The Library

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Jun 7, 2023 1:04 pm
Stricly speaking the acrobatics is not needed but I like the flair :)
Shmautz is now a master with his dagger so it should be 3d6 to the attack. So I am going to mix thing for some narative fun
Shmautz charges the automoton and jumps over its reaching implentents of death and destructions order and cleanliness while jabbing it with his dagger.
Elph lashes out twice with his whip but is blockd by the dustpan and broom handle.
Baruman loads his sling and hurls a stone at the cleaning contraption and scores a solid hit
I amd trying to get peope shuffled into new groups. Please post to the poll your expected posting speed. This is just to let others know how othen othe players will be posting to stories for making groups


Elph: Test DC: 5 - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (413) = 8

3d6 : (413) = 8

Baruman sling - (3d6)

(256) = 13

Jun 7, 2023 1:09 pm
The cleaner whirls and smacks a boom at shmauts while its other implements move to protect itself
1 damage to Shmautz


broom attack on Shmautz - (3d6)

(645) = 15

Jun 9, 2023 1:04 am
You are up
Jun 9, 2023 8:05 am
- Took 1 damage, marked on character sheet (5 / 6).
- Did not know that I'd mastered the dagger. Nice! Thank you!
- Poll: done.
Getting beaten with a broom makes me quite angry. The bristles hurt and the overall force caught me by suprised. I feel the tears fill my eyes, I feel heat and rage comming up my throat and so I hiss.
Quickly I try to hit that Automaton ...


1. Attack with Dagger - (3d6)

(416) = 11

2. Attack with Dagger - (3d6)

(421) = 7

Jun 9, 2023 1:04 pm
Elph moves to the side for a better shot and fires twice while Shmautz strikes at the cleaning golems who twirls the dustbin to block the attacks.


Elph attacks - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (453) = 12

3d6 : (464) = 14

Evade - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (4) = 4

Jun 9, 2023 1:05 pm
You prove too much and with a shudder the construct collapses to the floor with a compartment full of dirts and odd items pops open spilling the contents to the floor.
Jun 10, 2023 7:58 am
I watch the parts of our enemy fall apart, then step forward and inspect the contents.
Anything of value maybe?
"Everyone okay? Elph, Baruman, Servitor?
I've never been to such buildings before. My folk does not know such things. You call it a leybrarie (library), right? Are they're always of such danger? First the oversized bird, then that ghostly janitor and now a magically moving thing that thought we where dirt or trash. Quite a challenge for hording paper.

We hadn't time to inspect the room. Let's have a look."
After checking on the remains of our enemy I'd like to inspect the room, as we hadn't had a chance yet.
Jun 10, 2023 12:06 pm
Amid so the trash you find a few obviously magical items. 2 potions, a scroll, and a cloak. The room proves to be the Rhetoric and Law section. You search a while but find no books of interest in this section and Servitor does not react to anything.
Jun 11, 2023 7:41 pm
I'm not really adept with magic stuff, so I share the potions and scroll with Elph and Baruman. I take the cloak. It attracts me and fits well.
I ask my comrades and the Servitor if there's anything special about the items.
Is there a description on the potions, scroll and cloak? Any abilities/values I need to keep in mind from a rules-perspective? Do I need to add it to the char sheet?
We move on to the next room. This time I'm more cautios ...
Last edited June 11, 2023 7:41 pm



Jun 12, 2023 12:56 pm
Moving back to the corridor you head East.
As you enter the intersection to the entrance the spectral figure rematerializes glaring at Baruman and screams No taking library items outside their respective areas! and thrusts his hand through Baruman. The ghostly appendage does not seem to harm Baruman but causes the little figure to convulse and collapse. As he does so the ghost is left holding the clay tablet. The head turns to stare at the rest of you, causing you to shudder, before rushing down the hallway and back to the math section.
Jun 12, 2023 1:08 pm
After the ghost leaves you examine Baruman and after a few moments he recovers enough to speak. You quickly leave to library then make the trek back to the base.

