Gundus, Syrena
Syrena fires a shot before she diverts off the trail, but the arrow flies past the rushing goblins.
The thick growth of brush outside of the trail is a field of obstacles, but Syrena is sure-footed and experienced at crossing draws. She soon finds passage to slide through at reasonable speed and looks for routes to loop back into the trail further down the slope, for flank and a closer approach to the goal site ahead.
Gundus follows Syrena, but has a tougher go of it. He gets wrapped up a bit in some thick branches, but is able to break through with some effort and delay, following Syrena's lead.
Movement through obstructed terrain
Syrena keeps an eye on the glowing area ahead. Judging by the lighting, it seems there is a drop-off ahead, likely the last point before a large ditch or a ledge overlooking a depression.
In a quick assessment, Syrena sees a reasonably passable route that follows a water drainage line to the ledge downhill. She also identifies a rough but best available route to reconnect with the trail for the previously planned flank maneuver.
Syrena considers options for a decision.
Decision Action, Syrena: Movement possibilities:
1) Prioritize sub-group unity and the flank maneuver: remain with Gundus and loop back to the trail, behind the 2 charging goblins but remaining further uphill overall
2) Prioritize rapid search for Damanandros: separate from Gundus after directing him the flank route, use superior capability to pass through difficult terrain moving downhill off the trail, reach the top ledge of depression where glow originates and from where Damandros's screams are heard.OOC:
Exact timing in rounds wasis purposefully inexact, will not be quantified in advance either way - but both options will be fairly quick moves. Distance is also less than precise, but distance estimates are:
Option 1) emerge back on trail about 30 yards further downhill/downtrail than departure point (note: will be closer than that to trail goblins, as Xeno/Gennadius will have moved further downhill to the confrontation as well),
Option 2) ledge is less than 80 yards downhill.