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Jul 20, 2023 6:04 pm
Cool. Wasn't sure if the distance that he had to cover was too much for one action.Rolls
Attack goblin - (3d6)
(616) = 13
Jul 21, 2023 1:09 am
Blronvid fells another of the goblins.
The last two, bleeding and whimpering in pain turn tail and retreat to the south-west as fast as they can
The last two, bleeding and whimpering in pain turn tail and retreat to the south-west as fast as they can
Jul 21, 2023 2:31 am
Didn’t even use my new crossbow haha. That’s what I get for being a team player lolJul 21, 2023 2:45 am
I'm sure there will be other opportunities. :) Who knew that scroll was going to be so kick ass? I was expecting a protracted battle myself.Jul 21, 2023 3:10 am
I hope using it now doesn't bite us in the butt later. I just figured it was a full six targets and this gets us past something big-ish at the beginning of the day. It was pretty cool, though! Hope I can find another cool scroll!Jul 21, 2023 1:17 pm
Srolls are the most powerful portable magics in this system. If basic spell touched, beast speaeking, healing, etc are a level 1 then advanced magics, you can get after mastering one of the basics, are level 2, and scrolls range from 1 to 5 and include effects like fireball, resurection, polymorph, etcJul 21, 2023 2:27 pm
I'm not sure how you play your goblins, as there are LOTS of different takes. I'm gonna assume the weapons are good quality and the food is good for non-goblin consumption.He pauses for a moment, then looks at the swords. Assuming they look to be in good condition, he says, Since I never took one of the other goblin swords, I think I'll take one of these for a good cutting tool. Do either of you need a backup weapon?
No one is using a short bow, can wear/needs goblin leather armor, a flint and steel, or the pot. So, those can be left behind for later pickup (if we want to then).Jul 21, 2023 4:02 pm
"Might want to have Ro take a sniff at the food. If it's bad, I'm sure she'll tell us."
Blornvid is looking at the bows, scratching his beard. "All I have is me axe. Maybe I should take up a bow."
Blornvid is looking at the bows, scratching his beard. "All I have is me axe. Maybe I should take up a bow."
Does that count as a small weapon with regards to proficiency? Or will he attack at a disadvantage?Jul 21, 2023 5:47 pm
Good idea. .
Ro will give the food a sniff.
Ro will give the food a sniff.
Bows are ranged so you would be disadvantaged unless you have proficiency in ranged. Rolls
Ro food smell, Dc 4 - (2d6)
(42) = 6
Jul 21, 2023 7:28 pm
The items of decent quality and are places in a small area out of the way, not tuely hidden. Gobins in genera are less civilized, most not caring for cities and those they create lacking order and longevity, but what they may lack in cilvility they make up for in craftyness. The rope, leather armor, and bows are of excelent quality but Blornvid deems the swords to bee a poor iron quality though passable craftmaship.
After getting what you want you continue on a bit and soon come to a split with one passage heading south-east and the other south-west
[ +- ] map

Jul 21, 2023 7:35 pm
Which way did the goblins go girl?
Ro sniffs around to determine which directions the goblins went
Ro sniffs around to determine which directions the goblins went
Raggy and Ro: Test DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)
(122) = 5
Jul 22, 2023 12:08 am
Normally I would say let them flee, but they may get reinforcements. I say we finish what they started. Lead the way girl. Ro begins that way. Raggy pulls out his crossbow and loads a bolt. He looks to Blornvid, After you.
Jul 22, 2023 1:25 am
Ro trots to the SE following the trail and passage is it winds a bit upwards before entering another large dimly lit cavern with a polished grey floor with spiral patterns worn into it that have a lighter marble like quality to them. (Room #8) To one side is a clear pool of water. The dim lighting originates from the pool of water and is a pale blue with ripple and wave patterns created as it dances over the surfaces of the cavern walls.
Ro indicates the goblin trail continues on west.
Ro indicates the goblin trail continues on west.
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