The Library

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Aug 12, 2023 3:01 pm
"What in G'ar-Field's name ...
What if each time this pillar pulses, a new simian appears"
, I ask Seren.

"This could end in an uncomfortable situation. As the Servitor has detected something, I'll want to pave his way for doing whatever he needs to."

Then I turn to the Simians.
"We provide basic infrastructure and communication maintenance. The Servitor can start, if you allow."

As I was never a good idea to take anything from here, I leave the metal plate and orb.

clockwork monkey


Aug 12, 2023 5:14 pm
clockwork monkey
Service authorization not on file. you note that the increase in the hums volume and the lights brightness is getting faster. The 2nd clockwork monkey was created faster than the 1st and at this rate the 3rd will be even quicker. Please leave The "voice" comes from both the clockwork creatures that stand before the column
Aug 12, 2023 5:23 pm
you may be right. An uncomfortable situation appears imminent.
To the monkeys
Who must we speak to to have out credentials reinstated?

clockwork monkey


Aug 12, 2023 5:41 pm
clockwork monkey
All work must be performed by licensed craftsmen. Licenses are obtained from local civil administrative centers.



Aug 12, 2023 5:45 pm
Shmautz notices words appear on the back of Servitor Conflict imminent. Construct cognitive enchantments suspected to be failing
Aug 13, 2023 8:57 am
I give Seren a hint to the note on Servitors back. Then I respond to the voice.

Okay. We're going to get our license renewed. Thank you for the explanation.

I move to the exit of the room.

clockwork monkey


Aug 15, 2023 3:24 am
clockwork monkey
The clockwork monkeys watch you leave.
Aug 15, 2023 7:56 pm
I assume we're not followed beyond the borders/doors.
As we're in the room with the crazy guy again, I recap the situation.
Listing the facts here and leaving out in-character prose:
- The Servitor wants us to go inside and do something there
- The "hum-column" seems defect and spawns those clockwork monkeys / simians
- The Servitor warns us that the situation could get out of hand

Should we talk to that guy again? Maybe he knows how we could get in there without getting beaten up by a group of those simians? Or do you have any idea?
Aug 16, 2023 1:49 am
Closing the door without problem, the clockwork creatures simply watching you, even though Seren still has that skull. You try to talk to the maniac about the storage or workshop room but all you get from him is some rambling nonsense about hum hum pop goes the monkey followed by some crazy giggles and laughter while he smiles then flinches and snarls Nasty monkey bites. Not fair.
Aug 16, 2023 2:21 am
Seren pops the skull into her bag, thinking it'll make a neat addition to her collection.
Turning to face shmautz and speaking in hushed tones Well, i have a couple ideas but lets try this first. You speak to this poor fellow, and I'll see if he has any credentials on his desk we can borrow. If that fails we can speak to that lovely ghostly fellow again, or we could try back at base to see if any civil authority, namely the leadership, can write a license. She turns back towards the room
Simple to complex...
Aug 16, 2023 8:01 am
Seren says:
You speak to this poor fellow, and I'll see if he has any credentials on his desk we can borrow.
Psybermagi says:
You try to talk to the maniac about the storage or workshop room but all you get from him is some rambling nonsense about hum hum pop goes the monkey followed by some crazy giggles and laughter while he smiles then flinches and snarls Nasty monkey bites. Not fair.
I talk to the maniac again, but still he just mumbles things I don't understand. Hopfefully it was enough of distraction for Seren to check on his desk.


Distract the maniac - Basic - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Aug 16, 2023 1:12 pm
The man in easily distracted allowing Seren to search the mans "collection" but other than the odd inkwell, quill scraps of paper, a small knife, and an assortment of strings, bits of wood and metal, noting of values, worth, importance, or use can be found.
Aug 18, 2023 3:40 pm
Seren shakes her head at Shmautz and nods towards the exit we found earlier.
Once out of earshot No luck. I know youre not a big fan of the librarian but he may be able to help. Or we head back to camp and come up with something.



Aug 20, 2023 6:08 pm
Waving to get your attention Servitor points to the janitors closet/workroom and says Fight or fix then waves his arm all around Search alternate. One last access please.
Aug 20, 2023 6:38 pm
I can't read the situation right, I guess. Maybe that's because of me having to translate it and interpret it, and so important information gets lost.

I would be willing to get back to Macreadus or find another way.
However, when Servitor points us in again (does he?), I assume we should go there.

Are there any other rooms/locations left? Or did we overlook one, that could work as the alternate?
Going back in seems to end in a fight. Okay for me, but in character the situation seems not winnable. If the pillar spawns these monkeys every other moment, we're outnumbered pretty soon.

Aug 20, 2023 8:54 pm
Servitor did indicate to either fight or fix the pillar and monkeys in the service room 8. Monkeys appear about 1 in 30 seconds
You have one other room to the West you have not opened, b6 the yellow eye token
Aug 21, 2023 6:48 pm
Thank you for clearifying! Highly appreciated.

@Marmy49 - I'll try to weave the new information into Shmautz's reaction to Serens suggestion. I hope this is fine.
I repeat Servitor's last hints ...

"Fight or fix ...
Search alternate ...
One last access ...

Did we overlook something? I really don't want to go in there again and fight the monkeys. Anyway ...

If there is no alternative, then let's get back to Macreadus, as heading back to the base would cost us too much time."

I turn around and attempt to go back to the lower level.
So we should have that one door at b6 right in front of us now. Maybe we'll spot it ...


Serendipitously spotting the door (standard roll) - (2D6)

(16) = 7

Aug 22, 2023 1:11 am
As you head back to the main Library intersection you note a door to the west you have not explored yet. (at the yellow eye) Perhaps there is an access point beyond it to resolve this situation witout further conflict.
Aug 27, 2023 4:01 am
Its worth trying all our options.
Seren will head to the door and attempt to push it open (or pull, as appropriate)
Aug 27, 2023 11:18 pm
As soon as the door is unlatched it is pushed upen and a gush of water that quicklys begins flowing into the library. Beyond it you see see what was once was garden, now a weed filled soggy mess.
[ +- ] Garden
The pleasant pond has become a swamp that has grown to fill much of the room. In the middle of the pond an elegant fountain spouts small streams that trickle down into the pond. Overhead metal and glass create what once must have been a beautiful sight but years of dust and cobwebs now dim the light coming through the stained window dome. Around the garden are several benches and side tables.

With the door open servitor reacts pointing into the garden Alternate access point detected.
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