The Library

Apr 21, 2023 1:03 am
The walls are well over 30 feet high and several hundred feet long. The tops of the wall have odd floating spheres attacked by thin wires floating and bobbing in the breeze. Each wall has a two sets of double doors spaced to divide the wall in thirds. Around the Remnant, you see occasional ruble form destroyed structures Only the Remnant appear to have weathered the ravages of the Breaking and time since then.
Apr 21, 2023 1:08 am
The orbs, floating above the wall, are about 1 foot diameter and bob lazily in the breeze. Each is teathered to the wall by a thin cord. From the north gate you look inside and see an open area around a single large building that is in even better condition than the wall that surround it. The surrounding courtyard is of paved stones set tight without mortar. The building is made of stone with windows on the top of the first floor and filling much of the second floor. On a large plaque over the main doors directly across from you you read Library of Paphos in large bold lettering. The door is of Bronze and like the walls is decorated with mural like etchings and carvings. The area is quiet, clean, and empty.
Apr 21, 2023 1:09 am
As you begin crossing the library plaza that surrounds it you see a chicken sized bird flutter down from a ledge over the door. It squawks and guards at you. That sounded odd. As your get near you notice it's neck is extended and it has a long tail. The feathers do not cover everywhere and rough scaly skin can be seen beneath. (Think feathered dinosaur chicken to turkey size)

you can make a test roll to see if your character recognizes it, or state a guess, roll with advantage, and I will tell you if your are correct or close.
Apr 21, 2023 1:09 am
"What sort of mutated dinner is this" said Baruman, racking his brain to see if he had heard tell of such a creature before.

He remembered sleeping in a doss house back home once, next to an inebriated scholar who had fallen on hard times. He had spoken of the Librasarus, a creature that librarians allowed to share their workplace, as they ate the bugs and worms that could otherwise have made a meal of the ancient texts that they guarded. There was a superstition that the creatures could somehow consume some of the knowledge in the books that surrounded them too. He had thought it the ramblings of a drunken and confused old man, but could such things actually exist?
It would seem not :-)
Apr 21, 2023 1:10 am
"Normally I like chicken. For dinner. But this one seems a little odd. Grr", I say.

My index finger scratches my chin, while I look at the creature.
Apr 21, 2023 1:10 am
As it stalks closer Shmautz recals legends of a Cockatrice. Magical creatures whose touch can petrify.

The Cockatrice gives a squak and rushes forwards

Roll 2d6 initiative
Apr 21, 2023 1:10 am
"KEEP A DISTANCE and don't let it touch you!", I shout and try to make a giant leap back.
Apr 21, 2023 1:11 am
"I guess this one isn't much of a reader" said Baruman as he heeded schmautz's advice and backed away
Apr 21, 2023 1:16 am
Cocatrice initiative - (2d6) (3,2) = 5
Shmautz Initiative - (2d6) (2,4) = 6
Baruman: initiative - (2d6) (1,1) = 2
@tergolap You can go ahead and have Shmautz go as can @seanfsmith if Elph rolls 5 or higher on initiative.
Apr 21, 2023 5:50 pm
I'm surprised and don't know how to handle that sort of thing without touching it.
first action:
I call my Cougar Totem to help us. It's mountain lion totem trait should sneak up the enemy.
Apr 21, 2023 5:57 pm
tergolap says:
I'm surprised and don't know how to handle that sort of thing without touching it.
got a stick?
tergolap says:
first action:
I call my Cougar Totem to help us. It's mountain lion totem trait should sneak up the enemy.
next time you can roll 2 attacks for the totem
The spirit cast leaps at the cocatrice roaring


Totem attack - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (65) = 11

2d6 : (54) = 9

Apr 21, 2023 5:59 pm
The cocatrice gets severely mauled by the cougar. With a squak it bites and scratches at the big cat.


Cocatrice attacks - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (44) = 8

2d6 : (26) = 8

Totem save - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Apr 21, 2023 6:02 pm
The claws scratch the cats for drawing blood. But then quickly stops flowing and the cat meows pitifully as it crutches back, slowly turning grey and settling into stone.
cocatrice is severely wounded and the totem is petrified
Baruman and Elph can go.
Apr 24, 2023 9:29 pm
Elph takes a moment to focus then attacks the cockatrice with his bow


Elph: Check DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Apr 24, 2023 9:45 pm
The arrow thuds into the cocatrice which stagers but it's still barely alive.
Apr 25, 2023 1:18 am
@wilsric Baruman is up
Apr 26, 2023 3:50 pm
Horrified at what has happened to the cougar, Baruman warily steps around to the side of the strange beast, He focuses his aim at the creatures heart and throws his dagger with all his might!

"Take that you feathered beast!"


Baruman: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Apr 26, 2023 3:51 pm
[ +- ] Duende Agility


Baruman: Test DC: 4 - Dis - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Apr 26, 2023 5:32 pm
The dagger takes the creatures life. As the monster falls the statue of the cougar totem crib's into dust. Shmautz feels his totem must rest a day before being summoning it again to allow it to recover.

Monsters like this are rare and much of their bodies can be used in magic rituals and are valuable to the right market.
Apr 26, 2023 5:32 pm
Looking around you see a few other mounts of rubble and dust indicating that the cocatrice has defeated others before you.
Apr 26, 2023 8:29 pm
tergolap sent a note to Psybermagi
I'm not quite sure what the bold sentence means, but assume it has to do with the totems cool down/reload
"Oh cougar ...
You're all well?"
, I ask Elph and Baruman.

"We should take what we can carry from that beast. Its parts are of value."

I take my dagger and try to disassemble the prey.
Apr 26, 2023 8:53 pm
fixed the text
Cougar is out of action for 1 day
Apr 27, 2023 4:56 pm
Baruman pulled his dagger from the creatures corpse and started usung it to cut off the beak and claws and to remove the vital organs, and anything else he thought may have a value alongside Shmautz.

"Argh, this stinks! It had better be worth something" When finished, he looked at the piles of remains that had not been as lucky as them. "There may be something of value here too, I'll take a look"
[ +- ] Perceptive
Last edited April 27, 2023 4:57 pm


Baruman: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(336) = 12

Apr 28, 2023 2:29 pm
Shmautz, who is more familiar with processing a kill, assists the city boy with the carcass which you simply gut and clean as you are unsure what will be most valuable. As you do this Baruman looks around and eyes the other piles of rubble but noting stands out. Remembering the cockatrice nest, up on the building ledge, he thinks there might be something good in there.
May 4, 2023 7:21 pm
Eyeing up the climb to the ledge, Baruman evaluates the climb. He was nimble, and well used to climbing up city walls, but rock faces were new to him.

Ah well, it's all climbing he thought to himself, and, finding his first handhold, starts the climb to the ledge.

"Schmozzy, get ready to catch me!"


Baruman: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(14) = 5

May 5, 2023 12:41 am
Baruman tries to scamble up but the polished stone proves a hard climb. Shmautz comes up and easlily lifts then shoves the litle figure of Baruman well above his head wher He is able to rach some of the decorative work. A few close calls and slow going but he eventually makes it up to the nest. Looking inside Baruman sees a mess of feathers, torn scraps of clothing some bones and 3 egg Digging around he finds a few small gems and discovers that many of the bones are connected into a long whip or flail (bone whip) that has a sinister feel and obviously caries a dark enchantment.
May 5, 2023 5:50 pm
"Do you see anything of value or interest?", I ask Baruman.

Patiently I wait for my friend to respond and keep an eye on the suroundings.
May 11, 2023 2:08 pm
Baruman hands down the contents of the nest before climbing down himself.

All told you find
30 gems 10 gpv (gold piece value)
11 gems 25 gpv
6 gems 50 gpv
3 cocatrice eggs
And the whip. As you examine it you gain a sense of how it works
[ +- ] Scarlet Scourge
May 12, 2023 11:15 pm
Just touching base to see who is still onboard and into the game as things have slowed down

Interest Poll

Fine as is
Vote to view results.
Interested in more combat
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Interested in more puzzles
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Interested in more social interaction
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May 14, 2023 4:11 pm
For me it's totally fine and I highly appreciate the patience you have with me in regards of the rules.
I'm eager to carry on, even though some times real life doesn't allow me to check on each an every day.
May 15, 2023 3:20 pm
I should be back to better in terms of views / posts! Things have been weird this end: sorry for the absense. I've voted more fight but that's a soft preference ─ I've been greatly enjoying the mix you've had on the table already @psybermagi
May 16, 2023 5:38 am
"Baruman, what about handing over that crazy whip to Elph? I somehow think, it would make a perfect match?

I turn around and look for my buddy, while Baruman keeps looking for loot.
May 16, 2023 12:39 pm
"I alwayss wanted one of thesse!" Elph's smile is broad and unintentionally unsettling



May 17, 2023 1:14 am
With the cocatrice slain and it nest claened out you are left facing the large double doors made of bronze. There are no handles or locks visible and a large oval where the two halves meet is bisected by their edges and looks a simple push is used to open the doors..
As you get close the seritor begins to glow and hum. Then one of the orbs shifts form into a short rod. Touch to door please
May 17, 2023 2:51 pm
Elph picks up the servitor and moves slowly towards the door, keeping an eye out to be sure things are genuinely safe in the room. After he reaches the door, he deftly places the rod-form against the door.


Elph: Check DC: 5 - looking for danger - (2d6)

(23) = 5

May 17, 2023 4:15 pm
With a click and slight whoosh of air the doors open revealing a brightly lit interior. Inside the doors is a large marble floored entry with collums surround the high ceiling. Light enters from raised windows showing the bare room to be free of dust or any damage. At the far end of the 30 foot room is another doorway with small rooms or large alcoves set to either side.
[ +- ] Entry chamber
May 18, 2023 6:45 am
Awed I follow Elph into the building. It's so big, so silent, so clean. I begin to whisper without noticing:

"I really hope that this isn't a trap. Do we know where we have to go? I can't remember what Dean said."

The encounter with the Cocatrice still in mind, I try to sense any danger ...


Standard test: looking for danger - (2D6)

(62) = 8

May 18, 2023 1:35 pm
As you enter the entrance chamber your steps are loud on the hard surface but the sound oddly fades away quickly. Peering around the spotless room you find noting standing out or threatening. The entire rooms is spotlessly clean and tidy making this the only undamaged Remnant of the old city you have seen.

Crossing the room to the far side you are at a 4 way intersection of long wide hallway. You stand at the norther side of the intersection looking south. Strait ahead the hallway dead ends on another doorway with the doors closed. Two open arches, one to either side, are the only other feature of this hall. To the left and right are much longer halls with arches set periodically into the southern walls.
May 18, 2023 2:26 pm
Elph walks towards the doorway to the south, presses his knuckles against the door and rests his head on his hand to better hear the other side.


Elph: Check DC: 5 - doing a listen - (2d6)

(33) = 6



May 18, 2023 2:58 pm
As you enter the intersection a spectral form appears in front of you blocking your way.
The ghost is dresses in a uniform that is almost solid looking and as neat as the rest of the library but the head and hands are transparent and skeletal. May I help you? the ghosts and in a cooling voice that echoes in your mind and soul.
May 20, 2023 4:28 pm
"Ahm ... Yes. Maybe. We're looking for ... We come as friends." , I stutter.

"We have a friend at another location and try to establish some sort of communication between here and the other site. Is that possible. I mean, is this possible at all and is this also okay for you? Exchange of knowledge seems beneficial for both partners in communication, doesn't it?" I try to explain. It's hard to recall, what Dean actually wanted us to do.
May 20, 2023 5:13 pm
The ghost turns to "face" Shmautz. I am sorry but all but the public section of library require a permit which can be obtained at the civil service office here or from the city records center in district 1.

You all feel waves of dizzying cold pulse off the apparition and notice a vague cloud of ghostly energies extending about 15 feet from the figure.

Everyone needs to roll a save (2d6) test. If you fail you suffer 1 psychic damage from exposure to the ghost. This must be repeated each round it stays near you.

Twisting in Elph's hands Citizens Token. Recognize please.

The spectral figure looks at the servitor and somehow you get the impression of a frown, without any facial features beyond the bare bones, and reaching into a pocket retrieves an crystal rod the it waves towards the servitor Yes, your citizens is authorized for full access. You may proceed. Be warned many of our facilities appear to be lacking proper maintenance or locked down due to war time restriction. If you have trouble with any of our facilities simply call for an attendant and I or another will assist you with filling out the forms to submit for a civil technician to repair the faulty system as soon as they begin regular services again.

