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Jun 7, 2023 5:28 pm
Blornvid looks at Skeeve. "Magic parchment? Ha! I wonder if the communication works both ways. Well, looks like we have to meet the new recruits, lad. Better head on up. Can't keep Valpip waiting."
Jun 7, 2023 7:10 pm
Skeeve writes, Be there in five. He also makes notes on the alcoves and their decoration.

Ok, let's get back.

Skeeve will be sure to mention to Valpip about the tunnel and ask if there is a scroll he can use to close it. To save Valpip time, of course. He also asks about the alcoves.

(Edited to mention on taking notes on the alcoves.)
Last edited Jun 8, 2023 12:10 am
Jun 8, 2023 12:08 am
Hello. Excited to be joining the game. Well, this part of the game.
Standing at the top of the stairs, questioning Valpip is a mature middle-aged adult human. He is about 5'10" and a chunky 250#. He is of average build otherwise. He wears what was once a fine wool vest suit, which was likely very expensive at one time. Now, it is a bit tattered with small stitches and a few patches, plus oversized so it can be worn over some kind of leather armor. He has a shortsword, shortbow, and backpack.
Jun 8, 2023 12:24 am
When he and Blornvid get back to the stairs, Skeeve sees the newcomers and says, Hello! He then asks Valpip his questions. (Since Valpip is actually here, he doesn't want to miss the opportunity.) Especially if he has a scroll or something else that will let us collapse or fill the other new tunnel for him.

Returning from talking with Valpip, Skeeve can be seen to be a young man of slender build who is about 5'10". He is dressed in neutrals, though he is wearing some snazzy drake leather armor and a backpack with assorted tools in it. He doesn't appear to have a weapon, though he does have an odd belt that looks like wood and a strange crossbow on the back of his backpack. Overall he is rather non-descript, but his unusual green eyes do stand out. He is still holding the map and another paper with notes on it.
He says, I am very glad to meet you! We have made progress on exploring these tunnels, but there is still more to explore. Hopefully there won't be anymore exploding traps, and hopefully the ooze/elemental we found doesn't come back.
Jun 8, 2023 12:34 am
Welcome to the tunnels, DaChiefPI!
Blornvid is your run-of-the-mill dwarf: long auburn hair and beard, broad flat nose. While of average height, he has a decent build. He carries an axe.

" 'Ello and welcome to the tunnels beneath the base. If yer allergic to shrooms, moldy doors, or the damp, you might want Valpip to find you anotha job." He chuckles to let you know he's just teasing. "Skeeve here is good with magic, and I've got me axe. What are yer talents?"
Jun 8, 2023 1:31 am
[ +- ] Skeeve's conversation with Valpip
Valpip acompanies Skeeve down stairs folowed by Raggy/others.
I assume Raggy will be joining

Valpip examins the map of the passagways and tunnels.
[ +- ] Map
Right let get to the tunnel first off then you can show me to cubbies and finish mapping this place.
After everyone is rady he locks the gate and tosses the key to the guard who waits on the stairs.
I'll be back in a bit. You take care of things here for a bit.
Before setting off he unpacks a heavy looking metal cube and drops it in front of the gate..
Jun 8, 2023 2:10 am
Raggy and Ro enter. Raggy is about 6 foot tall and slender wolf beastfolk. He wears greens, grays, and browns for the forest he hunters in. No visible weapon, but he actually has a sling around his neck in a necklace and another necklace with a small bone knife for skinning and fileting. Ro is his wolf companion that follows him everywhere and helps him hunt. Nice to meet you. I mostly excel in the forest, but have recnetly picked up traps and disarming them. Maybe i can be some help there.
Last edited Jun 8, 2023 2:11 am
Jun 8, 2023 2:26 am
Skeeve sees the metal cube and excitedly says to Blornvid, Oooo! Is this the crab thing you mentioned?
I assume Blornvid filled Skeeve in on what happened before Skeeve could start.
We'll take Valpip by way of room 4 (I figure Skeeve and Blornvid are still a little leery of the southern route.) While in room 4, he'll also ask Valpip if he can detect anything about the holding cell we didn't want to enter. We can then fill the tunnel in room 20 and show the alcoves in room 14.

Before starting, he will also use the map to introduce the tunnels to the newcomers and point out the doors in rooms 14, 4, 24, and 28 as where we still need to investigate. He will also mention that they're taking their time to make it back to the southern door in room 28. Then, almost to himself, he'll mention that there looks like there should be a secret door into the inaccessible south-west region between the two makeshift tunnels.

Edit: When making introductions, in addition to talking to Raggy and Vlax, Skeeve will also introduce himself directly to Ro. And, yes, someone who knows traps will be greatly welcome!
Last edited Jun 8, 2023 2:33 am
Jun 8, 2023 3:15 am
Of course, he told Skeeve. Gotta have something to talk about at the tavern when he's drinking. ;)
To Skeeve: "Yeah, that's it. Mighty impressive, if you get to see it in action."

