Xenophon thrusts the spear at a beetle that has an arrow lodged in its side, but the bug is alert and actively defending. It knocks at the spear and shifts position, denying a hit.
When Xenophon comes close, the beetle springs forward with a quick counter-strike to snap at Xenophon with its immense horn-like jaws.
B9 Attack[ +- ] Fighting Withdrawal
Fighting Withdrawal
A fighting withdrawal allows a combatant to move backwards
at 1/2 combat movement. However, there must be a clear path
for this movement. If an opponent follows the withdrawing
combatant, the withdrawing combatant may attack the
opponent on the opponent’s initiative, when he enters reach.
A fluid sprays out from the jaws of the bug when it latches onto Xenophon's thigh. A burning sensation begins immediately, quickly worsening to a searing pain.
The sticky liquid is some sort of chemical toxin!
Toxin Effect: -2 penalty to Attack Throws. Duration: TBD