If you have no more questions at this time it will fade. Otherwise you will need to continue rolling save test.
May 20, 2023 6:24 pm
Save test.
My body convulses as I try to resist the cold pulse of energy.


save test: Exposure to the ghost - (2D6)

(45) = 9

May 21, 2023 10:47 pm
You can go ahead and also post your next action while everyone rolls their saves. I need ton know if you have more questions or interact with the ghost.
May 23, 2023 6:25 pm
"Thank you. That's all for now from my side.", I answer. I slightly bow my head to emphasize the gesture that the conversation is over. I would rather not be near to this ghost anymore.
No more questions—or at least I don't want to risk harm in trade for information.
I turn to the Servitor.
"Any hint what to do next?"

The size of the interior is intimidating.



May 24, 2023 3:18 am
The servitor extends three limbs pointing east, west and south. Three stations. Collect information. Activate function. Go

The east and west corridors both have multiple archways along them and turn back to the north. The southern hall has an archway on each side and dead ends at a door.
May 25, 2023 8:53 am
I have no idea if the Servitor wants me to stick to a particular order of the ways, or how to Activate any functions and which Information to gather. I just follow my instinct and turn to the East.

"Okay then. Let's go!
First to the West. "
May 26, 2023 1:07 pm
OK so a week is up and I have not heard from @seanfsmith / Elph and @wilsric / Baruman has been silent longer. I will leave them in the game for now but I will treat them as NPC so this thread isn't killed on the spot.
Heading West you pass several neat study alcoves open along the south wall. The north has a single archway to a large room with full bookshelves lining all walls. The last door on the south opens to another room with shelves full of books and scrolls. To the north around the corner are more empty alcoves. Servitor points into the book filled room to the SW.
[ +- ] Library Map
May 28, 2023 8:17 am
"We're looking for a particular book, hm? Oh boy! You know, reading's none of the things I'm good at."

I walk along the shelves. My fingers sweet over the book spines. I sense different books. Large tomes, normal books, scrolls. All in different conditions, sizes and materials.

"Im sure they are written in different languages. Some of them unspoken today. I really hope we'll find what we're looking for."

I concentrate and try to spot some book or scroll that does not fit in here or stands out.


Looking for conspicuousness / abnormality - (2d6)

(62) = 8



May 29, 2023 1:20 am
wilsric / Baruman is officially MIA and has been removed
I forgot to mention a room on the north wall. see edited previous post with map
As you look through the content of the SW room you become increasingly aggrivated as there are no books of interest in this section. You find essays on geometry, meta-magical math, universal geometry, etc., But nothing useful. Servitor seems insistent there is something here and after a lengthy search you pluck a wood and clay tablet from one of the shelves.
This is a simple tools often used for teaching students as the clay is soft and can be written on then erased. As you grab the tablet you are surprised to realize the clay is still soft. Servitor reaches for the tablet and when it touches the tablet you hear a soft gong from the central column of the room. Servitor remains motionless for a moment then retracts it arm.
Done. Next Please
May 31, 2023 6:23 am
Psybermagi says:
I forgot to mention a room on the north wall. see edited previous post with map
As you look through the content of the SW room ...
Done. Next Please
As I headed to the East at first, I assume to have found nothing of value and carried on = fast forward.
The clay tablet I have found at (3) on the map now, right? Servitor and me are the small square between 2 and 3 in the hallway, 1 grid above the letter 3, right?
May 31, 2023 12:30 pm
Having finished searching the math, logic, and magical theeory section to the far west and found noting notworthy in any of the shelves save scrolls and book a shool or researcher might use you are ready to move on.
You searched 3, and Servitor did something wiht the tablet there, and glanced into the other rooms. Room 2 has shelves of books not yet searched. exact location is indeterminate at the moment. Where do you want to be/go?
Jun 1, 2023 6:34 am
Okay, thank you. I'm going from 3 to room 2 then.
Pleasantly surprised, I read what the Servitor had written on the clay-board.

"Oh, I see ...
You're a nifty little fellow. I can understand you a lot better now.
, I chuckle.

"Let's examine this next. Do you need to do that trick with the column again? Is there anything I can help you with, while searching for loot? What if another of those ghosts show up? That one in the main corridor gave me the creeps.", I point to another room.

I don't sneak through the building, but I try to be as silent as possible. Even though I know it's a library, I don't want to run into the next enemy blindfold. Every few steps, I do a little stop to look and listen to the environment. I praise my ancestors for letting my eyes be useful.


Using Sensitive - Eyesight trait to examine environment - (3d6)

(352) = 10

Jun 1, 2023 12:36 pm
As you move down the hall and look into the room (2) you spot an odd box like creature with 4 arms, each holding a cleaining tool of some kind, and 4 legs sprouting from each of the cubes corners. As it sees it it jitters CLEAN LIBRARY OF TRASH, CLEAN, CLEAN TRASH, TRASHH . . .. .
The thing charges at you waving its tools
Jun 3, 2023 3:31 am
@seanfsmith is MIA so you seem to be alone here. I will pull in another couple players as quickly as I can
Jun 3, 2023 7:31 am
Roger that. Thank you.
Psybermagi says:
[ooc] @seanfsmith is MIA so you seem to be alone here. I will pull in another couple players as quickly as I can
My next steps will follow asap, but I have no creative idea yet on how to handle that cleaning bot.
Jun 5, 2023 12:59 pm
Elph pulls out his bow and fires on the box creature as Baruman edges cautiously next to Shmautz ready to follow his lead


Long Bow attack - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (466) = 16

3d6 : (343) = 10

Jun 5, 2023 6:32 pm
"Take Deans Servitor and leave the room ... ", I say to Baruman.

I take the clay-tablet, scratch off some clay and throw it on the ground in front of the box creature.

"Oh look! Someone scattered dirt. Go clean it!", I try to command. I turn around and try to get to the door as well.


2D6 - advise box-creature-cleaner - (2D6)

(54) = 9

Jun 6, 2023 12:25 am
The plan seems brilliant and bound to succeed, until Schmautz fails to scratch of any of the clay from the tablet. It gouges and stretches but refuces to seporate. Baruman tosses our a scraps form his pouch, including a few copper coins that go rolling away. The construct imediately focuses on the nearest "trash" and begins to efficiently clean the waste from the area laeving the Library floor clean and clear.
It wont take the automoton long to clean the scattered items.
What will you do in the meantime?
Jun 7, 2023 7:35 am
"C'mon all, get out of the room!
Elph, could you use your new whip and try to flog off these tools from a distance?"
Based on the descriptions so far, I assume there are no real door-wings to close and all the shelves are too big or too heavy to knock them over/overbalance them.
I don't want to get too close to this stubborn Automaton, but it seems like I have to. I leap over the Automaton to land behind it and try to inflict some damage with my knife.


3D6 - leap over (Acrobat) - (3d6)

(544) = 13

2D6 - a humble attack - (2d6)

(41) = 5

Jun 7, 2023 1:04 pm
Stricly speaking the acrobatics is not needed but I like the flair :)
Shmautz is now a master with his dagger so it should be 3d6 to the attack. So I am going to mix thing for some narative fun
Shmautz charges the automoton and jumps over its reaching implentents of death and destructions order and cleanliness while jabbing it with his dagger.
Elph lashes out twice with his whip but is blockd by the dustpan and broom handle.
Baruman loads his sling and hurls a stone at the cleaning contraption and scores a solid hit
I amd trying to get peope shuffled into new groups. Please post to the poll your expected posting speed. This is just to let others know how othen othe players will be posting to stories for making groups


Elph: Test DC: 5 - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (413) = 8

3d6 : (413) = 8

Baruman sling - (3d6)

(256) = 13

Jun 7, 2023 1:09 pm
The cleaner whirls and smacks a boom at shmauts while its other implements move to protect itself
1 damage to Shmautz


broom attack on Shmautz - (3d6)

(645) = 15

Jun 9, 2023 1:04 am
You are up
Jun 9, 2023 8:05 am
- Took 1 damage, marked on character sheet (5 / 6).
- Did not know that I'd mastered the dagger. Nice! Thank you!
- Poll: done.
Getting beaten with a broom makes me quite angry. The bristles hurt and the overall force caught me by suprised. I feel the tears fill my eyes, I feel heat and rage comming up my throat and so I hiss.
Quickly I try to hit that Automaton ...


1. Attack with Dagger - (3d6)

(416) = 11

2. Attack with Dagger - (3d6)

(421) = 7

Jun 9, 2023 1:04 pm
Elph moves to the side for a better shot and fires twice while Shmautz strikes at the cleaning golems who twirls the dustbin to block the attacks.


Elph attacks - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (453) = 12

3d6 : (464) = 14

Evade - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (4) = 4

Jun 9, 2023 1:05 pm
You prove too much and with a shudder the construct collapses to the floor with a compartment full of dirts and odd items pops open spilling the contents to the floor.
Jun 10, 2023 7:58 am
I watch the parts of our enemy fall apart, then step forward and inspect the contents.
Anything of value maybe?
"Everyone okay? Elph, Baruman, Servitor?
I've never been to such buildings before. My folk does not know such things. You call it a leybrarie (library), right? Are they're always of such danger? First the oversized bird, then that ghostly janitor and now a magically moving thing that thought we where dirt or trash. Quite a challenge for hording paper.

We hadn't time to inspect the room. Let's have a look."
After checking on the remains of our enemy I'd like to inspect the room, as we hadn't had a chance yet.
Jun 10, 2023 12:06 pm
Amid so the trash you find a few obviously magical items. 2 potions, a scroll, and a cloak. The room proves to be the Rhetoric and Law section. You search a while but find no books of interest in this section and Servitor does not react to anything.
Jun 11, 2023 7:41 pm
I'm not really adept with magic stuff, so I share the potions and scroll with Elph and Baruman. I take the cloak. It attracts me and fits well.
I ask my comrades and the Servitor if there's anything special about the items.
Is there a description on the potions, scroll and cloak? Any abilities/values I need to keep in mind from a rules-perspective? Do I need to add it to the char sheet?
We move on to the next room. This time I'm more cautios ...
Last edited June 11, 2023 7:41 pm



Jun 12, 2023 12:56 pm
Moving back to the corridor you head East.
As you enter the intersection to the entrance the spectral figure rematerializes glaring at Baruman and screams No taking library items outside their respective areas! and thrusts his hand through Baruman. The ghostly appendage does not seem to harm Baruman but causes the little figure to convulse and collapse. As he does so the ghost is left holding the clay tablet. The head turns to stare at the rest of you, causing you to shudder, before rushing down the hallway and back to the math section.
Jun 12, 2023 1:08 pm
After the ghost leaves you examine Baruman and after a few moments he recovers enough to speak. You quickly leave to library then make the trek back to the base.

Baruman is takin in by the priests to recover and they indicate no lasting damage was done but he will need to rest at least a week. Elph informs you that he will stay with Baruman but goes with you to talk with Falpip, the wizard, who identifies the magic you gathered. The two potions were of Haling and Giant Strength, and the scroll is for Restoration, and can sure most afflictions. The cloak you took is a Cloak of Displacement. Elph and Baruman only ask for 1 item each and say you can take one other item as you will continue adventuring.
This is a good place to get you back to the Base thread to interact with the others. There are a couple of others that can form a group with you. Athria and Seren are in the tavern chatting now. There are some others but they may be MIA for a bit or just gone
Jun 16, 2023 4:20 am
Setting Back Out from the West Gate
Schmauts stands at the gate waiting for his new comrades to finish getting their gear together before setting out.
Jun 17, 2023 5:14 am
Seren walks up behind Schmauts with her mask fixed in place. Breathes a deep contented breath and waits eagerly to leave on this next leg of her journey.
Jun 17, 2023 5:40 pm
The Library is some ways to the SW of the swamp, so well over an hours travel from the base. After everyone has gathered up you set out
@GooberMcSnorford / Ulkar should be joining and can drop in but I will not hold up the story for him to check in. Just assume he is here for now.
Seren came in with the wagon train and so are familiar with the main road through the swamp, which you use to go back out. Shmautz explains the road is a recent addition and was only completed in its current well packed state a couple of weeks ago. Previously is was a simple crude mud track through the swamp and often required trudging through low water ways between the islands. The road and bridges let you cross the swamp in relative comfort. As you do you spot a variety of snakes, frogs, lizards, insects, mice, birds and a few crocodiles.
see the map for reference. Start from A(Base) cross to B(guard tower/bridge) wind around to leave just north of G, then head down to L
Once past the swamp however you start seeing larger creatures known as dinosaurs. Some of these are the size of other beast but a few herds you spot are of beast the size of a cottage or larger. Shmautz recounts the danger of these beast he had last time where a predator the size of a tower (trex) started a stampede that almost got him and his companions killed in the ensuing chaos.
[ +- ] area map
Crossing the grassy grazing lands of the dinosaurs with it occasional hills and woods you reach the Library outer wall well before noon. The walls are well over 30 feet high and several hundred feet long. The tops of the wall have odd floating spheres attacked by thin wires floating and bobbing in the breeze. Each wall has a double door set into the middle. Around the Remnant, and along the way, you see occasional ruble form destroyed structures Only the Remnant appear to have weathered the ravages of the Breaking and time since then.

