The Library

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Jul 20, 2023 8:38 pm
Food! Shoot! There wqs a good chance he wouldnt touch it. Not in his state. He might be able to help us if we can get through to him though. I might have something just...
Seren will open her pouch and search for something with calming properties.
using my divination ability i rolled a 4 and a 5 on herbalism
...Aha! I had a fewling this would come in handy. This root has some calming properties on the mind and body, if we can get him to chew it for a minute or so it may help.
i dont mean to overstep here in terms of narrative. I can walk this back if necessary.
Last edited July 20, 2023 8:39 pm
Jul 21, 2023 1:21 am
Adding to the narative is fine. You can add easiest to your character but can alspo add to NPC as you see it fits the story flow. I will call it back or clarify if it touches on anything critical
When you check on the man his stained lips and the abseence of the berries indicates he is at least somewhat aware of his surrounding though he does not seem to relate well you anything you say. As Seren profers the soothing herbs he idly plucks them up and pops them into his cheek. The herbs do seem to cam him as he alternately chews and sucks on them as he looks over his scrawlings and mutters 'He is not human I tell you. Not at all. He want to come back but we must not allow that.

(11 - Study) Looking into the room you can tell this room was once a study. The room is furnished wish small tables for individual or small groups and there are an assortment of books and papers neatly organized throughout the room.

Entering you note that though evverything has been tidies there are a few items that do not look to belong to the library. A faded cloak, a nice leather satchel, a tattered hat, and a few glass beads in a little tray
Jul 21, 2023 3:11 am
Who is coming back, friend? I'll sit cross legged with him and idly fiddle with his papers to try and make him even more comfortable.
Jul 21, 2023 1:10 pm
The dark one weathed in flame and chaos. The seeker of undeath. His servant are already here. Beware them for they are not what they seem. and he cringes slightly clutching at a small pendant on his neck inset with a large crystal orb. I've seen it. Sen too much. He looked back at me Can't hide. He is comming and the man begins crying and muttering in a language that sounds familiar like a cross between common and arcane words.
Jul 21, 2023 2:54 pm
Seren reaches out and places a soft, raccoon-like hand on his shoulder and says nothing. Whatever this man has seen is obviously too much for him.
Jul 26, 2023 1:25 am
The man is a bit ajitated at the touch but does not shrug it off and after a few moment calms down a bit.
Jul 31, 2023 6:18 pm
I'm on the way to the next room, but stop at the moment, when I recognize that Seren is interacting with the man.

Servitor and I are waiting what happens next.
Aug 3, 2023 2:03 am
Though the man still rambles, not making sense as far as you can tell, he does seem th understand you and response to prompts and and but no useful informative is gained. He seems insistent that there is a threat growing nearby, hidden or disguised, and that it will have a great impact on the world at large.
Aug 3, 2023 3:08 am
Rest easy friend. If the end is coming, you may as well face it with as clear a mind as possible
A final pat on the shoulder and Seren rises to join Shmautz and Servitor.
I'm afraid he is lost, and rheres not much we can do to help him, nor he us. Lets carry on.
Aug 5, 2023 6:58 am
After we accept, that we can't help the man, we head forward to the room we tried to examine before.

"I was really hoping that you had been able to help that fellow. If we only could figure out, what he meant ..."
Aug 6, 2023 1:08 am
Moving to the north east corner you inspect the door before opening it carefully. Inside is a dark and cluttered room. Shelves line all of the the walls and an assortment of containers and machanisms are scattered around the room on tables and the shelves. Near the center of the room a thick column that glows at it top near the vaulted ceiling provides the only light.
Aug 6, 2023 7:50 pm
I let all the details sink in and hope that some of it makes sense. My eyes wander over the things in the room.

