The Old Forest

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Apr 13, 2023 6:51 pm
Damanandros looks to Gundus expectantly. His words would seem to carry more weight with these disgruntled centurions than anything I could offer.
Apr 13, 2023 7:09 pm
Keeping the horse agitated and stomping, Centurion Gala continues when the lack of direct response puts the issue out in the open. Possibly his intent in bringing it up.

"So we should interpret that the Curule would fund the construction of temples and icons on the Lusetem even while the Legion is disrespected and taken for granted?"

There are a few jeers from the men.

"Gundus Tavius, you say you are come from the 7th in Aura. If so, perhaps you are Castellan Eramus's man. Perhaps you are part of his loyal forces that, rumor has, he is calling from the Capital.

Or perhaps you are a free-booter, trying your luck at falsifying documents, with hopes of following a lead to some fabled dwarven vault.

This passage"
he holds forth the rolled paper scroll that Syrena has been carrying, "is well written and the markings are sound. Good enough to pass inspection. Which suggests that you at least have a sponsor.

Yet whether it is authentic or not cannot be known without corroboration with the Civitus Magistrate, an impossibility here - which of course could have been anticipated."

He pauses, but projects his control of the monologue.

"You are no gang of highway robbers though. Had I thought otherwise, you would be dead already.

You seek passage forward, and this I will allow. I do not know your true intention, but I suspect that it will be revealed over time.

However, your request for shelter and lodging is denied. Saromen Gen is a martial post on a high security stance. No outsiders are permitted in or around the vicinity. You are required to continue on your journey or turn back. No camp will be made within 2 miles of the Tower, and no camp will be permitted longer than a single overnight.

Your destination should be Saromen Fro. Curule representatives should coordinate with Castellan Callus Eramus Andra, Dominate Authority in both Military and Civitan affairs throughout Skausen Spen.

I would send a message to the Castellan, that you could relay to him if you choose to and are able.

It is this:

Saromen Gen grows weary of the lack of communications and the coy nature of those few responses recently received.

Saromen Gen does not support the integration of foreign influences within the Legion ranks and leadership.

And this last, make note of it:

If there is no visitation by the Castellan himself or Centurion Drus Omander by 14th Pendaelon, then I, as Centurion and Commanding Officer under Oath of Fidelity, will suspect sedition in the ranks and assume Indomitable Authority under the Legionnaire Officer Code."

Now there are more shouts from the men, sounds of affirmation.

Walking the horse slowly forward, Centurion Gala speaks closely and quietly to Gundus. "No need to remember everything to the letter, kyrazenus.

Just tell Omander that I will not tolerate ANY threats or subversion within my domain."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 13, 2023 7:10 pm
Without further ceremony, Centurion Gala tosses the scroll case back to Syrena and turns his horse to depart.

The legionnaires make way for the party's movement forward and stand ready to watch them leave.
Apr 13, 2023 7:49 pm
The previously gruff Optio steps deliberately up to Syrena. He speaks directly, without hesitation.

"Ahead about 3 miles is an old logging shelter - decent place to get out of the rain, lass. You still have some daylight left, eh?"

He doesn't give a smile, but looks Syrena in the eye to confirm she understands.

"The worksite for Tower 3: about 4 miles after that. The draw there is a thick mess - it'll be flooded.

And Saromen Fro: 9 miles on beyond."

With a final nod he steps over to Xenophon. "Burn Beetles, aye boyo?" he asks, looking quickly down at Xenophon's injured leg and then back up again. "The sting will pass soon enough, by the morrow."

He steps back a few steps, on his way in withdrawal, but turns back to continue. "Eyes and ears peeled, lad. The forest has come alive this cycle. Somethin different since last Moon."

He points up to the dark clouds, "The storm...'tis a shroud. Hidin somethin."

The old veteran gives a coarse and brief snarl, that might be a grin?. " they say," he finishes and moves away.

he shouts out commands to his Legionnaires, managing the tactical movement. "You heard the Commander: this lot CLEAR TO PASS!
Assault Team, WITHDRAW. Overwatch, HOLD AND FOLLOW. On THE LINE!"

Xenophon can tell now, by the way he talks, that the subordinate commander is a Krysean.

It is a noticeable trend perhaps, that many of the Legionniares here in the Junction Region are of Krysean descent.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 13, 2023 8:23 pm
That last series was heavy monologue, but written in that summary manner mostly because of the difficulties of running a back-and-forth conversation over PBP format (that doesn't take 2 weeks IRL time).

Feel free to drop in any details that PCs would have said, done, asked, tried, etc. through the exchange if needed. Depending on what it is, we can retcon if necessary.

