The Old Forest

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Apr 24, 2023 8:42 pm
DMJ says:
Request Leo to comment on whether or not Damanandros takes time to restudy spell(s), and help my understanding on what that calls for in time requirements.
Unlike other fantasy games, in Adventurer Conqueror King,
spellcasters do not have to "memorize" or "prepare" their spells
in advance; they can choose which spells to cast at the time of
casting from among any and all the spells in their repertoire
(see below). Once spellcasters have cast all of their available
spells for the day, they must have 8 hours of uninterrupted rest
and one hour of concentrated study or prayer before they can
cast again.
He only has one spell per day, and must rest again before he can study to be ready for the next day.


Apr 24, 2023 9:47 pm
DMJ says:
Len, I thought this was a hit. That's why I thought Xenophon went back down to low HPs during the goblin trail fight, and I later wrote about 2 injuries (one from beetles, one from armored goblin). Is that wrong?
Yep, that would bring him down to 3/10 hp. My mistake! Bastard armored goblin...
Apr 25, 2023 9:36 am
"Gennadius and Xenophon speak sense, Damanandros," Gundus says. "We were lucky to all make it out of that place alive once! I don't doubt your intution about this skull - it's plain from seeing that enchantment you laid upon the beetles that you're an adept magician - but let's wait until we are stronger.

"If we stay here, we risk reprisals from those beasts. If we push on, well, who knows what dangers the forest might hold. But we may find a safe haven at the watchtower site. I think we ought to chance it."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 25, 2023 11:17 am
The stop at the lumber yard shelter is brief. Gennadius performs his healer's treatments, everyone gathers gear, and the team sets to march back on the Lusetem Trail.

The pace is slow. Damanandros is struggling but presses on.

The weather is better though. The clouds are coming and going, but no rain. The rays of the morning sun cut through intermittently, at moments standing like great blades from the ground to the overhead canopy of the towering trees.

After a couple of short breaks and several hours march, the group makes it to an area of low ground where the trail is flooded. In truth, with the recent volume of water moving through, it appears that what once was the trail has effectively become a creek bed.

Looking around, the group finds that a newer trail bypass has been constructed - rougher and narrow, but it avoids the worst parts of the flood zone.

This is area is expected to be close to the construction site of Tower 3, so the group spreads slightly a bit to explore the area at some leisure without sacrificing safety.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 25, 2023 12:15 pm
A short while after crossing the water, the group finds the construction area. A clearing. Several piles of collected rocks, gathered from the nearby creek bed.

There is a partial structure, the base of a tower, standing atop an elevated flat area. It is a four wall square that rises up about 10' tall on the sides, with no doors.
[ +- ] visual aid
The ground in the area is rocky, but there is a line of water running down the hill from higher ground, making the ground wet and soggy only a short distance from the tower. Parts of the clearing hill are muddy with evidence of runoff and erosion.

The terrain around this platformed area is hilly and intermittently rocky, a steep climb all around with very limited open space.

Syrena does a quick climb however and finds the ruins of the old fortifications on a higher and overgrown overlook.

These worn and partially fallen structures are a sight to see. They are surely dated from centuries past, in the early days of the Empire when the victorious alliance of Tirenean clans had triumphed in their revolt against their Zaharan overlords, waged the Beastman Wars, and then turned their eyes towards expansion, fighting against the neighboring Kryseans.

What is more, even higher yet on the next rise up, Syrena discovers another site. These remnant stones, stairs, and constructed platform do not seem like fortifications necessarily. The actual purpose of the site is unknown to the scout, but it is a lot of extensive rock work. The high platform serves as a decent overwatch position for the old ruins below, although the lower new tower is not visible from here.

After fully assessing the surrounding area, Syrena judges it as safe - for the moment at least. It is known now that no guarantees can be granted for safety in Skausen Spen.

She returns to tell the others details about the higher ruin sites up the steep hill.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 25, 2023 12:38 pm
It is late morning, a while before the high rise of the midday sun.

The group has taken a short rest at the lowest of the 3 platforms, beside the partially constructed new tower, overlooking the creek nearby.

Now they must make a decision of what to do next.
Here's my understanding of PC status:

Syrena: all systems up

Gundus: Max HP, 0 of 1 Laying on Hands

Gennadius: HP 3 of 6. No poison/disease detected. Under continued self care, and with rest (light activity, no weighted marching), can benefit from next 1d3 HP gain tomorrow morning (or 1 HP with continued care plus weighted marching only, tomorrow morning - DM rulling).

