The Library

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Librarian Macreadus


Jun 21, 2023 1:06 pm
Librarian Macreadus
Turnibng to look at Seren the librarian replies All information on planar travel is contained within the Infinite Tower though there are a few theoretical in the mathmatics section to your right (west) or historical refference materials in the history section to your left (east)
Under the ghosts gaze Seren begins to shake as his the undeads pressence comes crashing down onto his spirit. Seren must roll a save test and take 1 psychic damage if he fails.
Jun 22, 2023 11:56 am
I don't dare moving and remain silent, as my first conversation I had with Macreadus caused me brain-pain. And the last time I'd seen him, he attacked a friend of mine for carrying a belonging from the library.

Recalling these events and the things Macreadus said lead me to the conclusion that there is one - and only one - thing you are allowed to take with you from this building: knowledge.

I promise to myself not to take loot with me from here!
Jun 22, 2023 12:55 pm
The ghost did not seem to mind you taking the "Trash" from the cleaning golem. It was only concerned with officail library materials
Jun 22, 2023 2:48 pm
Psybermagi says:
The ghost did not seem to mind you taking the "Trash" from the cleaning golem. It was only concerned with officail library materials
Hm ... Right. The loot was okay, but the clay-tablet was not. Right now, this is player-knowledge and Shmautz is not aware of that, though was an eyewitness and even carries the cloak.
He's a cautious catkin, though. :)
I'll have him find out later, maybe.



Jun 23, 2023 4:37 pm
The servitor extends two limbs pointing east and south. Two remaining stations. Collect information. Activate function. Go

As the ghost seems to stay in the intersection the party quickly steps to the east after asking it their questions. Moving down the hall, that is a mirror of the West hall, according to Shmautz.
I reread earlier posts and realized I mixed up east/west when updating the map so adjusted those so it made more sense with what happened. So Shmautz never went East previously.
The east and west corridors both have multiple archways along them and turn back to the north. The southern hall has an archway on each side and dead ends at a door.

Heading East you pass several neat study alcoves open along the south wall. The north has a single archway to a large room with full bookshelves lining all walls. The last door on the south opens to another room with shelves full of books and scrolls. To the north around the corner are more empty alcoves. Servitor points into the book filled room to the SW.

The small rooms to the south are bare save a few chairs and tables. The section of books to the North is labeled the History section(room 4). You begin looking around under the servitors prompting.

Can I get some search/investigate tests from everyone along with comments on any specific actions or ideas on what you are looking for.
Jun 24, 2023 4:46 pm
I'll roll that dave first and then edit thpost with my response
my second roll past anyway, so no damage
Are you this unkind to all your patrons? Ghosts... Seren shakes her head in disapproval.
Turning to Shmautz He's all bluster this one. Not very friendly at all

Seren would like to head to the history section in search of other traveller's accounts of planar crossover and time weirdness.
Last edited June 24, 2023 4:50 pm


Save against McReadus, roll with advantage for my familiarity with Necromantic arts and creatures - (3d6)

(151) = 7

Investigation - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Jun 24, 2023 8:35 pm
The ghost fades with a faint Do find one of the library attendants if you require assistance with anythingas you move on.

In the history section Seren is able to identify their filing systems and after a few minutes finds a couple of items regarding the planes during the Dawn Age. Apparently early during that time most travel was though naturally forming planar conduits that were only stabilized by magic. However with the creation and growth of the Infinite Tower this became increasingly uncommon. By the time of the Dawn war all naturally occurring extraplanar travel was done by way of the Tower. Unfortunately the only items he can find regarding temporal irregularities deals with the outer planes. Many of the planes experience the passage of time with some being slower, others faster, or changng randomly from slow to fast.
Jun 25, 2023 12:10 pm
Being happy to leave Macreadus behind, I follow the Servitors hint.

Seren's information on time travel and some Tower confuses me. However, I want her to explain it to me in a minute of rest.


Search / Investigate (standard roll) - (2D6)

(33) = 6



Jun 27, 2023 12:53 pm
Shmautz looks around and it akes some time but eventually Servitor reacts to something and you pull out an ancient looking stone tablet that Servitor presses its token to for several minutes before indicating it is done. Next please.

5 - Philosophy section Moving on you look through the next section and find a few items on works on natural philosophy, and theories on a variety of subjects
[ +- ] Fyerdetha's Discourses on Power
[ +- ] Urgund's Description of Darkness
A few other marginally useful books
(a) Meditations
(b) The Harmony of the Rock
(c) Strom's Discussions of Poetics
(d) Chronicles of Arram
(e) Discourse on the Nature of Writing

Through all of this Servitor reacts to nothing You check out all of the smaller studies but find nothing interesting and move back to the intersection but this time move through it quickly and avoid meeting the librarian again.