If not, then...

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 13, 2023 8:28 pm
The group continues on the trail, leaving the junction spur to Tower 2 behind.

It is later in the afternoon - perhaps three hours remaining before nightfall.

The trail is narrow here.

The rain is coming and going, but is a lighter pour now than earlier in the day.

Lazy thunder rumbles through in the cloudy sky above.

Required Action, PC Party: Define goals for finding overnight camp site.
How much further does the Party intend to travel before stopping?
Provide any detail desired about site selection, security plans, preparation actions, guard schedule, etc.
Apr 13, 2023 8:43 pm
Syrena nods and gives thanks to the Optio for the information about the shelter.

Once back on the trail and beyond the legionnaires she points down the trail. "An unfortunate delay. Our rest will come three miles ahead. There is a logging shelter there."
Apr 14, 2023 5:05 am
"I think we should take the optio's warning seriously," Gundus says. "We've already taken a mauling from this forest. I propose four watches, two hours each. The wounded man can take a full night's rest - I dare say you'll be returning the favour soon enough, Xenophon.

"If we have enough light left, we should secure the camp as well as possible, but let's leave that until we see the site."
Apr 14, 2023 6:32 am
"Absolutely. Xenophon, you need to rest for the healing to really take hold. The sooner we can get to that logging site, the better. Wake me for mid watch."
Apr 14, 2023 8:31 am
As they make their way through the slimy path, the squelching of their boots echoes in a nauseating rhythm. Damanandros remains silent, lost in thought, still stewing over their previous encounter. Finally, he speaks, the bitterness evident in his voice.

"You know what gets me more than almost being caught? The way we were treated," he spits on the ground in disgust.
"But mark my words, the day will come when I won't have to put up with brutish bullies," Damanandros declares, his tone now laced with a newfound confidence, fueled by the ever-growing power at his disposal.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 14, 2023 10:03 am
The party makes the last three miles in relatively short time, tired from the day of strain but motivated to find an end of the effort before nightfall.

The trail descends gradually for a stretch and planes out in an area of thick growth.

Within the thicket however is a rather large area that is moderately clear. It is the remains of an old clearing site. The party has seen a few of these now intermittently along the roadway.

During the reconstruction of the trail, the work team would space out temporary camp and labor stations. Often they are near areas that had to be extensively logged or cut to gain passage through.

The group investigates the area to find the telltale signs of old campsites, a small brook water source nearby, several large fallen trees, and cut logs stacked from years prior.

Most notably, they find an old shelter.

The small hut is overgrown with moss and its roofing seal is imperfect, but it is relatively dry inside.

The sleeping floor-spacing is enough for 3 people with plenty of comfortable space and 5 people in a close stack.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 14, 2023 10:21 am
In the last hour or so of the day, the group sets up camp and prepares for a night deep in the wilderness.

Gennadius completes another treatment and monitoring on Xenophon's wounds. There is some improvement from previous. Xenophon is directed to rest as soon as possible while the others finish the small tasks of final preparation.

They start a small fire to dry garments, gain some relief from the cold evening air, and lend some light against the arriving darkness.
Will move along with input from above and some assumptions.
2 hour watch shifts. 4 shifts. Order: Gundus, Syrena, Gennadius, Damanadros
4 people sleep in shelter. Guard outside of door and on close walk area to monitor surroundings.
Fire maintained by guard. Lanterns/torches placed and available as necessary.
Anyone in metal armor is assumed to remove it while sleeping. As a general rule, armor wearers must get a minimum of 6 hours rest out of armor each night to avoid negative effects of build-up discomfort and exhaustion.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 14, 2023 10:49 am
Xenophon takes his rest early, a welcome reprieve for him after a difficult day of marching while injured.

Gundus takes first watch, overseeing the transition to darkness.

Despite the rugged accommodations and general caution of the environment, the others find no difficulty in sleeping. The sandy ground inside the hut is soft, and a bed of fresh needles placed over as floor makes for a dry sanctuary.

The rain drizzles during Gundus's shift and he uses his travel cloak to cover from the wet chill.

Syrena's shift passes by uneventful, and even with a better turn of weather. She watches the night sky and is treated to a temporary but full clearing of the clouds overhead. She knows already that the moon is near its full, but to see the light emerge through the trees is quite impressive. For the better part of an hour she sees with generous illumination. The camp area is bathed in a pale blue-gray glow and the moonlight glimmers on the glaze of moisture that blankets the ground and foliage.

Gennadius feels refreshed after some rest and enjoys half of his shift with no rain, but the area is darkened again as the clouds return. Soon the rain follows and it is a tougher time from there. He keeps the fire going, but his cloak is soon saturated. He huddles close to the small awning in the front of the shelter for a time until his finish.