Damanandros: Max HP, Movement Rate: halved (by specific injuries). No poison/disease detected.

Xenophon: HP 5 of 10. Poison effects of -1 Attacks endures for the moment, but will relent with a few more hours of rest and cleaning of affected area. Under continued care of the Medic, and with rest (light activity, no weighted marching), Xenophon can benefit from next 1d3 HP gain tomorrow morning (or 1 HP with continued care plus weighted marching only, tomorrow morning - DM ruling).

I'll leave that there to see if anyone has anything different.
Required Action, PC Party: Choose an Action and Movement Plan

Option 1: Continue on route towards Saromen Fro (Tower 4), 9 miles, with expectation to arrive late in the day near sunset (accounting for Damanadros's reduced pace cap).

Option 2: Make camp at ruins/construction site for Rest and Recovery.

Option 3: Something else. Describe.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 25, 2023 1:09 pm
If Option 2 selected, include any decisions or descriptions about how and where to make camp in the vicinity described above.
Apr 25, 2023 6:11 pm
After hearing Syrena's report, Gennadius jumps in with his opinion. "We should push on. We can't really rest here, and what we need is rest. Only two of our party are in full form. We don't know what watches these ruins. Push on and meet up with our employer where it will surely be safer."

Gennadius hopes that he sounds intelligent and commanding. But he knows they all see his flicking eyes, scanning the forest for the next beast that will bring blood and death to the party.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 25, 2023 6:24 pm
This issue is a big decision.
I would guess considerable impacts.
Apr 25, 2023 8:41 pm
DMJ says:
This issue is a big decision.
I would guess considerable impacts.
Translation: We're all going to die.
Apr 25, 2023 10:20 pm
Syrena quickly gauges the height of the sun and their time to reach the trail head to Saromen Fro, where they supposed to meet their contact at midday.

"With Gennadius, I must agree. Another night here is only opening our number to yet another attack from the beastmen..or worse."
Last edited April 25, 2023 10:21 pm
Apr 25, 2023 11:56 pm
"Yes!" Gennadius says a little too eagerly "We're off then."
Apr 26, 2023 4:14 am
Xenophon is in full agreeance.

"Yeah, does us no good holing up here. I'm ready."

He stands and grabs his pack, proving his ability to move in case there is doubt. Xenophon is no stranger to marching wounded.

Blood and honor...
Apr 26, 2023 4:53 am
"Alright, then," says Gundus. "We'll probably miss Eramus today, but we'll be in position to make contact tomorrow."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 26, 2023 8:51 am
Everyone gathers their packs and resets to the march, again northward along the Lusetem.

The movement goes well enough. The drying ground is an improvement over recent conditions.

The group sees quite a bit of wildlife while on the move. Once an impressive wolf explores off in the distance. It is either alone or its pack remains unseen deeper in the woods.

The trail itself becomes more strenuous to pass in some stretches. During the entire trip, the travel has been a net rise in elevation, but now some of the climbs are steep. The route is moving further into the edges of the Mearleigh Mountains.

After an early afternoon trek upward, the trail opens up to a clearer area on a high ground. The view is quite a sight.

Damanandros actually seems to be improving. Perhaps it is a surprise to see, but even in the strain he is gaining his stride. It isn't a shocking increase, but it allows for the group pace to improve. Syrena, monitoring the time and distance as possible, sees that they are traveling faster than she had expected.

Damanadros, Movement Rate Increase: from half maximum to 2/3 maximum

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 26, 2023 9:01 am
Eventually the afternoon is waning. The sun is a while from setting, but it is the time in the spring days when the transition of the evening is slow and quite pleasant.

There is a light fog in this area. The group is at a higher elevation for certain, and the mountains are known to gather the edge of clouds in mysterious ways.

The moment seems unusual though, especially to Syrena, whose senses are attuned to the Natural Order. The air here is crisp and clean, something more like morning than the brink of evening.

Then it is suddenly there when they look up. A magnificent stag stands high on the rise above.

The animal is also giant! Never before has anyone seen such a specimen.

Perhaps it is the sun breaking through the overhead canopy and glowing in the mist of the fog, but there is a sense of awe during the event.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 26, 2023 9:33 am
Just as suddenly as it manifested, the stag lopes down the rise, towards the group!

