You return to then stairs to find Valpip measuring out and marking regions of stone with chalk as a dwarf comes behind and hammers into the marked spots. You note several similar spots already complete where the mark is a rune carved into the stone while others are simple X you assume are for later work. He explains his idea of expanding the stairs into a ramp after securing the room. He has already gotten doors started for the north and they should be placed tomorrow but the secret door to the fungus room will have to wait until the room is cleared so it is safe for the artisans to rework that door and make it secure.

You discuss the events that transpired. Upon mentioning the fungus to the south he cautions you.
I wouldn't recommend burning the fungus out. It would kill them sure enough but the fumes are likely to be toxic.
Why don't I have Baun here go get some fungicide from the shaman. It may take a few days but it will be for the best. he says as he look over the florid with concern as she is still obviously shaken.
She can take care of that room and stay here with me the next couple of days so you have a healer on hand and softer so she does not hear
But I think it best she not go any further for a while
When you mention the trapped stone door he explains that he was wondering what that had been and is concerned by the traps severity.
I suggest you be careful with the area the door isolated. Something that powerful will likely be hiding more dangers or rewards. The last trap that nasty protected the ladder to the warehouse.
He is slightly concerned about the water ooze creature and mutters about additional wards needed and offers to work with Mord on putting a rune into Blornvids weapon that will enhance it against magical creatures.
You will have to come and get it recharged after using it too much but it shouldn't be a problem as I am sure you maintain your weapons well as he smiles at the blacksmith adventurer.
After a good chat you are prevailed upon by Valpip to finish mapping where you have already explored and with a few reference points get a map drawn up and a copy is given to you by the clerk. He explains that the map is a magic parchment and paired to one he will keep. As you as you add measurements to it with rough outlines he can edit his copy and remove your rough sketches as needed. The tunnel to the SW turned out to lead up into the gardens. With the druid out on a assignment at the time Fiznik is called out to seal up the tunnel which he does with a single spell.
The rest of the day is taken measuring and working to close off the tunnel. To the NE you find another tunnel out of the brick worked rooms and passages. This heads east and ends in a room that has a large pool. It is assumed this water connects to the river to the east of the base. The tunnel is obviously not new but you are unsure of its original use.
Baun has already started clearing the fungus room. You are called to help take down a couple of magical variants that attack when she starts cleansing the room. During the fight you find a Locked Iron Chest that was in the middle of one of the violent fungus and drag it back to open in safety. Inside you find :
170 cp, 110 sp, 7 gp, 3 x diamond (50 gp), chrysoprase (25 gp), 2 x jasper (30 gp), Spell Scroll (Hail of Thorns) , Potion of Healing, 4 x Potion of Antidote
Exhausted after a long day but rejoicing at a happy conclusion you take your meal with Baun.
Let me know if you do not want me to FF/narrate litle details like this in the future.
Both of you have done a bit of adventuring so I think it is time to level you guys up.
Blornvid : you can either get
A:weapon mastery (attack with 3d6) or work with Mord the smith and Valpip to
B:enhance a weapon or armor
Skeeve : you can either take
A:Spell Reader (this lets you use scrolls) or work with Valpip and Fiznik to create a wand or other
B:arcane focus
Let me know how you want to develop
Additional traits and/or weapon mastery will be obtained as you continue playing.