The Library

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Apr 21, 2024 2:38 pm
Looking in you hear faint sounds of distant movement and soft voices echoing through the building interior
Is it other people that the fey have forced into dancing?
Apr 21, 2024 4:50 pm
It likely simply means that other people are here.

Skeeve has heard that the library has supernatural monitoring, so anyone here is likely to be speaking in whispers because, you know, it's a library.
Apr 22, 2024 5:05 am
A library, such a different place from the ones they usually visit. No more goblins or flyers, no possibility to be lost in time and space. It feels strangely relaxing for a change.

So, do you guys have some topics you would like to research? I guess we do have the afternoon available after our morning travels, right?
Specially if we need some time to let the dancing spell run out.

If everyone agrees to do some research, Arc will research healing techniques. Otherwise, he will follow the team.
Last edited April 22, 2024 7:01 am
Apr 22, 2024 11:16 am
Kaarik is amazed by the architecture and the beauty of the place.

"I might just visit the place and check only a book or two in the way. This place looks beautiful."

Librarian Macreadus


Apr 22, 2024 12:19 pm
Librarian Macreadus

As you chat looking within a spectral figure appears inside of the doorway. The ghost is dresses in a uniform that is almost solid looking and as neat as the rest of the library but the head and hands are transparent and skeletal.
Please enter or leave and close the door. The is a pace of learning and knowledge not a museum or theater.
The ghosts voice is a cold, flat, whisper that echoes in your mind and soul sending a chill through you.
Apr 22, 2024 12:45 pm
Skeeve skillfully does a dance step move to fully enter and approach the Librarian. (This isn't his first rodeo with the compulsive dancing.) "🎶Good sir, do you have any tomes 🎵 that might assist in removing a curse or enchantment? 🎶"

Librarian Macreadus


Apr 22, 2024 1:26 pm
Librarian Macreadus

I believe that will not be necessary sir. the director figure states as it turns it's gaze on Sleeve for a moment before returning it's stare on the others.
Apr 22, 2024 1:57 pm
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi
Glad to no longer be dancing, Skeeve winces hard, then steps back to a much more respectful distance from the Librarian, but still within the Library.

"Thank you for stopping the enchantment. I apologize for being too forward."

He then motions for his compatriots to join him within the library, but at a respectful distance from the Librarian.

"Blornvid, come on over here by me. It'll help with that dancing problem."


Fey Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Psychic Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Fey Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Apr 22, 2024 2:14 pm
Blornvid eagerly dances his way over to Skeeve.
Apr 22, 2024 2:34 pm
After entering Blornvid moves past the librarian and to Skeeve and soon stops dancing

As you step through the doorway you feel something like passing a Barrier but much less stressful and the compulsion to dance and sing fades. However you now feel a chill terminated from the librarian like eating snow to fast.
You need needs to roll two save (2d6) tests.
The first is to resist the dancing curse from the fey. This is repeated until you succeed or leave the library.
The second is to resist 1 psychic damage from exposure to the ghost. This must be repeated this each round you are within close range, 25 feet, of it.
We can skip the save tests for now as once you have a moment everyone can be healed. The above is just to inform you if conditions your characters will have as they endure the library and face the librarian
Apr 22, 2024 2:40 pm
Muttering under his breath, another ghost? Hope he is as nice as the last one.

Entering the library and looking around at the place, Ealdwig smiles widely. He just loves the look and the SIZE of the place. If possible he feels even a little smaller.

Ealdwig knows he isn't very good at being proper so he tries to say as little as possible, good day...sir? And leaves it at that.

Librarian Macreadus


Apr 22, 2024 3:00 pm
Librarian Macreadus

Good day young Sir . the librarian replies as it's mere flicker is a gaze sends more child's through Ealdwig who scampers to his companions.

As soon as the lady of you have entered the doors close of their own accord and the librarian turns in place to have you.

The publicly accessable rooms are open for general use. Items can only be taken with proof of citizenship or a token of authorization from a respected citizen. Keep you voice low and do not cause disturbances or destruction. If your have any questions please let me know.

If you do not talk with the ghost it will fade and vanish after a minute
Apr 22, 2024 3:51 pm
Just rolling since I have a chance to roll.
Blornvid is finally able to stop dancing. "Thank you," he says between breaths. He then feels the chill of the Librarian ghost. Careful not to say it too loud to upset the ghost, he says, "I'll take it so long as it doesn't lead to a headache."
Last edited April 22, 2024 3:53 pm


Break the Fey dance spell - (3d6)

(356) = 14

Avoid psychic damage - (3d6)

(255) = 12

Apr 22, 2024 6:17 pm
Psybermagi says:
The publicly accessable rooms are open for general use. Items can only be taken with proof of citizenship or a token of authorization from a respected citizen. Keep you voice low and do not cause disturbances or destruction. If your have any questions please let me know.
"I have questions, if you don't mind. You've likely had enough visitors to know things are not as they were before. Citizen of what? Paphos? And who counts as a respected citizen? and what does a token look like?"
Apr 22, 2024 8:19 pm
Arc approaches the ghost a bit, and stands by Sleeve, obviously sharing his questions.

Librarian Macreadus


Apr 22, 2024 11:11 pm
You all quickly learn not to stand too close due to it's unsettling effect when you do but the librarian seems not to care and ite responses are easily herd as you stand off from it.
Librarian Macreadus

The ghost give you a dead flat look and responds
The city Paphos stands as long as one piece of it remains and one of its people honours it. Respected citizen are those ho have served in office or been appointed to a position by common vote, or appointed as such by one in authority. The tokens will be known to those in authority to give thm out. Should you 'find' one I do not recommend attempting to use it unless it was truly given to you the the approved manor. I am aware of at least 2 respected citizen who can assist you if you wish. One is the commander on the isle to the east and the other is a private citizen residing also on the isle, in her private domicile north west of the island keep.
Apr 23, 2024 2:26 am
"Oh, wow! Thank you! That is very helpful!"

Skeeve will take careful note of those two citizens for future use. BTW, is this the undead keep?
Apr 23, 2024 12:47 pm
This is the library. You all know there is an island in the river east of base camp, which I may begin to reffer to as New Paphos as it has grown to the beginnings of a small town.
Apr 23, 2024 5:41 pm
Sorry for not being clear. I meant, the location of the two authorities the Librarian pointed out.

Is the Librarian referring to a couple of undead in the undead keep on the island by the settlement? Or is the leader he is referring to just Phlan? If he is referring to Phlan, would Phlan have any idea how to create/authorize such a token?

The point is Skeeve is taking notes so that he and Kaarik (and whomever else might want one) can be better equipped the next time they come. Also, it makes sure that Phlan (or whoever) knows to issue the tokens before sending anyone they trust to get information from the Library.

Oh! Wait! Is the "other citizen" Sylfir?
"Oh! And one more question, if you don't mind. Is there a Matrix Node in the Library or close by? It would be terribly useful if there was." Obviously, he'll ask for the pattern if there is one.

Once that question is answered, he will finish by saying, "Again, thank you so much for the answers to my questions. You have been a tremendous help!"

Librarian Macreadus


Apr 23, 2024 7:38 pm
The librarian explains that he is only aware of citizens locations if they continue to exist within the city limits. Otherwise he is only aware of their status as a citizen. (Yes no). He clarifies that there have not been any new citizens recently and most of the old ones fell from the records during the Shattering. There it's only one token currently in use recently, a most disturbing state of the cities education, but who the holder is is previously information.

Librarian Macreadus

Very good, if there is nothing else I will continue my duties elsewhere.
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