The Library

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Aug 29, 2023 1:54 pm
to clarify, is the water diminishing? Or is it continuing to pour out. I.e. are we at risk of drowning?
Aug 29, 2023 7:14 pm
As we get into the garden, I'm stoked.
"Wow ... that's ... beautiful. Maybe a little wild, but beautiful. I like it a lot, it reminds me of my childhood and my home.
Guess, we'll have to look under each and every leaf to find the Antenna, hm?"

My eyes wander over the scene, looking for a clue, where the Antenna could be ...
Using my Eyesight-Trait to look over the scene.

Really like that Seren did open the door and like it also, how the locations changed. I really didn't like these monkeys and the pillar. It seemed perilous there.


Scanning the scene with Eyesight-Trait (Adv) - (3D6)

(152) = 8

Aug 29, 2023 7:16 pm
Marmy49 says:
to clarify, is the water diminishing? Or is it continuing to pour out. I.e. are we at risk of drowning?
Totally overlooked that. Hope, where not drowning - otherwise Shmautz would drown while finding the scenery beautiful. :)

edit: where do all those images come from? Are they just looked up on the interwebs, some stock/library available or sort of AI-generated? Anyway, I like them a lot. :)
Last edited August 29, 2023 7:17 pm
Aug 30, 2023 1:19 am
After the initial rush of water several linches deep as the door was opened the flow has dwindles to a slow trickle. The fountain and aparently no longer woring drainage are the cause of the garden turning into a swamp. The room has a few objects covered in vegitation including a couple benches and small tables as well as a few other items so shrouded by the growth that if it was not for their regular shape and an ocasional spot of stone or metal beneath the leaves you might think it just another bush.
I get some images from the web but lately have started using NightCafe to AI generate them
Aug 31, 2023 1:39 am
Seren lifts her robe before stepping into the garden. Looking around a taking a deep breath she just listens for a moment to the various sounds.
I'd like to use herbalism to deduce the original purpose of this garden (medicinal, scientific, cosmetic, etc...). I'd also like to know if the plants are from this region or more exotic. And finally, to be useful to the task at hand, if something about the plants themselves and how they are growing might hint towards our goal.


Herbalism, as stated - (3d6)

(564) = 15

Aug 31, 2023 3:03 am
Most of the plants look to be simply decorative with a few selected for scent or pest control. Several of the plants looks to be suffering but you are unsure of the cause. The plants looks to be selected to blend together and be low maintenance. Several are recognizable are 'local' while others are variants of common stock.

Locate library access point
Basically you are looking for an enchantment of some kind, they are sometimes hidden but always easily accessible, for Servitor to interact with and that should trigger access for Dean.
Aug 31, 2023 3:15 am
Seren will just start looking by hand for any enchanted artifacts, not really sure what to find or how to sense them just trusting that with enough patience the way will open to her at some point


Investigation/ detecting enchantments - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Aug 31, 2023 3:43 am
As you begin looking through the thick overgrown foliage Seren notes a small tendril pull back as a leaf is moved. Quickly tracing the motion more leaves are moves to expose a small slime that squirts a potent acid when exposed.
1 damage to Seren
Though the slime is small and not able to squirt far Seren suspects these are what have been damaging the plants. The slime likely keeps other pest away from the plants but if there are too many slime, as she suspects, then their acidic trails would scar the plant, matching what she noted earlier. As long as you search carefully you should be able to avoid further incidents with the slime, which try to get out of your way but are not fast nor smart enough to do so. Likely if you waded through the plant without caution you would soon be covered in acid burns.


acid squirt at Seren - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Sep 8, 2023 3:58 am
Now that Seren is aware of the slime she is confident she can avoid them with caution and moves to look around the garden.

As you move beneath the ancient oak tree, leaves flutter and rustle. The sound of the leaves sounds like a faint scratchy whisper. Seek the book where pages rustle and branches speak. What knowledge does nature yearn to share? After you hear the phrase the whisper disappears no matter how you listen. Searching around the tree all you can find are the initials AL carved on a small knurl of wood at the base.

Continuing your search you find a pedestal. On it is a plaque identifying the creation of the library garden as a gift from Artenia Lien. On the back you find another smaller plack plaque that says
When the celestial dance is in harmony, you'll decipher their messages.
Sep 8, 2023 4:34 am
When Seren hears the first whisper, she can't help but think k back to her Grove where, for years, her only companions were the sounds of the forest. She is acquainted with the wisdom of such places.

