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Throw axe at strand - (3D6)

Thread attack vs Skeeve - (2d6)
Raggy pulls out his crossbow loads it and fires. His bolt destroying midair and becoming energy.
Ro fetches Blornvids axe and bring it to him.
Raggy and Ro: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
Not wishing to risk losing his axe, Blornvid opts not to throw it at the creature. He'll wait for the creature to come down to strike it.
Skeeve: Attack Roll 1 - (2d6)
Skeeve: Attack Roll 2 - (2d6)
Cave Fisher

Thread attack vs Raggy - (2d6)
Raggy and Ro: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
Skeeve: Magic Bolt 1 - (2d6)
Skeeve: Magic Bolt 2 - (2d6)
Cave Fisher

Angered the fisher casts it's line at Skeeve and retreats dragging Skeeve along with it.
Skeeve has been lifted 10 feet up and rising. The fisher is retreating back into the shadowy heights of the cave.
Fisshin line attacks Skeeve - (2d6)
Skeeve grabs the thread and produces fire to burn it. He'll do it twice if needed. Do I need to roll since he literally can't miss?
Throw axe at fishing line - (3d6)
Skeeve grabs the thread and produces fire to burn it. He'll do it twice if needed. Do I need to roll since he literally can't miss?
Raggy attack - (2d6)
The Fisher treats back up to the cave heights, hiding in it's gloomy crevices.
You can try and get to the Fisher or just ignore it for now as it is no longer attacking