The Library

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Jul 5, 2023 8:39 pm
Other than the librarian, have you seen anyone else here before? whispering the Shmautz
Jul 6, 2023 8:51 am
I raise my arm and signal to remain silent.
Then I squint my eyes and try to get an impression of the figure. I try to estimate how big it is, if it's dangerous.
What does it do? What species does it seem to be?
Trait: Sensitive Eyesight - does is look dangerous? What type of figure is it etc., size, ...


Looking at the figure on the table (Eyesight - advantage) - (3d6)

(456) = 15

Jul 6, 2023 12:54 pm
The figure is hidden behind the intervening tables and chairs. Moving quietly to gt a better look you guess it to be a medium sized humanoid of some kind. However it is hunched over and crouched low, preventing a clear view without moving well into the room. What you can see are old tattered cloths that are the only dirty thing you have seen in the Library. You hear faint mummerings coming from the figure.
Jul 7, 2023 1:40 am
I make a hand gesture to indicate Stay here, i got this
Using my mimic feature, I turn in to my best approximation of McReadus.
I approach the figure from his blind spot as quietly as I can (roll stealth).

Once close I'll do my best McReadus voice (roll deception) and say
Have you found everything you are looking for? Two other patrons have also requested access to this room. I have made certain they will behave appropriately.
Remembering what McReacus said to Shmautz...
Remember, library materials are not to leave the premises.

Then I'll turn and drift away.


Stealth for quiet feet - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Deception for voice mimicking, hopefully the shock may cover any lapse in my acting - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Jul 7, 2023 2:56 am
[ +- ] map as you move to get a better look
Impersonating the Ghost? LOL, that's nice.
The figure does not react as Seren 'drifts' towards them but at the sound of their voice the figure jumps and twirls to face you The big one, the evil one in the castle of flowers -- he is coming! It is
The old man screams while waiving a small cracked crystal. Still stooped and showing extreme age the man appears to be a filthy, malnourished, and frantic human.

As he sees the Librarian he mutters I didn't disturb the books. See see? they are all neat and clean, neat and clean and falls to incoherent mumbling as he sinks lower and lower once again until he sits on the floor playing with his crystal.
Jul 7, 2023 4:03 am
Seren as MacR sides back over the Shmautz with a wink and returns to her preferred form. He's not a threat, just a little lost in his mind. Any idea whats he's talking about?
Seren starts rifling through her pack for something to eat, which she will share with the fellow to see if she can get answers.
but ill allow Shmautz to respond to all that first
Jul 7, 2023 6:25 pm
No, not really. I've been to a building that was full of vines on the outside, but not flowers. And it was no castle either.

I also have been in a castle, but it was full of undead soldiers and no flowers at all. So ... I have no idea what he's talking about.

Is the information helpful for you?

We should talk to him. Servitor? Anything in here, we have to do?

I turn to the Servitor to check his reaction.
I do have rations (undefined number) in my rucksack - so if Seren doesn't find a meal to give, I'd give mine, of course.
Jul 10, 2023 11:58 am
[ +- ] map
Having moved further into the room you get a look into some of the other rooms. Several (7) are chambers filled with tables and benches. Servitor points towards the door beyond the muttering crazed elderly man.
Jul 12, 2023 9:30 am
"Okay, got you. Thank you, little friend."

I turn to Seren.

"You think he's harmless? Should we talk to him again? Maybe we'll get some hints from him? Either for you or for the little fellow here ..." and I point to the Servitor.

Then I fix my clothes, lick my whiskers, straighten my back and approach the figure. Though it's a long time ago, I try to remember all the manners I've used as a Valet to be polite.

"Good day, sir.

Please apologize the disturbance, but you are the very first person we meet in some time - especially in here. So I wonder what brought you here and if you'd mind exchanging some information.
My name is Shmautz from the clan of the Predator Paws of the tribe of the Sun Furs. And these are my dear friends Seren and Servitor.

May I ask your name?

May I offer you this to proof our goodwill?"
And so I hand him some of the food.
Hope it's okay to pick up your idea with the food.


Try to be polite. Standard Test. - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Jul 13, 2023 12:34 pm
Seeing that Shmautz has this in hand, I'll walk over to the table the figure was working at and see if I can get a sense of what they were looking for or finding.


Reading notes - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Jul 13, 2023 1:11 pm
The man continues to gibber and mutter nonsense 'He is wrapped in fire and so cruel!'
Amid the scraps of paper are some scribblings with occasional blocks off letters totally foreign to you
Jul 14, 2023 2:41 pm
FYI : Ulkar has gone inactive so I removed them from the game for now to make room for others
Jul 16, 2023 12:16 pm
Psybermagi says:
The man continues to gibber and mutter nonsense 'He is wrapped in fire and so cruel!'
Amid the scraps of paper are some scribblings with occasional blocks off letters totally foreign to you
The man just does not respond to our tries, and we can't make any sense of his words and scribbling. Hence, I move on to the door behind him that Servitor pointed us to.
Psybermagi says:
FYI : Ulkar has gone inactive so I removed them from the game for now to make room for others
Okay. Thank you.
Jul 17, 2023 1:07 am
As you moved over too the man you glance into the adjoining rooms

(7 - Study) You see a chamber filled with simple furniture, including tables and benches.

(9 - Lounge) You see a well lit room with comfortable furniture including couches, plush chairs, side tables, and desks with chairs. (11 - Study) Looking into the room beyond you can tell this room was once a study. The room is furnished wish small tables for individual or small groups and there are an assortment of books and papers neatly organized throughout the room (12) At the back of the area is a heavy metal door.

Doors block you from looking into rooms to the north-east and north-west
Jul 20, 2023 12:46 pm
I head to the metal door, as I think Servitor wants us to go there. The door sticks out between the other furniture and overall look. I don't touch the door yet, as I wan to have a look from nearby first.


Examine Metal Door (std) - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Jul 20, 2023 1:10 pm
The heavy metal door lacks a handle but does have a key hole as well as an odd bar across its width that can be pressed inwards towards the door. (door push bar) The walls around it are of heavy stone, like those you passed through upon entering the building. This is likely a rear exit.
Jul 20, 2023 1:18 pm
Investigation options
A:NW door, B: East door, 9 , or 11
Jul 20, 2023 1:20 pm
Before Seren follows, she'll root around in her herbalist pack for a branch of ash with a nice compound leaf and a cluster of firm red berries and leave it on the man's work station hoping that the magic in ash might help him escape wherever he's trapped.

She senses the beginning of this some obsessive madness in her and makes a note not to stray to far from human contact. A weird thought for someone who spent so long alone, but it feels right.

When she catches up to Shmaautz,
Is this the end? Do we have anything to bring back to base?



Jul 20, 2023 1:51 pm
Servitor had no directions save One remaining. Please search
Jul 20, 2023 6:54 pm
Hm, I don't know. This seems to be a dead end. This door and I'm pointing at the metal does not seem to open or reveal anything. Maybe we should just head back. I have to search more carefull to fit Servitor's needs.
It's a pitty that the guy over there isn't a help. Someone who's in here reading a lot also knows a lot - for sure. It's sad, that his mind seems so .... bungled.

Did you leave him some food?
I read what you've left, but Shmautz does not know that.
I turn around to reorientate.
Looking out for 10 -> 11
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