She makes a note to ask McReadus about this Garden and it's benefactor Artenia Lien (drawing the connection between the name on the plaque and the initials)

Celestial dance... she doesn't know much about the heavens, but they are a powerful tool of divination for the studied practitioner. Shmautz, do you know anything about the movements of celestial bodies? she calls back.
Oh! And watch out for the slimes! she massages her acid burn.
Sep 9, 2023 9:08 am
As we havn't seen trees and flowers for a while, I was a little distracted. Now that I recognize Seren's talking to me, my focus returns. Thanks. I'll keep in mind to be careful.

AL ... Artenia Lien. I know here. I've met here. She's a drudic spirit, was a keeper of the lands during the Great War. She helped my friends and me a while back. The cougar-spirit I'm connected to was a gift from hers. I remember her as very benevolent and beautiful.
Marmy49, see for reference, if you like.
I don't know details about a celestial dance, though.
However, this place is so different from the other rooms. Servitor pointed us here, Artenias initals are here. In my opinion, we should look around.

I make a few steps and look around the place, carefully trying not to get in touch with slime. Somehow the place seems important, and I wonder if and how it might be connected to Artenia Lien, Dean and our little Servitor all at the same time. Memories of my past adventures come up. I see faces of friends and foes ...

Using one of my traits here:
Enigmatic Eye: This headband can grant the wearer second sight and induce a vision once a day. This grants the ability to see magic aura with a check. Once a day roll with advantage to detect spirits or gain a Mystic insight.
Sorry for being silent for a few days. There was a lack of time and creativity.


Check for a (mystic) insight (Adv/3D6) - (3d6)

(652) = 13

Sep 9, 2023 6:15 pm
Shmautz focuses on the headband and a grey mist clouds his vision before a series of images passes before him.

Artenia Lien
The druid sits reading in the library, casually flipping pages of a book
She stands in a doorway of an artistically built atrium full of stone and metal. Waving her hand a small plant blooms
The druid rests under a tree reading a book and looks to be reading it outloud, possibly to the tree?
The druid stands in the garden gazing up at the night sky that is filled with brilliant stars and a full moon
You can ask 2 questions : I will answer about the vision, the spirit will answer other questions
Sep 12, 2023 4:32 pm

1) Is there a connection between the Swamp with the Undead, the current condition of the library and the weirdo in the next room with his prophecies, that we should know of (and that is not common knowledge/lore)?

2) What is the celestial dance, and how is it connected to Artenia, the Library and us?

I just can't come up with smarter questions .. hm.
Sep 12, 2023 7:50 pm
those are fine
You get the impression this had nothing to do with the undead. They are a recent anomaly.
The celestial dance refers to the movement of bodies in the heavens, starts, planets, moons. Druids are typically closer to the nature of this world so this likely refers to something about the three moons of this world. It is common lore that the moons are associated with the three primal forces. Order(perfection vs entropy), Existence (creation vs oblivion), Change (static vs dynamic)
Sep 13, 2023 1:28 am
If you are not into ridles and puzzles we can work this out with some story time and rolls, just let me know.
Sep 13, 2023 11:42 am
Psybermagi says:
If you are not into ridles and puzzles we can work this out with some story time and rolls, just let me know.
Personally I prefer it over dull rounds of battle. No worries, that was not the case in this game so far. :)
@Marmy49, what do you think?

Riddling is totally okay, but Shmautz and I are equally clueless at the moment. 😂
Sep 19, 2023 7:18 pm
I try to explain my vision to Seren.
Won't repeat it here, it's right above.

What could that mean? Do you think the guy outside has or knows of a book where pages rustle and branches speak?
Or can we only get the clues, when the stars are right? Which stars? And in which order do they need to be? Which of the moons has to be full? All three?

Oh boy ... I'm just a valet, not a shaman or something. Do you think that the celestial dance has something to do with your time warp thingy?
Sep 22, 2023 3:04 pm
You can go ask the Librarian
Sep 25, 2023 4:23 pm
As Seren was not sure either, we agree to just ask the Librarian, if a book "where pages rustle and branches speak" is available.
That's my ol' friend Macreadus again, right?
We head back to find him.
As we're seem to be stuck in the play again, I have no problem to talk to Macreadus, though Shmautz doesn't like him much. But somehow this has to go on.
Sep 26, 2023 3:21 am
Sorry, ive been busy lately. I'm not great with riddles, but "where pages rustle and branches speak" makes me think of the garden that we are currently in, its a garden but also a book, since its in a library. As for the celestial bodies, im not sure which moon would need to be full to decipher the message in the garden. I'll just pretend we role played all of that to save time.
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