The orbs, floating above the wall, are about 1 foot diameter and bob lazily in the breeze. Each is tethered to the wall by a thin cord. From the north gate you look inside and see an open area around a single large building that is in even better condition than the wall that surround it. The surrounding courtyard is of paved stones set tight without mortar. The building is made of stone with windows on the top of the first floor and filling much of the second floor. On a large plaque over the main doors directly across from you you read Library of Paphos in large bold lettering. The door is of Bronze and like the walls is decorated with mural like etchings and carvings. The area is quiet, clean, and empty.
Jun 19, 2023 1:35 pm
Shmautz shows a rough map of wht he has explored so far and recounts his experiences inside.
Just read this thread form page 2 on if you want more backstory on what happened
[ +- ] map

When you are ready to proceed Shmautz will press the Servito to the doors after witch they will swing open quietly. The entire building is in excelent condition compared to the other places after the Shattering and obviously still has multiplle small but effective enchantments in place to keep it so.
[ +- ] Entry chamber
Jun 19, 2023 7:52 pm
After opening the door, I walk silent and cautious into the hall.

We really have to be careful. All sorts of odd beings are in here. Not common monsters as outside, but automatons and ghostly appearances. It's hard to describe ... Just be careful, I whisper.

Is there anything special you're looking for? I can recall to have seen books on geometry, meta-magical math, universal geometry, logic and magical theory, as well as Rhetoric and Law over there. I point into the directions. ... but nothing of interest for the little Servitor.

Oh, I wish we still had the clay tablet for communication. And I hope even more, that we don't meet 'Macreadus' again.
Jun 20, 2023 1:26 am
This is a lot to take in...
Seren stares in bewilderment as Shmautz gives her the rundown
I guess I'm looking for something about time loops? We had a strange experience on the road here. I think i died.
Jun 20, 2023 9:59 am
Died? I repeat the words. Part of me thinks that this can’t be possible. But from all I have seen so far, it wouldn’t be a surprise. I envision pictures of the undead I’ve fought just a few weeks ago. Who knows what else is happening here?

Hm, I’m not a scholar, so I can just guess. If none of the sections I’ve mentioned so far seems to make sense to you, I’d recommend going to the next room we havn’t visited yet.
Do we know, where on the map we are currently?



Jun 20, 2023 12:34 pm
[ +- ] map
As you enter the intersection (just south of the entry chamber 12) and Shmautz points out what they discovered during their their previous exploreations a spectral form appears in front of you.
The ghost is dresses in a uniform that is almost solid looking and as neat as the rest of the library but the head and hands are transparent and skeletal. May I help you? the ghosts and in a cooling voice that echoes in your mind and soul. Seeing Shmautz he continues Please remember all items of the library are to be kept on the premises and can only be removed with a valid permit and must be checked out with the help desk to maintain proper records.
Jun 20, 2023 6:28 pm
Oh! Hello Seren looks up into the face of the apparition. Seemingly unphased by the terrifying Visage.
Where might one find information on the crossing over of planar boundaries. Especially anything regarding the nature of the flow of time and fate in these zones. Nothing to academic though. Its been a long time since I've read anything so mundane as a book.
Last edited June 20, 2023 6:28 pm

Librarian Macreadus


Jun 21, 2023 1:06 pm
Librarian Macreadus
Turnibng to look at Seren the librarian replies All information on planar travel is contained within the Infinite Tower though there are a few theoretical in the mathmatics section to your right (west) or historical refference materials in the history section to your left (east)
Under the ghosts gaze Seren begins to shake as his the undeads pressence comes crashing down onto his spirit. Seren must roll a save test and take 1 psychic damage if he fails.
Jun 22, 2023 11:56 am
I don't dare moving and remain silent, as my first conversation I had with Macreadus caused me brain-pain. And the last time I'd seen him, he attacked a friend of mine for carrying a belonging from the library.

Recalling these events and the things Macreadus said lead me to the conclusion that there is one - and only one - thing you are allowed to take with you from this building: knowledge.

I promise to myself not to take loot with me from here!
Jun 22, 2023 12:55 pm
The ghost did not seem to mind you taking the "Trash" from the cleaning golem. It was only concerned with officail library materials
Jun 22, 2023 2:48 pm
Psybermagi says:
The ghost did not seem to mind you taking the "Trash" from the cleaning golem. It was only concerned with officail library materials
Hm ... Right. The loot was okay, but the clay-tablet was not. Right now, this is player-knowledge and Shmautz is not aware of that, though was an eyewitness and even carries the cloak.
He's a cautious catkin, though. :)
I'll have him find out later, maybe.



Jun 23, 2023 4:37 pm
The servitor extends two limbs pointing east and south. Two remaining stations. Collect information. Activate function. Go

As the ghost seems to stay in the intersection the party quickly steps to the east after asking it their questions. Moving down the hall, that is a mirror of the West hall, according to Shmautz.
I reread earlier posts and realized I mixed up east/west when updating the map so adjusted those so it made more sense with what happened. So Shmautz never went East previously.
The east and west corridors both have multiple archways along them and turn back to the north. The southern hall has an archway on each side and dead ends at a door.

Heading East you pass several neat study alcoves open along the south wall. The north has a single archway to a large room with full bookshelves lining all walls. The last door on the south opens to another room with shelves full of books and scrolls. To the north around the corner are more empty alcoves. Servitor points into the book filled room to the SW.

The small rooms to the south are bare save a few chairs and tables. The section of books to the North is labeled the History section(room 4). You begin looking around under the servitors prompting.

Can I get some search/investigate tests from everyone along with comments on any specific actions or ideas on what you are looking for.
Jun 24, 2023 4:46 pm
I'll roll that dave first and then edit thpost with my response
my second roll past anyway, so no damage
Are you this unkind to all your patrons? Ghosts... Seren shakes her head in disapproval.
Turning to Shmautz He's all bluster this one. Not very friendly at all

Seren would like to head to the history section in search of other traveller's accounts of planar crossover and time weirdness.
Last edited June 24, 2023 4:50 pm


Save against McReadus, roll with advantage for my familiarity with Necromantic arts and creatures - (3d6)

(151) = 7

Investigation - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Jun 24, 2023 8:35 pm
The ghost fades with a faint Do find one of the library attendants if you require assistance with anythingas you move on.

In the history section Seren is able to identify their filing systems and after a few minutes finds a couple of items regarding the planes during the Dawn Age. Apparently early during that time most travel was though naturally forming planar conduits that were only stabilized by magic. However with the creation and growth of the Infinite Tower this became increasingly uncommon. By the time of the Dawn war all naturally occurring extraplanar travel was done by way of the Tower. Unfortunately the only items he can find regarding temporal irregularities deals with the outer planes. Many of the planes experience the passage of time with some being slower, others faster, or changng randomly from slow to fast.
Jun 25, 2023 12:10 pm
Being happy to leave Macreadus behind, I follow the Servitors hint.

Seren's information on time travel and some Tower confuses me. However, I want her to explain it to me in a minute of rest.


Search / Investigate (standard roll) - (2D6)

(33) = 6



Jun 27, 2023 12:53 pm
Shmautz looks around and it akes some time but eventually Servitor reacts to something and you pull out an ancient looking stone tablet that Servitor presses its token to for several minutes before indicating it is done. Next please.

5 - Philosophy section Moving on you look through the next section and find a few items on works on natural philosophy, and theories on a variety of subjects
[ +- ] Fyerdetha's Discourses on Power
[ +- ] Urgund's Description of Darkness
A few other marginally useful books
(a) Meditations
(b) The Harmony of the Rock
(c) Strom's Discussions of Poetics
(d) Chronicles of Arram
(e) Discourse on the Nature of Writing

Through all of this Servitor reacts to nothing You check out all of the smaller studies but find nothing interesting and move back to the intersection but this time move through it quickly and avoid meeting the librarian again.

The two side rooms along the southern hallway have rows of tables and chairs with excelent lighting for reading as well as shelves along the walls. Inspecting these you discover they hold educational materials but nothing of inerest to you.

Returning to the hallway you are left facing your first door since you entered the library.
Jun 29, 2023 8:51 am
Honestly, I can't recall which rooms on the map we've already checked. That's due to my lacking English skills in terms of Mapping. :(
So I really have no clue where we've been and where we've not been. Sorry for that.
While walking - and carefully trying not to run into Maceabus - I ask Seren:

"Seren, was there anything useful? Did you find any of the information. I don't quite understand some of the thing's you've mentioned. What happend in the past?
Jun 29, 2023 2:57 pm
All rooms on the map have now been at least looked into. You entered from the coutyard 1, though the entry 12, and past the Librarian at the intersection.Shmauts did 2,3 previously and the group did 4,5 this time around. The green diamond indicates the current party location. The door below, to the south, of the diamond is closed and leads to the rest of the library.
Jun 30, 2023 11:43 pm
sorry for taking so long
Seren walks along with Shmautz, probably with a little more nonchalance in her step. Mcreadus doesn't bother her nearly as much as they seem to bother her companion.

Hmm she pauses thoughtfully I wont know if what i gound is useful until it is, but i can tell you my tale. On the road to the base, we were set upon by a storm. It wasnt a normal storm though and my fellow scout and I got lost in what i believe is a storm plane, or the plane of Air. We were beset by living lightning and we held our own for a while but they overwhelmed us and exploded. I am certain that i died in that moment. The surge of power was too great to survive. But in the same instant we were right back where we started. We took a different path and made it out of the storm back to our material plane. I've always had a special relationship with fate. I can sense it currents theough a variety of means, but that adventure, dying and not dying, shook my understanding of fate and time and their interconnectedness, or lack of... she trails off chewing on her cheek.
Jul 3, 2023 2:57 pm
Psybermagi says:
All rooms on the map have now been at least looked into. You entered from the coutyard 1, though the entry 12, and past the Librarian at the intersection.Shmauts did 2,3 previously and the group did 4,5 this time around. The green diamond indicates the current party location. The door below, to the south, of the diamond is closed and leads to the rest of the library.
Thank you.
"Ah ... " I answer to Seren, not quite sure how to respond. I don't have any answer or wise stuff at this moment. Time travelling? Resurrection? Planes? I thought the undead in the swamps where weird.

However, we havn't searched all the rooms yet and how knows? Maybe we'll find what we need behind the next door.

"I'm afraid I have no answers to these questions, Seren.
But just let's keep going - I'm sure we'll find something. Here, that door ..."
I try to push it open.

As I walk up to the door I keep an eye on the Servitor to see how he reacts.
Jul 3, 2023 7:18 pm
The door is similar to the door you entered the library by. Full of artistic scenes that almost look to be a representation of a land mapping out various regions and depicting a variety of plant and creatures. The double doors do not have a lock that you can see but do have panels for pushing them open.

The Servitor simply points towards the doors "Proceed"
Jul 4, 2023 12:04 am
It is my burden. Thank you for listening. as I put my hands to the door to help Shmautz, I'd like to look at the carvings just to see if I recognize from the flora if this depicts a certain place or more a generic scene.