It moves with majesty and grace, as well as strength and speed.

The mighty beast drives closest to Gundus. There before him, the stag crashes its hooves in heavy and then raises its front legs up again in a pivot. It is a close call, but a sharp change in direction and the towering animal barrels past.

Revealed: previously a Note exclusive to Robago...

This encounter with the Great Stag is much more to Gundus.

Time slows and Gundus sees into the Stag's eyes. This animal, if not a manifestation of Turas, is surely one of his mightiest Champions.

The Stag is an Icon of Justice, Order, and Tradition. This forest is its Home and Soil. The trees are its Brethren. The lakes and streams are its Life and Blood. The mountains are its Bones. It is the Ancestor of the Spirits of both Tiren and Krys

The Full Moon rises, God of the Night. A time of Mystery and Risk that calls for a Will to Power. But whose Will?

Order and Tradition must be maintained, through Strength and Honor.

Optional Temporary Power Gain, Gundus: During the Full Moon, the Reign of the Night God, can hold the Icon of Tuweigh, who is Turas, to cast Bless, Cure Light Wounds, and Light - once each before morning. To gain this power, Gundus must use the Icon of Tuweigh in a blessing and proclamation over himself and his companions, and rebuke chaos and degeneracy, before the Sun sets today.

In a burst of great power and speed, the stag charges away - downhill along the trail that the companions recently passed - before turning and disappearing into the forest.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 26, 2023 9:50 am
Everyone is reflecting on the unusual event as they press on.

In a short while they come to a fork in the trail. One route continues on roughly north. The other smaller trail curves to the right, bending northeast towards the higher mountains.

This must be the spur to Saromen Fro. At this moment, the party has reached their destination.

It is late in the day. The sun is setting soon.

No one is there at the spur to meet them.

There is a sign of some activity by men though. Over to the side, strapped in a tree, an old canvass canopy. It is the type carried by Legionnaires, issued for use as a field shelter.

It is evident that the tarp was previously tied between four trees, as if once used as a cover against the elements.

But this shelter has since lost its usefulness. It has fallen, tie straps broken on two of its four corners. Part of it has torn, likely from being blown in heavy wind. It is dirty from exposure and still wet from retained water not yet dried.

Neglected, abandoned, or forgotten - now it is only a mysterious sign that invites questions.

Saromen Fro Spur Trail reached.
Required Action, PC Party: Decide what to do.
Apr 26, 2023 2:57 pm
After arriving at the site, Gennadius feels a sense of relief. We made it, at last! He wants to make camp, to rest, to believe that the group is finally safe here, where other men have frequented. But that shelter wants to tell another story. He walks over to it, examining it for the unwritten words that convey its past. How did it come to this state?
Investigate the ruined tent. Does it look like some combat took place? Curious about how the posts would break.
Last edited April 26, 2023 6:25 pm
Apr 26, 2023 4:05 pm
Gundus moves like a man in a trance as the company press onward. His mind is elsewhere, pondering intently the sign that had been bestowed upon them. The great crowned beast, wreathed in dawn's pale light, noble, wise, graceful - it must be a divine messenger.

"Even in the wilderness, life is governed by the laws of the Seven," he says, abruptly breaking his long silence. "Night follows day, animals move with the seasons and the wolves themselves obey the order of the pack.

"Once I thought otherwise - that places like this were the sole domain of chaos and evil, far from the light of civilisation. Now, I see that the Eternal Struggle is waged as fiercely here as in the greatest city.

"I feel that some moment of destiny is close at hand. The path we tread brings us close to the gods but it is full of challenge and hardship, and only the righteous can hope to see it through - that is the message of the great stag."

He holds the Icon of Tuweigh above his head, bathed in the fire of the setting sun.

"We must rise to the task appointed to us," his voice ignites with fervour. "Evil is afoot. Already we have been at blows with it. Cast aside doubt and temptation. Strength and Honour must be our watchwords. Let us have the courage to use the first, and the wisdom to keep to the second!

"With this idol, laden with the life-offering of the faithful, I call upon the Marshal of Justice. Steadfast Türas bless us, guide and succour us, that we might accomplish your purpose." He falls to his knees, still holding the Icon high, and willing with all his might that his prayer be heard.
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