You met this druid? Could you contact her again?
The Library
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Sep 26, 2023 3:25 am
I spent a long time listening to the voices of trees when i was alone in my grove. I belive that given time and the right circumstnaces i could hear this garden speak as well. But it is difficult to know when the right time is. When are the primal forces most in harmony? Seren says,
You met this druid? Could you contact her again?
You met this druid? Could you contact her again?
Last edited Sep 26, 2023 3:25 am
Sep 26, 2023 1:20 pm
Marmy49 says:
Sorry, ive been busy lately. I'm not great with riddles, but "where pages rustle and branches speak" makes me think of the garden that we are currently in, its a garden but also a book, since its in a library. As for the celestial bodies, im not sure which moon would need to be full to decipher the message in the garden. I'll just pretend we role played all of that to save time. OOC:
No problem. :)It was just like I haven't read you for a couple of days. Glad, you're here again.
So, you mean: the garden acutally IS the book? A good and wise thought, I don't know how to interpret this, though. Shall we go to Macreadus and ask or dig through the garden?
Sep 27, 2023 3:01 am
You cautiously poke around a bit more but other than the pedestal, that Servitor indicates is it's objective and must be activated, you find nothing else in the garden save the plants, benches, and small tables.
As you move beneath the ancient oak tree, leaves flutter and rustle. The sound of the leaves sounds like a faint scratchy whisper.
Searching around the tree all you can find are the initials AL carved on a small knurl of wood at the base.
Continuing your search you find a pedestal. On it is a plaque identifying the creation of the library garden as a gift from Artenia Lien. On the back you find another smaller plack plaque that says
Shmautz focuses on the headband and a grey mist clouds his vision before a series of images passes before him.
The druid sits reading in the library, casually flipping pages of a book.
She stands in a doorway of an artistically built atrium full of stone and metal. Waving her hand a small plant blooms.
The druid rests under a tree reading a book and looks to be reading it out loud, possibly to the tree?
The druid stands in the garden gazing up at the night sky that is filled with brilliant stars and a full moon.You get the impression this had nothing to do with the undead. They are a recent anomaly.
The celestial dance refers to the movement of bodies in the heavens, stars, planets, moons. Druids are typically closer to the nature of this world so this likely refers to something about the three moons of this world. It is common lore that the moons are associated with the three primal forces. Order(perfection vs entropy), Existence (creation vs oblivion), Change (static vs dynamic)
[ +- ] current clues
As you move beneath the ancient oak tree, leaves flutter and rustle. The sound of the leaves sounds like a faint scratchy whisper.
Seek the book where pages rustle and branches speak. What knowledge does nature yearn to share? Continuing your search you find a pedestal. On it is a plaque identifying the creation of the library garden as a gift from Artenia Lien. On the back you find another smaller plack plaque that says
When the celestial dance is in harmony, you'll decipher their messages.Quote:

Artenia Lien
She stands in a doorway of an artistically built atrium full of stone and metal. Waving her hand a small plant blooms.
The druid rests under a tree reading a book and looks to be reading it out loud, possibly to the tree?
The druid stands in the garden gazing up at the night sky that is filled with brilliant stars and a full moon.
The celestial dance refers to the movement of bodies in the heavens, stars, planets, moons. Druids are typically closer to the nature of this world so this likely refers to something about the three moons of this world. It is common lore that the moons are associated with the three primal forces. Order(perfection vs entropy), Existence (creation vs oblivion), Change (static vs dynamic)
Sep 27, 2023 2:45 pm
I agree we should talk to McReadus. He may have answers, or at least guide us to them. I have one more thing to try.
Seren will sit below the large oak where she first heard the whisper. Breathing deeply for several minutes she reaches out her consciousness to the tree, the garden, and Artenia Lien. She asks the weave of time where were the moons in their cycle when this garden was born
Seren will sit below the large oak where she first heard the whisper. Breathing deeply for several minutes she reaches out her consciousness to the tree, the garden, and Artenia Lien. She asks the weave of time where were the moons in their cycle when this garden was born
i would like to use my divination feature to answer this questionOOC:
Shmautz, i believe the steel and stone room from your vision was grown into this garden by Artenia Lien. We may need to commune with the giant oak at the right time.Rolls
Divination - (2d6)
Sep 27, 2023 2:54 pm
Seren is slightly surprised to feel how alert the he is. It 'greets' her and upon learning of her desire to know about the druid it shares several images of the druid sitting and leaning against the tree reading. But the tree isn't aware of anything more that might be used to open our activate the pedestal. It suggest talking with the druid or librarian. Both are known to still be about though they don't visit often anymore.
Librarian Macreadus
Sep 28, 2023 12:58 am
I will just move this along 
Librarian Macreadus
You have grown somewhat used to the deathly chill the librarian emits and brace yourselves to stave off any serious reactions for a moment. Behind you teh mad man's muttering increase in volume only for him to tell himself to shut up.
Sep 28, 2023 10:01 pm
Actually, my ghostly friend. We are seeking more information on the garden and Artenia Lien. We believe that the information we seek is sealed away by time, and can only be attained on the same full moon as when Artenia first breathed life into it. Do you knoe the positions and phases of the moon and stars at that time? And perhaps when they may be in such a position again?
Librarian Macreadus
Sep 29, 2023 2:34 am