Herbalism - (3d6)

(342) = 9

Jul 4, 2023 3:39 am
Several animals, creatures, and plants are recognizable but there are a few you fail to identify. Each you recognize looks to be placed in the appropriate climate and environment.
Think of a Richard Scarry world almanac illustration for D&D
Jul 4, 2023 1:10 pm
Psybermagi says:
Several animals, creatures, and plants are recognizable but there are a few you fail to identify. Each you recognize looks to be placed in the appropriate climate and environment.
Think of a Richard Scarry world almanac illustration for D&D

That totally made my day. :)
I can feel Seren's confusion over her situation and decide to help in every way I can. Following the Servitors hint, we push open the door into the part of the library we haven't searched yet.
As the past has taught me, I'm cautious and try to spot any danger behind the door when entering ...


Basic roll for observing the situation - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Jul 4, 2023 2:20 pm
You find noting amiss or dangerous. It is a fancy door in a magical land of enchantment and wonder. Push to open.
no time constraint so assumed to auto focus so a 4 is a pass and you feel confident in your analasys
Jul 5, 2023 5:34 am
Together we push open the door and step through.
What do we see? What's the surroundings?
Jul 5, 2023 12:44 pm
The doors swing open easily to reveal another coridow running east west but to the south east around a corner you see . . .
(10 - Study Hall) a hall which is filled with rows of writing tables and high
stools. Mounds of parchment are set on multiple tables around the room. In the far SE corner is a doorway on the east wall. As you look around you see a figure hunched over at one of the tables.
[ +- ] map
Jul 5, 2023 8:39 pm
Other than the librarian, have you seen anyone else here before? whispering the Shmautz
Jul 6, 2023 8:51 am
I raise my arm and signal to remain silent.
Then I squint my eyes and try to get an impression of the figure. I try to estimate how big it is, if it's dangerous.
What does it do? What species does it seem to be?
Trait: Sensitive Eyesight - does is look dangerous? What type of figure is it etc., size, ...


Looking at the figure on the table (Eyesight - advantage) - (3d6)

(456) = 15

Jul 6, 2023 12:54 pm
The figure is hidden behind the intervening tables and chairs. Moving quietly to gt a better look you guess it to be a medium sized humanoid of some kind. However it is hunched over and crouched low, preventing a clear view without moving well into the room. What you can see are old tattered cloths that are the only dirty thing you have seen in the Library. You hear faint mummerings coming from the figure.
Jul 7, 2023 1:40 am
I make a hand gesture to indicate Stay here, i got this
Using my mimic feature, I turn in to my best approximation of McReadus.
I approach the figure from his blind spot as quietly as I can (roll stealth).

Once close I'll do my best McReadus voice (roll deception) and say
Have you found everything you are looking for? Two other patrons have also requested access to this room. I have made certain they will behave appropriately.
Remembering what McReacus said to Shmautz...
Remember, library materials are not to leave the premises.

Then I'll turn and drift away.


Stealth for quiet feet - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Deception for voice mimicking, hopefully the shock may cover any lapse in my acting - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Jul 7, 2023 2:56 am
[ +- ] map as you move to get a better look
Impersonating the Ghost? LOL, that's nice.
The figure does not react as Seren 'drifts' towards them but at the sound of their voice the figure jumps and twirls to face you The big one, the evil one in the castle of flowers -- he is coming! It is
The old man screams while waiving a small cracked crystal. Still stooped and showing extreme age the man appears to be a filthy, malnourished, and frantic human.

As he sees the Librarian he mutters I didn't disturb the books. See see? they are all neat and clean, neat and clean and falls to incoherent mumbling as he sinks lower and lower once again until he sits on the floor playing with his crystal.
Jul 7, 2023 4:03 am
Seren as MacR sides back over the Shmautz with a wink and returns to her preferred form. He's not a threat, just a little lost in his mind. Any idea whats he's talking about?
Seren starts rifling through her pack for something to eat, which she will share with the fellow to see if she can get answers.
but ill allow Shmautz to respond to all that first
Jul 7, 2023 6:25 pm
No, not really. I've been to a building that was full of vines on the outside, but not flowers. And it was no castle either.

I also have been in a castle, but it was full of undead soldiers and no flowers at all. So ... I have no idea what he's talking about.

Is the information helpful for you?

We should talk to him. Servitor? Anything in here, we have to do?

I turn to the Servitor to check his reaction.
I do have rations (undefined number) in my rucksack - so if Seren doesn't find a meal to give, I'd give mine, of course.
Jul 10, 2023 11:58 am
[ +- ] map
Having moved further into the room you get a look into some of the other rooms. Several (7) are chambers filled with tables and benches. Servitor points towards the door beyond the muttering crazed elderly man.
Jul 12, 2023 9:30 am
"Okay, got you. Thank you, little friend."

I turn to Seren.

"You think he's harmless? Should we talk to him again? Maybe we'll get some hints from him? Either for you or for the little fellow here ..." and I point to the Servitor.

Then I fix my clothes, lick my whiskers, straighten my back and approach the figure. Though it's a long time ago, I try to remember all the manners I've used as a Valet to be polite.

"Good day, sir.

Please apologize the disturbance, but you are the very first person we meet in some time - especially in here. So I wonder what brought you here and if you'd mind exchanging some information.
My name is Shmautz from the clan of the Predator Paws of the tribe of the Sun Furs. And these are my dear friends Seren and Servitor.

May I ask your name?

May I offer you this to proof our goodwill?"
And so I hand him some of the food.
Hope it's okay to pick up your idea with the food.


Try to be polite. Standard Test. - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Jul 13, 2023 12:34 pm
Seeing that Shmautz has this in hand, I'll walk over to the table the figure was working at and see if I can get a sense of what they were looking for or finding.


Reading notes - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Jul 13, 2023 1:11 pm
The man continues to gibber and mutter nonsense 'He is wrapped in fire and so cruel!'
Amid the scraps of paper are some scribblings with occasional blocks off letters totally foreign to you
Jul 14, 2023 2:41 pm
FYI : Ulkar has gone inactive so I removed them from the game for now to make room for others
Jul 16, 2023 12:16 pm
Psybermagi says:
The man continues to gibber and mutter nonsense 'He is wrapped in fire and so cruel!'
Amid the scraps of paper are some scribblings with occasional blocks off letters totally foreign to you
The man just does not respond to our tries, and we can't make any sense of his words and scribbling. Hence, I move on to the door behind him that Servitor pointed us to.
Psybermagi says:
FYI : Ulkar has gone inactive so I removed them from the game for now to make room for others
Okay. Thank you.
Jul 17, 2023 1:07 am
As you moved over too the man you glance into the adjoining rooms

(7 - Study) You see a chamber filled with simple furniture, including tables and benches.

(9 - Lounge) You see a well lit room with comfortable furniture including couches, plush chairs, side tables, and desks with chairs. (11 - Study) Looking into the room beyond you can tell this room was once a study. The room is furnished wish small tables for individual or small groups and there are an assortment of books and papers neatly organized throughout the room (12) At the back of the area is a heavy metal door.

Doors block you from looking into rooms to the north-east and north-west
Jul 20, 2023 12:46 pm
I head to the metal door, as I think Servitor wants us to go there. The door sticks out between the other furniture and overall look. I don't touch the door yet, as I wan to have a look from nearby first.


Examine Metal Door (std) - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Jul 20, 2023 1:10 pm
The heavy metal door lacks a handle but does have a key hole as well as an odd bar across its width that can be pressed inwards towards the door. (door push bar) The walls around it are of heavy stone, like those you passed through upon entering the building. This is likely a rear exit.
Jul 20, 2023 1:18 pm
Investigation options
A:NW door, B: East door, 9 , or 11
Jul 20, 2023 1:20 pm
Before Seren follows, she'll root around in her herbalist pack for a branch of ash with a nice compound leaf and a cluster of firm red berries and leave it on the man's work station hoping that the magic in ash might help him escape wherever he's trapped.

She senses the beginning of this some obsessive madness in her and makes a note not to stray to far from human contact. A weird thought for someone who spent so long alone, but it feels right.

When she catches up to Shmaautz,
Is this the end? Do we have anything to bring back to base?



Jul 20, 2023 1:51 pm
Servitor had no directions save One remaining. Please search
Jul 20, 2023 6:54 pm
Hm, I don't know. This seems to be a dead end. This door and I'm pointing at the metal does not seem to open or reveal anything. Maybe we should just head back. I have to search more carefull to fit Servitor's needs.
It's a pitty that the guy over there isn't a help. Someone who's in here reading a lot also knows a lot - for sure. It's sad, that his mind seems so .... bungled.

Did you leave him some food?
I read what you've left, but Shmautz does not know that.
I turn around to reorientate.
Looking out for 10 -> 11
Jul 20, 2023 8:38 pm
Food! Shoot! There wqs a good chance he wouldnt touch it. Not in his state. He might be able to help us if we can get through to him though. I might have something just...
Seren will open her pouch and search for something with calming properties.
using my divination ability i rolled a 4 and a 5 on herbalism
...Aha! I had a fewling this would come in handy. This root has some calming properties on the mind and body, if we can get him to chew it for a minute or so it may help.
i dont mean to overstep here in terms of narrative. I can walk this back if necessary.
Last edited July 20, 2023 8:39 pm
Jul 21, 2023 1:21 am
Adding to the narative is fine. You can add easiest to your character but can alspo add to NPC as you see it fits the story flow. I will call it back or clarify if it touches on anything critical
When you check on the man his stained lips and the abseence of the berries indicates he is at least somewhat aware of his surrounding though he does not seem to relate well you anything you say. As Seren profers the soothing herbs he idly plucks them up and pops them into his cheek. The herbs do seem to cam him as he alternately chews and sucks on them as he looks over his scrawlings and mutters 'He is not human I tell you. Not at all. He want to come back but we must not allow that.

(11 - Study) Looking into the room you can tell this room was once a study. The room is furnished wish small tables for individual or small groups and there are an assortment of books and papers neatly organized throughout the room.

Entering you note that though evverything has been tidies there are a few items that do not look to belong to the library. A faded cloak, a nice leather satchel, a tattered hat, and a few glass beads in a little tray
Jul 21, 2023 3:11 am
Who is coming back, friend? I'll sit cross legged with him and idly fiddle with his papers to try and make him even more comfortable.
Jul 21, 2023 1:10 pm
The dark one weathed in flame and chaos. The seeker of undeath. His servant are already here. Beware them for they are not what they seem. and he cringes slightly clutching at a small pendant on his neck inset with a large crystal orb. I've seen it. Sen too much. He looked back at me Can't hide. He is comming and the man begins crying and muttering in a language that sounds familiar like a cross between common and arcane words.
Jul 21, 2023 2:54 pm
Seren reaches out and places a soft, raccoon-like hand on his shoulder and says nothing. Whatever this man has seen is obviously too much for him.
Jul 26, 2023 1:25 am
The man is a bit ajitated at the touch but does not shrug it off and after a few moment calms down a bit.
Jul 31, 2023 6:18 pm
I'm on the way to the next room, but stop at the moment, when I recognize that Seren is interacting with the man.

Servitor and I are waiting what happens next.
Aug 3, 2023 2:03 am
Though the man still rambles, not making sense as far as you can tell, he does seem th understand you and response to prompts and and but no useful informative is gained. He seems insistent that there is a threat growing nearby, hidden or disguised, and that it will have a great impact on the world at large.
Aug 3, 2023 3:08 am
Rest easy friend. If the end is coming, you may as well face it with as clear a mind as possible
A final pat on the shoulder and Seren rises to join Shmautz and Servitor.
I'm afraid he is lost, and rheres not much we can do to help him, nor he us. Lets carry on.
Aug 5, 2023 6:58 am
After we accept, that we can't help the man, we head forward to the room we tried to examine before.

"I was really hoping that you had been able to help that fellow. If we only could figure out, what he meant ..."
Aug 6, 2023 1:08 am
Moving to the north east corner you inspect the door before opening it carefully. Inside is a dark and cluttered room. Shelves line all of the the walls and an assortment of containers and machanisms are scattered around the room on tables and the shelves. Near the center of the room a thick column that glows at it top near the vaulted ceiling provides the only light.
Aug 6, 2023 7:50 pm
I let all the details sink in and hope that some of it makes sense. My eyes wander over the things in the room.