The two side rooms along the southern hallway have rows of tables and chairs with excelent lighting for reading as well as shelves along the walls. Inspecting these you discover they hold educational materials but nothing of inerest to you.

Returning to the hallway you are left facing your first door since you entered the library.
Jun 29, 2023 8:51 am
Honestly, I can't recall which rooms on the map we've already checked. That's due to my lacking English skills in terms of Mapping. :(
So I really have no clue where we've been and where we've not been. Sorry for that.
While walking - and carefully trying not to run into Maceabus - I ask Seren:

"Seren, was there anything useful? Did you find any of the information. I don't quite understand some of the thing's you've mentioned. What happend in the past?
Jun 29, 2023 2:57 pm
All rooms on the map have now been at least looked into. You entered from the coutyard 1, though the entry 12, and past the Librarian at the intersection.Shmauts did 2,3 previously and the group did 4,5 this time around. The green diamond indicates the current party location. The door below, to the south, of the diamond is closed and leads to the rest of the library.
Jun 30, 2023 11:43 pm
sorry for taking so long
Seren walks along with Shmautz, probably with a little more nonchalance in her step. Mcreadus doesn't bother her nearly as much as they seem to bother her companion.

Hmm she pauses thoughtfully I wont know if what i gound is useful until it is, but i can tell you my tale. On the road to the base, we were set upon by a storm. It wasnt a normal storm though and my fellow scout and I got lost in what i believe is a storm plane, or the plane of Air. We were beset by living lightning and we held our own for a while but they overwhelmed us and exploded. I am certain that i died in that moment. The surge of power was too great to survive. But in the same instant we were right back where we started. We took a different path and made it out of the storm back to our material plane. I've always had a special relationship with fate. I can sense it currents theough a variety of means, but that adventure, dying and not dying, shook my understanding of fate and time and their interconnectedness, or lack of... she trails off chewing on her cheek.
Jul 3, 2023 2:57 pm
Psybermagi says:
All rooms on the map have now been at least looked into. You entered from the coutyard 1, though the entry 12, and past the Librarian at the intersection.Shmauts did 2,3 previously and the group did 4,5 this time around. The green diamond indicates the current party location. The door below, to the south, of the diamond is closed and leads to the rest of the library.
Thank you.
"Ah ... " I answer to Seren, not quite sure how to respond. I don't have any answer or wise stuff at this moment. Time travelling? Resurrection? Planes? I thought the undead in the swamps where weird.

However, we havn't searched all the rooms yet and how knows? Maybe we'll find what we need behind the next door.

"I'm afraid I have no answers to these questions, Seren.
But just let's keep going - I'm sure we'll find something. Here, that door ..."
I try to push it open.

As I walk up to the door I keep an eye on the Servitor to see how he reacts.
Jul 3, 2023 7:18 pm
The door is similar to the door you entered the library by. Full of artistic scenes that almost look to be a representation of a land mapping out various regions and depicting a variety of plant and creatures. The double doors do not have a lock that you can see but do have panels for pushing them open.

The Servitor simply points towards the doors "Proceed"
Jul 4, 2023 12:04 am
It is my burden. Thank you for listening. as I put my hands to the door to help Shmautz, I'd like to look at the carvings just to see if I recognize from the flora if this depicts a certain place or more a generic scene.


Herbalism - (3d6)

(342) = 9

Jul 4, 2023 3:39 am
Several animals, creatures, and plants are recognizable but there are a few you fail to identify. Each you recognize looks to be placed in the appropriate climate and environment.
Think of a Richard Scarry world almanac illustration for D&D
Jul 4, 2023 1:10 pm
Psybermagi says:
Several animals, creatures, and plants are recognizable but there are a few you fail to identify. Each you recognize looks to be placed in the appropriate climate and environment.
Think of a Richard Scarry world almanac illustration for D&D

That totally made my day. :)
I can feel Seren's confusion over her situation and decide to help in every way I can. Following the Servitors hint, we push open the door into the part of the library we haven't searched yet.
As the past has taught me, I'm cautious and try to spot any danger behind the door when entering ...


Basic roll for observing the situation - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Jul 4, 2023 2:20 pm
You find noting amiss or dangerous. It is a fancy door in a magical land of enchantment and wonder. Push to open.
no time constraint so assumed to auto focus so a 4 is a pass and you feel confident in your analasys
Jul 5, 2023 5:34 am
Together we push open the door and step through.
What do we see? What's the surroundings?
Jul 5, 2023 12:44 pm
The doors swing open easily to reveal another coridow running east west but to the south east around a corner you see . . .
(10 - Study Hall) a hall which is filled with rows of writing tables and high
stools. Mounds of parchment are set on multiple tables around the room. In the far SE corner is a doorway on the east wall. As you look around you see a figure hunched over at one of the tables.
[ +- ] map
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