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May 25, 2023 12:22 am
I'm gonna have to start looking for runes more often. And get Healer whenever I get a new Trait ...

Anyway, here's my save ...

Well, great. Now I need my new armor fixed and I'm as battered as Baum started. Oh well, still alive and things (armor and me) can be fixed.
Last edited May 25, 2023 12:23 am


Skeeve: Avoiding rocks - (2d6)


May 25, 2023 1:23 am
Knocked back and over Blornvid by the blast, likely taking most of the shrapnel that would otherwise have hit the dwarf Skeeve lands with a thud. Luckily his new armor took some of the damage so he is a bit better of than Baun.

As Baun and Skeeve tend their wounds Blornvid assesses the situation. Beyond the door is a long corridor dead ending on another door. All teh surfaces of the stone hallway are covered wet and the surfaces glisten in the lanternlight. As he watches the water begins to bead up into tiny droplets. The droplets begin pooling together faster and faster. They appear to be collecting into a single point and should be ready in moments
Skeve lost 3 health, Baun lost 4 health and is currently healing herself. The liquid will finish gathering in 1 round.
May 25, 2023 2:36 am
"We have to go now. Something is taking shape in that corridor, and I don't know what it is." Blornvid does his best to assist his companions out of the room and back down the corridor they came from and plans to return to room 22. "I think those glyphs were meant to keep whatever that thing is contained, and we broke the containment seal."
May 25, 2023 12:38 pm
Blornvids best guess is it is some type of water elemental, though it does not look to be too large and will end up about as big as a dwarf though sqatter and bulbous, or possibly a slime or ooze?
May 25, 2023 4:45 pm
Skeeve says, "That's an ooze! We gotta move!" Skeeve tries to remember whether oozes are vulnerable to heat, cold, or force; and how fast they are.

Continuing he says, "We can't just let it have free reign down here, or it will ambush us later. But we have to stay out of its range!"

The results of his attempts to remember will dictate his further actions.

... Assuming he can figure out what energy type he should use, he will want to retreat into the corridor and use that to restrict its movement while he and Baun pepper it with magic attacks while we all continually retreat at the same speed it moves.
Last edited May 25, 2023 4:50 pm


Skeeve: Attempt to remember about oozes ... - (2d6)


May 25, 2023 4:50 pm
Skeeve recalls ooze are usually vulnerable to heat or cold but often immune to acid and poison. If it is an elemental then heat is the best bet.
this system does not really have damage types but flavoring things can be fun so go to town
May 25, 2023 6:27 pm
"Aye, you're right, lad. But my axe is useless against ooze, and I didn't bring a torch. I'll cover the rear while you two use your magic."

Blornvid will keep enough space between him and the others so that they don't accidentally bump into him, stumble, and fall down. He's sure the ooze would then be on them in no time.
May 25, 2023 6:48 pm
Skeeve starts to throw fire darts at the ooze while retreating. This likely means one attack and one move unless it is just too fast.

If it is too fast, we'll have to run for it while calling for help in the main room.

Assuming the ooze is slow enough, Skeeve lets off a fire dart.


Skeeve: fire dart attack - (2d6)


May 26, 2023 12:56 am
Skeeve begins bombarding the creature and as teh fire strikes the creature it as steam with an acrid stench is produced. The creature squeeles and quickly begins slithering sroung collecting more of the dropplets.

We should flee Baun calls obviously still in pain and scared as she retreats kepping both or either of you between her and the blob.

The blob finishes collecting all the droplets and charges the party. It is obvious it is faster than you but instead of closing to attack it turns the corner and heads back down the coridor you arrived by
[ +- ] map
May 26, 2023 1:53 am
Well, crap. Now we have to try to follow it ...

To Baun, Continue keeping us between you and it. But we have to see where it is going because we cannot allow it to go up into the warehouse.

We the try to follow behind to see where it is going, at least to make sure it isn't going to the warehouse.
May 26, 2023 2:10 am
You run after the slippery blob and sigh a bit in relief as it heads south to the chandelier room
You can try getting another shot of as it slips through the door, Just roll for Baun as well if you do as she feels safer now that it is far away and fleeing.
May 26, 2023 2:16 am
To Skeeve: "Good work, lad. I thought we were done for."

To Baun after the blob has fled: "Are you alright? Do we need to get you up to the surface?"



May 26, 2023 2:21 am
I am fine for now but (pant pant pant) do not think I am cut our for adventuring (pant pant pant)
May 26, 2023 2:25 am
Blornvid looks over to Skeeve, concern on his face. "Maybe we should head back to the north end of these tunnels, where we were scouting yesterday. We never checked out the door in the room with the skull carved in the rock or the door in the room with the faces on the wall."
May 26, 2023 2:39 am
Skeeve continues to run after the ooze to try and see what it does in the chandelier room. He says Head back into the mushroom room. But I have to see if it does something with that horrible chandelier.
May 26, 2023 3:42 pm
Blornvid stands at the entrance to the shroom room, but doesn't enter. Instead, he keeps an eye on Skeeve.