"Okay ...
That looks interesting, doesn't it? And it's a clear opposite to the tidyness in the other rooms.
I'm curious what we'll find here.
I examine the room using my Eyesight Trait


Examine the room (eyesight trait w. Adv.) - (3d6)

(155) = 11

Aug 7, 2023 4:07 am
Looking around Shmautz sees a few cleaning supplies, brooms, mops, dusters, along with a multitude of scraps. Though the floor is not the neat polished surfaces found elsewhere in the library it is still mostly dust and dirt free. A large bin filled with most of the trash and junk sits against the far wall in a corner. It looks like someone started using other surfaces and containers after the loading the hopper became impossible. He also recognizes a couple of automatons that do not appear to be working similar to the cleaner he had to fight previously.
Aug 7, 2023 12:23 pm
It is very different from the rest of the place. I wonder how the librarian tolerates it. He didnt seem like the kind to abide mess.
Seren will pick through some of the trash on the nearest table to see what kind of stuff it is.
Why is there so much garbage in a library anyway?


Examining garbage, taking time - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Aug 7, 2023 12:24 pm
Aug 7, 2023 1:06 pm
As you begin picking through the room you find tattered bits of paper, books that have ben ruined, old clay tablets, ink wells, along with a large variety of arcane and mechanical components. You also find an interesting pack, a strange metal plate, a small skull, and a large glass or crystal orb.

As you are investigating the large column in the middle of the room hums. The longer you are there the louder it becomes. The initial volume is so quiet and the change is so slow that it takes a minute for you to notice the change. And even that is only due to the top suddenly flaring its light and increasing the volume momentarily as with a flash an thrum it produces a small monkey like construct. The tower, now much dimmer and quieter, begins pulsing the sound and light levels beginning to increase again.

clockwork monkey
This is a restricted area, please leave the soft and gentle voice coming from the clockwork simian surprises you
Aug 10, 2023 2:20 pm
I'm surprised by the sudden appearance of the creature. It reminds me of a monkey somehow ... I decide to remain cautious, as none of the "staff" we've met so far was calm for long.

Good day. We're maintenance staff sent out by Dean. We're here to check for the communication devices. Our servitor here is seeking some parts, and we assume they're in here.

From the corners of my eyes, I look at the servitor and Seren.
... you also find a linteresting pack, a strange metal plate, a small skull, and a large glass or crystal orb.
Did we have enough time to look at these items, before the clockwork monkey appeared?
Aug 11, 2023 3:00 am
The items strewn about are on top of the piles and surfaces scattered around the room. The pack has is covered in a light fur with images of gryphons on the back and flap as well as a few feathers. The metal plate has the image of a feather quill and scrolls with clasps that allow it to be clamped onto books, its current books having fallen to tatters. The skull is about as big as a hand and has a pair of horn and sharp fangs though it look vaguely simian. The opaque orb has a vague discoloration in the middle.

Servitor raises an arm again pointing at the column Alternate access point identified. and begins to glow. The columns emits a beam of light the baths servitor for a moment before changing color and flashing over the monkey.
clockwork monkey
The monkey freezes for a moment before jerking as the light covering it fades The library facilities have been closed due to prolonged absence of civic services. A list of needed services and repairs is being compiled. Please provide certification of services you are licensed to perform. And the monkey begins listing items, apparently in chronological order, that have fallen below the libraries required service levels. This continues for several minutes. As this goes on the central column's hum increases in pitch and volume as the light atop the column pulses, similarly gaining brightness with each pulse.
You can interrupt this scene at any point after the monkeys initial statement.
Aug 11, 2023 5:47 pm
Seren creases her eyebrow at the automatons sudden appearance but is otherwise unbothered. She knows that anything could happen so very little truly surprises her. As Shmautz engages the simian, she will pick up the skull, turn it over a couple of times and attempt to slip it into here bag.

After that...
So we need to clean up? That sounds fine. I can tidy and organize. Im afraid im not as useful in the maintenance department.


Slight of hand, monkey skull - (2d6)

(22) = 4

clockwork monkey


Aug 11, 2023 6:54 pm
clockwork monkey
The mechanical simian pauses in its list of needed repairs and supplies to turn and comment Misplaced items are to be properly processes before being tuned over to civil authorities for redistribution or destruction. Please return the item as it stares at Seren only a moment before continuing on with its list.

The pillar hits a crescendo and with another flash and pulsating thrum you feen in your bones there is a second clockwork monkey. Again the pillar drops to a barely audible hum and dim glow that is increasing as happened last time.[[


detection/observation - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Aug 12, 2023 3:01 pm
"What in G'ar-Field's name ...
What if each time this pillar pulses, a new simian appears"
, I ask Seren.

"This could end in an uncomfortable situation. As the Servitor has detected something, I'll want to pave his way for doing whatever he needs to."

Then I turn to the Simians.
"We provide basic infrastructure and communication maintenance. The Servitor can start, if you allow."

As I was never a good idea to take anything from here, I leave the metal plate and orb.

clockwork monkey


Aug 12, 2023 5:14 pm
clockwork monkey
Service authorization not on file. you note that the increase in the hums volume and the lights brightness is getting faster. The 2nd clockwork monkey was created faster than the 1st and at this rate the 3rd will be even quicker. Please leave The "voice" comes from both the clockwork creatures that stand before the column
Aug 12, 2023 5:23 pm
you may be right. An uncomfortable situation appears imminent.
To the monkeys
Who must we speak to to have out credentials reinstated?

clockwork monkey


Aug 12, 2023 5:41 pm
clockwork monkey
All work must be performed by licensed craftsmen. Licenses are obtained from local civil administrative centers.



Aug 12, 2023 5:45 pm
Shmautz notices words appear on the back of Servitor Conflict imminent. Construct cognitive enchantments suspected to be failing
Aug 13, 2023 8:57 am
I give Seren a hint to the note on Servitors back. Then I respond to the voice.

Okay. We're going to get our license renewed. Thank you for the explanation.

I move to the exit of the room.

clockwork monkey


Aug 15, 2023 3:24 am
clockwork monkey
The clockwork monkeys watch you leave.
Aug 15, 2023 7:56 pm
I assume we're not followed beyond the borders/doors.
As we're in the room with the crazy guy again, I recap the situation.
Listing the facts here and leaving out in-character prose:
- The Servitor wants us to go inside and do something there
- The "hum-column" seems defect and spawns those clockwork monkeys / simians
- The Servitor warns us that the situation could get out of hand

Should we talk to that guy again? Maybe he knows how we could get in there without getting beaten up by a group of those simians? Or do you have any idea?
Aug 16, 2023 1:49 am
Closing the door without problem, the clockwork creatures simply watching you, even though Seren still has that skull. You try to talk to the maniac about the storage or workshop room but all you get from him is some rambling nonsense about hum hum pop goes the monkey followed by some crazy giggles and laughter while he smiles then flinches and snarls Nasty monkey bites. Not fair.
Aug 16, 2023 2:21 am
Seren pops the skull into her bag, thinking it'll make a neat addition to her collection.
Turning to face shmautz and speaking in hushed tones Well, i have a couple ideas but lets try this first. You speak to this poor fellow, and I'll see if he has any credentials on his desk we can borrow. If that fails we can speak to that lovely ghostly fellow again, or we could try back at base to see if any civil authority, namely the leadership, can write a license. She turns back towards the room
Simple to complex...
Aug 16, 2023 8:01 am
Seren says:
You speak to this poor fellow, and I'll see if he has any credentials on his desk we can borrow.
Psybermagi says:
You try to talk to the maniac about the storage or workshop room but all you get from him is some rambling nonsense about hum hum pop goes the monkey followed by some crazy giggles and laughter while he smiles then flinches and snarls Nasty monkey bites. Not fair.
I talk to the maniac again, but still he just mumbles things I don't understand. Hopfefully it was enough of distraction for Seren to check on his desk.


Distract the maniac - Basic - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Aug 16, 2023 1:12 pm
The man in easily distracted allowing Seren to search the mans "collection" but other than the odd inkwell, quill scraps of paper, a small knife, and an assortment of strings, bits of wood and metal, noting of values, worth, importance, or use can be found.
Aug 18, 2023 3:40 pm
Seren shakes her head at Shmautz and nods towards the exit we found earlier.
Once out of earshot No luck. I know youre not a big fan of the librarian but he may be able to help. Or we head back to camp and come up with something.



Aug 20, 2023 6:08 pm
Waving to get your attention Servitor points to the janitors closet/workroom and says Fight or fix then waves his arm all around Search alternate. One last access please.
Aug 20, 2023 6:38 pm
I can't read the situation right, I guess. Maybe that's because of me having to translate it and interpret it, and so important information gets lost.

I would be willing to get back to Macreadus or find another way.
However, when Servitor points us in again (does he?), I assume we should go there.

Are there any other rooms/locations left? Or did we overlook one, that could work as the alternate?
Going back in seems to end in a fight. Okay for me, but in character the situation seems not winnable. If the pillar spawns these monkeys every other moment, we're outnumbered pretty soon.

Aug 20, 2023 8:54 pm
Servitor did indicate to either fight or fix the pillar and monkeys in the service room 8. Monkeys appear about 1 in 30 seconds
You have one other room to the West you have not opened, b6 the yellow eye token
Aug 21, 2023 6:48 pm
Thank you for clearifying! Highly appreciated.

@Marmy49 - I'll try to weave the new information into Shmautz's reaction to Serens suggestion. I hope this is fine.
I repeat Servitor's last hints ...

"Fight or fix ...
Search alternate ...
One last access ...

Did we overlook something? I really don't want to go in there again and fight the monkeys. Anyway ...

If there is no alternative, then let's get back to Macreadus, as heading back to the base would cost us too much time."

I turn around and attempt to go back to the lower level.
So we should have that one door at b6 right in front of us now. Maybe we'll spot it ...


Serendipitously spotting the door (standard roll) - (2D6)

(16) = 7

Aug 22, 2023 1:11 am
As you head back to the main Library intersection you note a door to the west you have not explored yet. (at the yellow eye) Perhaps there is an access point beyond it to resolve this situation witout further conflict.
Aug 27, 2023 4:01 am
Its worth trying all our options.
Seren will head to the door and attempt to push it open (or pull, as appropriate)
Aug 27, 2023 11:18 pm
As soon as the door is unlatched it is pushed upen and a gush of water that quicklys begins flowing into the library. Beyond it you see see what was once was garden, now a weed filled soggy mess.
[ +- ] Garden
The pleasant pond has become a swamp that has grown to fill much of the room. In the middle of the pond an elegant fountain spouts small streams that trickle down into the pond. Overhead metal and glass create what once must have been a beautiful sight but years of dust and cobwebs now dim the light coming through the stained window dome. Around the garden are several benches and side tables.

With the door open servitor reacts pointing into the garden Alternate access point detected.
Aug 29, 2023 1:54 pm
to clarify, is the water diminishing? Or is it continuing to pour out. I.e. are we at risk of drowning?
Aug 29, 2023 7:14 pm
As we get into the garden, I'm stoked.
"Wow ... that's ... beautiful. Maybe a little wild, but beautiful. I like it a lot, it reminds me of my childhood and my home.
Guess, we'll have to look under each and every leaf to find the Antenna, hm?"

My eyes wander over the scene, looking for a clue, where the Antenna could be ...
Using my Eyesight-Trait to look over the scene.

Really like that Seren did open the door and like it also, how the locations changed. I really didn't like these monkeys and the pillar. It seemed perilous there.


Scanning the scene with Eyesight-Trait (Adv) - (3D6)

(152) = 8

Aug 29, 2023 7:16 pm
Marmy49 says:
to clarify, is the water diminishing? Or is it continuing to pour out. I.e. are we at risk of drowning?
Totally overlooked that. Hope, where not drowning - otherwise Shmautz would drown while finding the scenery beautiful. :)

edit: where do all those images come from? Are they just looked up on the interwebs, some stock/library available or sort of AI-generated? Anyway, I like them a lot. :)
Last edited August 29, 2023 7:17 pm
Aug 30, 2023 1:19 am
After the initial rush of water several linches deep as the door was opened the flow has dwindles to a slow trickle. The fountain and aparently no longer woring drainage are the cause of the garden turning into a swamp. The room has a few objects covered in vegitation including a couple benches and small tables as well as a few other items so shrouded by the growth that if it was not for their regular shape and an ocasional spot of stone or metal beneath the leaves you might think it just another bush.
I get some images from the web but lately have started using NightCafe to AI generate them
Aug 31, 2023 1:39 am
Seren lifts her robe before stepping into the garden. Looking around a taking a deep breath she just listens for a moment to the various sounds.
I'd like to use herbalism to deduce the original purpose of this garden (medicinal, scientific, cosmetic, etc...). I'd also like to know if the plants are from this region or more exotic. And finally, to be useful to the task at hand, if something about the plants themselves and how they are growing might hint towards our goal.