To Raggy: "Well met, Raggy. Ah, someone who's good with traps. That'll be helpful. I'm tired of finding them by walking into them." He has a laugh at himself. "By the way, who has the better nose, you or your pal, Ro? Maybe you'll smell trouble before it finds us."
And welcome aboard, Mnrtoler!
To Valpip: "We found a forge too. Might want to have a look at it. I think Skeeve detected some magic emanating from it."
Last edited Jun 8, 2023 3:19 am
Jun 8, 2023 5:20 am
Ro will nuzzle Skeeve when he purposely talks to her. Thank you for the welcome. Well I'd say shes better tracker and with her nose. Eyesight is my strength. You guys lead to the known, but when you get to something unknown I'll try to lead and see if I can spot some traps that you might get missed.
Jun 8, 2023 1:31 pm
To be clear, Skeeve wasn't just giving Ro attention or talking to her; he was trying to talk with her. She's the first beast he's run into since joining the adventure ...
Jun 8, 2023 3:24 pm
Sorry, I'm -4 UTC Florida USA and usually have to get up pretty early for work, so I was in bed when you were posting. This morning has turned out to be a busy day at work, but hopefully it will slow down
Vlax looks happy but a bit overwhelmed at the complexity of what this group has been up to. "Vlax... Or Axe if you prefer." He glances down at the short sword, and chuckles.. "Well I used to wield an ax more than I did this. Really that's all I have to bring to the party. A sword, a bow, I'm a bit of a survivalist. Spent some time as a merchant, and a pawnbroker... But I doubt that will do as much good underground. Maybe if we were negotiating," he smirks. "Oh, and I've been known to pull off a magic trick here or there. Nothing fancy, kind of like pulling something out of the hat." He shrugs.

He eagerly follows the group, and just kind of listens, and watches at first. He's clearly trying to get himself oriented. Doesn't seem to be the kind of person who's been below ground as much as he's been above ground. But he doesn't complain. If anything he's curious.
Jun 8, 2023 4:28 pm
daryen says:
To be clear, Skeeve wasn't just giving Ro attention or talking to her; he was trying to talk with her. She's the first beast he's run into since joining the adventure ...
Oooh. Can you speak to beast?
Jun 8, 2023 5:53 pm
DaChiefPI says:
Sorry, I'm -4 UTC Florida USA and usually have to get up pretty early for work, so I was in bed when you were posting. This morning has turned out to be a busy day at work, but hopefully it will slow down
No worries. :)
DaChiefPI says:
Vlax looks happy but a bit overwhelmed at the complexity of what this group has been up to. "Vlax... Or Axe if you prefer." He glances down at the short sword, and chuckles.. "Well I used to wield an ax more than I did this. Really that's all I have to bring to the party. A sword, a bow, I'm a bit of a survivalist. Spent some time as a merchant, and a pawnbroker... But I doubt that will do as much good underground. Maybe if we were negotiating," he smirks. "Oh, and I've been known to pull off a magic trick here or there. Nothing fancy, kind of like pulling something out of the hat." He shrugs.
"A sword and a bow is plenty fine. We just want to have an idea of the skills you bring to the group so that when situations arise we know who can do what to help deal with it."
Jun 8, 2023 6:14 pm
Mnrtoler says:
daryen says:
To be clear, Skeeve wasn't just giving Ro attention or talking to her; he was trying to talk with her. She's the first beast he's run into since joining the adventure ...
Oooh. Can you speak to beast?
Yes. And this is the first I got a chance to use it. Irrelevant to the overall story, but I have to at least use it when I can! :-)
Jun 8, 2023 6:33 pm
"So, what kind of things have you been finding down here so far? Is it just a matter of exploring, and making sure nothing dangerous is down here? Sounds like you're trying to wall off some areas?"

Vlax is studying the structure, it's reinforcement and design to get a sense of how sturdy this place might be and how skilled its builders were, Not that he's any kind of Mason or Carpenter, but because curiosity is getting the best of him.

"Oh and I think you started numbering rooms, and talking about things about some of the rooms that needed special attention?" He asks.
Jun 8, 2023 7:17 pm
DaChiefPI says:
"So, what kind of things have you been finding down here so far? Is it just a matter of exploring, and making sure nothing dangerous is down here? Sounds like you're trying to wall off some areas?"
"We've found goblins, giant shrooms, a ghoul, ooze, and lots of traps. Pools of water. Also a great deal of cryptic messages scrawled on the walls."
DaChiefPI says:
"Oh and I think you started numbering rooms, and talking about things about some of the rooms that needed special attention?" He asks.
"We'll point those out along the way."
Depending on the route we take, Blornvid can point out some of the things that they've discovered but might need further examination.
Jun 8, 2023 7:49 pm
Skeeve will add, We're mostly trying to just clear things out. However, when there are intrusive recent tunnels, Valpip wants those closed down so there is no external access to the tunnels. So far we've found two new-ish intrusions, plus a natural cave that might have been part of the original system.
To be clear, we haven't actually numbered the rooms. That is more of a "meta" thing I have done just to be clear to ForeverDED and Psybermagi about exactly what room I'm talking about. I will stop doing that if it is breaking immersion.
Jun 8, 2023 8:08 pm
I'll let the Dm be the one who decides if Ro talks ans what she says. I have beast speak specificly for wolves, but in game havent used it. Just talked to her like a dog haha. Please do no stop the room numbers
that has to be so helpful.
Sounds like a handful then. Glad we can help you all out anyway we can. How do you like the caves girl?
Jun 8, 2023 11:10 pm
Vlax nods and listens. He gets a little bit excited, starting to think about all the possibilities. The prospect of exploring the unknown, and finding unusual things... be they creatures, traps, or puzzles.

As they go, he inquires, "So do you have any ideas about the origins of this place? What do you think it's purpose was? I suppose the cryptic writing could have been part of the original design, or it could be something done long after... " He muses.
daryen says:
ooc: To be clear, we haven't actually numbered the rooms. That is more of a "meta" thing I have done just to be clear to ForeverDED and Psybermagi about exactly what room I'm talking about. I will stop doing that if it is breaking immersion.
Don't stop numbers on my part. I actually think a numbering system would be logical if we were actively mapping out a system and needed to refer to the rooms. I don't think it's meta at all but practical
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