Gennadius wakes Damanandros. The young mage sees the dark and rainy setting, but feels fully rested. He prepares his pack and cover and steps out into the dark night as Gennadius retires again.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 14, 2023 10:51 am
Damanandros is relieved to see the rain slow a bit, back to the steady drizzle that has been so persistent.

After a time passes, he hears a beautiful song off in the distance. It is so wonderful.

Required Action, Damanadros: Save vs. Spell

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 14, 2023 1:17 pm
Gennadius wakes up with a start, clutching his chest. The spirits are clawing at his heart.

No wonder, he thinks. It is the Witching Hour after all. Here in this old forest it happens as no real surprise.

Gennadius slows his fast breathing and wipes the sweat from his brow with his sleeve. He settles the rifts as he usually can, and soon he feels calm again.

The other three are sleeping soundly. In the hut, he cannot tell the lighting very well, but he knows there is still time before sunrise.

Gennadius doubts he will rest again for a while though.

DMJ sent a note to Constablebrew
Apr 14, 2023 6:42 pm


Save vs. Spell - (1d20)

(3) = 3

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 14, 2023 10:12 pm
Her voice is divine. The melody is fascinating, in both its symmetry and its enigma.

Damanandros cannot get Her out of his mind. He has not even seen Her yet, but his heart races as he imagines how beautiful She must be.

He must find Her.

Now he slides down into a wet ditch, the brambles scratching him along the way.

He curses himself for not bringing a lantern. He cannot see a thing in this thick brush and mud.

But in the end, he does not need to see. He can hear. Can hear Her Voice and Her flawless Song. That will guide him.

He knows he is close now. He is stuck in this mud for the moment it seems, but once he pulls out of this mess he will descend down the hill further and reach Her.

Lightning flashes across the sky. For a brief moment Damanandros sees the entire environment around him clearly, though in drab muted colors. A brief glimpse - he is in a pit, surrounded by great birds. Vultures. Perched in silence in the trees all around him.

But darkness falls again just as quickly. Total blackness.

And then the thunder booms overhead, as if the night sky was breaking apart.

DMJ sent a note to Leo9sign
Apr 15, 2023 4:30 am
As Damanandros's eyes adjust to the darkness, he frantically searches for a way out of the pit. His fingers frantically grope at the slick walls, seeking out any crevice or protrusion that might give him a foothold.

"Who are you?" he calls out into the abyss, his voice echoing off the walls. "Why have you lured me here?"

The sound of his own voice is jarring, a harsh contrast to the haunting melody that had entranced him moments before. He can feel the mud and muck caking his skin, and he spits mud from his mouth, his frustration mounting.

"A fine catch, indeed," he mutters, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Perhaps you have a taste for more than mud-caked, half-drowned travelers?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 15, 2023 10:39 am
Xenophon awakens peacefully in the shelter. The even rain pattering on the roof drones a steady sound quite comforting, but he hears someone stir nearby. It turns out to be Gennadius beside him, sifting through his healer's bag. Syrena and Gundus are sleeping.

Xenophon stretches his limbs, a bit cautiously. His leg wound and the surrounding burns still give pain, but less so. It is clear that he is healing faster than normal.

He feels well rested though. The early evening retirement did him a world of good.

Xenophon completes sufficient rest. Gain 1d2 HP to collect on Gennadius' series of treatment prior.
-1 to Attack Throws continues.
Len or CB, whoever is first to post, can roll HP gainz.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 15, 2023 11:07 am
He hears Her Song again, and it moves him to tears. It is beautiful, but sad.

In the midst of his emotion he sees Her for the first time, only in silhouette. There is a light behind Her. Or around Her? Maybe the morning sun is rising. Or maybe She is glowing.

"Settle, you." She speaks to him from across the low ground, there at the rise of the bank.

Her words are simple, but they disarm him fully. His temporary stress dissolves away in an instant.

"I say what you do. You do it." It is her command, and he understands. "Submit?", she asks.

"Yes!", he hears himself shout in passionate response.

"I come to you," she says now. Damanadros is overcome with joy and anticipation. "Do not touch me."

Still bogged down in this accursed quagmire, it is difficult to move or get any leverage. But Damanadros shifts and readies himself as best as he can, nervously wiping his hands and checking himself, wishing that he might look more handsome.

The darkness is everywhere except around Her. The rain falls steadily, but Damanandros no longer notices it.

As she floats over to him now, Damanandros knows that this is the moment he has been waiting for his whole life, to meet the Woman who he Loves.
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