Herbalism, as stated - (3d6)

(564) = 15

Aug 31, 2023 3:03 am
Most of the plants look to be simply decorative with a few selected for scent or pest control. Several of the plants looks to be suffering but you are unsure of the cause. The plants looks to be selected to blend together and be low maintenance. Several are recognizable are 'local' while others are variants of common stock.

Locate library access point
Basically you are looking for an enchantment of some kind, they are sometimes hidden but always easily accessible, for Servitor to interact with and that should trigger access for Dean.
Aug 31, 2023 3:15 am
Seren will just start looking by hand for any enchanted artifacts, not really sure what to find or how to sense them just trusting that with enough patience the way will open to her at some point


Investigation/ detecting enchantments - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Aug 31, 2023 3:43 am
As you begin looking through the thick overgrown foliage Seren notes a small tendril pull back as a leaf is moved. Quickly tracing the motion more leaves are moves to expose a small slime that squirts a potent acid when exposed.
1 damage to Seren
Though the slime is small and not able to squirt far Seren suspects these are what have been damaging the plants. The slime likely keeps other pest away from the plants but if there are too many slime, as she suspects, then their acidic trails would scar the plant, matching what she noted earlier. As long as you search carefully you should be able to avoid further incidents with the slime, which try to get out of your way but are not fast nor smart enough to do so. Likely if you waded through the plant without caution you would soon be covered in acid burns.


acid squirt at Seren - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Sep 8, 2023 3:58 am
Now that Seren is aware of the slime she is confident she can avoid them with caution and moves to look around the garden.

As you move beneath the ancient oak tree, leaves flutter and rustle. The sound of the leaves sounds like a faint scratchy whisper. Seek the book where pages rustle and branches speak. What knowledge does nature yearn to share? After you hear the phrase the whisper disappears no matter how you listen. Searching around the tree all you can find are the initials AL carved on a small knurl of wood at the base.

Continuing your search you find a pedestal. On it is a plaque identifying the creation of the library garden as a gift from Artenia Lien. On the back you find another smaller plack plaque that says
When the celestial dance is in harmony, you'll decipher their messages.
Sep 8, 2023 4:34 am
When Seren hears the first whisper, she can't help but think k back to her Grove where, for years, her only companions were the sounds of the forest. She is acquainted with the wisdom of such places.

She makes a note to ask McReadus about this Garden and it's benefactor Artenia Lien (drawing the connection between the name on the plaque and the initials)

Celestial dance... she doesn't know much about the heavens, but they are a powerful tool of divination for the studied practitioner. Shmautz, do you know anything about the movements of celestial bodies? she calls back.
Oh! And watch out for the slimes! she massages her acid burn.
Sep 9, 2023 9:08 am
As we havn't seen trees and flowers for a while, I was a little distracted. Now that I recognize Seren's talking to me, my focus returns. Thanks. I'll keep in mind to be careful.

AL ... Artenia Lien. I know here. I've met here. She's a drudic spirit, was a keeper of the lands during the Great War. She helped my friends and me a while back. The cougar-spirit I'm connected to was a gift from hers. I remember her as very benevolent and beautiful.
Marmy49, see for reference, if you like.
I don't know details about a celestial dance, though.
However, this place is so different from the other rooms. Servitor pointed us here, Artenias initals are here. In my opinion, we should look around.

I make a few steps and look around the place, carefully trying not to get in touch with slime. Somehow the place seems important, and I wonder if and how it might be connected to Artenia Lien, Dean and our little Servitor all at the same time. Memories of my past adventures come up. I see faces of friends and foes ...

Using one of my traits here:
Enigmatic Eye: This headband can grant the wearer second sight and induce a vision once a day. This grants the ability to see magic aura with a check. Once a day roll with advantage to detect spirits or gain a Mystic insight.
Sorry for being silent for a few days. There was a lack of time and creativity.


Check for a (mystic) insight (Adv/3D6) - (3d6)

(652) = 13

Sep 9, 2023 6:15 pm
Shmautz focuses on the headband and a grey mist clouds his vision before a series of images passes before him.

Artenia Lien
The druid sits reading in the library, casually flipping pages of a book
She stands in a doorway of an artistically built atrium full of stone and metal. Waving her hand a small plant blooms
The druid rests under a tree reading a book and looks to be reading it outloud, possibly to the tree?
The druid stands in the garden gazing up at the night sky that is filled with brilliant stars and a full moon
You can ask 2 questions : I will answer about the vision, the spirit will answer other questions
Sep 12, 2023 4:32 pm

1) Is there a connection between the Swamp with the Undead, the current condition of the library and the weirdo in the next room with his prophecies, that we should know of (and that is not common knowledge/lore)?

2) What is the celestial dance, and how is it connected to Artenia, the Library and us?

I just can't come up with smarter questions .. hm.
Sep 12, 2023 7:50 pm
those are fine
You get the impression this had nothing to do with the undead. They are a recent anomaly.
The celestial dance refers to the movement of bodies in the heavens, starts, planets, moons. Druids are typically closer to the nature of this world so this likely refers to something about the three moons of this world. It is common lore that the moons are associated with the three primal forces. Order(perfection vs entropy), Existence (creation vs oblivion), Change (static vs dynamic)
Sep 13, 2023 1:28 am
If you are not into ridles and puzzles we can work this out with some story time and rolls, just let me know.
Sep 13, 2023 11:42 am
Psybermagi says:
If you are not into ridles and puzzles we can work this out with some story time and rolls, just let me know.
Personally I prefer it over dull rounds of battle. No worries, that was not the case in this game so far. :)
@Marmy49, what do you think?

Riddling is totally okay, but Shmautz and I are equally clueless at the moment. 😂
Sep 19, 2023 7:18 pm
I try to explain my vision to Seren.
Won't repeat it here, it's right above.

What could that mean? Do you think the guy outside has or knows of a book where pages rustle and branches speak?
Or can we only get the clues, when the stars are right? Which stars? And in which order do they need to be? Which of the moons has to be full? All three?

Oh boy ... I'm just a valet, not a shaman or something. Do you think that the celestial dance has something to do with your time warp thingy?
Sep 22, 2023 3:04 pm
You can go ask the Librarian
Sep 25, 2023 4:23 pm
As Seren was not sure either, we agree to just ask the Librarian, if a book "where pages rustle and branches speak" is available.
That's my ol' friend Macreadus again, right?
We head back to find him.
As we're seem to be stuck in the play again, I have no problem to talk to Macreadus, though Shmautz doesn't like him much. But somehow this has to go on.
Sep 26, 2023 3:21 am
Sorry, ive been busy lately. I'm not great with riddles, but "where pages rustle and branches speak" makes me think of the garden that we are currently in, its a garden but also a book, since its in a library. As for the celestial bodies, im not sure which moon would need to be full to decipher the message in the garden. I'll just pretend we role played all of that to save time.
Sep 26, 2023 3:25 am
I spent a long time listening to the voices of trees when i was alone in my grove. I belive that given time and the right circumstnaces i could hear this garden speak as well. But it is difficult to know when the right time is. When are the primal forces most in harmony? Seren says,
You met this druid? Could you contact her again?
Last edited September 26, 2023 3:25 am
Sep 26, 2023 1:20 pm
Marmy49 says:
Sorry, ive been busy lately. I'm not great with riddles, but "where pages rustle and branches speak" makes me think of the garden that we are currently in, its a garden but also a book, since its in a library. As for the celestial bodies, im not sure which moon would need to be full to decipher the message in the garden. I'll just pretend we role played all of that to save time.
No problem. :)
It was just like I haven't read you for a couple of days. Glad, you're here again.
Contacting here seems not easy. As said: I've only met here once. And she did appear to me as not being from this world or dimension. Like mist or something. Unfortunately, I do not have the power to contact here again yet. Using the magic in my headband is exhausting ...

So, you mean: the garden acutally IS the book? A good and wise thought, I don't know how to interpret this, though. Shall we go to Macreadus and ask or dig through the garden?
Sep 27, 2023 3:01 am
You cautiously poke around a bit more but other than the pedestal, that Servitor indicates is it's objective and must be activated, you find nothing else in the garden save the plants, benches, and small tables.
[ +- ] current clues
Sep 27, 2023 2:45 pm
I agree we should talk to McReadus. He may have answers, or at least guide us to them. I have one more thing to try.
Seren will sit below the large oak where she first heard the whisper. Breathing deeply for several minutes she reaches out her consciousness to the tree, the garden, and Artenia Lien. She asks the weave of time where were the moons in their cycle when this garden was born
i would like to use my divination feature to answer this question
Shmautz, i believe the steel and stone room from your vision was grown into this garden by Artenia Lien. We may need to commune with the giant oak at the right time.


Divination - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Sep 27, 2023 2:54 pm
Seren is slightly surprised to feel how alert the he is. It 'greets' her and upon learning of her desire to know about the druid it shares several images of the druid sitting and leaning against the tree reading. But the tree isn't aware of anything more that might be used to open our activate the pedestal. It suggest talking with the druid or librarian. Both are known to still be about though they don't visit often anymore.

Librarian Macreadus


Sep 28, 2023 12:58 am
I will just move this along
The pair of you leave the overgrown garden and seek out the librarian. As you leave the room you spot the madman muttering in his corner but he glances your way and follows you asn you head towards the exit. As you aproach the intersection once again his form materializes in font of you.
Librarian Macreadus
I hope you have had a pleasent visit to the great library of Paphos, Please come again

You have grown somewhat used to the deathly chill the librarian emits and brace yourselves to stave off any serious reactions for a moment. Behind you teh mad man's muttering increase in volume only for him to tell himself to shut up.
Sep 28, 2023 10:01 pm
Actually, my ghostly friend. We are seeking more information on the garden and Artenia Lien. We believe that the information we seek is sealed away by time, and can only be attained on the same full moon as when Artenia first breathed life into it. Do you knoe the positions and phases of the moon and stars at that time? And perhaps when they may be in such a position again?

Librarian Macreadus


Sep 29, 2023 2:34 am
Librarian Macreadus
Ah, the Lady Lien. A great patron of the library though seldom a guest. The region around the city was more her home than the city itself. we tried to accommodate her little request though it does seem to have gotten out of hand. She donated several natural history books to the library that could only be read out in the gardens. I believe there should be a book or two from her collection that might be of aid to you. Though you lack the proper permit to take the books out of the Library you can take them into the garden to read if you feel this might help. There is even a hidden bookshelf that one must be granted access to by another member of the Groto's Gardener Group. I am not a member so can not help you there.

As he talks he begins wandering towards one of the library sections then walks along several shelves. As you follow along you see several book pulled partially out. These are all that I know of that might be of aide to you.
[ +- ] Suggested books
Oct 2, 2023 7:04 am
Honorable Librarian,

thank you for your guidance. It's highly appreciated.

Can you point us to a member of the Groto's Gardener Group? Is one still here at this place?

And, if we are allowed to lend some of those books, can we carry them around in this place? We won't leave the building, of course.
The following books are of interest to us:

- Herblore and Elemental Magic: A Druid's Guide to the Green Arts

- Mysteries of the Night Sky: Celestial Phenomena and Starlore

- The Elemental Balance: Harmony between Earth, Water, Fire, and Air

From the list, these 3 seemed to fit our situation. Just a lucky guess. :)

Librarian Macreadus


Oct 2, 2023 12:40 pm
Librarian Macreadus
I am sorry but there have not been many guests to the library lately and the Groto's Gardener Group is a private group and its membership is not regulated by the library You may borrow any books you wish while within the library but please return them to their point of origin if possible or place them on a service recepticle and the staff will manage it for you.

You take the 3 boks in question and return to the "Garden" with them, grateful to be away from the dreadful librarian.
Oct 11, 2023 12:13 pm
knock knock? @tergolap,@Marmy49
Oct 12, 2023 8:06 am
Psybermagi says:
knock knock? @tergolap,@Marmy49
I'm here. :)
However, I thought Marmy49 would have liked to co-drive the scene on. I'm sorry if this caused irritation.
On the way back to the garden, we pass the crazy guy again. I think it could not do any harm to ask him about the Groto's Gardener Group.

