A short while after crossing the water, the group finds the construction area. A clearing. Several piles of collected rocks, gathered from the nearby creek bed.
There is a partial structure, the base of a tower, standing atop an elevated flat area. It is a four wall square that rises up about 10' tall on the sides, with no doors.
[ +- ] visual aid
Picture this, but only building the first floor (basement)...

The ground in the area is rocky, but there is a line of water running down the hill from higher ground, making the ground wet and soggy only a short distance from the tower. Parts of the clearing hill are muddy with evidence of runoff and erosion.
The terrain around this platformed area is hilly and intermittently rocky, a steep climb all around with very limited open space.
Syrena does a quick climb however and finds the ruins of the old fortifications on a higher and overgrown overlook.
These worn and partially fallen structures are a sight to see. They are surely dated from centuries past, in the early days of the Empire when the victorious alliance of Tirenean clans had triumphed in their revolt against their Zaharan overlords, waged the Beastman Wars, and then turned their eyes towards expansion, fighting against the neighboring Kryseans.
What is more, even higher yet on the next rise up, Syrena discovers another site. These remnant stones, stairs, and constructed platform do not seem like fortifications necessarily. The actual purpose of the site is unknown to the scout, but it is a lot of extensive rock work. The high platform serves as a decent overwatch position for the old ruins below, although the lower new tower is not visible from here.
After fully assessing the surrounding area, Syrena judges it as safe - for the moment at least. It is known now that no guarantees can be granted for safety in Skausen Spen.
She returns to tell the others details about the higher ruin sites up the steep hill.