The Old Forest

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Apr 19, 2023 5:16 am
Gennadius's song truly does impress Xenophon. His operatic performance cuts through Xenophon's fatigue and pain, and rouses his pride and ambition. He does not run head-long into battle as he does though; instead, he advances in the Nycean fashion alongside Gundus: shoulder-to-shoulder, shield raised and spear low. He engages the same Beastman as Gundus, attempting to skewer it.
[ +- ] Xenophon quick stats


Attack beastman w/ Gundus (-1 poison, +1 Str, +1 F.Luck, +1 B.Song) - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Damage (+1 Fighter Damage bonus, +1 F.Luck, +1 B.Song) - (1d6+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Apr 19, 2023 8:06 am
With a rapid precision, Syrena whips a second arrow into place and fires it at the next goblin, even as the first falls dead ahead of her.
Feeling like Syrena is channeling some Legolas over here.
Last edited April 19, 2023 8:07 am


Longbow attack - (1d20+6)

(20) + 6 = 26

Damage - (1d6+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 19, 2023 9:21 am
Surprise Round

In the flash of an eye, Syrena shoots one goblin in the neck at point blank range then sidesteps to the right to allow passage for those behind her.

Gennadius charges forward without missing a step. His spear pierces through another goblins chest, driving him crashing back into a side wall of thorns and branches.

Pouring in full speed, Gundus and Xenophon continue the onslaught. Gundus's hammer blow to the jaw of the next hapless goblin sends it stumbling sideways and dazed. Xenophon finishes it off with a methodical kill thrust, Nicean steel breaking into the beastman's rib cage.

Syrena's second shot sails out and thuds into the chest of the last standing goblin. The wicked fiend's eyes go wide in shock as he clutches his chest and falls in his gasping final breath.

5 hits. 4 kills. Area cleared.

The search party marches across the space in the violent assault, filing through the continued path on the other side without delay.

Having torn through these initial foes, they renew their urgent pace - feeling that they must be close to a final confrontation for the life of their lost companion.


DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 19, 2023 9:33 am
For flow and ease of timing, even though this is a transition to another space, I'm rolling with the previous Initiative win by the Party to call this...
Top of Round 1 (TR1)

Barreling along the downward path towards the glow and the disturbing screams, the group confronts with another two goblins coming upwards towards them.

Ruling: Ad-hoc Morale check (outnumbered, heard vicious sounds of clash, Party charging in)
Result: Advance, Attack

With steely resolve, the two goblins growl and charge forward to battle.

These brutes are savage. One of them is well armored.

PC Party has Initiative


Goblin pair Morale - (2d6-1)

(66) - 1 = 11

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 19, 2023 9:41 am
Required Action, Active PCs: Declare and take Action in TR1. Include positions taken in single file (see Area Details below)

Opponents: 2 goblins (G5 with spear=AC +5, G6 with axe=AC +2)

Known Adjustments: Folkish Luck and Bard Song

Area Details: Narrow path through thicket. Allows only one lead PC in confrontation position and a second behind them who could attack with a pole weapon or missile fire. Additional PCs beyond the 2 in Action could loop around by weaving through obstructive terrain on the sides - estimate it would take 2 or more combat Rounds.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 19, 2023 3:14 pm
Thinking over more info, optional…

Area Details: seems reasonable to me that Syrena, as an Explorer with terrain management skills, could likely manage an off-trail loop or possibly full alternate route through draw brush quite a bit faster than the other blokes if she goes it alone. If that option elected, also seems reasonable that she could fire a parting arrow shot before sidestepping or rerouting, and before being committed to a close-quarters clash with the two rushing goblins upcoming on the trail.

Not trying to direct anything, only trying to max descriptions and provide options (and surely not PRECLUDE any options by my writing above), especially in this circumstance when time is of the essence and actions’ timing may make the survivability factor for our poor fellow Damanadros.
Apr 19, 2023 5:15 pm
I think there's a lot of ways we could play this.

1) Stick together, with Xeno and Syrena as active, other PCs ready to rotate into front line when needed.
2) Xeno and Gennadius as active, Gundus ready to sub into front, Syrena flanks.
3) Two PCs stay, two flank (slower but less risky than a solo flanker).

are just a few.