"Dear Sir, do you maybe know something about Groto's Gardener Group? We'd like to see some extra bookshelf, the group seems to be the wardens of it. Hence, we'd like to talk to the group."


Ask about GGG (Standard Roll 2D6) - (2D6)

(45) = 9

Oct 12, 2023 1:08 pm
No,I get that. I just prefer games to keep to at least 1 post a week.
i understand life happens and shedules can be tough but my memore fades without use and if things slow too much I loose track of the story and have to double back on the reading.
Oct 16, 2023 5:47 pm
As we wait for the weird guy to respond, I look at Seren. Does she want to add something to our question?
Oct 16, 2023 7:52 pm
sorry, no excuse just got behind on things. Ill try and give notice next time i am away for a period.
Seren would also like to borrow Winds of Change as it seems relevant to her personal quest.

Seren waits for the elder to respond as well since she doesn't have any other leads on the Grotto Gardener's.
Oct 16, 2023 7:53 pm
I appreciateyou waiting for me tergolap. Sorry for wasting your time.
Oct 17, 2023 1:29 am
The crazy man fails to react at your qustions about the group.

Returning to the overgrown garden you begin looking through th books in question at different locations. finally you get a reaction when looking through "Mysteries of the Night Sky: Celestial Phenomena and Starlore" near the pedestal. As you flip through the pages detailing the phases of the three moon with the different cycle lengths the book and pedestal both begin to vibrate, hum, and glow.

Servitor quicly aproaches the pedestal and touching it for several minutes begins to glow as well. Activation complete. Transfering access privilage to Dean. Please follow. The small automoton then heads back inside and towards a small side chamber in the north east corner. There the automoton simply climbs up onto a small stone bench to touch a specific sigil. As you watch a portal forms in front of you and a tall metalic form steps through.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter. I hope things did not go too poorly. Your party composition seems to have changed. None the less you have assisted me greatly with this. Now that I once again have access to the library I should be able to resume my research. And in return, as promised, I will assist you and yours in reclaiming the city. The portal feature for example will allow you to travel from select civic facilities to other on the same network. I do believe there is one near the docks your people should be able to make use of.

Are there any questions you have for me at this time?
Oct 19, 2023 5:18 pm
Psybermagi says:

Thank you for your assistance in this matter. I hope things did not go too poorly. Your party composition seems to have changed. None the less you have assisted me greatly with this. Now that I once again have access to the library I should be able to resume my research. And in return, as promised, I will assist you and yours in reclaiming the city. The portal feature for example will allow you to travel from select civic facilities to other on the same network. I do believe there is one near the docks your people should be able to make use of.

Are there any questions you have for me at this time?
Thank you. It turned out well after all. And that's what counts. I wish you luck with your research, and indeed - I do have some loose threads I still want to follow. We've stumbled upon the Grotto's Gardeners and I would like to know more about them. And we're still trying to find some information to help Seren.
I appreciateyou waiting for me tergolap. Sorry for wasting your time.
No problem at all. I just was wondering and worrying if you left.
Oct 20, 2023 9:01 pm
Life happens Marmy49. A quick note if you can would be appreciated if you have to slow or stop for a while.
Dean is all to willing to discuss anything with your. Among the topics discussed is access to the library. To activate the portals you will need an citizens badge assigned to you or a servants pass. Dean does not have one he can share at this time but is sure the expedition will likely find some and Dean can help atune them to the city transport matrix. This will allow you or other member of the expedition to travel quicker between the various civic transport nodes once you find each of them.

Seren looks over the book and Dean offers what lore he has if asked.

He notes the crazed man and offers to take him out of the library saying that he knew the man years ago. A research scholar that found the city before Danoll and the others lead the expedition here. He had arrived with a team of adventurers and consulted Dean then vanished. Dean is a bit surprised to see the man alive but offers that he may be the best for getting information from him, and it might be nice to have a living person in the house again. But you are welcome to take the man back to the base if you wish.

After talking and looking around the library, leaving the maintenance room alone for now, you return with Dean to his house after the apparition informs you that the library closes at sunset and floats staring at you till you leave. The traxport from the library to Deans house saves you some trouble and you make it back to the base without any trouble in the swamp. Resting the night on a soft bed and having a couple of good meals you feel much refreshed.
Story is moving back to the Base thread.
Apr 21, 2024 12:28 am
Continuing from Westward Expansion

Visiting the great library of Paophos
The walls are well over 30 feet high and several hundred feet long. The tops of the wall have odd floating spheres attacked by thin wires floating and bobbing in the breeze. Each wall has a two sets of double doors spaced to divide the wall in thirds. Around the Remnant, you see occasional ruble form destroyed structures Only the Remnant appear to have weathered the ravages of the Breaking and time since then.

From the north west gate you look inside and see an open area around a single large building that is in even better condition than the wall that surround it. The surrounding courtyard is of paved stones set tight without mortar. The building is made of stone with windows on the top of the first floor and filling much of the second floor. On a large plaque over the main doors directly across from you you read Library of Paphos in large bold lettering. The door is of Bronze and like the walls is decorated with mural like etchings and carvings. The area is quiet, clean, and empty.

Crossing to the courtyard to the doors which respond at the lightest touch. With a click and slight whoosh of air the doors open revealing a brightly lit interior. Inside the doors is a large marble floored entry with collums surround the high ceiling. Light enters from raised windows showing the bare room to be free of dust or any damage. At the far end of the 30 foot room is another doorway with small rooms or large alcoves set to either side.
Looking in you hear faint sounds of distant movement and soft voices echoing through the building interior
Apr 21, 2024 2:38 pm
Looking in you hear faint sounds of distant movement and soft voices echoing through the building interior
Is it other people that the fey have forced into dancing?
Apr 21, 2024 4:50 pm
It likely simply means that other people are here.

Skeeve has heard that the library has supernatural monitoring, so anyone here is likely to be speaking in whispers because, you know, it's a library.
Apr 22, 2024 5:05 am
A library, such a different place from the ones they usually visit. No more goblins or flyers, no possibility to be lost in time and space. It feels strangely relaxing for a change.

So, do you guys have some topics you would like to research? I guess we do have the afternoon available after our morning travels, right?
Specially if we need some time to let the dancing spell run out.

If everyone agrees to do some research, Arc will research healing techniques. Otherwise, he will follow the team.
Last edited April 22, 2024 7:01 am
Apr 22, 2024 11:16 am
Kaarik is amazed by the architecture and the beauty of the place.

"I might just visit the place and check only a book or two in the way. This place looks beautiful."

Librarian Macreadus


Apr 22, 2024 12:19 pm
Librarian Macreadus

As you chat looking within a spectral figure appears inside of the doorway. The ghost is dresses in a uniform that is almost solid looking and as neat as the rest of the library but the head and hands are transparent and skeletal.
Please enter or leave and close the door. The is a pace of learning and knowledge not a museum or theater.
The ghosts voice is a cold, flat, whisper that echoes in your mind and soul sending a chill through you.
Apr 22, 2024 12:45 pm
Skeeve skillfully does a dance step move to fully enter and approach the Librarian. (This isn't his first rodeo with the compulsive dancing.) "🎶Good sir, do you have any tomes 🎵 that might assist in removing a curse or enchantment? 🎶"

Librarian Macreadus


Apr 22, 2024 1:26 pm
Librarian Macreadus

I believe that will not be necessary sir. the director figure states as it turns it's gaze on Sleeve for a moment before returning it's stare on the others.
Apr 22, 2024 1:57 pm
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi
Glad to no longer be dancing, Skeeve winces hard, then steps back to a much more respectful distance from the Librarian, but still within the Library.

"Thank you for stopping the enchantment. I apologize for being too forward."

He then motions for his compatriots to join him within the library, but at a respectful distance from the Librarian.

"Blornvid, come on over here by me. It'll help with that dancing problem."


Fey Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Psychic Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Fey Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Apr 22, 2024 2:14 pm
Blornvid eagerly dances his way over to Skeeve.
Apr 22, 2024 2:34 pm
After entering Blornvid moves past the librarian and to Skeeve and soon stops dancing

As you step through the doorway you feel something like passing a Barrier but much less stressful and the compulsion to dance and sing fades. However you now feel a chill terminated from the librarian like eating snow to fast.
You need needs to roll two save (2d6) tests.
The first is to resist the dancing curse from the fey. This is repeated until you succeed or leave the library.
The second is to resist 1 psychic damage from exposure to the ghost. This must be repeated this each round you are within close range, 25 feet, of it.
We can skip the save tests for now as once you have a moment everyone can be healed. The above is just to inform you if conditions your characters will have as they endure the library and face the librarian
Apr 22, 2024 2:40 pm
Muttering under his breath, another ghost? Hope he is as nice as the last one.

Entering the library and looking around at the place, Ealdwig smiles widely. He just loves the look and the SIZE of the place. If possible he feels even a little smaller.

Ealdwig knows he isn't very good at being proper so he tries to say as little as possible, good day...sir? And leaves it at that.

Librarian Macreadus


Apr 22, 2024 3:00 pm
Librarian Macreadus

Good day young Sir . the librarian replies as it's mere flicker is a gaze sends more child's through Ealdwig who scampers to his companions.

As soon as the lady of you have entered the doors close of their own accord and the librarian turns in place to have you.

The publicly accessable rooms are open for general use. Items can only be taken with proof of citizenship or a token of authorization from a respected citizen. Keep you voice low and do not cause disturbances or destruction. If your have any questions please let me know.

If you do not talk with the ghost it will fade and vanish after a minute
Apr 22, 2024 3:51 pm
Just rolling since I have a chance to roll.
Blornvid is finally able to stop dancing. "Thank you," he says between breaths. He then feels the chill of the Librarian ghost. Careful not to say it too loud to upset the ghost, he says, "I'll take it so long as it doesn't lead to a headache."
Last edited April 22, 2024 3:53 pm


Break the Fey dance spell - (3d6)

(356) = 14

Avoid psychic damage - (3d6)

(255) = 12

Apr 22, 2024 6:17 pm
Psybermagi says:
The publicly accessable rooms are open for general use. Items can only be taken with proof of citizenship or a token of authorization from a respected citizen. Keep you voice low and do not cause disturbances or destruction. If your have any questions please let me know.
"I have questions, if you don't mind. You've likely had enough visitors to know things are not as they were before. Citizen of what? Paphos? And who counts as a respected citizen? and what does a token look like?"
Apr 22, 2024 8:19 pm
Arc approaches the ghost a bit, and stands by Sleeve, obviously sharing his questions.

Librarian Macreadus


Apr 22, 2024 11:11 pm
You all quickly learn not to stand too close due to it's unsettling effect when you do but the librarian seems not to care and ite responses are easily herd as you stand off from it.
Librarian Macreadus

The ghost give you a dead flat look and responds
The city Paphos stands as long as one piece of it remains and one of its people honours it. Respected citizen are those ho have served in office or been appointed to a position by common vote, or appointed as such by one in authority. The tokens will be known to those in authority to give thm out. Should you 'find' one I do not recommend attempting to use it unless it was truly given to you the the approved manor. I am aware of at least 2 respected citizen who can assist you if you wish. One is the commander on the isle to the east and the other is a private citizen residing also on the isle, in her private domicile north west of the island keep.
Apr 23, 2024 2:26 am
"Oh, wow! Thank you! That is very helpful!"

Skeeve will take careful note of those two citizens for future use. BTW, is this the undead keep?
Apr 23, 2024 12:47 pm
This is the library. You all know there is an island in the river east of base camp, which I may begin to reffer to as New Paphos as it has grown to the beginnings of a small town.
Apr 23, 2024 5:41 pm
Sorry for not being clear. I meant, the location of the two authorities the Librarian pointed out.

Is the Librarian referring to a couple of undead in the undead keep on the island by the settlement? Or is the leader he is referring to just Phlan? If he is referring to Phlan, would Phlan have any idea how to create/authorize such a token?

The point is Skeeve is taking notes so that he and Kaarik (and whomever else might want one) can be better equipped the next time they come. Also, it makes sure that Phlan (or whoever) knows to issue the tokens before sending anyone they trust to get information from the Library.

