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Jul 27, 2023 3:56 pm
So, just following the trail of blood isn't working anymore. :-)
Skeeve says, Chasing these goblins is a loosing game. I think we should give them their win and start checking things out.

Let's go back and check the candle board and pool. Also, let's see if caverns 4 and 5 connect directly.

Skeeve tells Ro, You did great Ro! We just slowed you down too much. That was a great job!
Last edited Jul 27, 2023 3:57 pm
Jul 27, 2023 4:19 pm
Ro nudges and rubs her head on Skeeve to say thank you.

Yeah girl, sorry we slowed you down. I don’t know if I would call that a win Skeeves. That scroll hit them hard.
Jul 27, 2023 5:26 pm
"Aye. The mustiness and the damp probably got to be too much for even Ro's keen nose. We should head back some before we get too deep. We don't need any surprises cuttin' us off on the way back."
Jul 28, 2023 1:09 am
Skeeve updates his rough map as best he can with the kep of Blornvid who is the beest at navigating the tunnels. You make you way back to the checkered tile board after traversing the tunnels again.

By this time you have been exploring the caveerns for seveeral hours, most of that time spent climbing through the passageways. Besides the Dero, Goblins, and mimic you have noticed other life but it is scarce here deep under the ground From what Blornvid can tell though it seems a bit more common than most deep passageways where life tends to cluster around specific locations where plants or fungi gro and can support a stablee ecosystem. The pressences of the ocasional snake, lizard, insect and bat colony lead you to believe there are other, likely much too smll for you, passageways to the surface from these caves.

Ariving back at the tile floor you take a short break as you concider what to do next
[ +- ] Room 9
Jul 28, 2023 2:31 am
Does any of the pattern match your map Skeeve?
Jul 28, 2023 1:05 pm
That's a great point!

With that idea, Skeeve sits down near the floor tiles and "reaches out" to try and get a better "view" of the traces and patterns around the floor tiles. He also, you know, looks at the floor tiles to see if he can identify a pattern that matches either the map or anything he has learned in his life thus far.

I'll give two rolls: One for the looking and remembering, the other for magical probing.


Skeeve: Perception on the floor tiles - (3d6)


Skeeve: Magical probe on the floor tiles - (2d6)


Jul 28, 2023 4:00 pm
The pattern does not look like the map no matter how you look at it but as you reach out with your magical senses the tiles feel unusually receptive, as is awaiting your command. With a bit of probing Skeeve is able to move a tile, causing it to slide so that the black and white trade places. However as he does so he gets feedback that the format is invalid and need additional changes to become active. He is sure once is is active he will be able to tell more.
[ +- ] Tiles
You can either explain a basic approach and make a couple roll for each attempt or suggest patterns, or just say you spend time until you get it active. If you want.
Jul 28, 2023 5:24 pm
When the tiles move, Blornvid says, "Whoa! What are you doing there, lad?"
Jul 28, 2023 6:57 pm
Without turning his head, he says, Eh, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

His first, obvious, attempt will be to make a chess board pattern with 1A and 6F black and 1F and 6A white, hopefully using the fewest moves. He will test this by moving the black tile at 5F to 4F and the black tile at 1F to 2F. If isn't contradicted, he'll then move 4A to 5A; 2C to 1C to 1D to 1E; 2B to 1B to 1C; 3B to 2B. (Thus the chess board pattern.)

Skeeve also adds, Sometimes the lazy ones will leave a marking or carved picture of what the design is supposed to be. Do either of you see anything like that in the cave?
Last edited Jul 28, 2023 7:18 pm
Jul 28, 2023 8:50 pm
Raggy looks for clues.


Raggy and Ro: Test DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)


Jul 28, 2023 9:40 pm
Playing with the massive moving tile puzzle enchantment Skeeve sets the desired pattern after a few minte. During that time Raggy searches the time, perimeter, and area and notes that all the tiles themselves are perfectly smooth and free of dust or dirt. A thin trim surrounds the tiles, separating them from the rough cavern floor, which is covered in tiny rune that Raggy only notices due to a very faint glow when the tiles are moved by Skeeve.