"Okay ...
That looks interesting, doesn't it? And it's a clear opposite to the tidyness in the other rooms.
I'm curious what we'll find here.
I examine the room using my Eyesight Trait


Examine the room (eyesight trait w. Adv.) - (3d6)

(155) = 11

Aug 7, 2023 4:07 am
Looking around Shmautz sees a few cleaning supplies, brooms, mops, dusters, along with a multitude of scraps. Though the floor is not the neat polished surfaces found elsewhere in the library it is still mostly dust and dirt free. A large bin filled with most of the trash and junk sits against the far wall in a corner. It looks like someone started using other surfaces and containers after the loading the hopper became impossible. He also recognizes a couple of automatons that do not appear to be working similar to the cleaner he had to fight previously.
Aug 7, 2023 12:23 pm
It is very different from the rest of the place. I wonder how the librarian tolerates it. He didnt seem like the kind to abide mess.
Seren will pick through some of the trash on the nearest table to see what kind of stuff it is.
Why is there so much garbage in a library anyway?


Examining garbage, taking time - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Aug 7, 2023 12:24 pm
Aug 7, 2023 1:06 pm
As you begin picking through the room you find tattered bits of paper, books that have ben ruined, old clay tablets, ink wells, along with a large variety of arcane and mechanical components. You also find an interesting pack, a strange metal plate, a small skull, and a large glass or crystal orb.

As you are investigating the large column in the middle of the room hums. The longer you are there the louder it becomes. The initial volume is so quiet and the change is so slow that it takes a minute for you to notice the change. And even that is only due to the top suddenly flaring its light and increasing the volume momentarily as with a flash an thrum it produces a small monkey like construct. The tower, now much dimmer and quieter, begins pulsing the sound and light levels beginning to increase again.

clockwork monkey
This is a restricted area, please leave the soft and gentle voice coming from the clockwork simian surprises you
Aug 10, 2023 2:20 pm
I'm surprised by the sudden appearance of the creature. It reminds me of a monkey somehow ... I decide to remain cautious, as none of the "staff" we've met so far was calm for long.

Good day. We're maintenance staff sent out by Dean. We're here to check for the communication devices. Our servitor here is seeking some parts, and we assume they're in here.

From the corners of my eyes, I look at the servitor and Seren.
... you also find a linteresting pack, a strange metal plate, a small skull, and a large glass or crystal orb.
Did we have enough time to look at these items, before the clockwork monkey appeared?
Aug 11, 2023 3:00 am
The items strewn about are on top of the piles and surfaces scattered around the room. The pack has is covered in a light fur with images of gryphons on the back and flap as well as a few feathers. The metal plate has the image of a feather quill and scrolls with clasps that allow it to be clamped onto books, its current books having fallen to tatters. The skull is about as big as a hand and has a pair of horn and sharp fangs though it look vaguely simian. The opaque orb has a vague discoloration in the middle.

Servitor raises an arm again pointing at the column Alternate access point identified. and begins to glow. The columns emits a beam of light the baths servitor for a moment before changing color and flashing over the monkey.
clockwork monkey
The monkey freezes for a moment before jerking as the light covering it fades The library facilities have been closed due to prolonged absence of civic services. A list of needed services and repairs is being compiled. Please provide certification of services you are licensed to perform. And the monkey begins listing items, apparently in chronological order, that have fallen below the libraries required service levels. This continues for several minutes. As this goes on the central column's hum increases in pitch and volume as the light atop the column pulses, similarly gaining brightness with each pulse.
You can interrupt this scene at any point after the monkeys initial statement.
Aug 11, 2023 5:47 pm
Seren creases her eyebrow at the automatons sudden appearance but is otherwise unbothered. She knows that anything could happen so very little truly surprises her. As Shmautz engages the simian, she will pick up the skull, turn it over a couple of times and attempt to slip it into here bag.

After that...
So we need to clean up? That sounds fine. I can tidy and organize. Im afraid im not as useful in the maintenance department.


Slight of hand, monkey skull - (2d6)

(22) = 4

clockwork monkey


Aug 11, 2023 6:54 pm
clockwork monkey
The mechanical simian pauses in its list of needed repairs and supplies to turn and comment Misplaced items are to be properly processes before being tuned over to civil authorities for redistribution or destruction. Please return the item as it stares at Seren only a moment before continuing on with its list.

The pillar hits a crescendo and with another flash and pulsating thrum you feen in your bones there is a second clockwork monkey. Again the pillar drops to a barely audible hum and dim glow that is increasing as happened last time.[[


detection/observation - (2d6)

(15) = 6

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