Oh! Wait! Is the "other citizen" Sylfir?
"Oh! And one more question, if you don't mind. Is there a Matrix Node in the Library or close by? It would be terribly useful if there was." Obviously, he'll ask for the pattern if there is one.

Once that question is answered, he will finish by saying, "Again, thank you so much for the answers to my questions. You have been a tremendous help!"

Librarian Macreadus


Apr 23, 2024 7:38 pm
The librarian explains that he is only aware of citizens locations if they continue to exist within the city limits. Otherwise he is only aware of their status as a citizen. (Yes no). He clarifies that there have not been any new citizens recently and most of the old ones fell from the records during the Shattering. There it's only one token currently in use recently, a most disturbing state of the cities education, but who the holder is is previously information.

Librarian Macreadus

Very good, if there is nothing else I will continue my duties elsewhere.
Apr 23, 2024 10:35 pm
Skeeve is going to make a note of all of this and will seek out Phlan when we get back. There is a discussion to be had, and Skeeve now wants to have it!
Does he have any information on a nearby Matrix Node? That would seriously save some travel time! That was Skeeve's last question.
Apr 24, 2024 5:03 am
The ghost explaining the city has a couple public matrix nodes but inside the city there's was a private network for use by citizens. The library is tied into this network but due the the calamity most of the city nodes are inoperable. To use it you wild need to be granted access to it by a civil or martial authority.
Apr 24, 2024 6:34 am
All arrows here seem to point at becoming residents.

And, about travelling... Since it is not too late, nobody dances anymore, and we won't be using this matrix thing. Shall we regroup at the base, report findings and discuss our next move? Probably on becoming citizens?



Apr 24, 2024 11:59 am

As you chat you see a guard walk past in the hallway at the end of the entry chamber, glance in, and wave at you as he continues on his patrol.
Apr 24, 2024 12:12 pm
Arc rapidly follows the guard to the hallway... to say hello
Apr 24, 2024 2:21 pm
Kaarik goes along with Arc, he does not want to seem impolite to the guard.
Apr 24, 2024 3:19 pm
Skeeve again thanks the Librarian.

Caught completely off-guard by the presence of the guard, he follows along to speak with the guard.

Also, before leaving, he does tap out a brief not on the tablet that the two farther Remnants are occupied. One by goblins, the other is contested.
Apr 24, 2024 3:57 pm
To Blornvid and Skeeve, Ealdwig askes, where are they going? To see the guard? Isn't he just a guard? Why would they follow him like that?

As they move down the corridor toward the guard, Ealdwig follows along with the group. Man this place is massive.
Apr 24, 2024 4:21 pm
Blornvid shrugs, still too tired after the involuntary dancing to talk just yet.
Apr 24, 2024 9:41 pm
"The question is why is a guard here. I didn't know they were. Wanna see what's going on."



Apr 24, 2024 11:20 pm
The guard pauses and he hears you movig to catsh up. Turning to face youit is clear from his uniform and bored expression he is here from teh expedition. He looks at you a bit confused as you greet him.
What the bother you lot? Got tires out in the heat and decided to come rest your feet?
[ +- ] Reminder of previous content
Apr 25, 2024 1:01 am
Ah, so we did know they were here.

Skeeve says, "Sorry to bother you, but I just want to check on how many of you are here? The remnant just a little farther from here is controlled by someone we don't know, and being attack by various forces. I just want to make sure you know about that in case it spreads in this direction."



Apr 25, 2024 1:39 am

What? Oh, you mean the other groups outside. Yeah, we don't have to worry too much. The librarian keeps the riffraff out and he chuckles and he loses focus in a memory for a moment. I don't think he like any military, and barely tolerates us guards as we are "locally deputized civic peace enforcers". But man is he strict. We all had to learn the library rules and he quizzes us guards. and he shudders That things glare can kill.
Apr 25, 2024 6:58 pm
Skeeve smiles in response and says, "That's good to know! I am glad it's not a concern then. We won't be disturbing your rounds, then. Thank you!"

Myreana (Archeologists)


Apr 26, 2024 12:39 pm
Myreana (Archeologists)

You explore the library and meet Myreana, the lead researcher for the expedition, who has one of her assistance give you a tour.
[ +- ] Library
Besides the major sections there are also several private collections (7) wth random book and scrolls as well as many small study rooms with common references and teaching aids.
Apr 26, 2024 1:51 pm
Skeeve will spend a little time checking out the Arcana section to see if there is anything in there that catches his eye. I'll make a roll (Perception with Focus) just to give some ideas to the GM ...

... Probably not. Which is fine.

He thanks the assistant for their help in being shown around.


Looking Through Arcana Section DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(421) = 7

Apr 26, 2024 3:01 pm
If there's a section that contains books about metallurgy, Blornvid would like to have a look at them. If not, he'll just enjoy the garden.
Apr 26, 2024 3:09 pm
Arc thanks the Myreana for the explanation and for allowing the tour. Specially regarding the nature area.

After the tour, Arc approaches her again Hello again, if you have a few minutes available, I'd appreciate it much if you could share with us what kind of research are you and your team doing. And if you need any help, of course

Myreana (Archeologists)


Apr 26, 2024 3:59 pm
Skeeve finds multiple books on magical theory. While the knowledge was not lost and forgotten access to it has greatly reduced since the Shattering and he eagerly dives into many schools of theory and practical application. Topics form energy flow, mater manipulation, differences between life the spirit and soul, arcane vs divine vs immortal magics . . . . There is much to learn young padawan. Perhaps pick a single thing to focus on?

Blornvid asks aroudn anf learns that there are books on crafting in the History, Mathematics, and Nature sections as well as a couple in some of the smaller private collections and finds a couple of interesting books with some smelting formula he is able to decipher as well a some images and basic descriptions of smithing and crafting of molds and casting metals.

Myreana (Archeologists)

What, oh we are looking to fill in some gaps in our knowledge. My special focus is on the last days before the Shattering, it's causes, and the actual process of the Shattering it's self and she continues reading while lecturing all about that caused of the Shattering, primarily the Dawn War between Mortal People and their Divine patrons against the Immortals and some of the Incarnations. She pays little attention to anything else as she reads but usually responds to questions, eventually,and will continue to prattle/lecture for many minutes.

As you explore the library you notice that there is a very old man that hides and scurries around the polace. He is mostly ignored by the researchers and occasionally managed by one of the guards when he erupts in a frantic screaming about "He is here! The cursed one seeks the forbidden desire and all shall suffer!"
Apr 26, 2024 5:49 pm
Hearing about "the cursed one" reminds me: Whatever happened to Mr. Not-A-Mummy that Blornvid and Skeeve found in the initial dungeons all that time ago? Does Valpip have him stuffed in a box somewhere?
Besides his current obsession with the Matrix Node, he's just trying to get more information in general. I always viewed him as mostly self-taught, so I figure he is now old enough that he is trying to get a better idea of the "science" behind magic so he can harness and use it more effectively. I imagine that doesn't translate directly into mechanical benefits, but more backstory. He knows how outclassed he is by well-educated mages (like Fiznik and the Seer). He would like to have a more foundational understanding of his magic, rather than have it be purely experiential.

He is not interested at all in divine magic. He is not interested in necromancy or anything like that. He is mostly interested in better understanding what he knows, so Fae magic, Natural magic, Telekinesis, and Teleportation.
As an aside, Skeeve gets one more Trait before he has to start swapping out. I want another Archmage one, but I am not sure what to get. So, right now, he's just trying on different things for size, as it were.
Apr 26, 2024 6:46 pm
non-mummy/pseudo-vampire dude is locked up and used as a reference for the researchers. Hmm, I wonder if he was a citizen?.....
Skeeve finds plenty to keep him busy for months of study or weeks of reading or days of skimming.
Apr 26, 2024 7:06 pm
Arc, approaches the old man and waits for him to finish shouting. Then asks calmly I'm sorry good sir, I don't quite understand all this about someone cursed, nor do I understand when people shout. Would you mind sharing your thoughts with us in a not-so-hasty manner?
Apr 26, 2024 7:44 pm
Kaarik is drinking Myreana's words on the history of the shatering.
As she finishes talking he asks: "I would like to know more about The People and what caused the shaterring of this race into multiples?"

Elprekt Norbrav


Apr 26, 2024 9:23 pm
Elprekt Norbrav

The old man flinches away as you approach and mutters The big one, the evil one in the castle of flowers -- he is coming! It is coming Stooped and showing extreme age the man is malnourished, and frantic. He nibbles on dried apple rings he pulls from a pouch sewn into the front of his 'robe'. Seeing your interest he turns and stares at Ark Helow bird. then glinks and shrieks in your face He is wrapped in fire and so cruel! then turns and moves away muttering Must find a way to stop them from building it . . . Too many, so cruel . . .

Myreana (Archeologists)


Apr 26, 2024 9:29 pm
Myreana (Archeologists)

Sigh Wouldn't we all my boy. There are guesses of course but not enough fact and not consensus.
Some say it was the Incarnation at war with mortalkinds Divinity who struck the blow. Others claim that the people we smitten by the Divinity to protect us from the Shattering of the Immortals, while others believe it was caused by mortal hubris and overreaching. Those that survived have trouble remembering things around the shattering, spells focusing on that time reveal noting, gibberish, or random tidbits. The Gods won't talk about it and teach to let it be while those who say they asked the Immortals say that the Immortal all blame the Mortal People but similarly can not or will not give more details as to the actual cause.

However, most do agree that the shattering of the People into the modern races and the transition from the Divinity into the Gods of today are linked.
Apr 28, 2024 11:50 pm
Skeeve looks for a bit, but doesn't find anything that will answer immediate questions. He realizes that he'd have to invest a lot of time to find anything truly helpful, and decides that he just isn't willing to invest that right now. He says, "While the trip as a whole was a bust, I now have some more information to work with. When we get back, I am going to have to try and get an appointment with Phlan."
Apr 29, 2024 1:24 pm
Assuming you will eventually head back to the Base then I can leave this thread open for those with specific questions while the group moves on. There is another group on base and you can interact with them if you like.
Just list items you want to know about and give me a roll pretty subject and I will let you know what you find. Sorry, no search engine here
Apr 29, 2024 4:31 pm
The one thing Skeeve would like to see if he can find are either the public Paphos Matrix Node patterns, any long distance patterns, or, really, pretty much any patterns at all. And also if there is a Node here.

So ... three rolls. One for the Paphos Node list. One for any list. One for a pattern in the Library or nearby. I am using Focus and hoping Perception applies. If it doesn't, ignore the third die each time.

... that was ... underwhelming ...

EDIT: Also, Skeeve will be actively looking out for the other group when we get back to Base. But first he wants to talk with Phlan.


Paphos Nodes Test DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(445) = 13

Any Nodes Test DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(221) = 5

Node Here Test DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(312) = 6

Apr 29, 2024 10:01 pm
Skeeve finds a map with the locations of the cities civic network (city Matrix) and learns it does not require any kind of pattern knowledge. Each node is simple to operate but does require and token to activate as noted. (I will work on the map) H notes that there is a node in the base, marked the docks distric on the map, as well as where the swamp is, the residential, and more. rety much every remnant ad some areas in between.

As for other patters he finds some theoretical knowledge and multiple references about how experimentation with them is dangerous and those interested should get a licenced tutor or go to the Infinite Tower.

As for node connected to the wider Matrix the city has to for military use, on the island and the castle on the south shore, as well as 1 open for use in an area to the west of the library. It is either in or near the Remnant to the south of the castle. There are papers indicating there were other "licenced open Nodes" owned and controled by private citizens within the city but no maps or further information on where they mght be.
Apr 30, 2024 8:35 am
Hey guys, I'll try to get a closer look at some of those Dinos, see you at Base, ok?
I'll try to get there by the time you arrive.

If nobody wants to talk about something, he jumps a fly high.
Apr 30, 2024 5:50 pm
For the city Network, this token is something like the "library card", correct? It is something that has to be issued by an appropriate authority? (I.e. Phlan.)

Skeeve carefully copies the map he finds, along with any notes he feels is necessary, then rounds up the others so we can head back. (I am assuming he takes the longest time to be ready to go.) With this info, he has several items on his "to do" list back at New Paphos. (Which is the first item on that list ...)
Jun 14, 2024 8:58 pm
Story continues in New Paphos (the base)

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