Librarian Macreadus
As he talks he begins wandering towards one of the library sections then walks along several shelves. As you follow along you see several book pulled partially out. These are all that I know of that might be of aide to you.
[ +- ] Suggested books
"The Eldertrees of Everwood: An In-Depth Study of Ancient Arboreal Life"
"Beasts of the Mystic Wilds: A Compendium of Fantastical Creatures"
"Herblore and Elemental Magic: A Druid's Guide to the Green Arts"
"The Secret Language of Stones: Earth Magic and Geological Lore"
"Winds of Change: A Treatise on Elemental Air and Weather Patterns"
"The Whispering Waters: An Aquatic Ecosystems Exploration"
"The Song of Flames: A Chronicle of Fire and Volcanic Phenomena"
"Sylvan Chronicles: Tales of Forest Spirits and Woodland Mysteries"
"In the Footsteps of Giants: Tracking the Behemoths of the Land"
"Mysteries of the Night Sky: Celestial Phenomena and Starlore"
"The Fae Realm Unveiled: Fauna and Flora of the Enchanted Realms"
"Roots of the Earth: A Druid's Guide to Herbal Alchemy"
"Aurora's Embrace: Understanding the Aurora Borealis and its Mysteries"
"The Elemental Balance: Harmony between Earth, Water, Fire, and Air"
"The Language of Bees: A Druidic Perspective on Apiculture and Pollinators"
"Tales from the Hidden Glade: Myths and Legends of the Natural World"
"The Wisdom of the Stones: A Druid's Guide to Crystals and Gemcraft"
"Guardians of the Grove: An Exploration of Druidic Traditions and Practices"
"Lore of the Tides: Navigating the Mysteries of Oceans and Seas"
"The Ageless Forest: A Chronicle of Trees, Time, and Ancient Wisdom"
Oct 2, 2023 7:04 am
Honorable Librarian,
thank you for your guidance. It's highly appreciated.
Can you point us to a member of the Groto's Gardener Group? Is one still here at this place?
And, if we are allowed to lend some of those books, can we carry them around in this place? We won't leave the building, of course.
The following books are of interest to us:
- Herblore and Elemental Magic: A Druid's Guide to the Green Arts
- Mysteries of the Night Sky: Celestial Phenomena and Starlore
- The Elemental Balance: Harmony between Earth, Water, Fire, and Air
thank you for your guidance. It's highly appreciated.
Can you point us to a member of the Groto's Gardener Group? Is one still here at this place?
And, if we are allowed to lend some of those books, can we carry them around in this place? We won't leave the building, of course.
The following books are of interest to us:
- Herblore and Elemental Magic: A Druid's Guide to the Green Arts
- Mysteries of the Night Sky: Celestial Phenomena and Starlore
- The Elemental Balance: Harmony between Earth, Water, Fire, and Air
From the list, these 3 seemed to fit our situation. Just a lucky guess. :)Librarian Macreadus
Oct 2, 2023 12:40 pm

Librarian Macreadus
You take the 3 boks in question and return to the "Garden" with them, grateful to be away from the dreadful librarian.
Oct 12, 2023 8:06 am
Psybermagi says:
knock knock? @tergolap,@Marmy49 OOC:
I'm here. :)However, I thought Marmy49 would have liked to co-drive the scene on. I'm sorry if this caused irritation.
"Dear Sir, do you maybe know something about Groto's Gardener Group? We'd like to see some extra bookshelf, the group seems to be the wardens of it. Hence, we'd like to talk to the group."
Ask about GGG (Standard Roll 2D6) - (2D6)
Oct 12, 2023 1:08 pm
No,I get that. I just prefer games to keep to at least 1 post a week. i understand life happens and shedules can be tough but my memore fades without use and if things slow too much I loose track of the story and have to double back on the reading.
Oct 16, 2023 5:47 pm
As we wait for the weird guy to respond, I look at Seren. Does she want to add something to our question?
Oct 16, 2023 7:52 pm
sorry, no excuse just got behind on things. Ill try and give notice next time i am away for a period. Seren waits for the elder to respond as well since she doesn't have any other leads on the Grotto Gardener's.
Oct 17, 2023 1:29 am
The crazy man fails to react at your qustions about the group.
Returning to the overgrown garden you begin looking through th books in question at different locations. finally you get a reaction when looking through "Mysteries of the Night Sky: Celestial Phenomena and Starlore" near the pedestal. As you flip through the pages detailing the phases of the three moon with the different cycle lengths the book and pedestal both begin to vibrate, hum, and glow.
Servitor quicly aproaches the pedestal and touching it for several minutes begins to glow as well. Activation complete. Transfering access privilage to Dean. Please follow. The small automoton then heads back inside and towards a small side chamber in the north east corner. There the automoton simply climbs up onto a small stone bench to touch a specific sigil. As you watch a portal forms in front of you and a tall metalic form steps through.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter. I hope things did not go too poorly. Your party composition seems to have changed. None the less you have assisted me greatly with this. Now that I once again have access to the library I should be able to resume my research. And in return, as promised, I will assist you and yours in reclaiming the city. The portal feature for example will allow you to travel from select civic facilities to other on the same network. I do believe there is one near the docks your people should be able to make use of.
Are there any questions you have for me at this time?
Returning to the overgrown garden you begin looking through th books in question at different locations. finally you get a reaction when looking through "Mysteries of the Night Sky: Celestial Phenomena and Starlore" near the pedestal. As you flip through the pages detailing the phases of the three moon with the different cycle lengths the book and pedestal both begin to vibrate, hum, and glow.