Baruman is takin in by the priests to recover and they indicate no lasting damage was done but he will need to rest at least a week. Elph informs you that he will stay with Baruman but goes with you to talk with Falpip, the wizard, who identifies the magic you gathered. The two potions were of Haling and Giant Strength, and the scroll is for Restoration, and can sure most afflictions. The cloak you took is a Cloak of Displacement. Elph and Baruman only ask for 1 item each and say you can take one other item as you will continue adventuring.
This is a good place to get you back to the Base thread to interact with the others. There are a couple of others that can form a group with you. Athria and Seren are in the tavern chatting now. There are some others but they may be MIA for a bit or just gone
Jun 16, 2023 4:20 am
Setting Back Out from the West Gate
Schmauts stands at the gate waiting for his new comrades to finish getting their gear together before setting out.
Jun 17, 2023 5:14 am
Seren walks up behind Schmauts with her mask fixed in place. Breathes a deep contented breath and waits eagerly to leave on this next leg of her journey.
Jun 17, 2023 5:40 pm
The Library is some ways to the SW of the swamp, so well over an hours travel from the base. After everyone has gathered up you set out
@GooberMcSnorford / Ulkar should be joining and can drop in but I will not hold up the story for him to check in. Just assume he is here for now.
Seren came in with the wagon train and so are familiar with the main road through the swamp, which you use to go back out. Shmautz explains the road is a recent addition and was only completed in its current well packed state a couple of weeks ago. Previously is was a simple crude mud track through the swamp and often required trudging through low water ways between the islands. The road and bridges let you cross the swamp in relative comfort. As you do you spot a variety of snakes, frogs, lizards, insects, mice, birds and a few crocodiles.
see the map for reference. Start from A(Base) cross to B(guard tower/bridge) wind around to leave just north of G, then head down to L
Once past the swamp however you start seeing larger creatures known as dinosaurs. Some of these are the size of other beast but a few herds you spot are of beast the size of a cottage or larger. Shmautz recounts the danger of these beast he had last time where a predator the size of a tower (trex) started a stampede that almost got him and his companions killed in the ensuing chaos.
[ +- ] area map
Crossing the grassy grazing lands of the dinosaurs with it occasional hills and woods you reach the Library outer wall well before noon. The walls are well over 30 feet high and several hundred feet long. The tops of the wall have odd floating spheres attacked by thin wires floating and bobbing in the breeze. Each wall has a double door set into the middle. Around the Remnant, and along the way, you see occasional ruble form destroyed structures Only the Remnant appear to have weathered the ravages of the Breaking and time since then.

The orbs, floating above the wall, are about 1 foot diameter and bob lazily in the breeze. Each is tethered to the wall by a thin cord. From the north gate you look inside and see an open area around a single large building that is in even better condition than the wall that surround it. The surrounding courtyard is of paved stones set tight without mortar. The building is made of stone with windows on the top of the first floor and filling much of the second floor. On a large plaque over the main doors directly across from you you read Library of Paphos in large bold lettering. The door is of Bronze and like the walls is decorated with mural like etchings and carvings. The area is quiet, clean, and empty.
Jun 19, 2023 1:35 pm
Shmautz shows a rough map of wht he has explored so far and recounts his experiences inside.
Just read this thread form page 2 on if you want more backstory on what happened
[ +- ] map

When you are ready to proceed Shmautz will press the Servito to the doors after witch they will swing open quietly. The entire building is in excelent condition compared to the other places after the Shattering and obviously still has multiplle small but effective enchantments in place to keep it so.
[ +- ] Entry chamber
Jun 19, 2023 7:52 pm
After opening the door, I walk silent and cautious into the hall.

We really have to be careful. All sorts of odd beings are in here. Not common monsters as outside, but automatons and ghostly appearances. It's hard to describe ... Just be careful, I whisper.

Is there anything special you're looking for? I can recall to have seen books on geometry, meta-magical math, universal geometry, logic and magical theory, as well as Rhetoric and Law over there. I point into the directions. ... but nothing of interest for the little Servitor.

Oh, I wish we still had the clay tablet for communication. And I hope even more, that we don't meet 'Macreadus' again.
Jun 20, 2023 1:26 am
This is a lot to take in...
Seren stares in bewilderment as Shmautz gives her the rundown
I guess I'm looking for something about time loops? We had a strange experience on the road here. I think i died.
Jun 20, 2023 9:59 am
Died? I repeat the words. Part of me thinks that this can’t be possible. But from all I have seen so far, it wouldn’t be a surprise. I envision pictures of the undead I’ve fought just a few weeks ago. Who knows what else is happening here?

Hm, I’m not a scholar, so I can just guess. If none of the sections I’ve mentioned so far seems to make sense to you, I’d recommend going to the next room we havn’t visited yet.
Do we know, where on the map we are currently?



Jun 20, 2023 12:34 pm
[ +- ] map
As you enter the intersection (just south of the entry chamber 12) and Shmautz points out what they discovered during their their previous exploreations a spectral form appears in front of you.
The ghost is dresses in a uniform that is almost solid looking and as neat as the rest of the library but the head and hands are transparent and skeletal. May I help you? the ghosts and in a cooling voice that echoes in your mind and soul. Seeing Shmautz he continues Please remember all items of the library are to be kept on the premises and can only be removed with a valid permit and must be checked out with the help desk to maintain proper records.
Jun 20, 2023 6:28 pm
Oh! Hello Seren looks up into the face of the apparition. Seemingly unphased by the terrifying Visage.
Where might one find information on the crossing over of planar boundaries. Especially anything regarding the nature of the flow of time and fate in these zones. Nothing to academic though. Its been a long time since I've read anything so mundane as a book.
Last edited June 20, 2023 6:28 pm
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