As Skeeve gets the last 2 tiles in place he feels the board click and a slight shift as it activates. The magic he feels seems tied to some other thing. Not close. Beyond that he is guessing. Raggy shows Skeeve the glyphs, which stay lit but are growing dimmer. As best you can tell the platform is either a tool for harnessing and focusing magical energy and focusing it beyond what the mage can normally do unassisted. Most of the glyph's are for stability and storing power but there are others of Abjuration, Divination, Conjuration, Illusion, Evocation, and Enchantment.

The pattern you created appears to be one of several basic forms that do nothing, as far as you can tell, but help you become more familiar with channeling your energies into it. (something like a Tutorial level 1) More complex designs and transitions, you feel that more advanced forms require specific steps like most spells and enchantments, may reveal additional affect but will take time to figure out. While he was moving the tiles Skeeve had to continually focus on them and setting this simple pattern took a couple of minutes. You figure making anything more complicated would take even longer and more effort.
If you wish to figure out more, then I will need some rolls from Skeeve that will determine how long it will take. Otherwise you can propose other basic patterns and I will tell you how long it takes and the results.
Jul 28, 2023 9:41 pm
Blornvid looks for clues.


Looking for clues in cave, focused - (2d6)


Jul 28, 2023 11:20 pm
Nothing in the natural cavern appears to be altered save the tiles and runic border.
Aug 2, 2023 2:55 am
Most interesting patterns I can think of require a 20/16 split, not an 18/18 split. So, I'll let Skeeve do the work.

Also, how long have we been down here? Do we need to head back? Do we need to camp? Do we need to eat? I've kinda lost track and Skeeve doesn't want to take so long that he screws everyone over.

Anyway, assuming we have time, here are three roles. I'm gonna assume Focus and standard rolls. Use however many you need to.


Skeeve: Magic Roll 1 - (2d6)


Skeeve: Magic Roll 2 - (2d6)


Skeeve: Magic Roll 3 - (2d6)


Aug 3, 2023 4:23 am
You have been down for several hours, most of tht thing spent traveling through the connecting tunnels. Your best guess is it is after 4 in the afternoon at this time and it will take at least a half hour to return to the base.

Time : 1615

Skeeve spends several minutes and tries several more combinations. He discovers several valid arrangements. This leads the the additional discovery that not all valid combinations are active. He feels 2 should work but they miss something. It is not until he gets a third that he realizes the combination require another component to fully activate. Unsure what the first 2 word do or are missing he is confident the 3rd would create a connecting to distant point. This connecting could either be used as a means of communicating or transportation.
Aug 3, 2023 3:59 pm
Well, it probably isn't wise to open a portal to an unknown location while pulling an all-nighter. That just seems ... ill-advised.

However, Skeeve does make notes about the combinations he has found and what he senses about them, while explaining to the others. He makes fairly detailed notes, and includes the size of the board and pieces. He wants to take the notes back to Fiznik to get his advice.

Skeeve then says, I could spend another whole day trying combinations, but that'd be boring for the rest of you. Let's go check some more stuff out, then head back for sleep. I doubt we want to sleep down here for very long. How much longer does everyone want to go? At the least I would like to verify that caverns 4 and 5 connect. That way we can permanently avoid the pink cavern.

When we decide to go back, Skeeve wants to dump his waterskin and get a sample from the pool.
Aug 3, 2023 5:28 pm
"Aye, let's do that. It'll be the long way back, but that's fine. We can get a fresh start on the 'morrow."
Aug 3, 2023 5:58 pm
Aug 4, 2023 5:10 am
Retracing your path back past the glowing pool you continue past and find your way further west, passing a fork leading to the south and pausing occasionally to update your map, until you find the pink cavern. Retracing your steps again you get some of the water from the pool. However, Skeeve notes that the water begins loosing its magic as soon as it is taken from the pool.
[ +- ] map
Tired after a long day exploring you make you way back to the base and enjoy a meal at the tavern before getting a good nights rest.
Aug 4, 2023 5:10 am
Let me know what you would like to do the next day. Shop a bit, talk with NPC, stait back down, etc...
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