Are there any questions you have for me at this time?
Oct 19, 2023 5:18 pm
Psybermagi says:
Thank you for your assistance in this matter. I hope things did not go too poorly. Your party composition seems to have changed. None the less you have assisted me greatly with this. Now that I once again have access to the library I should be able to resume my research. And in return, as promised, I will assist you and yours in reclaiming the city. The portal feature for example will allow you to travel from select civic facilities to other on the same network. I do believe there is one near the docks your people should be able to make use of.
Are there any questions you have for me at this time?
I appreciateyou waiting for me tergolap. Sorry for wasting your time.OOC:
No problem at all. I just was wondering and worrying if you left. Oct 20, 2023 9:01 pm
Life happens Marmy49. A quick note if you can would be appreciated if you have to slow or stop for a while. Seren looks over the book and Dean offers what lore he has if asked.
He notes the crazed man and offers to take him out of the library saying that he knew the man years ago. A research scholar that found the city before Danoll and the others lead the expedition here. He had arrived with a team of adventurers and consulted Dean then vanished. Dean is a bit surprised to see the man alive but offers that he may be the best for getting information from him, and it might be nice to have a living person in the house again. But you are welcome to take the man back to the base if you wish.
After talking and looking around the library, leaving the maintenance room alone for now, you return with Dean to his house after the apparition informs you that the library closes at sunset and floats staring at you till you leave. The traxport from the library to Deans house saves you some trouble and you make it back to the base without any trouble in the swamp. Resting the night on a soft bed and having a couple of good meals you feel much refreshed.
Story is moving back to the Base thread. Apr 21, 2024 12:28 am
Continuing from Westward Expansion
Visiting the great library of Paophos
The walls are well over 30 feet high and several hundred feet long. The tops of the wall have odd floating spheres attacked by thin wires floating and bobbing in the breeze. Each wall has a two sets of double doors spaced to divide the wall in thirds. Around the Remnant, you see occasional ruble form destroyed structures Only the Remnant appear to have weathered the ravages of the Breaking and time since then.
From the north west gate you look inside and see an open area around a single large building that is in even better condition than the wall that surround it. The surrounding courtyard is of paved stones set tight without mortar. The building is made of stone with windows on the top of the first floor and filling much of the second floor. On a large plaque over the main doors directly across from you you read Library of Paphos in large bold lettering. The door is of Bronze and like the walls is decorated with mural like etchings and carvings. The area is quiet, clean, and empty.
Crossing to the courtyard to the doors which respond at the lightest touch. With a click and slight whoosh of air the doors open revealing a brightly lit interior. Inside the doors is a large marble floored entry with collums surround the high ceiling. Light enters from raised windows showing the bare room to be free of dust or any damage. At the far end of the 30 foot room is another doorway with small rooms or large alcoves set to either side.

Looking in you hear faint sounds of distant movement and soft voices echoing through the building interior
Visiting the great library of Paophos
The walls are well over 30 feet high and several hundred feet long. The tops of the wall have odd floating spheres attacked by thin wires floating and bobbing in the breeze. Each wall has a two sets of double doors spaced to divide the wall in thirds. Around the Remnant, you see occasional ruble form destroyed structures Only the Remnant appear to have weathered the ravages of the Breaking and time since then.
From the north west gate you look inside and see an open area around a single large building that is in even better condition than the wall that surround it. The surrounding courtyard is of paved stones set tight without mortar. The building is made of stone with windows on the top of the first floor and filling much of the second floor. On a large plaque over the main doors directly across from you you read Library of Paphos in large bold lettering. The door is of Bronze and like the walls is decorated with mural like etchings and carvings. The area is quiet, clean, and empty.
Crossing to the courtyard to the doors which respond at the lightest touch. With a click and slight whoosh of air the doors open revealing a brightly lit interior. Inside the doors is a large marble floored entry with collums surround the high ceiling. Light enters from raised windows showing the bare room to be free of dust or any damage. At the far end of the 30 foot room is another doorway with small rooms or large alcoves set to either side.

Looking in you hear faint sounds of distant movement and soft voices echoing through the building interior
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