Option 2 probably takes care of the two goblins quickest, but does risk Syrena getting isolated.
Apr 19, 2023 8:17 pm
"Xenophon take point, I'm right behind you! Gundus, Syrena, get to their flank!
Option 2 with Gundus and Syrena going together. Having the reserves on the line would be good, but we don't know what's in the woods.
Last edited April 19, 2023 8:18 pm
Apr 19, 2023 8:31 pm
After another thick stiletto pin is driven into his left knee, Damanandros hangs exhausted.

None of the wounds he has suffered will kill quickly, but the pain has been overwhelming and he has lost considerable blood. He is spent and his mind is reeling from the stress.

Now the harpy is perched ahead of him again, a few feet away on the broken tree that protrudes up from the ditch.

Below and to the sides, a half dozen goblins are laughing and jeering, singing silly songs in witness of his suffering.

The birdish monstrosity of a horror woman, with her wild auburn red hair to match the color of her eagle feathers, has orange tinted eyes that almost glow, an unsettling and inhuman feature.

She tilts her head to the side as she considers Damanandros. The quick movement and emotionless stare alludes to her avian nature, reminiscent of the mannerisms of birds of prey rather than true humanity. Yet no animal of any sort is this sadistic for sport.

She speaks to him again, reverting back to Zaharan. Her tone is calm, quiet. Taunting, but strange...

Content revealed, previously exclusive to @Leo9sign

"You are nothing like Isiratuu. You would never be able to open the Sanctum.

Your powers are novice, and you are too weak."

She lets the words hang there with Damanandros as she watches him. The rain pitter patters, continuing to soak them both.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 19, 2023 8:39 pm

The large skull-headed bird hisses a response in anger...

Content revealed, previously exclusive to @Leo9sign

"Enough! Cease your wild tongue, child - you must kill it now!" it hisses in the Ancient Words.

"Your mother would not stand for this."

... now it spreads its wings wide, a menacing shroud form on the higher branch.

The vultures all around begin to flap their wings, hiss and bark.
Apr 19, 2023 9:04 pm
Syrena fires off a shot at the goblins and veers into the brush, to pick a path to flank the enemies yet to come between them and their missing companion.


Longbow attack - (1d20+6)

(1) + 6 = 7

Damage - (1d6+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Apr 19, 2023 10:08 pm
Even as Syria disappears into the brush, Gennadius steps in behind Xenophon, nudging him to the side just a bit, and hurls a bola at the lead goblin.
Thrown knockdown attempt against G6. My goal is to knock the easier opponent down to force the two to either pause their advance while our team mates work the flank, or the one can continue the charge and loses the benefit of their teammate with them for a round or two.

I forgot to add the -4 penalty to the roll. Final atk roll result is 13 against a target 12.

I'm assuming G6, the axe wielder, is in the lead with G5, the spearman, running second rank?
BOLA says:
A character can use a bola to make a knock down or wrestling maneuver (as described in special maneuvers in Chapter 6) with a thrown attack.
A combatant may try to trip, sweep, or otherwise knock his opponent down in lieu of making a melee attack. To knock down an opponent, the combatant must succeed on a melee attack throw with a -4 penalty. The opponent must then make a successful saving throw versus Paralysis to stay on his feet. If the opponent fails, he immediately falls prone. Attack throws against prone combatants gain a +2 bonus, and thieves may backstab prone opponents. A prone combatant may get up on his round instead of moving, or crawl at a speed of 5' per round. If he attacks while prone, he suffers a -4 penalty on his attack throw.
Last edited April 19, 2023 10:18 pm


Atk, Bola, +1 dex, +1 luck, +1 courage - (1d20+3)

(14) + 3 = 17

Bola damage +1 luck, +1 courage - (1d2+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Apr 20, 2023 3:06 am
Xenophon forms up in the first rank, shield at the ready. He seizes the opportunity Gennadius's bolas provides, thrusting his spear at the prone, axe-wielding goblin's neck.

