Two attacks.


Hitting a goblin with his axe - (2d6)


Hitting a goblin with his axe - (2d6)


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