To Baun, he says, "If you need to head back, the stairs to the warehouse are on the other side of the mushroom room. I can't leave Skeeve alone."



May 26, 2023 5:23 pm
Dashing after the blob Skeeve sees it head south. By time he gets to the room it is nowhere to be seen but a slight trail of moisture lead under the door to the SW.

Baun heals herself more over she if recovered she begins ministering to Blornvid but easier for Skeeve to return before healing him. I am fine for now but if you plan to go deeper I think I might just go wait with Valpip she says nervously with a underlying of forced bravery. You can tell she is scared but didn't want to leave you while she can still help, at least with a modicum of safety.
May 26, 2023 9:31 pm
Skeeve will do a quick check to see if the door the ooze appears to have gone under is locked or not. He will under no circumstances go through it or open it. Once that is determined, he returns to the others to report what he found.

He then gratefully accepts whatever healing Baun is able to provide.

To Blornvid he says, Yeah, I think we should check the northern side for a while.
May 27, 2023 12:47 am
You return to then stairs to find Valpip measuring out and marking regions of stone with chalk as a dwarf comes behind and hammers into the marked spots. You note several similar spots already complete where the mark is a rune carved into the stone while others are simple X you assume are for later work. He explains his idea of expanding the stairs into a ramp after securing the room. He has already gotten doors started for the north and they should be placed tomorrow but the secret door to the fungus room will have to wait until the room is cleared so it is safe for the artisans to rework that door and make it secure.

You discuss the events that transpired. Upon mentioning the fungus to the south he cautions you. I wouldn't recommend burning the fungus out. It would kill them sure enough but the fumes are likely to be toxic.
Why don't I have Baun here go get some fungicide from the shaman. It may take a few days but it will be for the best.
he says as he look over the florid with concern as she is still obviously shaken. She can take care of that room and stay here with me the next couple of days so you have a healer on hand and softer so she does not hear But I think it best she not go any further for a while

When you mention the trapped stone door he explains that he was wondering what that had been and is concerned by the traps severity. I suggest you be careful with the area the door isolated. Something that powerful will likely be hiding more dangers or rewards. The last trap that nasty protected the ladder to the warehouse.

He is slightly concerned about the water ooze creature and mutters about additional wards needed and offers to work with Mord on putting a rune into Blornvids weapon that will enhance it against magical creatures. You will have to come and get it recharged after using it too much but it shouldn't be a problem as I am sure you maintain your weapons well as he smiles at the blacksmith adventurer.

After a good chat you are prevailed upon by Valpip to finish mapping where you have already explored and with a few reference points get a map drawn up and a copy is given to you by the clerk. He explains that the map is a magic parchment and paired to one he will keep. As you as you add measurements to it with rough outlines he can edit his copy and remove your rough sketches as needed. The tunnel to the SW turned out to lead up into the gardens. With the druid out on a assignment at the time Fiznik is called out to seal up the tunnel which he does with a single spell.
[ +- ] MAP
The rest of the day is taken measuring and working to close off the tunnel. To the NE you find another tunnel out of the brick worked rooms and passages. This heads east and ends in a room that has a large pool. It is assumed this water connects to the river to the east of the base. The tunnel is obviously not new but you are unsure of its original use.

Baun has already started clearing the fungus room. You are called to help take down a couple of magical variants that attack when she starts cleansing the room. During the fight you find a Locked Iron Chest that was in the middle of one of the violent fungus and drag it back to open in safety. Inside you find :
170 cp, 110 sp, 7 gp, 3 x diamond (50 gp), chrysoprase (25 gp), 2 x jasper (30 gp), Spell Scroll (Hail of Thorns) , Potion of Healing, 4 x Potion of Antidote

Exhausted after a long day but rejoicing at a happy conclusion you take your meal with Baun.
Let me know if you do not want me to FF/narrate litle details like this in the future.

Both of you have done a bit of adventuring so I think it is time to level you guys up.
Blornvid : you can either get A:weapon mastery (attack with 3d6) or work with Mord the smith and Valpip to B:enhance a weapon or armor
Skeeve : you can either take A:Spell Reader (this lets you use scrolls) or work with Valpip and Fiznik to create a wand or other B:arcane focus
Let me know how you want to develop
Additional traits and/or weapon mastery will be obtained as you continue playing.
May 27, 2023 6:09 pm
Fast Forwarding is fine. I suspect that you're working to integrate the new players into the game and don't want them to wait around forever.

If he has a weapon enhanced, assuming that's what Valpip was alluding to, will Blornvid be expending the magic charges when he fights mundane creatures like goblins? If so, then he'll just go with weapon mastery. I like the idea of having the extra attack die.
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