Attack at 10+, with the following modifers:

AC: 2 = -2
Poison = -1
F. Luck = +1
B. Song = +1
Prone = +2
Str = +1
Total: +2

.... and it's a miss!
Last edited April 20, 2023 3:07 am


Attack vs G6 (mods listed above, including opponent AC) - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Damage (+1 Fighter Damage bonus, +1 F.Luck, +1 B.Song) - (1d6+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Apr 20, 2023 4:02 am
Gundus scrambles after Syrena, struggling to keep up with her in the brush.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 20, 2023 3:39 pm
Gundus, Syrena

Syrena fires a shot before she diverts off the trail, but the arrow flies past the rushing goblins.


The thick growth of brush outside of the trail is a field of obstacles, but Syrena is sure-footed and experienced at crossing draws. She soon finds passage to slide through at reasonable speed and looks for routes to loop back into the trail further down the slope, for flank and a closer approach to the goal site ahead.

Gundus follows Syrena, but has a tougher go of it. He gets wrapped up a bit in some thick branches, but is able to break through with some effort and delay, following Syrena's lead.

Movement through obstructed terrain

Syrena keeps an eye on the glowing area ahead. Judging by the lighting, it seems there is a drop-off ahead, likely the last point before a large ditch or a ledge overlooking a depression.

In a quick assessment, Syrena sees a reasonably passable route that follows a water drainage line to the ledge downhill. She also identifies a rough but best available route to reconnect with the trail for the previously planned flank maneuver.

Syrena considers options for a decision.

Decision Action, Syrena: Movement possibilities:
1) Prioritize sub-group unity and the flank maneuver: remain with Gundus and loop back to the trail, behind the 2 charging goblins but remaining further uphill overall
2) Prioritize rapid search for Damanandros: separate from Gundus after directing him the flank route, use superior capability to pass through difficult terrain moving downhill off the trail, reach the top ledge of depression where glow originates and from where Damandros's screams are heard.
Exact timing in rounds wasis purposefully inexact, will not be quantified in advance either way - but both options will be fairly quick moves. Distance is also less than precise, but distance estimates are:
Option 1) emerge back on trail about 30 yards further downhill/downtrail than departure point (note: will be closer than that to trail goblins, as Xeno/Gennadius will have moved further downhill to the confrontation as well),
Option 2) ledge is less than 80 yards downhill.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 20, 2023 3:56 pm
Gennadius, Xenophon

Gennadius's whirling bolas slams into the charging shirtless goblin.

Hit. Required Save vs. Paralysis
Result: Fail, knocked prone

The muscular beastman tumbles to the ground and loses hold of his axe. The sudden obstruction on the trail makes the charging armored goblin slow and almost stumble.

Xenophon closes the ground quickly and takes a stab at the disabled opponent on the ground, but the armored goblin steps forward and crowds in. Xenophons spear narrowly misses as the athletic beastman on the ground rolls to the side to pick up his axe.



G6, save vs. Paralysis (as 0 level human, 16+) - (1d20)

(8) = 8

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 20, 2023 4:13 pm
Bottom of Round 1 (BR1)
Goblins on Trail

The armored goblin stabs ferociously with his spear. This brute seems stronger than its fellows previous, and no stranger to close combat.

Attack v. Xenophon

The other goblin growls in frustration as he loosens the leather straps of the bolas. Quickly standing, he casts the snare aside and shouts out in his savagery.

Remove bolas. Stand.


G5 (Armored, spear, 2 handed) - Attack Throw 10+ - (1d20+1)

(19) + 1 = 20

damage - (1d8)

(5) = 5

Apr 20, 2023 4:30 pm
The harpy stares across at Damanandros, studying him still.

After a lengthy pause, she speaks again. This time it is not clear to Damanadros if the words are intended for him, for the skull vulture creature, or simply for The Harpy herself.

In her cruel voice, but softly....

Content revealed, previously exclusive to @Leo9sign

(in Zaharan)
"I was put to slumber for far too long. Against my will!

I do not intend to be forced back to sleep again."
Apr 20, 2023 4:51 pm
Content revealed, previously exclusive to @Leo9sign

She grits her teeth and sways her head back and forth in small motion, the look of fury rising - visible on her face and manifesting in the subtle movements of her body and feathers.

She stares across at Damanadros, piercing him with her amber eyes.

She offers the end of her tongue out between her sharp teeth and bites down. The blood wells up and runs over her plump lips.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 20, 2023 4:57 pm
Required Action, mobile PCs: Declare and take Action for TR2
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